I'm Voting For Nikki Haley

I remember you loved Putin till he told Obama to kiss his ass. When Obama tried to screw us over. After he made a laughing stock of him, you started to hate him.
Um...retard? I have never loved Putin. That would be the people I used to call "pseudocons" before Trump showed up and led them leftward.

And I most certainly have never had any love for Obama.

You see? Trumptards have no clue what a conservative is. You just make shit up on the fly.
Dream on, dweeb
After exiting government, Haley took a lucrative position on the board of Boeing, a defense contractor. She also makes money from an advocacy group pushing for military action against Iran. Haley went from $1 million in debt to $12 million in income in six years. Notably, her husband is in the military.
Haley’s primary income, aside from speaking engagements, is from United Against a Nuclear Iran, an advocacy group shrouded in secrecy.

The group, which has lobbied for military strikes on Iran, is advised by Zohar Palti and Tamir Pardo, two former Israeli intelligence officials, as well as many former U.S. national security officials. The Department of Justice previously intervened in a lawsuit to prevent the disclosure of United Against a Nuclear Iran's donors, claiming that doing so would "cause harm to national security."

Haley also works as a consultant to Prism Global Management, a New York-based investment fund run by Richard Kang, a position that earned $708,335. While the investment fund has no substantial online presence, Kang is active in the defense world and serves as an advisor to America’s Frontier Fund, a new group backed by former Google chief executive Eric Schmidt and run day-to-day by Gilman Louie, the former head of In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital arm.

At a launch event for the fund last year, a participant openly discussed the fact that America’s Frontier Fund is investing strategically in “choke points” in case of war between China and Taiwan, in which case the fund’s portfolio would increase “10x, like overnight.”
I see all of those things as plusses.

Nikki Haley is strong on national defense, and you liberals clutch your pearls.
You didn't like W ?
Nope. He set about doubling the debt, just like Trump set about doubling the deficit.

He also added a whole new government healthcare program, without any means in the legislation to pay for it (unlike Obamacare), and it has probably added more to the debt than Obamacare.

All to pander votes.

But Trump hates Bush more than I do. He wanted Bush impeached by his friend Nancy Pelosi for lying about WMDs in Iraq. And he said his fellow adulterer and golfing buddy Bill Clinton should not have been impeached.

Which is the first sign we saw with Trumptards turning leftward. Right up until Trump's candidacy, not a month went by when the pseudocons weren't claiming Hussein had WMDs.

But they all went dead silent on WMDs once they fell into the Trump cult.

Just like they fell dead silent about Trump doubling the deficit after whining from day one of Obama's presidency about his spending.

I warned in 2016 that Trump would lead them all into the far left cave, and boy did he! Even to a greater extent than even I imagined he would.
Nikki Haley is the strongest on foreign policy. Far stronger than any other candidate. That is one of the chief reasons I am voting for her.

We live in dangerous times, and Haley is the most prepared.

Haley is also of Indian descent, and that will be worth a tremendous amount of goodwill with India, who we are going to need as a valuable ally as we confront China.

Haley also sees the realities on the ground, and the importance of NATO, and the importance of pushing Putin out of Ukraine. This is a critical time in world history and Haley is the one to do the right thing.
I'll stick with Trump who achieved the closest thing to world peace I've ever known in a very long life now. I'll stick with Trump who thinks the UN and NATO members should pay their fair share or they can't count on us for protection. I'll stick with Trump who ALL world leaders, the good and the bad, believe that he will do exactly what he tells them he will do and as such nobody dares mess with us. I'll stick with Trump who has the best chance to beat Biden in 2024. Nikki is underwater against Biden in all the recent polls.

RCP evaluated who won the Haley/DeSantis debate last night. Their conclusion: Trump did.
I'll stick with Trump who achieved the closest thing to world peace I've ever known in a very long life now.

Date12 April 20

(7 years, 10 months, 2 weeks and 4 days)
LocationDonetsk and Luhansk oblasts, Ukraine
StatusSubsumed by Russian invasion of Ukraine

Last edited:
And how did you come by this delusion the world was at peace while Trump was president?
Because he was winding down the war in Afghanistan so we could get out responsibly while keeping the Taliban at bay. The war in Syria ended. Russia, China, Iran all stopped saber rattling. North Korea stopped firing missiles over South Korea and Japan. We helped broker peace/trade treaties between Israel and four Arab countries. And we were on everybody's record that should they deliberately harm any American anywhere, retaliation would be swift, terrible, and certain. And they believed him. The Muslim Brotherhood groups were quiet. ISIS was pretty much disabled entirely. Despite minor regional skirmishes, the USA was the most at peace and most secure that it has been in my long lifetime. Nobody but nobody was seriously threatening anybody and certainly not us.

Biden in contrast now sees thousands of bodies piling up while he has us funding wars between Russia and the Ukraine and between Hamas and Israel, neither of which would have ever happened with Trump in the White House. North Korea is firing missiles again, Iran and China are saber rattling, and everyone has the sense we are teetering on the brink of WWIII. Our retreat from Afghanistan was costly in much blood and treasure and was an embarrassment to the nation. And everybody looks to us as their sugar daddy again.

That's the difference between a strong President who does things that work vs a weak President who doesn't have a clue.
A conservative Republican used to be the smartest person in the room. And they still are.

Trump Republicans are not the slightest bit conservative. They don't even know what conservatism is.

Celebrating a serial adulterer who stole from the elderly and cancer kids, and molests and rapes women, and who doubled the federal deficit, and then completely bungled his one and only crisis, is not the behavior of a conservative.

Nor is supporting a mass murdering war criminal KGB thug. Trump Republicans were idolizing Putin long before Trump came into the picture.

Adam Kinzinger is my idea of a conservative Republican. He stood up for what is right, knowing it would cost him personally while the others around him who knew Trump is evil chose to buckle like the submissive cucks they are.

Liz Cheney is also a conservative. Her voting record was more conservative than the lickspittle they replaced her with, Elise Stefanik. Stefanik was a conservative who quickly did an about face and became one of the most submissive cucks in Congress.

The guiding light for Trump Republicans is power over principle, power over country. And I don't just mean our elected officials. I also mean everyone who supports Trump.

Nikki Haley has some serious flaws, but they are relatively minimal next to the other candidates.

I've been watching Haley ever since she was running for governor of South Carolina. That race is proof that the GOP devolved into bigotry, psychopathy, idiocy, and hypocrisy before Trump came along. The dumbing down of the GOP began during the Bush administration and the stupidity has accelerated since then, which is why I stopped voting on the federal level in 2006. And I am embarrassed it took me that long to have an awakening.

I was a Bill Buckely/Ronald Reagan conservative Republican my entire life until 2017. In 2017, I switched my voter registration to Independent.

I'm voting for Nikki Haley regardless if she is the nominee. If she is not the nominee, I will write her name in on my ballot, or I will just stay home on election day 2024.

When Nikki Haley was running for governor in 2010, she was way behind the pack. She didn't have a chance, but somehow she pulled it off.

She was helped by one of her primary contenders who went on live radio and said, "We already have a raghead in the White House (Obama), we don't need another raghead in the governor's mansion."

That level of ignorance (she's not a Muslim, she's a Protestant) and bigotry clinched it for her.

Nowadays, that kind of stupid hate no longer shocks the sensitivities of the voters. And for that, we can thank Donald Trump who has fostered ignorance and hatred to a whole new level.
^ The lobotomy was successful
I'll stick with Trump who achieved the closest thing to world peace I've ever known in a very long life now.
You have a very distorted and wrong-headed idea of "peace".

Civilian casualties from U.S. drone strikes

In October 2017, Trump abolished the Obama-era approval system in favor of a looser, decentralized approach, which gave the military and CIA officials the discretion to decide to launch drone strikes against targets without White House approval. This policy reduced accountability for drone strikes.

Trump couldn't be bothered with how many civilians his drone strikes were killing.


U.S. Drone Warfare and Civilian Casualties

Trump: Enlargement and Ease of Use

When Donald Trump took power in January 2017, his foreign policy rhetoric was isolationist in terms of the American economy. Actions such as withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and criticizing international organizations like the UN were in lockstep with more general calls for an “America-first” policy. However, Trump pursued a very hawkish and interventionist foreign policy in terms of military engagement. In January 2020, Trump ordered a preemptive drone strike in Baghdad which killed Iranian commander Qasem Suleimani. Trump argued that the strike was necessary in order to prevent an attack on American soldiers overseas. This type of foreign policy led to many changes that increased the opportunity to use drone strikes. In 2017, Trump expanded the “areas of operation” as a counterterrorism strategy. For context, drone strikes can only occur legally in designated areas of operation. Under Obama, these included Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Trump expanded these areas to include Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, and Libya. According to data from the Long War Journal, strikes in Yemen increased threefold to 125 strikes launched once the Trump administration designated it as an area of operations. Strikes in Somalia increased substantially due to the growing threat of al-Shabab at the time. Additionally, since the US designated these areas as active engagement, military commanders were given the Obama-era unilateral authority to conduct drone strikes without Presidential authorization so that a potentially short window to capture an HVT was used effectively.

40% of all civilian casualties from airstrikes in Afghanistan – almost 1,600 – in the last five years were children

Between 2016-2020 (inclusive) there have, in Afghanistan, been:

  • 3,977 total civilian casualties from airstrikes: 2,122 civilians killed, 1,855 civilians injured
  • 1,598 total child casualties from airstrikes: 785 children killed, 813 children injured
  • 40% of all civilian airstrike casualties were children (1,598 of 3,977)
  • 37% of those civilians killed by airstrikes were children (785 of 2,122)
  • 44% of those civilians injured by airstrikes were children (813 children of 1,855 total)
  • The majority (62% – 1,309 of 2,122) of civilian deaths from airstrikes were caused by international forces.
  • The majority (50% – 2,000 of 3,977) of overall civilian casualties (deaths and injuries) were also caused by international forces.
  • Overall casualties from international airstrikes more than tripled between 2017 and 2019, from 247 to 757.
I'm voting for Nikki Haley regardless if she is the nominee. If she is not the nominee, I will write her name in on my ballot...

I'm not sure I find her palatable enough to write her in, though I would consider voting for her should she be the nominee... I know, that doesn't make sense, but it is what it is...

Should I not find an acceptable candidate among a third party as I have for the last three Presidential cycles, I'll write in Will Hurd/Liz Cheney.
I was a Bill Buckely/Ronald Reagan conservative Republican my entire life until 2017. In 2017, I switched my voter registration to Independent.

So you were a neoconservative Republican but now you're a neoconservative Independent. Do I have that right?
A conservative Republican used to be the smartest person in the room. And they still are.

Trump Republicans are not the slightest bit conservative. They don't even know what conservatism is.

Celebrating a serial adulterer who stole from the elderly and cancer kids, and molests and rapes women, and who doubled the federal deficit, and then completely bungled his one and only crisis, is not the behavior of a conservative.

Nor is supporting a mass murdering war criminal KGB thug. Trump Republicans were idolizing Putin long before Trump came into the picture.

Adam Kinzinger is my idea of a conservative Republican. He stood up for what is right, knowing it would cost him personally while the others around him who knew Trump is evil chose to buckle like the submissive cucks they are.

Liz Cheney is also a conservative. Her voting record was more conservative than the lickspittle they replaced her with, Elise Stefanik. Stefanik was a conservative who quickly did an about face and became one of the most submissive cucks in Congress.

The guiding light for Trump Republicans is power over principle, power over country. And I don't just mean our elected officials. I also mean everyone who supports Trump.

Nikki Haley has some serious flaws, but they are relatively minimal next to the other candidates.

I've been watching Haley ever since she was running for governor of South Carolina. That race is proof that the GOP devolved into bigotry, psychopathy, idiocy, and hypocrisy before Trump came along. The dumbing down of the GOP began during the Bush administration and the stupidity has accelerated since then, which is why I stopped voting on the federal level in 2006. And I am embarrassed it took me that long to have an awakening.

I was a Bill Buckely/Ronald Reagan conservative Republican my entire life until 2017. In 2017, I switched my voter registration to Independent.

I'm voting for Nikki Haley regardless if she is the nominee. If she is not the nominee, I will write her name in on my ballot, or I will just stay home on election day 2024.

When Nikki Haley was running for governor in 2010, she was way behind the pack. She didn't have a chance, but somehow she pulled it off.

She was helped by one of her primary contenders who went on live radio and said, "We already have a raghead in the White House (Obama), we don't need another raghead in the governor's mansion."

That level of ignorance (she's not a Muslim, she's a Protestant) and bigotry clinched it for her.

Nowadays, that kind of stupid hate no longer shocks the sensitivities of the voters. And for that, we can thank Donald Trump who has fostered ignorance and hatred to a whole new level.

I was behind Haley right up until she promised to pardon Donald.
g5000 likes Nikki Haley?!

WTF planet am I on?

I'm voting for Nikki because she wins easily, and probably brings the House and Senate with her.
Haley is at least sane.

She’ll nominate right wing justices because that’s what Republicans do so no

I would not vote for her

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