I’m Trying To Raise My Kids As Homosexuals( I Never Have To Say ‘Gay’)

colonnorris said:
What have you done about those paedophile priests and pastors you support.
Yet now you instruct people how to rear their kids how they chose. Why don't they have the same freedom as you have by supporting paedophilia of your choice?
What is your god doing about that? Has he told you to condemn others but remain silent on your own filthy housekeeping?
Do you know what hypocrisy means?
The hide of you to hide behind your filthy religion while kids are getting the butts reamed by priests.
You filthy pos.

None of us support pedophiles. That's the catholic church. Pedophile pastors ARE rounded up and conservatives and christians do not support or encourage them!! What are you talking about. YOU who support Joe's sniffing and his daughter's own claim of incest and Hunter's obvious sexual habits. YOU support these people. When republicans are caught with pants down...we get rid of them. The left supports them and sends them back to congress/senate for another 20 years!!!

How do you, who insults a God you do not esteem or believe in, DARE to use him to hold other people to standards you refuse to meet yourself. THAT my friend is Hypocrisy.
The lesbian mother is wrong. She is wrong in her own life. Now she is destroying the life and beliefs of her own children. She has a chip on her shoulder. She is using her kids for her own personal hatred of the world, of heterosexuals. They did something to her in her mind and she will make them pay through her children.

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea. Mark 9:42
1 Homosexuality is not normal, it is not sanitary, it is not healthy, it is physically dangerous, it is mentally dangerous.
The problem with you bigots is that you think that it is all about the sex and have no concept of the fact that it more about a human, romantic relationship . You are too stupid to understand that heterosexuals do many of the same things sexually as gay people do. Your mindset is still stuck in the 70's when gays were relegated to the bath houses and XXX porn theaters before they were able to have stable and open relationships .YOU are mentally dangerous
The lesbian mother is wrong. She is wrong in her own life. Now she is destroying the life and beliefs of her own children. She has a chip on her shoulder. She is using her kids for her own personal hatred of the world, of heterosexuals. They did something to her in her mind and she will make them pay through her children.

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea. Mark 9:42
Thank you for revealing that fact that you are just another moron who cannot grasp the point of the OP. She is not destroying her kids, she is raising then to understand that there is not one universal normal, and that they can be whoever they discover that they are without fear, shame or guilt.

Nobody needs to “groom” any child to grow up to be heterosexual. That's just how a child will naturally grow up, unless subjected to undue influence, whether from an internal defect, or the influence of pedophiles trying to groom him to be otherwise, or by harmful traumatic events, such as being sexually abused.

The premise of the OP is bullshit, even for TheOppressiveFaggot values of “bullshit”. It's an attempt to form an absurd tu quoque to justify depraved sexual perverts such as the OP in intentionally fucking with children's minds to groom them toward becoming depraved perverts.

Nobody except a depraved, childfucking pervert is going to be fooled by it.
"Nobody needs to 'groom' any child to grow up to heterosexual." Well, see? Right there we can see you were groomed to believe that.
The lesbian mother is wrong. She is wrong in her own life. Now she is destroying the life and beliefs of her own children. She has a chip on her shoulder. She is using her kids for her own personal hatred of the world, of heterosexuals. They did something to her in her mind and she will make them pay through her children.

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea. Mark 9:42
How sad for you.
3. It is clearly in the best interest of the leftist agenda of propagandizing kids in the early grades. Just read an article a day or so ago that those pushing the homosexual agenda aka the tolerant agenda (but we all know it is not tolerant and it is not right) is crucial in the early grades before these kids are hardwired into their natural 'cisgender' beliefs. Got that...natural....as in NORMAL. This is destructive to kids, family, schools, society, freedom, the nation, the world.
More evidence that the point of the OP was totally lost on you
I do not support any paedophile priests and pastors; and you have absolutely no basis on which to suggest that I do.
The fact you go to church and financially supporting religion is without doubt supporting the continuation of the paedophilia.
What is religion doing about it? What have you to e about it? Nothing in both cases. As you screech how abhorrent it is but remain inactive to do anything, it continues.

How about you stop attending church because you find it unacceptable and telling the priest why? Ever thought of that? You haven't got the guts you fucking wimp.
As far as I am concerned, any sick pervert who sexually abuses a child should die a violent death, as soon as possible.
You'll be short of pastoral advice if that is instituted and revert back to your god of the old testament.
How merciful of you.
Folks. The OP posted stupid shit in what it seems to imagine is a “comedic” manner and did so largely for shock value. It wants its reactions. I’d suggest that it makes no sense to feed the troll.
Nobody needs to “groom” any child to grow up to be heterosexual. That's just how a child will naturally grow up, unless subjected to undue influence, whether from an internal defect, or the influence of pedophiles trying to groom him to be otherwise, or by harmful traumatic events, such as being sexually abused.
Just keep telling yourself that Bobby Boy
The premise of the OP is bullshit, even for @TheOppressiveFaggot values of “bullshit”. It's an attempt to form an absurd tu quoque to justify depraved sexual perverts such as the OP in intentionally fucking with children's minds to groom them toward becoming depraved perverts.
Wow! Invoking a tu quoque logical fallacy> Very good! I suppose that I am calling you a hypocrite. But not for the purpose of refuting your argument, whatever the hell it might be. My purpose is to demonstrate that my argument- for normalizing homosexuality is just as valid as your heteronormative argument
Folks. The OP posted stupid shit in what it seems to imagine is a “comedic” manner and did so largely for shock value. It wants its reactions. I’d suggest that it makes no sense to feed the troll.
Sorry that you are so shocked. But not really. What I am really sorry about is that you and so many others here are consumed by fear, ignorance and hate that you cannot grasp the point of the OP
Supporters of this perversion. You're wrong. I know you don't want to see that or hear that. but you are. You are only concerned with the freedom of others to do as they please but you don't want to allow that for the ones who do not agree with it. How is that right?
A different perspective on the "Don't Say Gay" controversy. Now before you all go bonkers, please read beyond the tittle and answer one simple question:

How is what this Lesbian mother is doing any different from what parents (and educators do with regards to heterosexuality?

Selected excerpts:

"How am I attempting to raise my kids as homosexuals, you ask?
Well, it’s simple: I learned how from watching straight people enforce a sexual orientation on their children without ever saying “straight.”

"One of the most amazing things about cisgender straight people is that most of them think they don’t have a sexual orientation or a gender identity.
A major premise of Florida’s recently passed “Don’t Say Gay” bill is that children should be sheltered from discussions of sexual orientation, and in many ways, I, a queer mom married to a woman, actually agree with this. That also goes for gender identity too ― I think it would be amazing if schools stopped teaching gender as an innate expression stemming from what is in one’s pants. And I believe young children can learn all about love and family and different family structures without needing to have it framed in ways that are overly sexual or romantic. But that’s not how straight society likes to play."

"The ironic twist regarding this legislation is that mainstream straight culture enjoys aggressively (hetero)sexualizing young children in ways that, if LGBTQ people did it, we would be labeled perverts, extremists and child abusers. And yet heterosexual grooming ― a term I coined for this phenomenon ― is so constant and ubiquitous most people don’t even notice it."

So folks, what it comes down to is this....If you do not want anything about homosexuality or transsexuality discussed in school, stop teaching heterosexuality and cisgender ideology and expectations.

As you like to say...LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE, Really ALONE!

When you can figure out the motive behind it all, and realize it’s not all a fkn conspiracy the whole picture will make sense to you. This is to destroy the family, destroy humanity as we know it you have to go to the WEF and see how they tell you what they are doing to make the world nice and lovely for them not us them,

Think about this—-

The started having women thinking having a baby is like having an STD, boys being taught the same thing.

They started teaching girls that babies were clumps of cells, nothing but pos candy wrappers…

They are teaching boys to be girls, and girls to be boys——————-this is all spiritual it doesn’t matter if you are a God lover or not it’s taking place .

They are coming for the children…..It’s in plain view when they have books in schools where other children are giving blow jobs……..what does that tell you.
A different perspective on the "Don't Say Gay" controversy. Now before you all go bonkers, please read beyond the tittle and answer one simple question:

How is what this Lesbian mother is doing any different from what parents (and educators do with regards to heterosexuality?

Selected excerpts:

"How am I attempting to raise my kids as homosexuals, you ask?
Well, it’s simple: I learned how from watching straight people enforce a sexual orientation on their children without ever saying “straight.”

"One of the most amazing things about cisgender straight people is that most of them think they don’t have a sexual orientation or a gender identity.
A major premise of Florida’s recently passed “Don’t Say Gay” bill is that children should be sheltered from discussions of sexual orientation, and in many ways, I, a queer mom married to a woman, actually agree with this. That also goes for gender identity too ― I think it would be amazing if schools stopped teaching gender as an innate expression stemming from what is in one’s pants. And I believe young children can learn all about love and family and different family structures without needing to have it framed in ways that are overly sexual or romantic. But that’s not how straight society likes to play."

"The ironic twist regarding this legislation is that mainstream straight culture enjoys aggressively (hetero)sexualizing young children in ways that, if LGBTQ people did it, we would be labeled perverts, extremists and child abusers. And yet heterosexual grooming ― a term I coined for this phenomenon ― is so constant and ubiquitous most people don’t even notice it."

So folks, what it comes down to is this....If you do not want anything about homosexuality or transsexuality discussed in school, stop teaching heterosexuality and cisgender ideology and expectations.

As you like to say...LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE, Really ALONE!
So she is mentally torturing and harassing her kids? Gee, that sounds moral and sane not!!!! Where is child protective services for this dumb bitch.

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