I'm sick of religious extremism killing innocent human beings


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
I'm sick of these RELIGIOUS extremist killing innocent human being. I hear these thugs blow people up and kill children from Pakistan to Nigeria. They poison innocent little girls that just want to go to school in Afghanistan.

You'd have to be without a soul to do this. Does these gods really tell these people to do such?

A truly believe that the middle east and Africa would be much better off if people would give this shit up. Give it up and get to work bettering their own lands.

Tired of looking at people holding a stupid book, while pushing bull shit on people that makes life worse.
I agree with what you're saying, Matthew, but atheist tyrants are just as bad. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc...
I'm sick of these RELIGIOUS extremist killing innocent human being. I hear these thugs blow people up and kill children from Pakistan to Nigeria. They poison innocent little girls that just want to go to school in Afghanistan.

You'd have to be without a soul to do this. Does these gods really tell these people to do such?

A truly believe that the middle east and Africa would be much better off if people would give this shit up. Give it up and get to work bettering their own lands.

Tired of looking at people holding a stupid book, while pushing bull shit on people that makes life worse.

All religions have their extremists. The good thing is that the majority of Muslims are decent people.
I'm sick of these RELIGIOUS extremist killing innocent human being. I hear these thugs blow people up and kill children from Pakistan to Nigeria. They poison innocent little girls that just want to go to school in Afghanistan.

You'd have to be without a soul to do this. Does these gods really tell these people to do such?

A truly believe that the middle east and Africa would be much better off if people would give this shit up. Give it up and get to work bettering their own lands.

Tired of looking at people holding a stupid book, while pushing bull shit on people that makes life worse.

Pretty sure God is getting sick of it as well. He has more patience than I do. I would have womd this earth a long time ago. Oh, around the time of the holocaust. Give or take a few centuries between atrocities.
I'm sick of these RELIGIOUS extremist killing innocent human being. I hear these thugs blow people up and kill children from Pakistan to Nigeria. They poison innocent little girls that just want to go to school in Afghanistan.

You'd have to be without a soul to do this. Does these gods really tell these people to do such?

A truly believe that the middle east and Africa would be much better off if people would give this shit up. Give it up and get to work bettering their own lands.

Tired of looking at people holding a stupid book, while pushing bull shit on people that makes life worse.

All religions have their extremists. The good thing is that the majority of Muslims are decent people.
Not enough of them, apparently.
We all might consider the fact that most of these folks have little to nothing.
No job, no future, scant resources, perpetual hunger, constant fear.

As a kid, I was in that boat.

What saved me? Living in the most far fucking out place on earth.

I'm sick of these RELIGIOUS extremist killing innocent human being. I hear these thugs blow people up and kill children from Pakistan to Nigeria. They poison innocent little girls that just want to go to school in Afghanistan.

You'd have to be without a soul to do this. Does these gods really tell these people to do such?

A truly believe that the middle east and Africa would be much better off if people would give this shit up. Give it up and get to work bettering their own lands.

Tired of looking at people holding a stupid book, while pushing bull shit on people that makes life worse.

All religions have their extremists. The good thing is that the majority of Muslims are decent people.

True, the vast majority.

And it’s idiocy to blame all of Islam for the isolated, anecdotal acts of a few criminals who neither represent Islam nor Muslims.
Do you think it would be good idea to ban the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt? They're kind of like the Nazi party?
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Geez dude, collectivist governments have killed orders of magnitude more in the last 100 years than all of religions casualties over the last 2000 years. Get some perspective.
I'm sick of these RELIGIOUS extremist killing innocent human being. I hear these thugs blow people up and kill children from Pakistan to Nigeria. They poison innocent little girls that just want to go to school in Afghanistan.

You'd have to be without a soul to do this. Does these gods really tell these people to do such?

A truly believe that the middle east and Africa would be much better off if people would give this shit up. Give it up and get to work bettering their own lands.

Tired of looking at people holding a stupid book, while pushing bull shit on people that makes life worse.

The same God who had the Vatican kill millions of native Americans is the same God who forces the hands of all the killers in this world.

Our Creator is the only killer that exists but He's also the only one who gives life.
I'm sick of these RELIGIOUS extremist killing innocent human being. I hear these thugs blow people up and kill children from Pakistan to Nigeria. They poison innocent little girls that just want to go to school in Afghanistan.

You'd have to be without a soul to do this. Does these gods really tell these people to do such?

A truly believe that the middle east and Africa would be much better off if people would give this shit up. Give it up and get to work bettering their own lands.

Tired of looking at people holding a stupid book, while pushing bull shit on people that makes life worse.
Yet you think nothing of people laughing and joking in an Apache gunship, as they mow down innocent civilians (including children) with a .50 cal cannon, in violation of the laws of war.
What IS needed to kill, is the will to kill....
I'm sick of these RELIGIOUS extremist killing innocent human being. I hear these thugs blow people up and kill children from Pakistan to Nigeria. They poison innocent little girls that just want to go to school in Afghanistan.

You'd have to be without a soul to do this. Does these gods really tell these people to do such?

A truly believe that the middle east and Africa would be much better off if people would give this shit up. Give it up and get to work bettering their own lands.

Tired of looking at people holding a stupid book, while pushing bull shit on people that makes life worse.
Yet you think nothing of people laughing and joking in an Apache gunship, as they mow down innocent civilians (including children) with a .50 cal cannon, in violation of the laws of war.

I think our govt intended to provoke & fan the flames in the Muslim world by their military actions in order to use the terrorist threat here in USA as a reason to restrict more of our freedoms ( in hindsight I can see that )

Much as this adminstration is doing right now by provoking and inflaming black americans to join in the Black Mob Violence on Latino / Whites agenda which one again is designed to remove even MORE freedom from the American people.

I notice World Star Website is still online.
What IS needed to kill, is the will to kill....

Yes. That's an important observation. And the will to kill can be enflamed by various motivations. One, and primarily: religious perspectives.

I think it’s evident that the Christian crusades were undertaken to advance the goals of those who embraced the Christian faith. Similarly, the expansion of the Ottoman Empire was to further the spread of Islam. Now, I would certainly concede that even if there were no religions, ever, there would still be wars. Any number of wars were fought over wealth, land, and power. However, absent the religious perspectives pulsing away, there would be one less reason to go to war and thus reduce the human carnage MASSIVELY.

But historically speaking, today's examples serve as well. The conflict in the Middle East is about land and power and wealth but also its source is that it is of a divine nature that calls to die and kill for the ongoing survival of the warring tribes / religious ideology. The events of 9/11 didn't make a nation richer, nor did it gain land for the perpetrators, nor did it garner them more power-- in fact, the al-Qaeda lost all three. The sunni vs. shia blood feud has been going on for 1,300 years and is just now, with "better" technology, able to produce causalities that will dwarf all the causalities thus far.

The general populace is less likely to die or kill for the idea that they may get more land or power or wealth-- but if they believe their gods are at stake, they gladly go into the swirling flames of perdition.

In the conflict that is brewing (and brewing larger by the day in the islamist Middle East), it's religious belief that is very clearly at the core. I know the theists are going to jump around and claim that it's the corruption of the religious beliefs and a desire for wealth and power and land, etc., but such finger pointing is a loop then ends up directed at oneself. Ask each of the three groups their perspective, and you will find the majority of each section will assert that in the skirmish:

Moslems believe they righteous and god is on their side
Jews believe they are righteous and god is on their side
Christians believe they are righteous and god is on their side
Hollie please be more accurate when referring to Crusades - those were the Catholic Crusades. Orchestrated by the Roman Catholic Church. There were no protestant christians among them. Protestant Christians were executed along with Jews and others inside RCC who were true christians and resisted - and were burned at the stake - by the RCC. That is the history to be exact. Thanks.

Hollie please be more accurate when referring to Crusades - those were the Catholic Crusades. Orchestrated by the Roman Catholic Church. There were no protestant christians among them. Protestant Christians were executed along with Jews and others inside RCC who were true christians and resisted - and were burned at the stake - by the RCC. That is the history to be exact. Thanks.


Fair enough. I'll revise my post, clarified as follows:

Protestant Christians believe they are righteous and god is on their side
Lutheran Christians believe they are righteous and god is on their side
Catholic Christians believe they are righteous and god is on their side
Presbyterian Christians believe they are righteous and god is on their side
Mormon Christians believe they are righteous and god is on their side
Baptist Christians believe they are righteous and god is on their side

The list can go on for quite some time so:

"Real" Christians believe they are righteous and god is on their side.
I'm NOT talking about what happened 500 years ago, I AM TALKING ABOUT TODAY. Today is what we need to be worried about.
I'm NOT talking about what happened 500 years ago, I AM TALKING ABOUT TODAY. Today is what we need to be worried about.

Don't ask religious people about these things. They have no clue who God is or what He has planned for His people.

You have nothing to be worried about because everything in this age was created to deceive God's people. In the next age, we'll never be deceived again and will live in a very peaceful world with visions and dreams that will give us all individual experiences. Men were created male and female so you will always have a partner to enjoy your dreams with in the next age.

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