I'm Starting To Change My Mind About Trump

Ok, next time you get pulled over for speeding explain to the police officer everyone else is doing it. I am sure he will understand your first grade logic. This concept has to be the stupidest thing the Trump tards repeat over and over. And that is saying something.

It's not "getting pulled over for speeding"--if I'm speeding, a crime is committed. We are all watching drivers get pulled over and some get fawning adoration and others get sent TO JAIL.

You are desperate to pretend this is not happening but you know it is. That's why no one trust the system anymore. God help any lawyers who call me for Jury Duty now. They don't want to know what I think of our system....
It's not "getting pulled over for speeding"--if I'm speeding, a crime is committed. We are all watching drivers get pulled over and some get fawning adoration and others get sent TO JAIL.

You are desperate to pretend this is not happening but you know it is. That's why no one trust the system anymore. God help any lawyers who call me for Jury Duty now. They don't want to know what I think of our system....
I am not desperate. The fact is if Hillary or Biden or whoever committed the same crimes Trump has, they should face the same penalties. The problem for you is they didn't, so all you have is whataboutisms that are childish and stupid.
I am not desperate. The fact is if Hillary or Biden or whoever committed the same crimes Trump has, they should face the same penalties. The problem for you is they didn't, so all you have is whataboutisms that are childish and stupid.

No, they are matters of basic justice that everyone understands.

And it's going poorly for you
I never liked Trump. Didn't vote for him in 2016 (didn't vote for Hillary either). Only voted for him in 2020 because I didn't want socialism. Didn't want him to be president or win the nomination in 2024. I truly believed that if he won in 2024 he would be consumed and obsessed with revenge and that with all the other problems facing us, him being elected would not be best for the country. I felt we needed to get past revenge and concentrate on the things which are best for our country and I sincerely believe Trump would be unable to do that so I had no intention of voting for Trump in the primaries or in the general.


That has all changed with the DOJ's recent nonsense indictments (in addition to all of the other abuses of power by Democrats over the last six years). It has become abundantly clear that the greatest threat to our country is not inflation, it is not a looming recession, it is not our national debt, and it is not us being on the brink of WWIII. The greatest threat facing our country right now is the total and complete abuse of power and weaponization of government agencies including the DOJ, the FBI, and even the CIA by the Democrats, who also want to take away our first amendment rights, our second amendment rights, and are indoctrinating our children as the Nazi's did in Germany. These people need purging and revenge is needed to purge these anti-Americans from our government and our government agencies. We are facing the greatest threat this country has ever faced and revenge is the only way for us to turn it around. We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve.

Seems as if someone should change their nom de guerre...
Who cares.

Biden did the same thing

So did Obama.

So did Hillary.

*EQUAL* application of the law.


Do you understand?

Not fucking around here. Tired of the leftard bullshit.

You WILL prosecute equally, or we will ride you sorry asses out of town on the biggest and most painful rail we can find.
But they gave the docs back. :)
Trump didn't. And he may be able to stall, but he's gonna get dinged for it.
The funniest part about this whole debacle is you just will not give this man up..and it's gonna cost you.

Go ahead, start something. You cucks are all talk and no walk.
What an absolute embarrassment the Alt-Right has become in this country
Conservatives have been saying this kinda thing since the 80's. Either Republicans are incompetent, impotent, stupid or just liars. Mean old demmicrats just wont let them do the right thing.
I had several security clearances working in the Aerospace industry for 30 years.

If the government had found classified documents in my garage I would now be in prison.

Joe Potatohead is not in jail and that is because we have a two tier justice system in this banana republic excuse for a country. One where the Democrats get away with all kinds of crimes. Just like the reason Crooked Hillary is jail for major security breaches.

Democrat have really fucked up our Constitutional Republic. It is now a banana republic that doesn't even have a secure border and files a goddamn queer flag at the White House.
I had several security clearances working in the Aerospace industry for 30 years.

If the government had found classified documents in my garage I would now be in prison.

Joe Potatohead is not in jail and that is because we have a two tier justice system in this banana republic excuse for a country. One where the Democrats get away with all kinds of crimes. Just like the reason Crooked Hillary is jail for major security breaches.

Democrat have really fucked up our Constitutional Republic. It is now a banana republic that doesn't even have a secure border and files a goddamn queer flag at the White House.
Wow, you big deal. I do agree, I think any of them who took classified material home should be prosecuted. However, Trump is being charged with a bit more than possession.

Do you think about queer flags at the white house a lot? Perhaps you are over compensating a bit.
Rubbish, States have no more of a right to murder babies than the Fed does

I noticed you gave a “ThumbUp Thanks” to the OP of this thread. Do you support our Patriot/Saint IndependentThinker’s call for the purging and revenge and Nuremberg trials against anyone who did not vote for Saint Trump in 2020? He { thnkr } told us he voted for Trump in 2020 but not 2016.

Here is the language used:

{ last paragraph #1 }These people need purging and revenge is needed to purge these anti-Americans from our government and our government agencies. We are facing the greatest threat this country has ever faced and revenge is the only way for us to turn it around. We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve. { 1.thnkr.23.11 #1 }​

I also noticed that you are a strong advocate (see your post #3,526) in the “Saving Baby Fetus Movement” as well. Will you be purging and exacting revenge DudleySmith on the one out of five Republicans who voted for Trump and support his stop the steal insurrection, and support his refusal to comply with a subpoena at Mar a Lago when he was just a common citizen like you and me? { nf.23.06 #229 to dlysmth.22.05 #3,526 }
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Wow, you big deal. I do agree, I think any of them who took classified material home should be prosecuted. However, Trump is being charged with a bit more than possession.

Do you think about queer flags at the white house a lot? Perhaps you are over compensating a bit.
The attack on Trump has absolutely nothing to do with anything other than the fact he kicked Crooked Hillary's ass and had an agenda to make America great again. Opposition to the Democrat filth's agenda to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

Just like The Tea Party was punished by the government (IRS) for opposing Obama's agenda of destruction. The 1/6 Patriots were punished for protesting against a blatantly stolen election. Parents were punished for protesting against oppressive Leftest policies of the local school board. Patriotic military officers were purged for not being Leftest scum.

Typical big time banana republic kind of oppressive shit by the despicable Democrat Party.

Now Potatohead's White House has gone complete Queer Nation.
You're trying to uproot basic justice which even children understand. IOW if two children are caught stealing candy bars at the store, but only ONE is called to the manager's office, only ONE is made to talk to the police--that is injustice. It remains true that the child unequally treated did commit a crime. But justice is destroyed when the outcomes are so different.

No one is going to escape this. And it's not "whataboutism".
Your post reminded me of something that the left rail on all the time, social injustice. When you've got the same crime done, one with a white person and one with a black person, and the black person gets arrested and the white person doesn't, then the left scream social injustice at the top of their lungs. Here we've got Trump and numerous others doing basically the same damn thing and yet only Trump is indicted and the others get off scot free.
Who cares.

Biden did the same thing

So did Obama.

So did Hillary.

*EQUAL* application of the law.


Do you understand?

Not fucking around here. Tired of the leftard bullshit.

You WILL prosecute equally, or we will ride you sorry asses out of town on the biggest and most painful rail we can find.
No, they did not. End of that nonsense. Your Orange Overlord broke the law, conspired to obstruct, and obstructed.
The above makes it clear you don't understand the differences in conduct. Generally speaking, people are not prosecuted criminally for simple errors in handling classified information. If it's a civil servant or contractor, that individual might lose his job or his clearance over it, but not always. Trump deliberately removed sensitive documents that were not his personal records. He was given a chance to come clean and resolve the issue. More than once, in fact. He didn't. He deliberately refused to do so, and on top of that, he attempted to obstruct recovery of those records. So there you have it, willful violations of the Espionage Act and obstruction.

With that being said, this will be a very difficult prosecution because of the person involved. It will be hard to find a jury of 12 who can see past the politics of this.
Well, Hillary did worse than Trump and she wasn't indicted. Comey said that even though she was very careless and reckless and knowingly set up a sever in her basement against the law and then deleted 30,000 emails against a subpoena, no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute. So, here, with Trump, apparently we have an unreasonable prosecution.
Your post reminded me of something that the left rail on all the time, social injustice. When you've got the same crime done, one with a white person and one with a black person, and the black person gets arrested and the white person doesn't, then the left scream social injustice at the top of their lungs. Here we've got Trump and numerous others doing basically the same damn thing and yet only Trump is indicted and the others get off scot free.

They know the game they're playing and did their word games to wiggle out of it. If they call it "whataboutism" then they can call it off-limits....or so they think. Many of us are done playing their stupid games.
Jack Smith is mind fucking MAGA to the nth degree. The Docs Indictment will be tried in Trump Red Florida, Getting a conviction is a slam dunk because even MAGA jurists will experience something they may never have experienced in their perpetually aggrieved white straight overburdened and oppressed and victimized lives .. . . They will examine under a code of honor written laws and facts and explanations and visual and audio evidence with eleven others being more intelligent and articulate than them while being expected to make a judgement based on truth. it won’t be like watching Tucker and pounding a fist going yeah Yeah It’s the Goddam truth.

LIKE I say slam dunk in Florida.

While Trump is trying to make a shit show fund raiser out of the Florida venue, Jack Smith has a bigger case and indictment brewing in DC where the crime of insurrection seditious conspiracy, obstruction of the Jan6 proceeding, incitement to violence while Trump’s lawyers are busy defending Trumo’s stupidity for just not giving the top secret highly sensitive classified documents back.

Smith is going after the meat and potatoes of Trump’s crimes. Florida is just jello and the shiny object to keep the MAGA mob lawyers from focusing on Trumo’s most deplorable and harmful to the sanctity of law and order by a president never before imagined.
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But they gave the docs back. :)
Trump didn't. And he may be able to stall, but he's gonna get dinged for it.
The funniest part about this whole debacle is you just will not give this man up..and it's gonna cost you.

Go ahead, start something. You cucks are all talk and no walk.
What an absolute embarrassment the Alt-Right has become in this country
So? Hillary didn't give her deleted 30,000 emails back!

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