I’m seeing an easy win for Trump in 2020

To democrats this means that there was definitely coordination and conspiracy between Trump and the Russian government but the investigation did not establish it.

The investigation did establish that the Trump campaign knew of Russian interference in the election and they accepted that help. Manafort gave polling data to
a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. The campaign told the Russians what to do if they wanted to help.

Tell us all just what did the Russians do to help Trump?

obozo and his crooked deep state cops spied on Trump

and then they tried to frame him.....

Now it's time for you evil tards to pay for your wicked deeds......
University of Pennsylvania's Kathleen Hall Jamieson had detailed this subject.

Among other things, she could discern that the Russians had tried “to minimize the vote of African-Americans.” Bogus Kremlin-sponsored ads that had circulated online—including one depicting a black woman in front of an “african-americans for hillary” sign—had urged voters to tweet or text rather than vote, or to “avoid the line” and “vote from home.”

Hey DumbDick

Your post has to be a Joke....

If not you are one of the stupidest Fludder Muckers on planet earth..

If you are really serious You are no doubt a RACIST....

Do you really think Black people are this Stupid?

Do you think anyone other than a Tard believes your Bull Shit?
why did you think its me saying this, its Kathleen Hall Jamieson.
you can see the ad here, if it looks legit then some people will believe it.

OK DumbDick...

So you admit you are full of Shit....

This is a very good sign for your recovery...

I can continue to help you recover if you like.....
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.

Trump is the first POTUS in history to NEVER rise above 50% in major polling during his first 2 years...and this with the economy supposedly 'booming'.

Barring a war...he is toast...complete and total.

He has people willing to drive cars into and mail bombs to political opponents. The Democrats do not. One does not translate into electoral support necessarily but it does intimidate the other side. How could it not.

You got it all Bass Ackwards Dumb Ass......
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.

Trump is the first POTUS in history to NEVER rise above 50% in major polling during his first 2 years...and this with the economy supposedly 'booming'.

Barring a war...he is toast...complete and total.

He has people willing to drive cars into and mail bombs to political opponents. The Democrats do not. One does not translate into electoral support necessarily but it does intimidate the other side. How could it not.

You got it all Bass Ackwards Dumb Ass......

Boy, are you dense.

Yooo iz SEW SMURT...

Dumb commie motherfucker..

The report didn't say there was no collusion. It said they could not establish evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of a criminal conspiracy between Trump and the Russian government.

Which in legal terms means, they couldn't find a signed document between Trump and Putin saying, "Hey Vlad, let's collude together and destroy America!" That's what would be required to prove criminal conspiracy with the Russian government.

The report specifically outlines evidence of collusion and coordination, including Manafort and Rick Gates giving Russian intelligence operatives internal polling data and setting up a battleground plan for which states Russia should attack. It says Russia actively helped Trump, Trump and his campaign willingly took their assistance, and that the Russians were successful.

Stop listening to the Progressive Channel on Sirius and read the report for yourself.

“Ultimately, the investigation did not establish that the [Trump] Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities.”

Read the full Mueller report - CNNPolitics

To democrats this means that there was definitely coordination and conspiracy between Trump and the Russian government but the investigation did not establish it.

The investigation did establish that the Trump campaign knew of Russian interference in the election and they accepted that help. Manafort gave polling data to
a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. The campaign told the Russians what to do if they wanted to help.

Fucking liar.

The Office considered in particular whether contacts between Trump Campaign officials and Russia-linked
individuals could trigger liability for the crime of conspiracy either under statutes that have their
own conspiracy language 18 U.S.C. 1349, l951(a)), or under the general conspiracy
statute (l 8 U.S.C. 371). The investigation did not establish that the contacts described in Volume
1, Section IV, supra, amounted to an agreement to commit any substantive violation of federal
criminal law; including foreign-influence and campaign-finance laws, both of which are
discussed further below. The Office therefore did not charge any individual associated with the
Trump Campaign with conspiracy to commit a federal offense arising from Russia contacts, either
under a specific statute or under Section 371 ?s offenses clause.

The Office also did not charge any campaign official or associate with a conspiracy under
Section 371 ?s defraud clause. That clause criminalizes participating in an agreement to obstruct a
lawful function of the US. government or its agencies through deceitful or dishonest means. See
Dennis v. United States, 384 US. 855, 861 (1966); v. United States, 265 U.S.
182, 188 (1924); see also United States v. Consulting LLC, 347 F. Supp. 3d 38,
46 (BBC. 2018). The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials?
or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful
function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in
Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign
official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the
Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.
Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with
conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section
IV above.



I keep a copy of the Mueller Dossier open in my browser just to kick fucking liars like you in the teeth with it.

But, haven't you heard. Saying there was no contact doesn't mean there was no collusion with the Russian government as allleged by the Democrats. They have found double secret collusion that takes place even when Trump's people don't talk to the Russian Government..
The report didn't say there was no collusion. It said they could not establish evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of a criminal conspiracy between Trump and the Russian government.

Which in legal terms means, they couldn't find a signed document between Trump and Putin saying, "Hey Vlad, let's collude together and destroy America!" That's what would be required to prove criminal conspiracy with the Russian government.

The report specifically outlines evidence of collusion and coordination, including Manafort and Rick Gates giving Russian intelligence operatives internal polling data and setting up a battleground plan for which states Russia should attack. It says Russia actively helped Trump, Trump and his campaign willingly took their assistance, and that the Russians were successful.

Stop listening to the Progressive Channel on Sirius and read the report for yourself.

“Ultimately, the investigation did not establish that the [Trump] Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities.”

Read the full Mueller report - CNNPolitics
To democrats this means that there was definitely coordination and conspiracy between Trump and the Russian government but the investigation did not establish it.

The investigation did establish that the Trump campaign knew of Russian interference in the election and they accepted that help. Manafort gave polling data to
a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. The campaign told the Russians what to do if they wanted to help.

Tell us all just what did the Russians do to help Trump?

obozo and his crooked deep state cops spied on Trump

and then they tried to frame him.....

Now it's time for you evil tards to pay for your wicked deeds......
University of Pennsylvania's Kathleen Hall Jamieson had detailed this subject.

Among other things, she could discern that the Russians had tried “to minimize the vote of African-Americans.” Bogus Kremlin-sponsored ads that had circulated online—including one depicting a black woman in front of an “african-americans for hillary” sign—had urged voters to tweet or text rather than vote, or to “avoid the line” and “vote from home.”

"tried" Not "did"
The report didn't say there was no collusion. It said they could not establish evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of a criminal conspiracy between Trump and the Russian government.

Which in legal terms means, they couldn't find a signed document between Trump and Putin saying, "Hey Vlad, let's collude together and destroy America!" That's what would be required to prove criminal conspiracy with the Russian government.

The report specifically outlines evidence of collusion and coordination, including Manafort and Rick Gates giving Russian intelligence operatives internal polling data and setting up a battleground plan for which states Russia should attack. It says Russia actively helped Trump, Trump and his campaign willingly took their assistance, and that the Russians were successful.

Stop listening to the Progressive Channel on Sirius and read the report for yourself.

“Ultimately, the investigation did not establish that the [Trump] Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities.”

Read the full Mueller report - CNNPolitics
To democrats this means that there was definitely coordination and conspiracy between Trump and the Russian government but the investigation did not establish it.

The investigation did establish that the Trump campaign knew of Russian interference in the election and they accepted that help. Manafort gave polling data to
a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. The campaign told the Russians what to do if they wanted to help.

Fucking liar.

The Office considered in particular whether contacts between Trump Campaign officials and Russia-linked
individuals could trigger liability for the crime of conspiracy either under statutes that have their
own conspiracy language 18 U.S.C. 1349, l951(a)), or under the general conspiracy
statute (l 8 U.S.C. 371). The investigation did not establish that the contacts described in Volume
1, Section IV, supra, amounted to an agreement to commit any substantive violation of federal
criminal law; including foreign-influence and campaign-finance laws, both of which are
discussed further below. The Office therefore did not charge any individual associated with the
Trump Campaign with conspiracy to commit a federal offense arising from Russia contacts, either
under a specific statute or under Section 371 ?s offenses clause.

The Office also did not charge any campaign official or associate with a conspiracy under
Section 371 ?s defraud clause. That clause criminalizes participating in an agreement to obstruct a
lawful function of the US. government or its agencies through deceitful or dishonest means. See
Dennis v. United States, 384 US. 855, 861 (1966); v. United States, 265 U.S.
182, 188 (1924); see also United States v. Consulting LLC, 347 F. Supp. 3d 38,
46 (BBC. 2018). The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials?
or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful
function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in
Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign
official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the
Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.
Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with
conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section
IV above.



I keep a copy of the Mueller Dossier open in my browser just to kick fucking liars like you in the teeth with it.
Thats because Mueller didnt follow the money trail.

These money trails are part of the investigations that were handed off and is why Deutsch Bank is being subpoenaed.

flows of money to cypress social media firm.
FBI had raided Psy Group; probably this investigation was delegated out.

So...if this Mueller report exonerates Trump, why claim executive privilege on it?


You tinfoil hat wearing gutter rats are pathetic.


No Collusion, dumbfuck.

You conspiracy theory scum failed in your treason.
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.

Trump is the first POTUS in history to NEVER rise above 50% in major polling during his first 2 years...and this with the economy supposedly 'booming'.

Barring a war...he is toast...complete and total.

The report didn't say there was no collusion. It said they could not establish evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of a criminal conspiracy between Trump and the Russian government.

Which in legal terms means, they couldn't find a signed document between Trump and Putin saying, "Hey Vlad, let's collude together and destroy America!" That's what would be required to prove criminal conspiracy with the Russian government.

The report specifically outlines evidence of collusion and coordination, including Manafort and Rick Gates giving Russian intelligence operatives internal polling data and setting up a battleground plan for which states Russia should attack. It says Russia actively helped Trump, Trump and his campaign willingly took their assistance, and that the Russians were successful.

Stop listening to the Progressive Channel on Sirius and read the report for yourself.

“Ultimately, the investigation did not establish that the [Trump] Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities.”

Read the full Mueller report - CNNPolitics
To democrats this means that there was definitely coordination and conspiracy between Trump and the Russian government but the investigation did not establish it.

The investigation did establish that the Trump campaign knew of Russian interference in the election and they accepted that help. Manafort gave polling data to
a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. The campaign told the Russians what to do if they wanted to help.

Tell us all just what did the Russians do to help Trump?

obozo and his crooked deep state cops spied on Trump

and then they tried to frame him.....

Now it's time for you evil tards to pay for your wicked deeds......
University of Pennsylvania's Kathleen Hall Jamieson had detailed this subject.

Among other things, she could discern that the Russians had tried “to minimize the vote of African-Americans.” Bogus Kremlin-sponsored ads that had circulated online—including one depicting a black woman in front of an “african-americans for hillary” sign—had urged voters to tweet or text rather than vote, or to “avoid the line” and “vote from home.”


You lost, stupid.
The report didn't say there was no collusion. It said they could not establish evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of a criminal conspiracy between Trump and the Russian government.

Which in legal terms means, they couldn't find a signed document between Trump and Putin saying, "Hey Vlad, let's collude together and destroy America!" That's what would be required to prove criminal conspiracy with the Russian government.

The report specifically outlines evidence of collusion and coordination, including Manafort and Rick Gates giving Russian intelligence operatives internal polling data and setting up a battleground plan for which states Russia should attack. It says Russia actively helped Trump, Trump and his campaign willingly took their assistance, and that the Russians were successful.

Stop listening to the Progressive Channel on Sirius and read the report for yourself.

“Ultimately, the investigation did not establish that the [Trump] Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities.”

Read the full Mueller report - CNNPolitics
To democrats this means that there was definitely coordination and conspiracy between Trump and the Russian government but the investigation did not establish it.

The investigation did establish that the Trump campaign knew of Russian interference in the election and they accepted that help. Manafort gave polling data to
a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. The campaign told the Russians what to do if they wanted to help.

Tell us all just what did the Russians do to help Trump?

obozo and his crooked deep state cops spied on Trump

and then they tried to frame him.....

Now it's time for you evil tards to pay for your wicked deeds......
University of Pennsylvania's Kathleen Hall Jamieson had detailed this subject.

Among other things, she could discern that the Russians had tried “to minimize the vote of African-Americans.” Bogus Kremlin-sponsored ads that had circulated online—including one depicting a black woman in front of an “african-americans for hillary” sign—had urged voters to tweet or text rather than vote, or to “avoid the line” and “vote from home.
Playing the blacks are ignorant or dumb card as a narrative here eh ?????? Yeah this oughta work out well for ya..NOT !!!!!!!!!. LOL. Good grief.

Blacks aren't ignorant or dumb even though people attempt to make them out to be that way, so your above usage of such a narrative that suggest that blacks would fall for such a thing is simply outrageous.
—including one depicting a black woman in front of an “african-americans for hillary” sign—had urged voters to tweet or text rather than vote, or to “avoid the line” and “vote from home.”
So, this sign was only seen by blacks, or it implied that only blacks could vote from home? Or maybe it was that only blacks would be ignorant enough to believe it?
I think the dummycraps will implode before 2020 gets here.
55 percent say they wont vote for Trump in 2020.

Multiple conservative pundits the republican party is dead.

GOP is the party of the homophobic white nationalist gun nutters.

Oh wow, guess there is no path to 27), huh comrade?

It's in the bag for Hillary....

Tell me though, without the CIA using foreign assets to influence the election as was done under Obamugabe, without the FBI spying on and infiltrating the opposition candidate on orders from Obamugabe, how do you Stalinists propose that you'll have any chance at all?

I mean, you openly rigged the election last time and STILL LOST, with honest elections what chance do you evil fucks have? :dunno:
I think the dummycraps will implode before 2020 gets here.
55 percent say they wont vote for Trump in 2020.

Multiple conservative pundits the republican party is dead.

GOP is the party of the homophobic white nationalist gun nutters.

Oh wow, guess there is no path to 27), huh comrade?

It's in the bag for Hillary....

Tell me though, without the CIA using foreign assets to influence the election as was done under Obamugabe, without the FBI spying on and infiltrating the opposition candidate on orders from Obamugabe, how do you Stalinists propose that you'll have any chance at all?

I mean, you openly rigged the election last time and STILL LOST, with honest elections what chance do you evil fucks have? :dunno:
Do you remember that Trump created a voter integrity commission, and they found nothing?

But if you want to see rigged election, just check out north carolina.
I think the dummycraps will implode before 2020 gets here.
55 percent say they wont vote for Trump in 2020.

Multiple conservative pundits the republican party is dead.

GOP is the party of the homophobic white nationalist gun nutters.

Oh wow, guess there is no path to 27), huh comrade?

It's in the bag for Hillary....

Tell me though, without the CIA using foreign assets to influence the election as was done under Obamugabe, without the FBI spying on and infiltrating the opposition candidate on orders from Obamugabe, how do you Stalinists propose that you'll have any chance at all?

I mean, you openly rigged the election last time and STILL LOST, with honest elections what chance do you evil fucks have? :dunno:
Do you remember that Trump created a voter integrity commission, and they found nothing?

But if you want to see rigged election, just check out north carolina.

If I want to see a rigged election I just need to look at;

Following months of angry claims by journalists and Democratic operatives that the Obama administration never spied on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times admitted Thursday that multiple overseas intelligence assets were deployed against associates of the Republican nominee. It is not the first time the Times has revealed widespread spying operations against the campaign.

In addition to noting that long-time informant Stefan Halper was tasked with collecting intelligence on the Trump campaign, the Times story details how a woman was sent overseas under a fake name and occupation to oversee the spy operation. The woman’s real name is not mentioned in the article, though the Times says she went by “Azra Turk” and has a relationship with an unidentified federal intelligence agency.

Halper was handpicked by a seasoned FBI counterintelligence agent out of the New York office, according to the article. While the Times does not identify the agent by name, the paper says the FBI agent spoke at a conference organized by Halper about a 2010 case involving Russians posing as Americans. The public schedule for a 2011 conference hosted by Halper about the exact same case shows that three FBI counterintelligence agents were invited to speak on the topic.}

NYT Confirms Obama Admin Used Multiple Spies Against Trump In 2016

That Obama rigged the 2016 election isn't a question, it's established fact.

The QUESTION was what chance you Stalinists have now, given that you can no longer engage in election tampering?
I think the dummycraps will implode before 2020 gets here.
55 percent say they wont vote for Trump in 2020.

Multiple conservative pundits the republican party is dead.

GOP is the party of the homophobic white nationalist gun nutters.

Oh wow, guess there is no path to 27), huh comrade?

It's in the bag for Hillary....

Tell me though, without the CIA using foreign assets to influence the election as was done under Obamugabe, without the FBI spying on and infiltrating the opposition candidate on orders from Obamugabe, how do you Stalinists propose that you'll have any chance at all?

I mean, you openly rigged the election last time and STILL LOST, with honest elections what chance do you evil fucks have? :dunno:
Do you remember that Trump created a voter integrity commission, and they found nothing?

But if you want to see rigged election, just check out north carolina.

If I want to see a rigged election I just need to look at;

Following months of angry claims by journalists and Democratic operatives that the Obama administration never spied on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times admitted Thursday that multiple overseas intelligence assets were deployed against associates of the Republican nominee. It is not the first time the Times has revealed widespread spying operations against the campaign.

In addition to noting that long-time informant Stefan Halper was tasked with collecting intelligence on the Trump campaign, the Times story details how a woman was sent overseas under a fake name and occupation to oversee the spy operation. The woman’s real name is not mentioned in the article, though the Times says she went by “Azra Turk” and has a relationship with an unidentified federal intelligence agency.

Halper was handpicked by a seasoned FBI counterintelligence agent out of the New York office, according to the article. While the Times does not identify the agent by name, the paper says the FBI agent spoke at a conference organized by Halper about a 2010 case involving Russians posing as Americans. The public schedule for a 2011 conference hosted by Halper about the exact same case shows that three FBI counterintelligence agents were invited to speak on the topic.}

NYT Confirms Obama Admin Used Multiple Spies Against Trump In 2016

That Obama rigged the 2016 election isn't a question, it's established fact.

The QUESTION was what chance you Stalinists have now, given that you can no longer engage in election tampering?
It is the FBI's job to investigate possible interference in our elections. They did not announce it to the American people so it had no impact on the elections. By the book.

But they did announce re-opening of Hillary email investigation before the vote, which helped Trump.

Never thought I'd live to see the day that so many Republicans were insisting that the FBI is too suspicious of Russia. This could be called Neo-McCarthyism.
If we’re currently seeing the best democrats have to offer, Trump will have an easy win.

The insanity we’ve been seeing from democrats is alarming. The abundance of empty promises for free shit isn’t going to fly with people who value the importance of having a job.

Obama once said 2% growth was the new norm. He also said Trump couldn’t do better without a magic wand. We just saw a GDP of 3.2% in the first quarter!
I can only guess Trump has that magic wand. lol

Considering all the crazy shit we’ve been hearing from democrats, and seeing how Trump is delivering, it’s hard to think democrats have a chance at beating him.

Trump is the first POTUS in history to NEVER rise above 50% in major polling during his first 2 years...and this with the economy supposedly 'booming'.

Barring a war...he is toast...complete and total.
Out of the 23 democrats currently running, which one do you think has a chance of beating him?
The problems at our border will also cost democrats.

As President Trump was warning everyone about a crisis at our border, democrats kept insisting it was a manufactured crisis.
Voters see that as another example of democrats not being able to recognize serious problems, and lacking the intelligence needed to properly address them.

Voters are also taking notice of the growing failures we’ve been seeing with democrat controlled cities while enjoying the positive gains we’ve been experiencing since Trump was elected.

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