I'm Voting For Nikki Haley

Ok, you’re a conservative…what’s your stance on the democrat party? Would you ever vote for Biden?
I have voted for one Democrat my entire life, and that was at the request of William F. Buckley, the founder of the modern conservative movement.

I'm sure Chairman Bill is spinning in his grave to see what has happened to the organization formerly known as the Republican Party.

I enlisted in the service in Connecticut. I was a registered voter in Connecticut during my entire 20+ military career.

In 1988, Bill Buckley asked all conservative voters to vote for the Democratic candidate in order to unseat far left liberal Republican Lowell Weicker.

Our votes made the difference and Weicker lost.

But then the dumbass CT voters elected him governor in 1992, and he instituted the state's first sales tax.

Serves them right, and I didn't have to deal with the sales tax since I was overseas. :lol:

No, I would never vote for Biden. Not because of the imaginary idiot reasons the Trump cult hates him.

I would not vote for him because he, like Trump, is a massive deficit spender and is way too liberal.

The only good thing about Biden is his support of Ukraine and NATO. Which makes him better than Trump on foreign policy.

Side note: My parents alternated as chairmen of the Connecticut Conservative Union. We were conservatives before being a conservative was cool.
I'll be voting for Desantis, although it isn't going to matter.

Bottom line, I will vote for whoever is running against Biden or ANY Dimocrat!

Okay I'm going to type very very slowly and use tiny words.

When Trump took over NK was firing missiles over SK and Japan.
Trump had a visit with Kim and NK stopped firing missiles over SK and Japan.

(There are some 8 letter words in there so I hope it's not too much for you.)

I did not say NK did not fire any missiles when Trump was in office.

Are you honest enough to admit that?
I did not say NK did not fire any missiles when Trump was in office.
That's exactly what you said. Now you are backpedaling and moving the goalposts, trying to cover your obvious ignorance.
I have voted for one Democrat my entire life, and that was at the request of William F. Buckley, the founder of the modern conservative movement.

I'm sure Chairman Bill is spinning in his grave to see what has happened to the organization formerly known as the Republican Party.

I enlisted in the service in Connecticut. I was a registered voter in Connecticut during my entire 20+ military career.

In 1988, Bill Buckley asked all conservative voters to vote for the Democratic candidate in order to unseat far left liberal Republican Lowell Weicker.

Our votes made the difference and Weicker lost.

But then the dumbass CT voters elected him governor in 1992, and he instituted the state's first sales tax.

Serves them right, and I didn't have to deal with the sales tax since I was overseas. :lol:

No, I would never vote for Biden. Not because of the imaginary idiot reasons the Trump cult hates him.

I would not vote for him because he, like Trump, is a massive deficit spender and is way too liberal.

The only good thing about Biden is his support of Ukraine and NATO. Which makes him better than Trump on foreign policy.

Side note: My parents alternated as chairmen of the Connecticut Conservative Union. We were conservatives before being a conservative was cool.

Ok, but voting for Hailey is a vote for Biden. There’s just little chance she would win. So what you have to ask yourself is, is trump so bad that you and people like you would throw a vote away and take a chance on Biden in the White House?
How quickly you have forgotten New York bitch slapped homeboy Trump in both elections!

I don't dispute Haley has an outside chance, but she is closing the gap.

Let's see where things stand after New Hampshire, especially now that Christie is out of the race. Those who supported Christie will not support Trump, many will gravitate to Haley.

Polls show Haley closing the gap with Trump in New Hampshire ahead of Jan. 23 primary

Just two weeks out from the state's first-in-the-nation primary, a new CNN poll out Tuesday, conducted by the University of New Hampshire, shows Haley cutting into Trump's lead, garnering 32% of the vote to his 39% and trailing him now by just seven points in the state, slicing her deficit from the last University of New Hampshire poll by 12 points.

That was before Christie dropped out.

Nikki Haley Beats Donald Trump in Key Swing State: New Polls

You are overthinking the 2024 election. Allow me to simplify. You are either voting to remove a despotic Regime from power or voting to keep them in power.
Then you should support all aid we can provide to Ukraine.

Warmonger Putin should be stopped, not rewarded and encouraged.

But isn’t supporting ukraine also supporting war? I think our support of Ukraine is just a proxy war. So support of Ukraine IS a support for war…no?
You are overthinking the 2024 election. Allow me to simplify. You are either voting to remove a despotic Regime from power or voting to keep them in power.
Trump was the despot, and if re-elected he will be MUCH worse because he will have no worries about another election. Steve Bannon openly admitted this.

We're talking about a man who tried to overthrow our democracy because he didn't like the results of an election!

That is "unpresidented", as Trump would say.
That's exactly what you said. Now you are backpedaling and moving the goalposts, trying to cover your obvious ignorance.
I know what I said and you are hopelessly dishonest re what I said. I won't block you but I won't be responding further.

I renewed an old New Year's resolution to not feed the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in other exercises of futility. I should have included converse with the dishonest in there.
But isn’t supporting ukraine also supporting war?
Nope. It's about stopping the war and not rewarding a warmonger who will only be encouraged to continue his aggressions.

Any conservative understands this.

You're like those pantywaist appeasers who cried that we should not put MX missiles in Europe, or cried that what Hitler was doing was none of our business.

You know what those isolationists in the late 1930's motto was?

"America First".

Same bullshit, different decade.

I think our support of Ukraine is just a proxy war. So support of Ukraine IS a support for war…no?
Support for Ukraine is the defense of a democracy against a mass murdering, child raping, war criminal invasion.

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