CDZ "I’m The Scary Transgender Person The Media Warned You About"

Creepy doesn't have to mean scary either. Creepy is anything that creeps you out, gives you the willies, etc. Kind of like vomit. While you aren't really afraid of it, you don't want it anywhere near you.
Like the idea of obese, really obese people having sex?
Creepy doesn't have to mean scary either. Creepy is anything that creeps you out, gives you the willies, etc. Kind of like vomit. While you aren't really afraid of it, you don't want it anywhere near you.
Like the idea of obese, really obese people having sex?

The thought of an elderly lesbian inserting phallic like toys into her "lover" is definitely a vision that would cure the affliction of an erection lasting longer than five hours........
Transgender should not be confused with gay or straight. Jenner says he still prefers the ladies, as does a teenager transitioning from male to female as 'documented' on TLC

When I close my eyes and just be me in my head, I’m not usually thinking about what reproductive parts my body has. I like what I like. I don’t like what I don’t like. In today’s society, there are very few roles that aren’t interchangeable between males and females. If I eliminate sexual preference from the equation, being male or female has little to do with who I am. It just doesn’t make sense to have anxiety about being male or female....I accept myself for who I am. My reproductive parts do not determine my happiness or the person I am on the inside.

I get what you're saying - but feelings and external equipment do not determine one's sex, nor do roles, with one notable exception. Whether you are male or female is determined genetically, at the chromosome level and can be forensically identified through dna or skeletal examination with no genitalia in sight. Being male or female is well more than skin deep and impossible to say that it has no bearing on who one is - it has everything to do with who one is. Happiness, feelings and preferences are conditions of the mind and easily changeable - sex determination is written in indelible ink long before conscious thought.

Generally speaking (I know there are exceptions) men are attracted to women and women are attracted to men...without forethought. It is intriguing that two males, Jenner and Jazz (on TLC), while they have altered their physical appearance, find themselves attracted to the opposite the men they are internally.

Bottom line is this - dress how you want, have the cosmetic surgery you want (don't ask me to pay for it), let nature alone determine the limitations on the roles you play in society - but don't ask me to pretend we are clownfish.

Really good video. I don't know what religion they are, beyond "Christian" (dad is wearing a collar) but they just seem very cool, smart, insightful and accepting.

And here we have Joseph Sciambra is author of Swallowed by Satan: How Our Lord Jesus Christ Saved Me from Pornography, Homosexuality, and the Occult.

For a long time, I tried to convince myself that I was born “gay.” That God made a mistake or just made me this way. But it never made sense. As much as I wanted my body to be receptive like that of a woman, it just never was. My body was designed in a certain way for a certain function. Modern man, through science, can change the appearance, but it doesn’t transform the fundamental structure. I was born male. And nothing I could do or imagine would change that. The way God made me was good. When I was touched by evil, that which God made as good became the cause of my unrest.

It’s easier to believe that someone is simply born “gay,” or somehow assigned the wrong gender at birth, but there is more to this story. In the Netherlands, a country with a long history of LGBT acceptance and tolerance, the levels of mental illness in “gay” men remain higher than among heterosexuals. In Sweden, even those in a same-sex marriage still experience higher rates of suicide than those in an opposite-sex marriage. And 46% of trans women attempt suicide. The rates of those who have not revealed their transgender identity remain largely unchanged. Adults and children with same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria need love, but they also need the truth. And they need our guidance.

You and your family will be in my prayers,

Well, he's already got a pretty tenuous grasp on reality (see book title,) so I'm not going to lend him much credence. Just sharing the perception of a lot of people who don't see this girl's reality, just what they filtered through their own life lens.

Has anybody else (besides me) changed what they believe about the sexuality spectrum and everybody on it? Because there are a whole lot of people who don't have their needle buried in either 'straight' or 'gay.'

You are certainly free to think that it is not creepy, but a lot of others do find it to be creepy. Yes, it is completely normal for humans to judge other humans that they let into their "circle" based on their own experiences. We like to be around people we have things in common with.

I don't really care. What they do with themselves is up to them (although I would say mangling your sex organs and making yourself basically sterile and unable to have a family in the future if you change your mind a HUGE mistake).

Otherwise, I don't want to be any part of it. If it was someone I knew, I would be polite but would avoid that person if at all possible. If you look like a man, I am certainly not going to call you a "she" for any other reason than I like you and respect you. I don't for a New York minute think a man is actually a woman and vice versa though. That is just a denial of reality and basic biology and science.

Did you watch the video?

Scared the sh*t outta me

Can you imagine being confronted with a child having gender identity issues?

And having to consider this 'medical journey' , of irreversible avenues , pre-puberty?

Who's making the call here? The kid? the parents? some quack doctor?

Our society assumes there is only one way to be male and one way to be female. In reality it isn't that specific; most of the attitude is cultural rather than natural. I think kids should not be encouraged to make any definite assumptions about their gender orientation until they are adults (18 minimum). We need to evolve culturally. We are stuck in social attitudes that have been with us since the beginning of human civilization and are as primitive as early civilization.

No, we are stuck with biology and no amount of relativism can make wishing otherwise reality.
Our society assumes there is only one way to be male and one way to be female. In reality it isn't that specific; most of the attitude is cultural rather than natural. I think kids should not be encouraged to make any definite assumptions about their gender orientation until they are adults (18 minimum). We need to evolve culturally. We are stuck in social attitudes that have been with us since the beginning of human civilization and are as primitive as early civilization.
denying basic biology is natural? :rofl:
Primitive civilization incorporated grown men pissing beside little girls.
You are backwards as hell. JS
That poor child.. I hope the parents decided to sterilize themselves.
Unfortunately the audio on this clip did not come through, but it doesn't matter. The solution here is to let the kid alone. There is no reason for anyone, especially strangers, to become hysterical over someone being transgendered or anything else.

American right-wingers seem to become hysterical whenever matters involving sex or gender come up, as if it were any of their business what someone else does.
Creepy doesn't have to mean scary either. Creepy is anything that creeps you out, gives you the willies, etc. Kind of like vomit. While you aren't really afraid of it, you don't want it anywhere near you.
Like the idea of obese, really obese people having sex?

At least they aren't trying to convince us that they are skinny! :lol:
Our society assumes there is only one way to be male and one way to be female. In reality it isn't that specific; most of the attitude is cultural rather than natural. I think kids should not be encouraged to make any definite assumptions about their gender orientation until they are adults (18 minimum). We need to evolve culturally. We are stuck in social attitudes that have been with us since the beginning of human civilization and are as primitive as early civilization.

Oh yeah, everyone else that's come before were morons, that's such an enlightened attitude that SJW's have. Why didn't anybody think of that before? :rolleyes-41:

Our society assumes there is only one way to be male and one way to be female. In reality it isn't that specific; most of the attitude is cultural rather than natural. I think kids should not be encouraged to make any definite assumptions about their gender orientation until they are adults (18 minimum). We need to evolve culturally. We are stuck in social attitudes that have been with us since the beginning of human civilization and are as primitive as early civilization.

Oh yeah, everyone else that's come before were morons, that's such an enlightened attitude that SJW's have. Why didn't anybody think of that before? :rolleyes-41:


The point is that most people don't have these types of issues. Most people know and accept what they are and don't pressure others to join in some fantasy la la land that they want to live in.
I don't think the CDZ meant what I thought it did.
This thread seems pretty CIVIL to me. This topic has been discussed in other can get very ugly.

Okay. I was surprised to see that this is a Christian family, dad's a pastor, etc. Nobody seems to have found that unusual or worthy of a paradigm shift.
I don't think the CDZ meant what I thought it did.
This thread seems pretty CIVIL to me. This topic has been discussed in other can get very ugly.

Okay. I was surprised to see that this is a Christian family, dad's a pastor, etc. Nobody seems to have found that unusual or worthy of a paradigm shift.

Why is that surprising? People have unconditional love for their children. That is totally normal.
I don't think the CDZ meant what I thought it did.
This thread seems pretty CIVIL to me. This topic has been discussed in other can get very ugly.

Okay. I was surprised to see that this is a Christian family, dad's a pastor, etc. Nobody seems to have found that unusual or worthy of a paradigm shift.

Why is that surprising? People have unconditional love for their children. That is totally normal.


Do you have any idea how many LGBTQ kids get kicked out of the nest? No. Most people would react exactly as the people on this board react.
I don't think the CDZ meant what I thought it did.
This thread seems pretty CIVIL to me. This topic has been discussed in other can get very ugly.

Okay. I was surprised to see that this is a Christian family, dad's a pastor, etc. Nobody seems to have found that unusual or worthy of a paradigm shift.

Why is that surprising? People have unconditional love for their children. That is totally normal.


Do you have any idea how many LGBTQ kids get kicked out of the nest? No. Most people would react exactly as the people on this board react.

How many?
Our society assumes there is only one way to be male and one way to be female. In reality it isn't that specific; most of the attitude is cultural rather than natural. I think kids should not be encouraged to make any definite assumptions about their gender orientation until they are adults (18 minimum). We need to evolve culturally. We are stuck in social attitudes that have been with us since the beginning of human civilization and are as primitive as early civilization.

Oh yeah, everyone else that's come before were morons, that's such an enlightened attitude that SJW's have. Why didn't anybody think of that before? :rolleyes-41:

If you know anything about the history of humankind, you know there have always been homosexual, bi-sexual and transgender people. There always have been and always will be. It is something genetic, something having to do with DNA, not something anyone can do anything about. In the past these people have been ostracized, vilified, made miserable by society and either murdered or commited suicide because of the pain society caused them. It is time to accept that these characteristics are part of human DNA and that we need to be humane and accept such people. Anything else is vicious and brutal, based on ignorance and mean spiritedness.

So, yes, everyone that's come before has been wrong.

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