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I'm sorry I didn't vote for Obama

I'm sorry I didn't vote for Obama

Can you imagine how dirty you would feel if you had? That's the kind of disgusting act that would stay with you for a lifetime.

Like when you voted for Bush and later found out he in fact did lie us into Iraq? And he did steal the election in both 2000 and 2004. And he did let Bin Ladin go because he wanted a boogie man on the loose so he could sell us on invading Iraq. And Bush's oil buddies and Chaney's defense companies could literally bankrupt our country. Still are. You know the troops we pulled out of Iraq? We doubled those numbers with private contractors. And same in Afgan. The 30,000 we sent? We also sent 57,000 private contractors. They own this country and you wonder why the debt doubles no matter which party is in control? Don't ask Obama to fix the problems when you don't even know what the problems are.

Then the tarp trillions on Bush's exit from the bankers. Bank robbers more like it.

And then you voted for McCain, who like you doesn't get it.


Bozo seems to think that if you're against Obama, you MUST have voted for Bush and McCain. :cuckoo:
Millions died for oil under Bush. You voted for him, right? Fact, Iraq was about Oil. Ask Greenspan. And they lied us in. Fact.

You don't care what the rest of the world thinks? Then why did you say/mention they are laughing at us? And that's a flat out lie by the way. They hated Bush/the US the last 8 years. We made enemies, not allies. Obama is getting all our allies back on board.

The rest of what you said is just hogwash.

All our politicians lie to us. Obama is no different to Bush. The problem with some is that they just see party, not people.

You used the term Obstructionist. Just because someone disagrees with your Messiah and stands against the policies of the left, does not make that person an obstructionist. Are we all supposed to fall into line just because Obama wants us to?

Who are you protecting? The bankers? The oil companies? The healthcare CEO's? The mortgage industry? Wallstreet? The Defense contractors?

Yes, you as a broke ass middle class American need to fall in line now so we can fix what the GOP broke. So we can undo what the GOP did.

You'll be better off. Bushanomics got you know where.

LOL, fuck bobo, can you not see that your messiah is in the process of handing windfalls to most of those same people you accuse others of "protecting"?
More people in America care and think like I do then you leftists.

I didn't vote for Clinton. Who would vote for a man devoid of character ant original thought?

You play ball with the people who are in charge? Really? Wasn't that the biggest talking point of the left? That Bush was playing ball with terrorists? Talk about a fucking hypocrite.

Don't even begin to talk to Me about obstructionists. The Democrats have that title all sown up. Or did you forget the last decade? The Democrats were the party of "No".

I didn't and still don't care what the rest of the world thinks about the U.S. When they stop comming to us for a handout, then they can start complaining.

Obama bankrupted the US, plain and simple.

Millions died for oil under Bush. You voted for him, right? Fact, Iraq was about Oil. Ask Greenspan. And they lied us in. Fact.

You don't care what the rest of the world thinks? Then why did you say/mention they are laughing at us? And that's a flat out lie by the way. They hated Bush/the US the last 8 years. We made enemies, not allies. Obama is getting all our allies back on board.

The rest of what you said is just hogwash.

I am so fucking tired of you assholes who truly believe that Iraq was about Oil. The USA gets about 4% of its imported oil from Iraq. that would be less than 2 % and slightly more than 1% of our total oil. Now why the hell would anyone go to war for that? Hell we could have got more oil a lot easier in ANWR. or coastal drilling. hell even out of a few National Parks. After all the Republicans ruled didn't they? Wake the hell up. Iraq was about exactly what you were told from day one. Disarming Saddam.

Millions my ass

Ollie.. the idiot assclown bobo will continue to spew the same slogans and the same lies, over and over and over and over and over and over... it is the classic case of brainwashing at it's finest... the truth does not sway the likes of him... it cannot penetrate his multiple layers of hatred and brain damage
All our politicians lie to us. Obama is no different to Bush. The problem with some is that they just see party, not people.

You used the term Obstructionist. Just because someone disagrees with your Messiah and stands against the policies of the left, does not make that person an obstructionist. Are we all supposed to fall into line just because Obama wants us to?

Who are you protecting? The bankers? The oil companies? The healthcare CEO's? The mortgage industry? Wallstreet? The Defense contractors?

Yes, you as a broke ass middle class American need to fall in line now so we can fix what the GOP broke. So we can undo what the GOP did.

You'll be better off. Bushanomics got you know where.

Oh, for goodness sake, can liberals not ever stop whining? This obsessive whining about private businesses demonstrates only one thing - that you have absolutely no comprehension of the real world. All this crap about how 'we' are gonna fix stuff. You think this Admininstration cares about you? :lol::lol::lol::lol: How fucking stupid are you!!!:lol::lol:

I don't need anyone to fix anything for me. I can live my own life withou 'help' from the government. You should try it.... it's very liberating.

You are all over the place. Typical right wing reply.

Asking me to stop talking about private corporations is like me asking you to stop talking about tax breaks and abortion.

And if you don't think private for profit/lobbyists were a problem the last 8 years, then maybe it is you that doesn't comprehend the real world.

PS. You guys are the ones whining. I'm just explaining how we got in the mess we are in. You are the whiners trying to obstruct progress.

If you want a public option, just tell your senator. I don't like the current healthcare bill because the insurance lobbyists wrote it.

And you know what's really going on? If you did, either you are rich bitch who benefits from it, or you are an ignorant broad who doesn't have a clue. You're scared it'll hurt what you have now. Naive.
Millions died for oil under Bush. You voted for him, right? Fact, Iraq was about Oil. Ask Greenspan. And they lied us in. Fact.

You don't care what the rest of the world thinks? Then why did you say/mention they are laughing at us? And that's a flat out lie by the way. They hated Bush/the US the last 8 years. We made enemies, not allies. Obama is getting all our allies back on board.

The rest of what you said is just hogwash.

I am so fucking tired of you assholes who truly believe that Iraq was about Oil. The USA gets about 4% of its imported oil from Iraq. that would be less than 2 % and slightly more than 1% of our total oil. Now why the hell would anyone go to war for that? Hell we could have got more oil a lot easier in ANWR. or coastal drilling. hell even out of a few National Parks. After all the Republicans ruled didn't they? Wake the hell up. Iraq was about exactly what you were told from day one. Disarming Saddam.

Millions my ass

Ollie.. the idiot assclown bobo will continue to spew the same slogans and the same lies, over and over and over and over and over and over... it is the classic case of brainwashing at it's finest... the truth does not sway the likes of him... it cannot penetrate his multiple layers of hatred and brain damage

We learned it from the GOP.

We used to be the lesser aggressor and then Bush whiped Gore, then Kerry. They didn't speak up enough.

And the funny thing is, I haven't said anything that Pelosi, Reed, Obama, Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders has said.

You are the brainwashed assclown stupid because you are broke and you vote with the rich. Wake up. You aren't rich. Their policies hurt you, jackoff.
All our politicians lie to us. Obama is no different to Bush. The problem with some is that they just see party, not people.

You used the term Obstructionist. Just because someone disagrees with your Messiah and stands against the policies of the left, does not make that person an obstructionist. Are we all supposed to fall into line just because Obama wants us to?

Who are you protecting? The bankers? The oil companies? The healthcare CEO's? The mortgage industry? Wallstreet? The Defense contractors?

Yes, you as a broke ass middle class American need to fall in line now so we can fix what the GOP broke. So we can undo what the GOP did.

You'll be better off. Bushanomics got you know where.

Oh, for goodness sake, can liberals not ever stop whining? This obsessive whining about private businesses demonstrates only one thing - that you have absolutely no comprehension of the real world. All this crap about how 'we' are gonna fix stuff. You think this Admininstration cares about you? :lol::lol::lol::lol: How fucking stupid are you!!!:lol::lol:

I don't need anyone to fix anything for me. I can live my own life withou 'help' from the government. You should try it.... it's very liberating.

Here is a problem that the Democrats will try to fix in the next few years.

Just one example of course: When Americans No Longer Own America

But it illustrates how the Democrats actually do care about the American middle class more than the GOP does. The GOP seems to only care about free trade. Unregulated free trade. I don't know what you do for a living, but that will hurt the majority of us in America. Already has. And corporations/the rich haven't been paying their fair share. If you knew what you were talking about, you'd understand that. But you are a broke ass sucker. But you don't care. You're old, right?

And you don't see that it is class warfare? Aren't you old? Probably got yours and you don't care. To be honest, you baby boomers are the generation that is selling/killing America. You got your pensions and savings and homes paid off and now you tell us we might not get social security because your generation (Bush & Chaney) bankrupted the system? Fuck you old fogies. Remember, we'll be the ones taking care of you when you get old. :lol:
Who are you protecting? The bankers? The oil companies? The healthcare CEO's? The mortgage industry? Wallstreet? The Defense contractors?

Yes, you as a broke ass middle class American need to fall in line now so we can fix what the GOP broke. So we can undo what the GOP did.

You'll be better off. Bushanomics got you know where.

Oh, for goodness sake, can liberals not ever stop whining? This obsessive whining about private businesses demonstrates only one thing - that you have absolutely no comprehension of the real world. All this crap about how 'we' are gonna fix stuff. You think this Admininstration cares about you? :lol::lol::lol::lol: How fucking stupid are you!!!:lol::lol:

I don't need anyone to fix anything for me. I can live my own life withou 'help' from the government. You should try it.... it's very liberating.

Here is a problem that the Democrats will try to fix in the next few years.

Just one example of course: When Americans No Longer Own America

But it illustrates how the Democrats actually do care about the American middle class more than the GOP does. The GOP seems to only care about free trade. Unregulated free trade. I don't know what you do for a living, but that will hurt the majority of us in America. Already has. And corporations/the rich haven't been paying their fair share. If you knew what you were talking about, you'd understand that. But you are a broke ass sucker. But you don't care. You're old, right?

And you don't see that it is class warfare? Aren't you old? Probably got yours and you don't care. To be honest, you baby boomers are the generation that is selling/killing America. You got your pensions and savings and homes paid off and now you tell us we might not get social security because your generation (Bush & Chaney) bankrupted the system? Fuck you old fogies. Remember, we'll be the ones taking care of you when you get old. :lol:

Hey dumdum, er bobo , whatever. I am retired and your taxes pay me to sit here and tell you to fuck off. I'm not broke, nor rich, but I have been conservative or at least lean to the right my entire adult life. But my home is not paid off, far from it. You see I couldn't buy a home when I was younger because my friends and neighbors were sending me all over the world, A new place to live every couple years. So now we have finally bought a home. We'll have to see if Obama and company policies allow us to keep it.
The GOP put us in this mess. Us liberals saw it coming as soon as Newt got Clinton to sign NAFTA. And Bush/Tom Delay from 2000-2006 passed a lot of anti labor bills. Slipped a lot of shit in bills like loopholes and offshore tax breaks and I could go on and on but I suspect you know it but are a brainwashed middle class conservative who's got a hard on for god gays and guns.

And what's the problem with having, and I quote, middle class conservative who's got a hard on for god gays and guns? Unquote. I know a lot of folks that could fit in that description. Funny that none of them are liberal assholes.:lol:

You vote for the people who want you to be a slave. A cog. Forget all their bullshit about freedom and less taxes and giving a man a fish. That's all bullshit and you know it. The GOP took from the middle class. The rich got richer and middle class/poor took a big fucking hit. And you want to pretend that didn't happen? Or blame Pelosi/Reed/Obama and forget what the GOP did from 2000-2006 when THEY had complete control?

Free markets will drive your wages down. Haven't they already? And the rich who ruled wallstreet and the mortgage/bankers/oil companies/defense companies all made out under Bush and Chaney. Coincidence they work for oil and defense companies before they were put into office in 2000? And lets not go into how they totally just stole that election, then again in 2004 Ohio. Ken Blackwell my ass. Katherine Harris too. Jeb the gov. Come on!

How do you benefit? That's what I'm curious about. Or are you just conned into voting outside your tax bracket because of God Gays and Guns?

That's what's wrong with voting for GG&G's. If they make me/us poor, I don't care if gays can marry. If I'm a slave, what's my little gun gonna do? And if I'm broke, I might need to have an abortion because I can't afford a kid.

How are you not a slave under the dems? They will soon own your healthcare and tell you when and where to pee in a cup. Washington owns us now and if you are stupid enough to believe your side is better and really, truly cares about you as an individual, there is surely no help for you.
Keep playing partisan politics while both sides remove all of our freedoms. If, of course, you love the govt taking care of you from cradle to grave, then you have no worries. I myself as do many others, prefer having our own choices and enjoy what the free market
brings when it is not over regulated. I would say "to each his own", but the liberal side would not say it or give it.
He has proven to be the Conservatives best friend with his total ineptitude in the Office of the President of the United States.

He has to have his congress bribe people to get what he terms a "moral imperative' to get his signature campaign promise passed.

He manages to win a peace prize doing nothing.

He manages to get a deal that no one has to obey in climate change.

He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

The world is laughing at him while being pissed off that he did not toe the line of their agenda...

In summary....He has managed to make the U.S.A. a laughing stock while bankrupting the world.....

Hows that hope and change working out for ya?

It is unfortunate that the GOP is going to benefit from this. We need leaders. Not more political party. I would love to see over 33% of the House turn independent.

Are you new to politics? I bet you are also glad you didn't vote for Clinton or Kennedy or FDR?

And what about McCain or Mitt or Rudy? The corporate fat cats would have an office in the Lincoln bedroom like they did under Bush/Chaney. War mongers. They bankrupt the country in their own way and you don't complain, so who cares what you think?

Yes, Obama has to play ball with the people that truly run/own/control our country. The same people that offed Kennedy. Just keep in mind you don't seem to mind all the things Obama does when its BUSH doing it. Or Reagan. Do you realize the GOP sold America to the corporations? The GOP ARE/IS the corporations. Just because you work for one doesn't mean you should vote with them. You are a HAVE NOT. Get that thru your head. You're a Democrat.

So start leaning on guys like Lieberman and the GOP Senators who are obstuctionists. Tell them to vote for progress so we don't have to pay them off. And hey, if we pay them off, that means money for your state, so quit crying like a baby. You're a bullshitter. Obama rules. He's as close as you will get to a NON sellout. He is a man of the people, as much as he can. He doesn't want to end up like Carter or worse, Kennedy. So STFU and let the man lead. You anti American fuck.

You didn't care what the rest of the world thought when Bush was president. Hipocrite.

Obama bankrupted the US? Let me explain something to you. Bush 1 raised taxes, and that allowed Clinton to balance the budget. Bush gave the rich massive tax breaks, and then he spent us into a refucking session. You are either completely ignorant or a dishonest right wing idiot.

I hope you change. That would be change we'd all believe in.

In case you didn't know CORPORATIONS can also be spelled J.O.B.S in this country--something of which is lagging & Americans desperately need right now.

What is it with you liberals. Why do you HATE business? Not only that but you have elected an administration that is so anti business--business is scared to death to grow & expand or hire new employees. It's in your face--just look at the unemployment numbers in this country. ---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Here again-- we have Bobo BRAIN--complaining about the "evil rich" in this country when only 5% of the entire population makes over 250K per year, & only 1% of the population makes over 300K per year--but still pay 67% of the entire tax base of this country. Bobo Brain wants to burn crosses in their front yards for being successful & for contributing to the economy by HIRING Americans. Now that's what I call unbelievable STUPIDITY.
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He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

I'm thinking the guy before him (and his Veep) had a bit more to do with this.
And what's the problem with having, and I quote, middle class conservative who's got a hard on for god gays and guns? Unquote. I know a lot of folks that could fit in that description. Funny that none of them are liberal assholes.:lol:

You vote for the people who want you to be a slave. A cog. Forget all their bullshit about freedom and less taxes and giving a man a fish. That's all bullshit and you know it. The GOP took from the middle class. The rich got richer and middle class/poor took a big fucking hit. And you want to pretend that didn't happen? Or blame Pelosi/Reed/Obama and forget what the GOP did from 2000-2006 when THEY had complete control?

Free markets will drive your wages down. Haven't they already? And the rich who ruled wallstreet and the mortgage/bankers/oil companies/defense companies all made out under Bush and Chaney. Coincidence they work for oil and defense companies before they were put into office in 2000? And lets not go into how they totally just stole that election, then again in 2004 Ohio. Ken Blackwell my ass. Katherine Harris too. Jeb the gov. Come on!

How do you benefit? That's what I'm curious about. Or are you just conned into voting outside your tax bracket because of God Gays and Guns?

That's what's wrong with voting for GG&G's. If they make me/us poor, I don't care if gays can marry. If I'm a slave, what's my little gun gonna do? And if I'm broke, I might need to have an abortion because I can't afford a kid.

How are you not a slave under the dems? They will soon own your healthcare and tell you when and where to pee in a cup. Washington owns us now and if you are stupid enough to believe your side is better and really, truly cares about you as an individual, there is surely no help for you.
Keep playing partisan politics while both sides remove all of our freedoms. If, of course, you love the govt taking care of you from cradle to grave, then you have no worries. I myself as do many others, prefer having our own choices and enjoy what the free market
brings when it is not over regulated. I would say "to each his own", but the liberal side would not say it or give it.

That's exactly it, jeffrockit, they are attacking us, the middle class, from all sides, and everyone is standing around pointing fingers at the other.

A main talking point the dems use, and bozo regurgitates it here, is "And the rich who ruled wallstreet and the mortgage/bankers/oil companies/defense companies all made out under Bush and Chaney.", while ignoring the fact that Obamas admin has their share of "wall street fatcats" themselves. Some of whom don't pay their own taxes until busted.

Yes, the GOP is just as fuckin' bad,(or maybe worse, that's debatable), but these hypocrites that ignore the current administration, while admonishing the previous for the same thing, are pathetically transparent with their partisanship.
He has bankrupted not only the United States, but has managed to bring the rest of the world down with him and has slowed any possible global recovery.

I'm thinking the guy before him (and his Veep) had a bit more to do with this.

Your thinking is a bit suspect......regardless of what the state run media says.

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