I'm Starting To Change My Mind About Trump

Ah yes. When ignorance is exposed the subject must be changed immediately. It is asking for too much integrity to suggest an error should be acknowledged.

But I did read the indictment and what the Wall Street Journal said about it:

". . .But it’s striking, and legally notable, that the indictment never mentions the Presidential Records Act (PRA) that allows a President access to documents, both classified and unclassified, once he leaves office. It allows for good-faith negotiation with the National Archives. Yet the indictment assumes that Mr. Trump had no right to take any classified documents.

This doesn’t fit the spirit or letter of the PRA, which was written by Congress to recognize that such documents had previously been the property of former Presidents. If the Espionage Act means Presidents can’t retain any classified documents, then the PRA is all but meaningless. This will be part of Mr. Trump’s defense. . ."
The Former Presidents need to ask NARA to view the documents at their offices and in a secure environment.

Not bring them in boxes to their homes and leave them lying around bathrooms, stages, bedrooms, and on someone's desk for anyone to see.

And a t Mar A Lago, there were hundreds of people walking around on a daily basis, not one of them authorized to see those documents, including Trump after he left the WH. Not without permission from NARA.
The Former Presidents need to ask NARA to view the documents at their offices and in a secure environment.

Not bring them in boxes to their homes and leave them lying around bathrooms, stages, bedrooms, and on someone's desk for anyone to see.

And a t Mar A Lago, there were hundreds of people walking around on a daily basis, not one of them authorized to see those documents, including Trump after he left the WH. Not without permission from NARA.
You probably ought to read what I wrote again. And the actual law before you dig a hole so deep you can't get out at all.
Almost everyone believes he's guilty..his supporters simply don't care. They'll jump on the 'whatabout' train...and roll on.
His guilt or innocence is irrelevant..their excuse will be that the system is so corrupt..that Trump is forced to be corrupt in self-defense.

No....we don't care because the democrat party DOJ is only prosecuting Trump. If that is the game they want to play, we will play it and not care when they say...but....but.....but....Trump and the documents............

If they are only going after Trump, we aren't going to care about it.......we know it isn't a Justice System, it is a political attack system.......
Harvesting votes, mail in voting, unlimited voting periods. I've watched it in California for years. After the votes are counted, the boxes of harvested ballots and mail in ballots are " found", usually in the trunk of someone's car, all conveniently Democrat. Anyone who identifies this outright fraud is immediately accused of voter disenfranchisement.
Sure. Let me ask you, why are you afraid of being accused of voter disenfranchisement if you have proof of voter fraud? Again, you guys create this circles that you just cannot quite prove it, but everyone knows. Now tell me about dead people voting. I think there were 5 in Georgia this time.
I never liked Trump. Didn't vote for him in 2016 (didn't vote for Hillary either). Only voted for him in 2020 because I didn't want socialism. Didn't want him to be president or win the nomination in 2024. I truly believed that if he won in 2024 he would be consumed and obsessed with revenge and that with all the other problems facing us, him being elected would not be best for the country. I felt we needed to get past revenge and concentrate on the things which are best for our country and I sincerely believe Trump would be unable to do that so I had no intention of voting for Trump in the primaries or in the general.


That has all changed with the DOJ's recent nonsense indictments (in addition to all of the other abuses of power by Democrats over the last six years). It has become abundantly clear that the greatest threat to our country is not inflation, it is not a looming recession, it is not our national debt, and it is not us being on the brink of WWIII. The greatest threat facing our country right now is the total and complete abuse of power and weaponization of government agencies including the DOJ, the FBI, and even the CIA by the Democrats, who also want to take away our first amendment rights, our second amendment rights, and are indoctrinating our children as the Nazi's did in Germany. These people need purging and revenge is needed to purge these anti-Americans from our government and our government agencies. We are facing the greatest threat this country has ever faced and revenge is the only way for us to turn it around. We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve.
“Only voted for him in 2020 because I didn't want socialism.”


Instead, you voted for fascism.

And, of course, you were ignorant and wrong – President Biden has nothing to do with ‘socialism.’
It makes sense with regard to the primaries – that you and others on the right vote for Trump during the primaries, Trump will be the 2024 Republican presidential nominee and lose again to President Biden.

I don’t think there are enough Americans will vote for someone with mid-stage dementia who has taken a $5 million bribe from Ukraine and distributed it to various family members by establishing shell companies.
Hillary Clinton could have faced 37 counts but they chose not to indict her, with Comey claiming that no prosecutor would prosecute her reckless and willful behavior, even when she purposely deleted 30,000 emails against a judge's order. But Trump must be prosecuted.
Trump felt Hillary should go to jail for not handling sensitive documents in her emails properly?
Why would Trump take all the sensitive documents and store thm in an unprotected way.
How can Trump feel Hillary should go to jail not handling sensitive document properly but is was OK fro him to be even more careless with sensitive documents.
BUT........That has all changed with the DOJ's recent nonsense indictments
Do you think Trump did not mishandle government documents?

As mentioned prior: The indictment includes only those documents that were refused to be surrendered AFTER the subpoena had been issued.
The government had treated Trump with regard and respect due to his prior status. In short, they used kid gloves in seeking the return of the People's property.
But as reports indicate it became apparent he was playing rope-a-dope with them.
So they finally....finally! ...... got a subpoena issued.
But he and his enablers still refused to fully comply.
So the governments said enough of this merde'.
And went and got 'em.
And now he is indicted.

He should enjoy being reminded of these statements of his:
August 16, 2016: "In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information,"
August 18, 2016: " In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law."
September 7, 2016: "One of the first things we must do is to enforce all classification rules and to enforce all laws relating to the handling of classified information."

Karma is a thing. Boomerangs return. Duh!
No....we don't care because the democrat party DOJ is only prosecuting Trump. If that is the game they want to play, we will play it and not care when they say...but....but.....but....Trump and the documents............

If they are only going after Trump, we aren't going to care about it.......we know it isn't a Justice System, it is a political attack system.......
The fact that you are fully prepared to vote for a potential felon says it all~

BTW..the Democratic party does not 'control' the DOJ. Most of those folks are civil service..ya know..what you call the Deep State?

They're remarkably even-handed in how they get the bad guys. Not that politic has no voice..but if there develops real evidence on Hunter..they'll charge him, believe it.
As for Dad...so far, it's all bullshit.

Clinton?? Good grief people, get over it~
A vote for Trump during the Republican primaries is a vote for President Biden in the General Election.
As I said, I don’t think there are enough voters like you to vote for someone who got a $5 million bribe from a foreign country and then distributed it via the establishment of shell companies, as the document instructed. 80 million people will NOT vote for someone so corrupt, and demented.
As I said, I don’t think there are enough voters like you to vote for someone who got a $5 million bribe from a foreign country and then distributed it via the establishment of shell companies, as the document instructed. 80 million people will NOT vote for someone so corrupt, and demented.
Don’t come back crying in 2024 that you weren’t warned.
Don’t come back crying in 2024 that you weren’t warned.
I’m hoping there aren’t enough deranged people suffering from TDS to make that happen. By the time the election rolls around, Biden will likely be speaking gibberish and disoriented as to his surroundings. You honestly think there are enough America-haters to vote in as U.S. president a man who doesn’t know where he is?

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