I’m Trying To Raise My Kids As Homosexuals( I Never Have To Say ‘Gay’)

This thread is a perfect example of the ever building contempt of the majority for the lewd minority hell bent on forcing the overwhelming majority to kneel to it's unnatural ways.

I long ago predicted that eventually, those who came out of the closet will regret that choice. And as others have said, the backlash is going to be severe.
I neither condone nor criticize. Just stating the obvious reality of human nature.
Imagine these kids do not want to be raised as homosexual.

Should the parent be imprisoned for child abuse?
A different perspective on the "Don't Say Gay" controversy. Now before you all go bonkers, please read beyond the tittle and answer one simple question:

How is what this Lesbian mother is doing any different from what parents (and educators do with regards to heterosexuality?

Selected excerpts:

"How am I attempting to raise my kids as homosexuals, you ask?
Well, it’s simple: I learned how from watching straight people enforce a sexual orientation on their children without ever saying “straight.”

"One of the most amazing things about cisgender straight people is that most of them think they don’t have a sexual orientation or a gender identity.
A major premise of Florida’s recently passed “Don’t Say Gay” bill is that children should be sheltered from discussions of sexual orientation, and in many ways, I, a queer mom married to a woman, actually agree with this. That also goes for gender identity too ― I think it would be amazing if schools stopped teaching gender as an innate expression stemming from what is in one’s pants. And I believe young children can learn all about love and family and different family structures without needing to have it framed in ways that are overly sexual or romantic. But that’s not how straight society likes to play."

"The ironic twist regarding this legislation is that mainstream straight culture enjoys aggressively (hetero)sexualizing young children in ways that, if LGBTQ people did it, we would be labeled perverts, extremists and child abusers. And yet heterosexual grooming ― a term I coined for this phenomenon ― is so constant and ubiquitous most people don’t even notice it."

So folks, what it comes down to is this....If you do not want anything about homosexuality or transsexuality discussed in school, stop teaching heterosexuality and cisgender ideology and expectations.

As you like to say...LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE, Really ALONE!
If you see this woman's point, you are as mind fucked as she is.
Heterosexual kids don't become heterosexual because of their parents. That is off the shelf stupid.
Homosexual kids don't become gay because they are "more informed" in the classroom. That is also off the shelf stupid.
What can happen is confusion and mind fucking trying to talk to little kids who don't have the faintest understanding or capacity to know what the hell anyone is telling them.
But they know what special is. They like attention. If they are taught that gay/trans etc. is special, then they can easily get confused into wanting to be special too. Not a damn thing to do with what their sexuality is.
Imagine these kids do not want to be raised as homosexual.

Should the parent be imprisoned for child abuse?

You mean like save James in Texas lol. He wants to be a boy hi smothers wants him to be a girl.
So she is begining his bs transitioning and dad has to pay for the chit.
Look at all the haters making waves. What is the big deal?

Just stay away from the Children.

How do you expect to do that when the mental rapers are the “ teachers” they are the Senators, or Surgeon General for a douche who was never even in the military this ass got the title because they are a trans.
How do you expect to do that when the mental rapers are the “ teachers” they are the Senators, or Surgeon General for a douche who was never even in the military this ass got the title because they are a trans.
You misunderstand.

The new talking point is that we are making a huge thing about something that is a 'nothing'.

In other words, it's harmless what they want to do -- even though they said to begin that they were not doing it -- and then want to paint reasonable adults who oppose this as simple 'whiners'.

But in truth, 98% of normal people have absolutely no problem with keeping adults who are not the parent, from talking to kids about things they are not old enough to understand.

it is THEY who are freaking out but trying to spin it the other way.

The legislation is perfectly normal and acceptable in the face of the lies that have been told.
The legislation is perfectly normal and acceptable in the face of the lies that have been told.

folks that want to be 'more than equal' do not deserve equality, nor recognition Dark one


folks that want to be 'more than equal' do not deserve equality, nor recognition Dark one

It is NOT bullshit.

The lie was that they were not teaching children of inappropriate age, that transgender is normal and acceptable.

It may be acceptable to some adults but a majority do not see it that way. A huge majority do not think that it is acceptable AT ALL for adults who are not the parents of the children, to be speaking to the children about it at all.

Full Stop.

Parents have rights and the children do NOT belong to the State.

The law is perfectly reasonable and appropriate.

It is the "left" who are having a cow over this. Is there no end to their incessant whining?

Read about the homosexual agenda is...how they have pushed it. They've thought this out. They get you used to it and you will accept anything. After this. They'll want you to accept sex with animals. Is that okay? Maybe not now in your mind but in time, you'll be used to it and you'll be angry at those who say it is unnatural. And by the way...that is cruelty to animals. The Homosexual agenda is cruelty to children.
ProgPat said:
That is the whole point of the OP. You get it! Don't sat straight!

we get it. we read the whole thing. It doesn't change the truth of the matter. She says. Don't do any of it in school...but you know that won't stop it. Even the mother says that these kids are taught 'cisgender'. no...they're not taught...it is in their dna.

Read about the homosexual agenda is...how they have pushed it. They've thought this out. They get you used to it and you will accept anything. After this. They'll want you to accept sex with animals. Is that okay? Maybe not now in your mind but in time, you'll be used to it and you'll be angry at those who say it is unnatural. And by the way...that is cruelty to animals. The Homosexual agenda is cruelty to children.
Holy shit! Sex with animals?! Are you fucking serious? That is just moronic, hysterical bizarre bovine excrement. You have NO credibility! NONE!
we get it. we read the whole thing. It doesn't change the truth of the matter. She says. Don't do any of it in school...but you know that won't stop it. Even the mother says that these kids are taught 'cisgender'. no...they're not taught...it is in their dna.
You need to work on your reading comprehension. You also need to understand that DNA can work both ways, but I realize that is a little to much to expect of you.
Holy shit! Sex with animals?! Are you fucking serious? That is just moronic, hysterical bizarre bovine excrement. You have NO credibility! NONE!

Only five years ago, your reaction would have been exactly the same if we accused you of wanting the homosexual/transsexual/pedophile agenda “taught” to children in public schools.

Yet, here we are, with this depraved agenda being pushed on young children, with you fully defending it; and calling sane people “hateful” and “bigoted” and other slurs, for recognizing this evil for what it is, and for opposing it.
I simply raised my kids, myself.

I didn't expect them to BE anything other than well adjusted individuals.

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