I'm Starting To Change My Mind About Trump

I never liked Trump. Didn't vote for him in 2016 (didn't vote for Hillary either). Only voted for him in 2020 because I didn't want socialism. Didn't want him to be president or win the nomination in 2024. I truly believed that if he won in 2024 he would be consumed and obsessed with revenge and that with all the other problems facing us, him being elected would not be best for the country. I felt we needed to get past revenge and concentrate on the things which are best for our country and I sincerely believe Trump would be unable to do that so I had no intention of voting for Trump in the primaries or in the general.


That has all changed with the DOJ's recent nonsense indictments (in addition to all of the other abuses of power by Democrats over the last six years). It has become abundantly clear that the greatest threat to our country is not inflation, it is not a looming recession, it is not our national debt, and it is not us being on the brink of WWIII. The greatest threat facing our country right now is the total and complete abuse of power and weaponization of government agencies including the DOJ, the FBI, and even the CIA by the Democrats, who also want to take away our first amendment rights, our second amendment rights, and are indoctrinating our children as the Nazi's did in Germany. These people need purging and revenge is needed to purge these anti-Americans from our government and our government agencies. We are facing the greatest threat this country has ever faced and revenge is the only way for us to turn it around. We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve. , Bragg and the other Stalinist show trial political sluts

Bragg, Smith and the other Stalinist show trial political sluts may hand the WH back to Trump coupled with the Durham report showing what most of us knew in the first place the Russian collusion was a bald face lie.
I never liked Trump. Didn't vote for him in 2016 (didn't vote for Hillary either). Only voted for him in 2020 because I didn't want socialism. Didn't want him to be president or win the nomination in 2024. I truly believed that if he won in 2024 he would be consumed and obsessed with revenge and that with all the other problems facing us, him being elected would not be best for the country. I felt we needed to get past revenge and concentrate on the things which are best for our country and I sincerely believe Trump would be unable to do that so I had no intention of voting for Trump in the primaries or in the general.


That has all changed with the DOJ's recent nonsense indictments (in addition to all of the other abuses of power by Democrats over the last six years). It has become abundantly clear that the greatest threat to our country is not inflation, it is not a looming recession, it is not our national debt, and it is not us being on the brink of WWIII. The greatest threat facing our country right now is the total and complete abuse of power and weaponization of government agencies including the DOJ, the FBI, and even the CIA by the Democrats, who also want to take away our first amendment rights, our second amendment rights, and are indoctrinating our children as the Nazi's did in Germany. These people need purging and revenge is needed to purge these anti-Americans from our government and our government agencies. We are facing the greatest threat this country has ever faced and revenge is the only way for us to turn it around. We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve.
Exactly. This is no longer Trump v Biden. It is America v Collapse.
The sonofabitch that ordered this filth is the same one that you stupid idiotic Moon Bats are trying to protect from security violations.

Shame on you!

Looks good~
Potatohead had the classified documents in his unsecured garage for god only knows how long and that is a major crime.

The stupid idiots are the ones that allow the Democrat filth to get away with everything.

There is a two tier justice system in this country and it is despicable/
Also, let’s not forget….he stole them out of the SCIF when he was a senator.
Potatohead had the classified documents in his unsecured garage for god only knows how long and that is a major crime.

Depends on circumstances and you being military know that.

There is a two tier justice system in this country and it is despicable/

All would have been well if Trump had just returned the documents as the Archives and DOJ wanted. You think MAGA Jesus is above the law. He's not.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Have your seen or heard Comey's listing of the crimes committed by Crooked Hilary but then he came to the astonishing conclusion that she had "no intent"? A ham sandwich can be indicted but Comey wouldn't even send the evidence to a Federal Grand Jury because she was the Democrat's Presidential nominee.

Have you seen the boxes of classified documents tha ole Potatothead stored in his garage against every OPSEC law imaginable? Forget all his corruption. That alone should get him ten years in prison.

Have you ever even considered pulling you Moon Bat head out of you Libtard ass?
You didn’t read the indictment.
Ah yes. When ignorance is exposed the subject must be changed immediately. It is asking for too much integrity to suggest an error should be acknowledged.

But I did read the indictment and what the Wall Street Journal said about it:

". . .But it’s striking, and legally notable, that the indictment never mentions the Presidential Records Act (PRA) that allows a President access to documents, both classified and unclassified, once he leaves office. It allows for good-faith negotiation with the National Archives. Yet the indictment assumes that Mr. Trump had no right to take any classified documents.

This doesn’t fit the spirit or letter of the PRA, which was written by Congress to recognize that such documents had previously been the property of former Presidents. If the Espionage Act means Presidents can’t retain any classified documents, then the PRA is all but meaningless. This will be part of Mr. Trump’s defense. . ."
My understanding and reading of the presidential records act does not say the former president can take over 300 CLASSIFIED documents with him and keep them or keep any records, without negotiating with the National Archives for them, who is the custodian of the presidential records for the American people?

There is no criminal punishment tied to breaking the PRA. ...thus no charges to bring.
Do you think Trump did not mishandle government documents? I have been watching Fox this morning and several Trump followers have said...Biden...Hillary...Obama and on and on, but no one has said he did not do what he is accused of.
Who cares.

Biden did the same thing

So did Obama.

So did Hillary.

*EQUAL* application of the law.


Do you understand?

Not fucking around here. Tired of the leftard bullshit.

You WILL prosecute equally, or we will ride you sorry asses out of town on the biggest and most painful rail we can find.
It was not. And she was EXONERATED. Learn the word.

Hilary did not delete the emails herself. It is procedure to do so after leaving the WH and it was her staff which did.

She was EXONERATED. Stop trying to equate it with what it has been proven that Trump clearly did.
She was NOT fucking exonerated, you LYING PIECE OF SHIT.

Her case never made it to court, how the fuck could she be exonerated, LIAR?

Who cares.

Biden did the same thing

So did Obama.

So did Hillary.

*EQUAL* application of the law.


Do you understand?

Not fucking around here. Tired of the leftard bullshit.

You WILL prosecute equally, or we will ride you sorry asses out of town on the biggest and most painful rail we can find.
Did you go to kindergarten? Do you remember hearing something about just because the other kids did something did not mean you could? Trumptards are silly children. He is a grifter and a traitor and his mindless followers are simpletons. Who cares if you are fucking around or not?
Who cares.

Biden did the same thing

So did Obama.

So did Hillary.

*EQUAL* application of the law.


Do you understand?

Not fucking around here. Tired of the leftard bullshit.

You WILL prosecute equally, or we will ride you sorry asses out of town on the biggest and most painful rail we can find.
Watch out everyone...he's an expert on darts!!!!

I'm an expert with darts. Big ones, small ones, tiny little feathered ones fired out of a Bic pen and bigass poison ones fired from a drone. I'm also an electronics expert so I can build and fix the drone, and I have a medical degree which makes me knowledgeable about the substances on the tip.
I'm also a security expert. I have advised both corporations and governments. Done HUNDREDS of installations. Actually BUILT a lot of the hardware protecting our unnameable three letter agencies at THIS VERY MOMENT.

This is what Joe Biden is up against.

There are thousands like me - millions.

There is a rail called DART but I don't think this is what the mad hatter was thinking of:

She was NOT fucking exonerated, you LYING PIECE OF SHIT.

Her case never made it to court, how the fuck could she be exonerated, LIAR?


Had she been prosecuted it would have been the flimsiest case imaginable. There were only 3 emails out of 33,000 that had markings and none of those had the usual marking formats that you'd see in a typical classified document. There was nothing suggesting criminal intent, and members of the Bush White House team similarly used private email accounts to conduct government business, including Colin Powell.
Cult 45 will defend him no matter what comes out

You're trying to uproot basic justice which even children understand. IOW if two children are caught stealing candy bars at the store, but only ONE is called to the manager's office, only ONE is made to talk to the police--that is injustice. It remains true that the child unequally treated did commit a crime. But justice is destroyed when the outcomes are so different.

No one is going to escape this. And it's not "whataboutism".
Potatohead had the classified documents in his unsecured garage for god only knows how long and that is a major crime.

The stupid idiots are the ones that allow the Democrat filth to get away with everything.

There is a two tier justice system in this country and it is despicable/
Conservatives have been saying this kinda thing since the 80's. Either Republicans are incompetent, impotent, stupid or just liars. Mean old demmicrats just wont let them do the right thing.
Did you go to kindergarten? Do you remember hearing something about just because the other kids did something did not mean you could? Trumptards are silly children. He is a grifter and a traitor and his mindless followers are simpletons. Who cares if you are fucking around or not?

As I just typed out. If two children are caught stealing, and only ONE of them is punished, then not only crimes but injustice was committed.

You lefties keep trying to override common sense and keep failing.
As I just typed out. If two children are caught stealing, and only ONE of them is punished, then not only crimes but injustice was committed.

You lefties keep trying to override common sense and keep failing.
Ok, next time you get pulled over for speeding explain to the police officer everyone else is doing it. I am sure he will understand your first grade logic. This concept has to be the stupidest thing the Trump tards repeat over and over. And that is saying something.
You're trying to uproot basic justice which even children understand. IOW if two children are caught stealing candy bars at the store, but only ONE is called to the manager's office, only ONE is made to talk to the police--that is injustice. It remains true that the child unequally treated did commit a crime. But justice is destroyed when the outcomes are so different.

No one is going to escape this. And it's not "whataboutism".

The above makes it clear you don't understand the differences in conduct. Generally speaking, people are not prosecuted criminally for simple errors in handling classified information. If it's a civil servant or contractor, that individual might lose his job or his clearance over it, but not always. Trump deliberately removed sensitive documents that were not his personal records. He was given a chance to come clean and resolve the issue. More than once, in fact. He didn't. He deliberately refused to do so, and on top of that, he attempted to obstruct recovery of those records. So there you have it, willful violations of the Espionage Act and obstruction.

With that being said, this will be a very difficult prosecution because of the person involved. It will be hard to find a jury of 12 who can see past the politics of this.

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