I'm very sad today, the Establishment just hurt President Trumps re-election chances significantly

Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.
There is a ton of legislation that needs to be done this year. This will give Trump some breathing room until the next budget is due. I'll bet he has something up his sleeve until then. Schumer and the rest of the Commie left had better step lightly the rest of the year.

That's what I was thinking Hossfly.... that the President has something up his sleeve....hoping and praying.

I'm not under any illusions. Trump doesn't know what he's talking about. Remember when he said that thing about "take the guns first, due process later"? He was just showing off to the cameras trying to make it seem like he has viable solutions to real problems.ve something up his sleeve

Everyone in the room just ignored him

I don't know....still....I hope he does have something his sleeve....he must have....he needs to have

I still have faith in a good outcome.

My fingers are getting cramped from keeping them crossed for so long.

Don't give up just yet!;)
I haven't done the Googling yet, but I think it's very very rare that anybody unseats a sitting President en route to his second term.

ford, carter, bush1 off the top of my head

johnson, but he didn't really run

no sitting president has been reelected after facing a serious challenge in nh, but the definition of serious is rather imprecise.

A second term primary challenge from within the party, though?

That doesn't happen.

So many things have happened that don't happen. Not so sure this won't be one of them.
Yeap...he screwed the pooch. Yesterday was John Bolton and today is no wall, well, less than 50 miles of wall, which is essentially, no wall. I have always said it, no wall, no vote from me.
We wouldnt need a wall if we didnt have incentive. Cut that off and the problem is gone.
But i know that wont ever happen so a good wall is reasonable.
If certain things don't or can't happen then the future is extremely dim. As it sits currently, the future is very dim. If a nation cannot secure it's borders then that country will simply cease to exist. Maybe not in name but most certainly in form. Yet, that is the point isn't it? That is the point of so much of what is happening globally. I certainly hope I am dead and gone before critical mass is achieved.
It was a great experiment while it lasted. Time for upheaval.

Sorry. I'm not following. Haven't our borders been secure for a couple of centuries?

And in the ways in which they have not been secure, who is going to harvest crops when we've kept out all the people you don't want here? I'm serious.

California Crops Rot as Immigration Crackdown Creates Farmworker Shortage
Yeap...he screwed the pooch. Yesterday was John Bolton and today is no wall, well, less than 50 miles of wall, which is essentially, no wall. I have always said it, no wall, no vote from me.
We wouldnt need a wall if we didnt have incentive. Cut that off and the problem is gone.
But i know that wont ever happen so a good wall is reasonable.
If certain things don't or can't happen then the future is extremely dim. As it sits currently, the future is very dim. If a nation cannot secure it's borders then that country will simply cease to exist. Maybe not in name but most certainly in form. Yet, that is the point isn't it? That is the point of so much of what is happening globally. I certainly hope I am dead and gone before critical mass is achieved.
It was a great experiment while it lasted. Time for upheaval.

Sorry. I'm not following. Haven't our borders been secure for a couple of centuries?

And in the ways in which they have not been secure, who is going to harvest crops when we've kept out all the people you don't want here? I'm serious.

California Crops Rot as Immigration Crackdown Creates Farmworker Shortage

They could just pay decent wages and plenty of Americans would love to do the job, I guarantee it.
Yes, I realize Trump signed it. As I said, the uphill climb he has now is massive, there are some of his strongest supporters who have stated on twitter "I'm sitting out voting until 2024" and the like. This Bill just reinforced the same old same old that everyone feared would happen eventually.

To all the men and women in the military who past and present have risked their lives for America and liberty, I am sickened that this is even a need that is open for negotiation. BOTH parties should support the military and then deal with the other issues. I just can't see much positive in this Bill.

If they sit out the election they are dumb fucks.......they will be handing the establishment Republicans and democrats exactly what they want.....then they lose everything.....

Any vote for democrat is a vote to end the Bill of Rights....
Yeap...he screwed the pooch. Yesterday was John Bolton and today is no wall, well, less than 50 miles of wall, which is essentially, no wall. I have always said it, no wall, no vote from me.
We wouldnt need a wall if we didnt have incentive. Cut that off and the problem is gone.
But i know that wont ever happen so a good wall is reasonable.
If certain things don't or can't happen then the future is extremely dim. As it sits currently, the future is very dim. If a nation cannot secure it's borders then that country will simply cease to exist. Maybe not in name but most certainly in form. Yet, that is the point isn't it? That is the point of so much of what is happening globally. I certainly hope I am dead and gone before critical mass is achieved.
It was a great experiment while it lasted. Time for upheaval.

Sorry. I'm not following. Haven't our borders been secure for a couple of centuries?

And in the ways in which they have not been secure, who is going to harvest crops when we've kept out all the people you don't want here? I'm serious.

California Crops Rot as Immigration Crackdown Creates Farmworker Shortage

They could just pay decent wages and plenty of Americans would love to do the job, I guarantee it.

They can't afford to. That's just the fact of the matter.

And I'm not so sure about "plenty of Americans." It's back-breaking labor, not for the weak.
Sorry. I'm not following. Haven't our borders been secure for a couple of centuries?
No...they are far from secure. Our ports are fairly secure but our borders are porous.

And in the ways in which they have not been secure, who is going to harvest crops when we've kept out all the people you don't want here? I'm serious.
Who harvested the crops prior to mass illegal immigration? Americans, oddly enough...I'm serious.

Crops are rotting in California because the markets have grown accustomed to cheap, available labor. Americans do not perform many of the manual labor tasks (farming, construction, domestic help) they once did because they have been effectively priced out of the market by artificially cheap illegal labor.
The crops rot because there is no waiting legal domestic labor pool to fill the gap. That does not mean that the markets cannot adjust upward to accommodate domestic labor costs. These people will fill those positions as they once did as demand increases salary rates commensurate to acceptable, national levels.
Sorry. I'm not following. Haven't our borders been secure for a couple of centuries?
No...they are far from secure. Our ports are fairly secure but our borders are porous.

And in the ways in which they have not been secure, who is going to harvest crops when we've kept out all the people you don't want here? I'm serious.
Who harvested the crops prior to mass illegal immigration? Americans, oddly enough...I'm serious.

Crops are rotting in California because the markets have grown accustomed to cheap, available labor. Americans do not perform many of the manual labor tasks (farming, construction, domestic help) they once did because they have been effectively priced out of the market by artificially cheap illegal labor.
The crops rot because there is no waiting legal domestic labor pool to fill the gap. That does not mean that the markets cannot adjust upward to accommodate domestic labor costs. These people will fill those positions as they once did as demand increases salary rates commensurate to acceptable, national levels.

This of course begs the question: what is your take on the minimum wage debate? Because I don’t see the corporations willing to take a hit on the harvesting front any more than they do on other fronts. Face it: picking crops is pretty much the definition of entry level labor, and there is no “up” to strive for.
I haven't done the Googling yet, but I think it's very very rare that anybody unseats a sitting President en route to his second term.

ford, carter, bush1 off the top of my head

johnson, but he didn't really run

no sitting president has been reelected after facing a serious challenge in nh, but the definition of serious is rather imprecise.

A second term primary challenge from within the party, though?

That doesn't happen.

teddy kennedy, ronald reagan and eugene mccarthy would disagree with you as would jimmy carter, gerry ford and lyndon johnson, respectively
I haven't done the Googling yet, but I think it's very very rare that anybody unseats a sitting President en route to his second term.

ford, carter, bush1 off the top of my head

johnson, but he didn't really run

no sitting president has been reelected after facing a serious challenge in nh, but the definition of serious is rather imprecise.

A second term primary challenge from within the party, though?

That doesn't happen.

teddy kennedy, ronald reagan and eugene mccarthy would disagree with you as would jimmy carter, gerry ford and lyndon johnson, respectively

I should have phrased that better.

I meant primary challengers who won.
  • Thanks
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Who the fuck thought this color was a good idea can burn in righteous fire. Holy eyeballs, Batman!
Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.

L-O-N-G way to go to 2020 still. I'm not phased. Trump always has a plan.

yeah, he plans to fuck you in the ass again

Well then I guess you would know from liking to have your ass stretched a football's width wide from all the screwing you've gotten over the last 8 years! That makes you an expert on ass screwing! Otherwise show me your old posts where you were raising royal hell about it! I doubt you can show me one because Barry, Nancy and Harry bent you over dry without you even knowing it.
Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.

L-O-N-G way to go to 2020 still. I'm not phased. Trump always has a plan.

yeah, he plans to fuck you in the ass again

Well then I guess you would know from liking to have your ass stretched a football's width wide from all the screwing you've gotten over the last 8 years! That makes you an expert on ass screwing! Otherwise show me your old posts where you were raising royal hell about it! I doubt you can show me one because Barry, Nancy and Harry bent you over dry without you even knowing it.

Your mind is filthy. Truly this cannot be normal.
Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.

L-O-N-G way to go to 2020 still. I'm not phased. Trump always has a plan.

yeah, he plans to fuck you in the ass again

Well then I guess you would know from liking to have your ass stretched a football's width wide from all the screwing you've gotten over the last 8 years! That makes you an expert on ass screwing! Otherwise show me your old posts where you were raising royal hell about it! I doubt you can show me one because Barry, Nancy and Harry bent you over dry without you even knowing it.

Your mind is filthy. Truly this cannot be normal.

You know what's not normal, Sniffit? A person your age just coming into the voting arena whose never known anyone other than Barackass Obummer with an obsession with all things pink. Here is a better avatar for you, I've changed it to give yourself a little more character.

Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at 8.18.03 AM.png

Funny how you Libs don't mind all the vile, putrid rancor that constantly comes out of the mouth of your buddies, but thinks it "filthy" when it's thrown right back at them. But then, we all know you Libs are world class hypocrites with mental illness and cognitive dissonance you could write a term paper on.
Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.
Biden will never, ever be the next Dem candidate for president. Bet on it.
Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.
There is a ton of legislation that needs to be done this year. This will give Trump some breathing room until the next budget is due. I'll bet he has something up his sleeve until then. Schumer and the rest of the Commie left had better step lightly the rest of the year.
The only thing he's got up his sleeve is a fat, pasty white, hairy arm with tiny fingers at the end.
Any of you celebrating the demise of America can go fly a kite. To hell with party, this is about America succeeding, I feel sick about this. Some of you spit in the face of police, military and ICE so "your party can win. You welcome a sieve of mass exodus from Mexico and elsewhere when they go to Mexico and walk across and pretend $25B is expensive to protect your borders.

Yes, the military gets funding, but just what are they fighting for? Illegal immigrants? People spitting on federal law and funding Sanctuary Cities? Chinese goods and lending to America, from the same country that stole millions of jobs and TRILLIONS of dollars? This is a bloody insult of the highest order.

To any military members here or those you know, let them know as a Canadian who's been screwed in my own country, tell them "I'm sorry". I'm sorry that some care little about America as a nation. I'm sorry you have to beg for funding when you put our life on the line. I'm sorry that your nation is being harmed while China is being empowered.

What does all of this do to the CIA. FBI and other intel agencies who have to fight like hell to protect America from the communist animals? Trump had the right policies, he came in like a lion, will he continue to persuade his supporters to have Faith in him? I'm not even sure it matters at this point, as the House and Senate are both most likely lost.
The demise of America started when Trump was elected. No one celebrated that except his mostly white, mostly grizzly old uneducated white men base.
Any of you celebrating the demise of America can go fly a kite. To hell with party, this is about America succeeding, I feel sick about this. Some of you spit in the face of police, military and ICE so "your party can win. You welcome a sieve of mass exodus from Mexico and elsewhere when they go to Mexico and walk across and pretend $25B is expensive to protect your borders.

Yes, the military gets funding, but just what are they fighting for? Illegal immigrants? People spitting on federal law and funding Sanctuary Cities? Chinese goods and lending to America, from the same country that stole millions of jobs and TRILLIONS of dollars? This is a bloody insult of the highest order.

To any military members here or those you know, let them know as a Canadian who's been screwed in my own country, tell them "I'm sorry". I'm sorry that some care little about America as a nation. I'm sorry you have to beg for funding when you put our life on the line. I'm sorry that your nation is being harmed while China is being empowered.

What does all of this do to the CIA. FBI and other intel agencies who have to fight like hell to protect America from the communist animals? Trump had the right policies, he came in like a lion, will he continue to persuade his supporters to have Faith in him? I'm not even sure it matters at this point, as the House and Senate are both most likely lost.
The demise of America started when Trump was elected. No one celebrated that except his mostly white, mostly grizzly old uneducated white men base.

So, you are saying that "Merica was great when the Barrypuppet was the face of the franchise of USA.INC? Do tell? Examples and PLEASE allow me a "rebuttal".
Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.
Biden will never, ever be the next Dem candidate for president. Bet on it.

I should hope not.
Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.

L-O-N-G way to go to 2020 still. I'm not phased. Trump always has a plan.

yeah, he plans to fuck you in the ass again

Well then I guess you would know from liking to have your ass stretched a football's width wide from all the screwing you've gotten over the last 8 years! That makes you an expert on ass screwing! Otherwise show me your old posts where you were raising royal hell about it! I doubt you can show me one because Barry, Nancy and Harry bent you over dry without you even knowing it.

Your mind is filthy. Truly this cannot be normal.

You know what's not normal, Sniffit? A person your age just coming into the voting arena whose never known anyone other than Barackass Obummer with an obsession with all things pink. Here is a better avatar for you, I've changed it to give yourself a little more character.

View attachment 184345

Funny how you Libs don't mind all the vile, putrid rancor that constantly comes out of the mouth of your buddies, but thinks it "filthy" when it's thrown right back at them. But then, we all know you Libs are world class hypocrites with mental illness and cognitive dissonance you could write a term paper on.

I quite like the changes you've made but can't use it, considering the source and all the ugly rage that comes with it.

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