CDZ "I’m The Scary Transgender Person The Media Warned You About"

Okay. I was surprised to see that this is a Christian family, dad's a pastor, etc. Nobody seems to have found that unusual or worthy of a paradigm shift.

Why is that surprising? People have unconditional love for their children. That is totally normal.


Do you have any idea how many LGBTQ kids get kicked out of the nest? No. Most people would react exactly as the people on this board react.

How many?

Perspective | Homeless rates for LGBT teens are alarming, but parents can make a difference

Up to 1.6 million young people experience homelessness in the United States every year. Forty percent of them identify as LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender), according to a 2012 study conducted by the Williams Institute at UCLA Law. It’s estimated that LGBT youth represent about 7 percent of the population, which puts that 40 percent figure into heartbreaking context.

The study’s other findings are equally bleak: 46 percent of homeless LGBT youths ran away because of family rejection of their sexual orientation or gender identity; 43 percent were forced out by parents, and 32 percent faced physical, emotional or sexual abuse at home.

“There are several reasons parents reject their LGBT youth,” said Telaina Eriksen, author of “Unconditional: A Guide to Loving and Supporting Your LGBTQ Child.” “Sometimes it is based on religion; they think that their child is a sinner or that their child needs to be punished so they see ‘the error of their ways.’ They might think if they force their child to leave their home, their child may return repenting, magically somehow no longer LGBT.”

Unconditional love.

This does not mean that is WHY they were thrown out of their homes. It is well documented that transgender people have more emotional/mental issues than the normal population. It could be that they are just assholes? Maybe they steal from their parents to support a drug habit? Maybe their parents are at their wits end with these kids and don't know what to do with them anymore because they refuse to abide by the parent's rules while living in their homes?

Children are malleable and they should not be encouraged to be gender dysmorphic.
They need parental guidance.

And when they get older, and they remain certain they are in the wrong body. How do you then proceed?

There are studies that reveal that 75% or more of children who are believing that they are "transgender" grow out of it by the time they reach their mid 20s.

Kindly provide them.
If your child seems confused about his gender, then I would suggest therapy to find out why and that you reinforce to him that he is a boy and that he is a wonderful person. Being a girl won't change that or who he is.
Children are malleable and they should not be encouraged to be gender dysmorphic.
They need parental guidance.

And when they get older, and they remain certain they are in the wrong body. How do you then proceed?

There are studies that reveal that 75% or more of children who are believing that they are "transgender" grow out of it by the time they reach their mid 20s.

Kindly provide them.

Just google it. There are millions of links. I don't want to pick one for you and have you not like my choice of source. :D I'm onto this game.
Children are malleable and they should not be encouraged to be gender dysmorphic.
They need parental guidance.

And when they get older, and they remain certain they are in the wrong body. How do you then proceed?

There are studies that reveal that 75% or more of children who are believing that they are "transgender" grow out of it by the time they reach their mid 20s.

Kindly provide them.

I will give you a link to duckduckgo if that would help you out. You can proceed from there.

transgender kids grow out of it at DuckDuckGo
I can't imagine the parent who would put their child's normal development on hold with pubertal blockers. That is definitely child abuse, IMO. This can probably lead to some serious, serious issues in the future. What they are actually doing is completely destroying these children's lives. Once these transgender therapists get their hands on these kids, they can say goodbye to any semblance of a normal life.
Why is that surprising? People have unconditional love for their children. That is totally normal.


Do you have any idea how many LGBTQ kids get kicked out of the nest? No. Most people would react exactly as the people on this board react.

How many?

Perspective | Homeless rates for LGBT teens are alarming, but parents can make a difference

Up to 1.6 million young people experience homelessness in the United States every year. Forty percent of them identify as LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender), according to a 2012 study conducted by the Williams Institute at UCLA Law. It’s estimated that LGBT youth represent about 7 percent of the population, which puts that 40 percent figure into heartbreaking context.

The study’s other findings are equally bleak: 46 percent of homeless LGBT youths ran away because of family rejection of their sexual orientation or gender identity; 43 percent were forced out by parents, and 32 percent faced physical, emotional or sexual abuse at home.

“There are several reasons parents reject their LGBT youth,” said Telaina Eriksen, author of “Unconditional: A Guide to Loving and Supporting Your LGBTQ Child.” “Sometimes it is based on religion; they think that their child is a sinner or that their child needs to be punished so they see ‘the error of their ways.’ They might think if they force their child to leave their home, their child may return repenting, magically somehow no longer LGBT.”

Unconditional love.

This does not mean that is WHY they were thrown out of their homes. It is well documented that transgender people have more emotional/mental issues than the normal population. It could be that they are just assholes? Maybe they steal from their parents to support a drug habit? Maybe their parents are at their wits end with these kids and don't know what to do with them anymore because they refuse to abide by the parent's rules while living in their homes?


Wow? Is this something else you were unaware of? Do you need another link for education? :D
Children are malleable and they should not be encouraged to be gender dysmorphic.
They need parental guidance.

And when they get older, and they remain certain they are in the wrong body. How do you then proceed?
When they become adults, they can do as they see fit.

“They remain certain they are in the wrong body” crazy is that. A person needs to accept the cards he has been dealt in life.

What Is a Behavior Problem?
According to a study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry 2001 Nov;158(11):1783-93, the impulsivity issue that drives most behavior problems is uncontrollable, an unplanned reaction to environmental or internal or mental stimuli. Even though negative consequences may result from this behavior, the patient continues to engage – even to the point of great stress and unhappiness. Many patients want more than anything to be able to control the behavior that is destroying their ability to interact with others, maintain employment, leave the house or get anywhere on time, or maintain their finances. Unlike addiction that is defined by the creation of negative consequences that make no impression on the patient, most patients living with behavior problems want help for the problem. According to a study published in 2002 in The American Journal of Psychiatry, 2002 Oct;159(10):1642-52, a number of the disorders that are classified as behavior problems or behavioral disorders are more technically considered impulse-control disorders (ICDs). However, the lack of impulse control is a key to a number of different types of disorders, including drug addiction issues, personality disorders, and social disorders. This means that the many people diagnosed with behavioral problems also struggle with other mental health issues. When this is the case, it is even more important to seek professional treatment that can address the complex integration of symptoms most effectively. The American Psychiatric Association says that the compulsive behaviors that define behavioral problems like gambling addiction, shopping addiction, sex addiction, hoarding and other issues are performed by the patient primarily with the goal of relieving stress or tension. Only in some cases do patients experience a “high” or gratification of any kind – though they may seek that feeling. In most cases, the need to perform a “tic” behavior or a compulsive behavior is done purely to dispel the pent-up distress or frustration that cumulates from not indulging in the behavior for a period of time.

Do you have any idea how many LGBTQ kids get kicked out of the nest? No. Most people would react exactly as the people on this board react.

How many?

Perspective | Homeless rates for LGBT teens are alarming, but parents can make a difference

Up to 1.6 million young people experience homelessness in the United States every year. Forty percent of them identify as LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender), according to a 2012 study conducted by the Williams Institute at UCLA Law. It’s estimated that LGBT youth represent about 7 percent of the population, which puts that 40 percent figure into heartbreaking context.

The study’s other findings are equally bleak: 46 percent of homeless LGBT youths ran away because of family rejection of their sexual orientation or gender identity; 43 percent were forced out by parents, and 32 percent faced physical, emotional or sexual abuse at home.

“There are several reasons parents reject their LGBT youth,” said Telaina Eriksen, author of “Unconditional: A Guide to Loving and Supporting Your LGBTQ Child.” “Sometimes it is based on religion; they think that their child is a sinner or that their child needs to be punished so they see ‘the error of their ways.’ They might think if they force their child to leave their home, their child may return repenting, magically somehow no longer LGBT.”

Unconditional love.

This does not mean that is WHY they were thrown out of their homes. It is well documented that transgender people have more emotional/mental issues than the normal population. It could be that they are just assholes? Maybe they steal from their parents to support a drug habit? Maybe their parents are at their wits end with these kids and don't know what to do with them anymore because they refuse to abide by the parent's rules while living in their homes?


Wow? Is this something else you were unaware of? Do you need another link for education? :D

Were you not talking unconditional love mere minutes ago?
Children are malleable and they should not be encouraged to be gender dysmorphic.
They need parental guidance.

And when they get older, and they remain certain they are in the wrong body. How do you then proceed?
When they become adults, they can do as they see fit.

“They remain certain they are in the wrong body” crazy is that. A person needs to accept the cards he has been dealt in life.

And would you accept your child as they are?
What Is a Behavior Problem?
According to a study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry 2001 Nov;158(11):1783-93, the impulsivity issue that drives most behavior problems is uncontrollable, an unplanned reaction to environmental or internal or mental stimuli. Even though negative consequences may result from this behavior, the patient continues to engage – even to the point of great stress and unhappiness. Many patients want more than anything to be able to control the behavior that is destroying their ability to interact with others, maintain employment, leave the house or get anywhere on time, or maintain their finances. Unlike addiction that is defined by the creation of negative consequences that make no impression on the patient, most patients living with behavior problems want help for the problem. According to a study published in 2002 in The American Journal of Psychiatry, 2002 Oct;159(10):1642-52, a number of the disorders that are classified as behavior problems or behavioral disorders are more technically considered impulse-control disorders (ICDs). However, the lack of impulse control is a key to a number of different types of disorders, including drug addiction issues, personality disorders, and social disorders. This means that the many people diagnosed with behavioral problems also struggle with other mental health issues. When this is the case, it is even more important to seek professional treatment that can address the complex integration of symptoms most effectively. The American Psychiatric Association says that the compulsive behaviors that define behavioral problems like gambling addiction, shopping addiction, sex addiction, hoarding and other issues are performed by the patient primarily with the goal of relieving stress or tension. Only in some cases do patients experience a “high” or gratification of any kind – though they may seek that feeling. In most cases, the need to perform a “tic” behavior or a compulsive behavior is done purely to dispel the pent-up distress or frustration that cumulates from not indulging in the behavior for a period of time.

I wonder how much things have changed since 2001.
Children are malleable and they should not be encouraged to be gender dysmorphic.
They need parental guidance.

And when they get older, and they remain certain they are in the wrong body. How do you then proceed?

There are studies that reveal that 75% or more of children who are believing that they are "transgender" grow out of it by the time they reach their mid 20s.

Kindly provide them.

I will give you a link to duckduckgo if that would help you out. You can proceed from there.

transgender kids grow out of it at DuckDuckGo

You are apparently unaware that when you make a baseless allegation, you need to provide a citation to prove that your point is factual.
What Is a Behavior Problem?
According to a study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry 2001 Nov;158(11):1783-93, the impulsivity issue that drives most behavior problems is uncontrollable, an unplanned reaction to environmental or internal or mental stimuli. Even though negative consequences may result from this behavior, the patient continues to engage – even to the point of great stress and unhappiness. Many patients want more than anything to be able to control the behavior that is destroying their ability to interact with others, maintain employment, leave the house or get anywhere on time, or maintain their finances. Unlike addiction that is defined by the creation of negative consequences that make no impression on the patient, most patients living with behavior problems want help for the problem. According to a study published in 2002 in The American Journal of Psychiatry, 2002 Oct;159(10):1642-52, a number of the disorders that are classified as behavior problems or behavioral disorders are more technically considered impulse-control disorders (ICDs). However, the lack of impulse control is a key to a number of different types of disorders, including drug addiction issues, personality disorders, and social disorders. This means that the many people diagnosed with behavioral problems also struggle with other mental health issues. When this is the case, it is even more important to seek professional treatment that can address the complex integration of symptoms most effectively. The American Psychiatric Association says that the compulsive behaviors that define behavioral problems like gambling addiction, shopping addiction, sex addiction, hoarding and other issues are performed by the patient primarily with the goal of relieving stress or tension. Only in some cases do patients experience a “high” or gratification of any kind – though they may seek that feeling. In most cases, the need to perform a “tic” behavior or a compulsive behavior is done purely to dispel the pent-up distress or frustration that cumulates from not indulging in the behavior for a period of time.

I wonder how much things have changed since 2001.

Why would things change? What parts of the above are you in disagreement with?
Children are malleable and they should not be encouraged to be gender dysmorphic.
They need parental guidance.

And when they get older, and they remain certain they are in the wrong body. How do you then proceed?

There are studies that reveal that 75% or more of children who are believing that they are "transgender" grow out of it by the time they reach their mid 20s.

Kindly provide them.

I will give you a link to duckduckgo if that would help you out. You can proceed from there.

transgender kids grow out of it at DuckDuckGo

You are apparently unaware that when you make a baseless allegation, you need to provide a citation to prove that your point is factual.

It's not baseless. If you want to know, you can look it up. I already know. I've done my homework. :)
Children are malleable and they should not be encouraged to be gender dysmorphic.
They need parental guidance.

And when they get older, and they remain certain they are in the wrong body. How do you then proceed?
When they become adults, they can do as they see fit.

“They remain certain they are in the wrong body” crazy is that. A person needs to accept the cards he has been dealt in life.

And would you accept your child as they are?

I would. My child is a boy. I accept that he is a boy and so does he, as any healthy well adjusted person does.
Children are malleable and they should not be encouraged to be gender dysmorphic.
They need parental guidance.

And when they get older, and they remain certain they are in the wrong body. How do you then proceed?
When they become adults, they can do as they see fit.

“They remain certain they are in the wrong body” crazy is that. A person needs to accept the cards he has been dealt in life.

And would you accept your child as they are?

Is putting them on pubertal blockers accepting them for what they are?
What about this? How do you feel about amputating totally healthy limbs because the person who owns those limbs feels as though they don't belong there? Does this make sense? Is this the right "route" to take in treatment of these people, to handicap them forever?

The science and ethics of voluntary amputation | Mo Costandi

The science and ethics of voluntary amputation
Should amputation be offered as a treatment to people suffering from Body Integrity Identity Disorder?

Mo Costandi

Wed 30 May 2012 13.07 EDTFirst published on Wed 30 May 2012 13.07 EDT



In Habib Azar's 2010 black comedy Armless, Daniel London plays John, who has a compulsive desire to have both of his arms cut off
Earlier this month I gave a talk about a condition called Body Identity Integrity Disorder, which is characterised by the desire to amputate a healthy limb. I described the possible neurological basis of the condition, and then argued that surgical amputation should be offered to those sufferers who request it. Here's a summary of the talk.

In January 2000, the mass media ran several stories about Robert Smith, a surgeon at the Falkirk and District Royal Infirmary who had amputated the legs of two patients at their own request and was planning a third amputation. The news stories incorrectly described the patients as suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder. They further stated that the director of NHS trust running the hospital at which Smith works described the amputation of healthy limbs as "inappropriate"; since then, no British hospital has performed a voluntary amputation.

The patients were, in fact, suffering from Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), an apparently rare condition characterized by a burning and incessant desire to amputate an otherwise perfectly healthy limb. The first documented case of BIID dates back to a medical textbook published in 1785, by the French surgeon and anatomist Jean-Joseph Sue, who described the case of an Englishman who fell in love with a one-legged woman, and wanted to become an amputee himself so that he could win her heart. He offered a surgeon 100 guineas to amputate his leg and, when the surgeon refused, forced him to perform the operation at gunpoint.

Subsequently, the pioneering neuropsychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing described three cases of what appear to be BIID in his classic 1906 book, Psycopathia Sexualis. "Even bodily defects become fetishes," wrote von Krafft-Ebing. He describes a 28-year-old factory engineer, who "complained of a peculiar mania, which caused him to doubt his sanity." He continues:

Since his 17th year he became sexually excited at the sight of physical defects in women, especially lameness and disfigured feet. Normal women had no attraction for him. If a woman, however, was afflicted with lameness or with contorted or disfigured feet, she exercised a powerful sensual influence over him, no matter whether she was otherwise pretty or ugly. In his dreams… the forms of halting women were ever before him. At times he could not resist the temptation to imitate their gait, which caused vehement orgasm with lustful ejaculation… He thought it would cause him intense pleasure to mate with a lame woman. At any rate, he could never marry any other than a lame woman.

This is followed by a second case:

He used to limp about the room on two brooms in lieu of crutches, or when unobserved, go limping about the streets… in his erotic dreams, the idea of the limping girl was always the controlling element. The personality of the halting girl was a matter of indifference, his interest being solely centered in the limping foot. He never had coitus with a girl thus afflicted. His perverse fancies revolved around masturbation against the foot of a halting female. At times he anchored his hope on the thought that he might succeed in winning and marrying a chaste lame girl… His present existence was on of untold misery.

Finally, Krafft-Ebing describes the case of a 30-year-old civil servant:

…since his 7th year he had for a playmate a lame girl of the same age. At the age of 12, puberty set in, and it lies beyond doubt that the first sexual emotions towards the other sex were coincident with the sight of the lame girl. For ever after only halting women excited him sexually. His fetish was a pretty lady who, like the companion of his childhood, limped with the left foot. He sought early relations with the opposite sex but was absolutely impotent with women who were not lame. Virility and gratification were most strongly elicited if the woman limped with the left foot, but he was also successful if the lameness was in the right foot. His sexual anomaly rendered him very unhappy and he was often near committing suicide.
How many?

Perspective | Homeless rates for LGBT teens are alarming, but parents can make a difference

Up to 1.6 million young people experience homelessness in the United States every year. Forty percent of them identify as LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender), according to a 2012 study conducted by the Williams Institute at UCLA Law. It’s estimated that LGBT youth represent about 7 percent of the population, which puts that 40 percent figure into heartbreaking context.

The study’s other findings are equally bleak: 46 percent of homeless LGBT youths ran away because of family rejection of their sexual orientation or gender identity; 43 percent were forced out by parents, and 32 percent faced physical, emotional or sexual abuse at home.

“There are several reasons parents reject their LGBT youth,” said Telaina Eriksen, author of “Unconditional: A Guide to Loving and Supporting Your LGBTQ Child.” “Sometimes it is based on religion; they think that their child is a sinner or that their child needs to be punished so they see ‘the error of their ways.’ They might think if they force their child to leave their home, their child may return repenting, magically somehow no longer LGBT.”

Unconditional love.

This does not mean that is WHY they were thrown out of their homes. It is well documented that transgender people have more emotional/mental issues than the normal population. It could be that they are just assholes? Maybe they steal from their parents to support a drug habit? Maybe their parents are at their wits end with these kids and don't know what to do with them anymore because they refuse to abide by the parent's rules while living in their homes?


Wow? Is this something else you were unaware of? Do you need another link for education? :D

Were you not talking unconditional love mere minutes ago?

Yes? Just because you can't have someone living under your roof (like a drug addict who would steal your mortgage money), doesn't mean you have stopped loving or caring about them. Sometimes, people don't have another choice. The person is destructive.

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