I'm very sad today, the Establishment just hurt President Trumps re-election chances significantly

L-O-N-G way to go to 2020 still. I'm not phased. Trump always has a plan.

yeah, he plans to fuck you in the ass again

Well then I guess you would know from liking to have your ass stretched a football's width wide from all the screwing you've gotten over the last 8 years! That makes you an expert on ass screwing! Otherwise show me your old posts where you were raising royal hell about it! I doubt you can show me one because Barry, Nancy and Harry bent you over dry without you even knowing it.

Your mind is filthy. Truly this cannot be normal.

You know what's not normal, Sniffit? A person your age just coming into the voting arena whose never known anyone other than Barackass Obummer with an obsession with all things pink. Here is a better avatar for you, I've changed it to give yourself a little more character.

View attachment 184345

Funny how you Libs don't mind all the vile, putrid rancor that constantly comes out of the mouth of your buddies, but thinks it "filthy" when it's thrown right back at them. But then, we all know you Libs are world class hypocrites with mental illness and cognitive dissonance you could write a term paper on.

I quite like the changes you've made but can't use it, considering the source and all the ugly rage that comes with it.

I knew you'd like it, it is a huge improvement and projects a real person instead of a cartoon character and it is yours if you want it. Rage? Not from me, I'm merely honest, you gotta stop looking in the mirror and hiding from all of your own thinly veiled passive-aggressive hatred and feelings of inadequacy. Be a real woman. Blue is You.
yeah, he plans to fuck you in the ass again

Well then I guess you would know from liking to have your ass stretched a football's width wide from all the screwing you've gotten over the last 8 years! That makes you an expert on ass screwing! Otherwise show me your old posts where you were raising royal hell about it! I doubt you can show me one because Barry, Nancy and Harry bent you over dry without you even knowing it.

Your mind is filthy. Truly this cannot be normal.

You know what's not normal, Sniffit? A person your age just coming into the voting arena whose never known anyone other than Barackass Obummer with an obsession with all things pink. Here is a better avatar for you, I've changed it to give yourself a little more character.

View attachment 184345

Funny how you Libs don't mind all the vile, putrid rancor that constantly comes out of the mouth of your buddies, but thinks it "filthy" when it's thrown right back at them. But then, we all know you Libs are world class hypocrites with mental illness and cognitive dissonance you could write a term paper on.

I quite like the changes you've made but can't use it, considering the source and all the ugly rage that comes with it.

I knew you'd like it, it is a huge improvement and projects a real person instead of a cartoon character and it is yours if you want it. Rage? Not from me, I'm merely honest, you gotta stop looking in the mirror and hiding from all of your own thinly veiled passive-aggressive hatred and feelings of inadequacy. Be a real woman. Blue is You.

No, sorry. You're throwing all this vitriol, expecting me to believe you when you say you're not angry, then tell me to be a real woman?? Both avatars are cartoons. Blue isn't actually me. Green is me. But I quite like this avatar as is.

I'm not one to where the same avatar for years or even months on ends, so if the pink offends, it'll be gone soon enough.
You're throwing all this vitriol, expecting me to believe you when you say you're not angry

Then you cannot tell the difference between intensity and anger.

Blue isn't actually me. Green is me.

And yet you chose the horrid neon strawberry frosting pink. Interesting.

But I quite like this avatar as is.

I know, real change can be scary.

I'm not one to where the same avatar for years or even months on ends, so if the pink offends, it'll be gone soon enough.

Pink is Dink.

Here, now I've magnanimously given you TWO gifts! Not bad for an angry guy.

Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at 8.18.jpg
Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.
Biden will never, ever be the next Dem candidate for president. Bet on it.

I should hope not.

It would be a big mistake. It would be like repeating what we did with Hillary: thinking for so long she was the best candidate, cheering her on for months to run, only to end up with someone with no charisma and tons of negative baggage. And too old. We need someone young, energetic, with little baggage and who can bring the country together, not some old fool like Biden.
Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.

L-O-N-G way to go to 2020 still. I'm not phased. Trump always has a plan.

yeah, he plans to fuck you in the ass again

Well then I guess you would know from liking to have your ass stretched a football's width wide from all the screwing you've gotten over the last 8 years! That makes you an expert on ass screwing! Otherwise show me your old posts where you were raising royal hell about it! I doubt you can show me one because Barry, Nancy and Harry bent you over dry without you even knowing it.

Your mind is filthy. Truly this cannot be normal.

You know what's not normal, Sniffit? A person your age just coming into the voting arena whose never known anyone other than Barackass Obummer with an obsession with all things pink. Here is a better avatar for you, I've changed it to give yourself a little more character.

View attachment 184345

Funny how you Libs don't mind all the vile, putrid rancor that constantly comes out of the mouth of your buddies, but thinks it "filthy" when it's thrown right back at them. But then, we all know you Libs are world class hypocrites with mental illness and cognitive dissonance you could write a term paper on.

I missed this - my age? Just coming into the voting arena? Just what age do you think I am?
I didn't support Trump when he was running, and it had nothing to do with his policies. There are many of them I actually agree with. One of my arguments against Trump supporters was that he made a lot of promises anybody with a 3rd grade education in government knew he couldn't deliver on. It's like his supporters didn't understand that a President has to work with Congress, and he shit on 99% of them throughout his campaign. His supporters congratulated him on tax cuts. Big fucking whoop. He got the GOP to support him on something they've been fighting for for decades. Aside from that he hasn't accomplished shit.

"President has to work with Congress, and he shit on 99% of them throughout his campaign."

Are you sure you're not talking about 'I can't wait Obama?

No wall is fine with me. I don't think it is very feasible to do it anyways. I am just glad he doesn't pander to illegal immigrants like SOMEBODY else. Ahem. :D I'm just a regular average white American woman, not gay, not transgender, not illegal, not Muslim, and I am SICK and TIRED of Washington pandering to everyone but me, I've got to say. None of these groups are the majority of voters and that is why the dems have to pander to all of them and ignore the rest of us. That is just one reason of many why the dem party sucks ass.
This of course begs the question: what is your take on the minimum wage debate?
There should not be one.

Because I don’t see the corporations willing to take a hit on the harvesting front any more than they do on other fronts.
Corporations are not exempt from market forces. If we effectively stop the influx of cheap illegal labor employers at large will be forced to accommodate. Americans, in kind, will also be forced to accommodate as costs will be transferred to them, the consumer.

Face it: picking crops is pretty much the definition of entry level labor, and there is no “up” to strive for.
Face it, you don't have any idea what you are talking about with regard to upward mobility in farming, construction, or millions of 'entry' level jobs.
Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.


I think you vastly overestimate Trump's negotiation skills.

he doesn't negotiate; he bullies

when bullying doesn't work, he runs

Clear, concise and the best defintion of Trump and a wife beater.
L-O-N-G way to go to 2020 still. I'm not phased. Trump always has a plan.

yeah, he plans to fuck you in the ass again

Well then I guess you would know from liking to have your ass stretched a football's width wide from all the screwing you've gotten over the last 8 years! That makes you an expert on ass screwing! Otherwise show me your old posts where you were raising royal hell about it! I doubt you can show me one because Barry, Nancy and Harry bent you over dry without you even knowing it.

Your mind is filthy. Truly this cannot be normal.

You know what's not normal, Sniffit? A person your age just coming into the voting arena whose never known anyone other than Barackass Obummer with an obsession with all things pink. Here is a better avatar for you, I've changed it to give yourself a little more character.

View attachment 184345

Funny how you Libs don't mind all the vile, putrid rancor that constantly comes out of the mouth of your buddies, but thinks it "filthy" when it's thrown right back at them. But then, we all know you Libs are world class hypocrites with mental illness and cognitive dissonance you could write a term paper on.

I missed this - my age? Just coming into the voting arena? Just what age do you think I am?

You said a few days ago that Obama was the first person you voted for.
Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.

A bit too early, IMHO. This was an Omnibus Bill and, if I am not mistaken, was responsible for stopping the disastrous sequester that had not only hurt our military but other branches of the government. I am also certain that the president is not forced to spend all the money on the various sections.

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