I'm Starting To Change My Mind About Trump

lol you Fever Swamp deviants are absolutely terrified of Trump.

Will Trump use the Oathkeepers and Proud Boys as a his private militia to do what Independentthinker insists needs to be done outside the Constitution?

{ last paragraph #1 }These people need purging and revenge is needed to purge these anti-Americans from our government and our government agencies. We are facing the greatest threat this country has ever faced and revenge is the only way for us to turn it around. We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve. { 1.thnkr.23.06 #1 }

{ nf.23.06.11 #261 to dlysmth.23.06.11 #259 }
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Having the documents is not the crime, as we see in the cases of Pence and Biden. The crime might be waving it around to people without clearance.

Refusing to return them is it seems.

Showing htem off to people at your golf club is as well according to the Grand Jury.

Now, Trump gets his day in court in the friendly confines of South Florida presided by a judge he appointed.
Refusing to return them is it seems.

Showing htem off to people at your golf club is as well according to the Grand Jury.

Now, Trump gets his day in court in the friendly confines of South Florida presided by a judge he appointed.

I doubt she will remain the judge when the trial begins...

I doubt she will remain the judge when the trial begins...
She might just be surprisingly “blindfolded” and deal the way a judge should deal after having a chance to read the indictment or at least look at the pictures.

This indictment and criminal behavior is so damning to Trump because Trump was so stupid to try to get his lawyers to commit the crime of destroying or hiding classified documents which caused him to lose “attorney client privilege” and his former lawyer will be a star witness for the prosecution. That’s a conviction on obstruction right there. And then Trump had his soldier hide the docs from the lawyers with text messages and photos of what he did with knowledge that it was a crime.

JUDGE Cannon I think will overcome her Leanard Leo, Federalist Society Christian Nation brainwashing sufficient to not expose herself doing favors for the criminal that appointed her to the bench. She wont want to disturb her ride on the Gravy Train where Clarence and Ginny Thomas have their very own luxury car and another for his momma as well - bless her heart.
My understanding and reading of the presidential records act does not say the former president can take over 300 CLASSIFIED documents with him and keep them or keep any records, without negotiating with the National Archives for them, who is the custodian of the presidential records for the American people?

There is no criminal punishment tied to breaking the PRA. ...thus no charges to bring.
NARA knew what he had. The FBI had been given access to ALL the documents in an earlier visit, looked through them, had permission to take whatever they wanted. Even if he made a mistake or overlooked something, it would have been a minor thing worthy of a mild criticism at best.

This latest indictment occurred just before Christopher Wrap was obligated to turn over to Congress a document damning Biden to 1) divert media attention from that document and 2) to continue their efforts to force Trump out of the presidential race.

It is wrong. It is evil. Such weaponization of the Justice Dept. or any government against political opponents is far more a threat to our Constitutional Republic--the Democrats call it a threat to our democracy--than ANYTHING Trump could possibly have done.
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Almost everyone believes he's guilty..his supporters simply don't care. They'll jump on the 'whatabout' train...and roll on.
His guilt or innocence is irrelevant..their excuse will be that the system is so corrupt..that Trump is forced to be corrupt in self-defense.
and people like you could give a shit less that other politicians have done the exact same shit, or worse, with no repercussions. You hatred for Trump makes you want to persecute him regardless of whether or not hes guilty of anything.
and people like you could give a shit less that other politicians have done the exact same shit, or worse, with no repercussions. You hatred for Trump makes you want to persecute him regardless of whether or not hes guilty of anything.
I think it is the evidence that Trump broke the law that requires prosecution.
I was watching Fox this AM and except for Gowdy and Barr every single one of them talked about fairness and whatabouts, and that was all. I have not heard a one of them say Trump did not do it. Interesting.
I was watching Fox this AM and except for Gowdy and Barr every single one of them talked about fairness and whatabouts, and that was all. I have not heard a one of them say Trump did not do it. Interesting.

They just do not care.

I asked them if the tape turns out to be real and he was really showing off classified document to people at his golf club if that would matter, and not one MAGA person said it would.

They are truly a cult.
It's fascinating, how every Trump cult sore-loser tells the same weirdass butthurt fables. Their stories have no basis in reality, but that doesn't matter to them. TheParty told them it was true, so they BELIEVE. And they are skilled parrots, you have to give them that.

We can't save the hardcore Trump cultists. They've strayed too far into their alternate sore-loser reality, and they are forever lost to decency and morality.
Not much different than all the Dems that dismiss all the claims about Biden with a wave of their hand.
Oh yea, that time Biden attempted to overthrow the government? I get kinda embarrassed for you guys when you do this. Which claim to you guys have evidence for that would hold up in court?
Oh yea, that time Biden attempted to overthrow the government? I get kinda embarrassed for you guys when you do this.

Who are "you guys"?

Which claim to you guys have evidence for that would hold up in court?

I do not have any claims at all, but the Repubs do. I did not say they were true, but I also do not dismiss the with the wave of my hand due to partisanship
Who are "you guys"?

I do not have any claims at all, but the Repubs do. I did not say they were true, but I also do not dismiss the with the wave of my hand due to partisanship
I might have double clicked the reply or something. Anyway, by you guys I meant the collective Trump defenders that know no bounds. As for evidence I would really like for Biden not to run next time. But instead the RWers just make up stuff that they "know" but never quite come up with real evidence.
Maybe you didn't read my post clearly. I said Comey leaked classified info to the media, not his superiors.

And then you asked "Where is his indictment?".

So, I asked who was over the DOJ when he did it, that is who should have brought the indictment

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