CDZ "I’m The Scary Transgender Person The Media Warned You About"

If that was my boy, i damn sure wouldnt contribute to his delusion. I strive to be a good, caring parent. Not abuse them emotionally.
Our society assumes there is only one way to be male and one way to be female. In reality it isn't that specific; most of the attitude is cultural rather than natural. I think kids should not be encouraged to make any definite assumptions about their gender orientation until they are adults (18 minimum). We need to evolve culturally. We are stuck in social attitudes that have been with us since the beginning of human civilization and are as primitive as early civilization.

Oh yeah, everyone else that's come before were morons, that's such an enlightened attitude that SJW's have. Why didn't anybody think of that before? :rolleyes-41:

If you know anything about the history of humankind, you know there have always been homosexual, bi-sexual and transgender people. There always have been and always will be. It is something genetic, something having to do with DNA, not something anyone can do anything about. In the past these people have been ostracized, vilified, made miserable by society and either murdered or commited suicide because of the pain society caused them. It is time to accept that these characteristics are part of human DNA and that we need to be humane and accept such people. Anything else is vicious and brutal, based on ignorance and mean spiritedness.

So, yes, everyone that's come before has been wrong.
Mental illness can be hereditary, yes.
Our society assumes there is only one way to be male and one way to be female. In reality it isn't that specific; most of the attitude is cultural rather than natural. I think kids should not be encouraged to make any definite assumptions about their gender orientation until they are adults (18 minimum). We need to evolve culturally. We are stuck in social attitudes that have been with us since the beginning of human civilization and are as primitive as early civilization.

Oh yeah, everyone else that's come before were morons, that's such an enlightened attitude that SJW's have. Why didn't anybody think of that before? :rolleyes-41:

If you know anything about the history of humankind, you know there have always been homosexual, bi-sexual and transgender people. There always have been and always will be. It is something genetic, something having to do with DNA, not something anyone can do anything about. In the past these people have been ostracized, vilified, made miserable by society and either murdered or commited suicide because of the pain society caused them. It is time to accept that these characteristics are part of human DNA and that we need to be humane and accept such people. Anything else is vicious and brutal, based on ignorance and mean spiritedness.

So, yes, everyone that's come before has been wrong.

You can accept people as members as society without sharing in their beliefs. Although it happens, MOST people would not walk up to a transgendered person and start being mean to them just because. They are people too with a multitude of personality traits like anyone else. You assume people give them a hard time BECAUSE they are transgendered (which I will not deny does happen), but that doesn't mean that is a reason why they get thrown out of their homes by their parents or whatever. There could be a lot of other issues at play.
If that was my boy, i damn sure wouldnt contribute to his delusion. I strive to be a good, caring parent. Not abuse them emotionally.

I think it needs to be nipped in the bud immediately and not encouraged at all. You let your boy know he is a boy. No, he cannot wear a dress to school. That is what the girls wear.
Sadly, I think there are some parents who might encourage or contribute to this type of behavior. When I was little and wanted to be a cat, my mom made it quite clear that I couldn't wear my cat tail and ears to school because that is just play and I am not really a cat.
If that was my boy, i damn sure wouldnt contribute to his delusion. I strive to be a good, caring parent. Not abuse them emotionally.

I think it needs to be nipped in the bud immediately and not encouraged at all. You let your boy know he is a boy. No, he cannot wear a dress to school. That is what the girls wear.
Its not even that, really. Its the delusion i have a problem with.
I don't think the CDZ meant what I thought it did.
This thread seems pretty CIVIL to me. This topic has been discussed in other can get very ugly.

Okay. I was surprised to see that this is a Christian family, dad's a pastor, etc. Nobody seems to have found that unusual or worthy of a paradigm shift.

Why is that surprising? People have unconditional love for their children. That is totally normal.


Do you have any idea how many LGBTQ kids get kicked out of the nest? No. Most people would react exactly as the people on this board react.
How about telling the little boy this: We accept that you like being with the girls and to do girly things. You can even go to ballet class and dance with the girls. You can have long pretty hair. But you are still a boy! But who you are on the inside is a lot more than being a boy or girl.
Sadly, I think there are some parents who might encourage or contribute to this type of behavior. When I was little and wanted to be a cat, my mom made it quite clear that I couldn't wear my cat tail and ears to school because that is just play and I am not really a cat.
I’ve had people call me a cat, but they used a different word.
I don't think the CDZ meant what I thought it did.
This thread seems pretty CIVIL to me. This topic has been discussed in other can get very ugly.

Okay. I was surprised to see that this is a Christian family, dad's a pastor, etc. Nobody seems to have found that unusual or worthy of a paradigm shift.

Why is that surprising? People have unconditional love for their children. That is totally normal.


Do you have any idea how many LGBTQ kids get kicked out of the nest? No. Most people would react exactly as the people on this board react.
How about telling the little boy this: We accept that you like being with the girls and to do girly things. You can even go to ballet class and dance with the girls. You can have long pretty hair. But you are still a boy! But who you are on the inside is a lot more than being a boy or girl.

The fact that they are SO caught up in their "gender identity" is very telling, IMO, and especially when this is occurring when they are like . . . really young kids who don't usually consider such things.
Children are malleable and they should not be encouraged to be gender dysmorphic.
They need parental guidance.
And how far does that go, in your estimation? If a girl wants to play with cars and trucks? Okay or not okay.

If a boy wants to play with dolls? Okay or not okay.

Are the bulk of the people here parents? Is it recent enough that you remember what it's like to cross an adamant two year-old.

I'm just trying to follow along with how you think you'd handle it - and if you realize that in all likelihood all you've done is driven your child's thoughts, beliefs and perceptions underground.
This thread seems pretty CIVIL to me. This topic has been discussed in other can get very ugly.

Okay. I was surprised to see that this is a Christian family, dad's a pastor, etc. Nobody seems to have found that unusual or worthy of a paradigm shift.

Why is that surprising? People have unconditional love for their children. That is totally normal.


Do you have any idea how many LGBTQ kids get kicked out of the nest? No. Most people would react exactly as the people on this board react.
How about telling the little boy this: We accept that you like being with the girls and to do girly things. You can even go to ballet class and dance with the girls. You can have long pretty hair. But you are still a boy! But who you are on the inside is a lot more than being a boy or girl.

The fact that they are SO caught up in their "gender identity" is very telling, IMO, and especially when this is occurring when they are like . . . really young kids who don't usually consider such things.
Like where does the idea even come from?
I don't think the CDZ meant what I thought it did.
This thread seems pretty CIVIL to me. This topic has been discussed in other can get very ugly.

Okay. I was surprised to see that this is a Christian family, dad's a pastor, etc. Nobody seems to have found that unusual or worthy of a paradigm shift.

Why is that surprising? People have unconditional love for their children. That is totally normal.


Do you have any idea how many LGBTQ kids get kicked out of the nest? No. Most people would react exactly as the people on this board react.

How many?

Perspective | Homeless rates for LGBT teens are alarming, but parents can make a difference

Up to 1.6 million young people experience homelessness in the United States every year. Forty percent of them identify as LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender), according to a 2012 study conducted by the Williams Institute at UCLA Law. It’s estimated that LGBT youth represent about 7 percent of the population, which puts that 40 percent figure into heartbreaking context.

The study’s other findings are equally bleak: 46 percent of homeless LGBT youths ran away because of family rejection of their sexual orientation or gender identity; 43 percent were forced out by parents, and 32 percent faced physical, emotional or sexual abuse at home.

“There are several reasons parents reject their LGBT youth,” said Telaina Eriksen, author of “Unconditional: A Guide to Loving and Supporting Your LGBTQ Child.” “Sometimes it is based on religion; they think that their child is a sinner or that their child needs to be punished so they see ‘the error of their ways.’ They might think if they force their child to leave their home, their child may return repenting, magically somehow no longer LGBT.”

Unconditional love.
Okay. I was surprised to see that this is a Christian family, dad's a pastor, etc. Nobody seems to have found that unusual or worthy of a paradigm shift.

Why is that surprising? People have unconditional love for their children. That is totally normal.


Do you have any idea how many LGBTQ kids get kicked out of the nest? No. Most people would react exactly as the people on this board react.
How about telling the little boy this: We accept that you like being with the girls and to do girly things. You can even go to ballet class and dance with the girls. You can have long pretty hair. But you are still a boy! But who you are on the inside is a lot more than being a boy or girl.

The fact that they are SO caught up in their "gender identity" is very telling, IMO, and especially when this is occurring when they are like . . . really young kids who don't usually consider such things.
Like where does the idea even come from?

Maybe because they like the color pink or some girl toy, and then their parents think that is so great and go on to encourage this type of thing. There, of course, being nothing wrong with liking a specific toy or playing with dolls or whatnot. The point is that the boy has to have confidence in who he is and in himself as a person. My son played with a pink bunny when he was about 3. He just fell in love with it at the store and wouldn't put it down, so I bought it for him. He was in no way confused about his gender though. He also played with his boy toys as well. I never worried about him believing he was a girl at all, and he never had any of these issues because he is a strong and confident MALE.
And how far does that go, in your estimation? If a girl wants to play with cars and trucks? Okay or not okay.

If a boy wants to play with dolls? Okay or not okay.

Are the bulk of the people here parents? Is it recent enough that you remember what it's like to cross an adamant two year-old.

I'm just trying to follow along with how you think you'd handle it - and if you realize that in all likelihood all you've done is driven your child's thoughts, beliefs and perceptions underground.
An adamant two year-old needs to be given love and discipline to know that he does not dictate how things are going to be.
This thread seems pretty CIVIL to me. This topic has been discussed in other can get very ugly.

Okay. I was surprised to see that this is a Christian family, dad's a pastor, etc. Nobody seems to have found that unusual or worthy of a paradigm shift.

Why is that surprising? People have unconditional love for their children. That is totally normal.


Do you have any idea how many LGBTQ kids get kicked out of the nest? No. Most people would react exactly as the people on this board react.

How many?

Perspective | Homeless rates for LGBT teens are alarming, but parents can make a difference

Up to 1.6 million young people experience homelessness in the United States every year. Forty percent of them identify as LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender), according to a 2012 study conducted by the Williams Institute at UCLA Law. It’s estimated that LGBT youth represent about 7 percent of the population, which puts that 40 percent figure into heartbreaking context.

The study’s other findings are equally bleak: 46 percent of homeless LGBT youths ran away because of family rejection of their sexual orientation or gender identity; 43 percent were forced out by parents, and 32 percent faced physical, emotional or sexual abuse at home.

“There are several reasons parents reject their LGBT youth,” said Telaina Eriksen, author of “Unconditional: A Guide to Loving and Supporting Your LGBTQ Child.” “Sometimes it is based on religion; they think that their child is a sinner or that their child needs to be punished so they see ‘the error of their ways.’ They might think if they force their child to leave their home, their child may return repenting, magically somehow no longer LGBT.”

Unconditional love.

This does not mean that is WHY they were thrown out of their homes. It is well documented that transgender people have more emotional/mental issues than the normal population. It could be that they are just assholes? Maybe they steal from their parents to support a drug habit? Maybe their parents are at their wits end with these kids and don't know what to do with them anymore because they refuse to abide by the parent's rules while living in their homes?
And how far does that go, in your estimation? If a girl wants to play with cars and trucks? Okay or not okay.

If a boy wants to play with dolls? Okay or not okay.

Are the bulk of the people here parents? Is it recent enough that you remember what it's like to cross an adamant two year-old.

I'm just trying to follow along with how you think you'd handle it - and if you realize that in all likelihood all you've done is driven your child's thoughts, beliefs and perceptions underground.
An adamant two year-old needs to be given love and discipline to know that he does not dictate how things are going to be.

See my last post.
Children are malleable and they should not be encouraged to be gender dysmorphic.
They need parental guidance.

And when they get older, and they remain certain they are in the wrong body. How do you then proceed?

There are studies that reveal that 75% or more of children who are believing that they are "transgender" grow out of it by the time they reach their mid 20s.

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