I'm Starting To Change My Mind About Trump

Refusing to return them is it seems.

Showing htem off to people at your golf club is as well according to the Grand Jury.

Now, Trump gets his day in court in the friendly confines of South Florida presided by a judge he appointed.

NARA knew he had them and

NARA knew what he had. The FBI had been given access to ALL the documents in an earlier visit, looked through them, had permission to take whatever they wanted. Even if he made a mistake or overlooked something, it would have been a minor thing worthy of a mild criticism at best.

This latest indictment occurred just before Christopher Wrap was obligated to turn over to Congress a document damning Biden to 1) divert media attention from that document and 2) to continue their efforts to force Trump out of the presidential race.

It is wrong. It is evil. Such weaponization of the Justice Dept. or any government against political opponents is far more a threat to our Constitutional Republic--the Democrats call it a threat to our democracy--than ANYTHING Trump could possibly have done.
Yup. Trump had classified documents showing detailed instructions oh how the Secret Service trains their dogs. So, Trump must go to jail for that.
Yup. Trump had classified documents showing detailed instructions oh how the Secret Service trains their dogs. So, Trump must go to jail for that.
No, he had classified documents about the USA's nuclear arsenal, and showed them off to his visitors.

Lie better, little fascist stooge. Your superiors are disappointed in the poor quality of your lies. Given how much training they've provided you, they expect better.
I was watching Fox this AM and except for Gowdy and Barr every single one of them talked about fairness and whatabouts, and that was all. I have not heard a one of them say Trump did not do it. Interesting.
The whole thing is whataboutism. When others do the same thing as Trump and only Trump is indicted, it shows a bias in the DOJ.
I think it is the evidence that Trump broke the law that requires prosecution.
Then why aren't the others who broke the law not being prosecuted? It shows a clear bias, politicalization, and weaponization of the DOJ.
Yup. Trump had classified documents showing detailed instructions oh how the Secret Service trains their dogs. So, Trump must go to jail for that.
I'm pretty sure whatever he had was of no more or little more significance than that or else it would have been on the front page of every newspaper in the country and leading the evening newscasts.
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I'm in agreement with Trump, let the Democrats destroy themselves by conducting a Dem WITCH HUNT on a former POTUS. This throws open the door wide to drag the corrupt Democrats into court, under oath and bitch slap the shit out of them. :muahaha:
I never liked Trump. Didn't vote for him in 2016 (didn't vote for Hillary either). Only voted for him in 2020 because I didn't want socialism. Didn't want him to be president or win the nomination in 2024. I truly believed that if he won in 2024 he would be consumed and obsessed with revenge and that with all the other problems facing us, him being elected would not be best for the country. I felt we needed to get past revenge and concentrate on the things which are best for our country and I sincerely believe Trump would be unable to do that so I had no intention of voting for Trump in the primaries or in the general.


That has all changed with the DOJ's recent nonsense indictments (in addition to all of the other abuses of power by Democrats over the last six years). It has become abundantly clear that the greatest threat to our country is not inflation, it is not a looming recession, it is not our national debt, and it is not us being on the brink of WWIII. The greatest threat facing our country right now is the total and complete abuse of power and weaponization of government agencies including the DOJ, the FBI, and even the CIA by the Democrats, who also want to take away our first amendment rights, our second amendment rights, and are indoctrinating our children as the Nazi's did in Germany. These people need purging and revenge is needed to purge these anti-Americans from our government and our government agencies. We are facing the greatest threat this country has ever faced and revenge is the only way for us to turn it around. We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve.

Me too.

I used to think that he'd never go to prison.


It sure looks like it now!
You're just making shit up - either you are or whatever bizarro YouTuber you follow. None of that happened.

Says an uninformed moron. Comey and the FBI admitted to advising her to destroy hard drives and the FBI destroyed phones themselves as well. Just because you're ignorant is no reason to double down on stupid like your peer group does.
Me too.

I used to think that he'd never go to prison.


It sure looks like it now!

Still not entirely convinced of that, even if he gets convicted.

I get that this classified docs case is the easier-to-reach low-hanging fruit case (in theory), but the case that needs to get fast-tracked is the insurrection. Convict him of that and he likely, by law, cannot appear on any ballot for a federal election ever again, and that is what they should have done first, at least from a strategic standpoint.

They've got Meadows flipping on him and no doubt have other witnesses too, so this is the kind of case they could use to put pressure on him to drop out of the race, take a plea deal, no jail time, no nothing, just admit guilt, and suspend other prosecutions.

No guarantee Trump would actually agree to it, but his lawyers would fume and likely quit one after another if he didn't.
The DOJ is basing decisions on politics.
There must be a criterion of credibility that you do not have to make that meaningless accusation admissible in court.

The evidence and the timing of all the actions of both parties is very simply presented in the indictment and that is what the indictment is based on. None of the charges are circumstantial or depending upon heresay by anti-Trump witnesses..



And the search warrant was legally sealed obtained and enforced.

If Trump held nothing back after the FBI search there was to be no indictment.

In that sense the DOJ is a basing the indictment on Trump being extremely stupid.

Those of us outside the cult know Trump is a “stupid” driven man second only to greed.
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Will Trump use the Oathkeepers and Proud Boys as a his private militia to do what Independentthinker insists needs to be done outside the Constitution?

{ last paragraph #1 }These people need purging and revenge is needed to purge these anti-Americans from our government and our government agencies. We are facing the greatest threat this country has ever faced and revenge is the only way for us to turn it around. We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve. { 1.thnkr.23.06 #1 }

{ nf.23.06.11 #261 to dlysmth.23.06.11 #259 }
No. Trump won't use anything. But democrats will use the army of military age men they are encouraging to illegally cross our border.

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