I'm Starting To Change My Mind About Trump

... no, not "just like"... that is idiocy to even say it.
Almost everybody believes Hillary and Joe Biden are also guilty of mishandling classified info
What is 'unlike' Hillary or Biden ......is the friggin' subpoena.

Neither Clinton or Biden were served with such.
Trump was.
And then Trump and his enablers refused to fully comply.
THAT is unlike Hillary or Biden.

Notably, this week's indictment covers ONLY those documents that were recovered after Trump refused to fully comply
with a lawful subpoena.

Am I not being clear on that critical difference?
You clearly struggle with reading comprehension, as I made my thoughts about Hillary's judgment clearly negative. She used bad judgment - said that then and saying it now. And it was actually Trump that made gross negligence in handling classified materials a more serious crime under the law. But even now, the standard for prosecution is the same; it's the penalty that has changed.

No, it's called having the facts without the spin. You can read the summary on Wiki yourself, if the facts don't frighten you.

No, your bias betrays you, as you state: Hillary merely used “bad judgment” (by housing classified info on a private server in her house and bleach-bitting the server) and Trump was “grossly negligent.” How about the reverse: Hillary was grossly negligent (at best) and Trump merely used bad judgment?
The conduct isn't nearly the same. Clinton mishandled information; Trump went well beyond that. All would have been well had he just returned the damn documents when he was asked to.
Again….the bias: She “mishandled information” when she destroyed the server holding classified info. She was CRIMINAL, but hey….she’s a Dem, so you downplay the extent of her criminal behavior.
I never liked Trump. Didn't vote for him in 2016 (didn't vote for Hillary either). Only voted for him in 2020 because I didn't want socialism. Didn't want him to be president or win the nomination in 2024. I truly believed that if he won in 2024 he would be consumed and obsessed with revenge and that with all the other problems facing us, him being elected would not be best for the country. I felt we needed to get past revenge and concentrate on the things which are best for our country and I sincerely believe Trump would be unable to do that so I had no intention of voting for Trump in the primaries or in the general.


That has all changed with the DOJ's recent nonsense indictments (in addition to all of the other abuses of power by Democrats over the last six years). It has become abundantly clear that the greatest threat to our country is not inflation, it is not a looming recession, it is not our national debt, and it is not us being on the brink of WWIII. The greatest threat facing our country right now is the total and complete abuse of power and weaponization of government agencies including the DOJ, the FBI, and even the CIA by the Democrats, who also want to take away our first amendment rights, our second amendment rights, and are indoctrinating our children as the Nazi's did in Germany. These people need purging and revenge is needed to purge these anti-Americans from our government and our government agencies. We are facing the greatest threat this country has ever faced and revenge is the only way for us to turn it around. We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve.

Great post, thank you! :clap:
OMG….the excuse-making and denial.
He is the same way in the sports section thst belicheat is the most overrated hack of a coach ever and the cheatriots have the refs in their pockets Lisa558 :abgg2q.jpg: Yep that’s what this paid troll for the dnc is mr bias unable to own up to it when he has been proven wrong.

here that multivita-man everybody laughs you you pathetic liar.
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No, your bias betrays you, as you state: Hillary merely used “bad judgment” (by housing classified info on a private server in her house and bleach-bitting the server)

There was classified information found in about 110-20 emails -- out of 30-35,000. The information was classified but the documents and emails were not marked, so it's entirely possible that she was not aware that they were classified, and if so, what level. There were a total of three that were marked with a 'c', which is not how classified documents are typically marked. The problem was that there was so little potentially incriminating information found relative to the volume of records. Comey and the DOJ couldn't establish she was guilty of anything other than bad judgment for using a private server to discuss potentially sensitive information. It should be noted that Colin Powell did something similar and there were numerous WH officials in the previous administration that had used private servers to discuss government business.

and Trump was “grossly negligent.”

No, correction - what Trump did was not grossly negligent. What he did was criminal. He had criminal intent. Trump committed crimes.
Of course he mishandled government documents, just like Pence, Biden, Hillary, Obama, and several others. But they weren't indicted for it, only Trump.

Trump also did it deliberately with intent. He'll show them.. Trump is a very vengeful man. Did you see his interview with Charlie Rose? How about the one with Richard Branson.

Trump will destroy himself and his children to get even for a perceived wrong. Libya's Gaddafi was the same way. He and Trump are so alike.
The greatest threat facing our country right now is the total and complete abuse of power and weaponization of government agencies
Priorities. Rush Limbaugh called it, Democrats must be defeated not bargained with.

Give Trump credit for this, he has forced the Washington swamp out into the open so all American citizens can see just how corrupt it's become.
Again….the bias: She “mishandled information” when she destroyed the server holding classified info.

She didn't destroy her server, you fucking banjo-strumming moron. She deleted emails, which at worst is a violation of federal record keeping laws. It's not obstruction of justice, dimwit.

She was CRIMINAL, but hey….she’s a Dem, so you downplay the extent of her criminal behavior.

Ahhh, shaddup! You don't understand how the law works and clearly aren't familiar with the facts in either case.
Watching DJT just now speak leads to the logical conclusion that either he is (1) insane, (2) the greatest con man of all time, or (3) the anti-Christ.
Anyone who broke the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. So Joe jerked the FBI around for a year and a half and refused to return the documents like Trump did? I had not heard about that. I still think Hillary might have killed Vince Foster so dont tell me about hillary. You guys are just stupidly mindlessly partisan and leave your protected RW internet safe spaces and come out squealing your talking points. Makes you look silly.
Potatohead had the classified documents in his unsecured garage for god only knows how long and that is a major crime.

The stupid idiots are the ones that allow the Democrat filth to get away with everything.

There is a two tier justice system in this country and it is despicable/
The sonofabitch that ordered this filth is the same one that you stupid idiotic Moon Bats are trying to protect from security violations.

Shame on you!


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