I'm waiting for answers to the following questions...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Every day since 3/30/20 I've gone to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 9,109,887 Cases and 471,759 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I log in the below information and because of some people's attention span have hidden some columns and shown a few days.
Will someone explain where in the USA those 99.3% of cases that are NOT hospitalized, or Serious/critical are located?
I'm sure a large number are quarantined in nursing facilities. But an even larger are ...where? Home? They are not hospitalized to my knowledge. The only ones listed as hospitalized are the serious conditions.

Also I thought of another question: Why out of the following pandemics I've lived through, there were no "social distancing", "masks" and more so --- NO shutdown?
--- the 1950s polio epidemic.. no closures of business..
--- 1957 H2N@ killed 116,0000 Americans when population was 171 million , Americans no closures of school,
--- 1968 Hong Kong Flu...no closures of schools, etc. 2009 H1N1 60.8 million cases... no business shut down or schools..

ONLY with President Trump have we had school closures, business shut down, airlines stopped... you name it. Why?
I've pointed out the fact 2016 reporters donated 96% of their donations to Hillary.
They were sore losers so they've been trying since they lost. With Russia,impeachment,Ukraine, Mueller, Covid and now riots. All to get people agitated supposedly against Trump... but it is NOT working as more people are recognizing how the MSM has been manipulating public's opinion.

So in summary for the short attention span people---
Why haven't we heard about the 99% mild cases and why was a shut down necessary especially when the deaths to population is less than half with Covid versus 1957 where it was nearly 1% of the 177 million Americans?

Screen Shot 2020-06-22 at 11.42.05 AM.png
Every day since 3/30/20 I've gone to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 9,109,887 Cases and 471,759 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I log in the below information and because of some people's attention span have hidden some columns and shown a few days.
Will someone explain where in the USA those 99.3% of cases that are NOT hospitalized, or Serious/critical are located?
I'm sure a large number are quarantined in nursing facilities. But an even larger are ...where? Home? They are not hospitalized to my knowledge. The only ones listed as hospitalized are the serious conditions.

Also I thought of another question: Why out of the following pandemics I've lived through, there were no "social distancing", "masks" and more so --- NO shutdown?
--- the 1950s polio epidemic.. no closures of business..
--- 1957 H2N@ killed 116,0000 Americans when population was 171 million , Americans no closures of school,
--- 1968 Hong Kong Flu...no closures of schools, etc. 2009 H1N1 60.8 million cases... no business shut down or schools..

ONLY with President Trump have we had school closures, business shut down, airlines stopped... you name it. Why?
I've pointed out the fact 2016 reporters donated 96% of their donations to Hillary.
They were sore losers so they've been trying since they lost. With Russia,impeachment,Ukraine, Mueller, Covid and now riots. All to get people agitated supposedly against Trump... but it is NOT working as more people are recognizing how the MSM has been manipulating public's opinion.

So in summary for the short attention span people---
Why haven't we heard about the 99% mild cases and why was a shut down necessary especially when the deaths to population is less than half with Covid versus 1957 where it was nearly 1% of the 177 million Americans?

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You do realize to alleviate hospital crowding they go home.
I agree with the sentiment of your post; however, for 6/22 the % of mild/not hospitalized cases is 99.3% and the % of case survivors is 94.814%. How is that?
Much of what you ask can't be determined until after the fact ... all these medical files have to be reviewed and a consistent set of criteria applied before we know how many people died from Covid-19 ... this takes a couple of years ... plus we'll never go through and test everybody for the antigens ...

And why bother ... common sense hygiene comes from common sense, not statistics ...
I agree with the sentiment of your post; however, for 6/22 the % of mild/not hospitalized cases is 99.3% and the % of case survivors is 94.814%. How is that?
Because of the total cases reported in USA...2,357,323 less the 122,259 deaths or 2,235,323. The total cases figure is then divided by survived or 2,357,323 or 94.814% of all reported cases survive. The discrepancy is that it is possible that some of the 99.3% that weren't hospitalized were also in nursing homes and died there. But that doesn't explain how at least 94% or more with Mild cases survive BUT we don't hear that figure from the biased MSM! That is the point. We also don't hear about the COMORBIDITY condition which the following table shows conducive to getting COVID with possible death because of the associated conditions.
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Every day since 3/30/20 I've gone to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 9,109,887 Cases and 471,759 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I log in the below information and because of some people's attention span have hidden some columns and shown a few days.
Will someone explain where in the USA those 99.3% of cases that are NOT hospitalized, or Serious/critical are located?
I'm sure a large number are quarantined in nursing facilities. But an even larger are ...where? Home? They are not hospitalized to my knowledge. The only ones listed as hospitalized are the serious conditions.

Also I thought of another question: Why out of the following pandemics I've lived through, there were no "social distancing", "masks" and more so --- NO shutdown?
--- the 1950s polio epidemic.. no closures of business..
--- 1957 H2N@ killed 116,0000 Americans when population was 171 million , Americans no closures of school,
--- 1968 Hong Kong Flu...no closures of schools, etc. 2009 H1N1 60.8 million cases... no business shut down or schools..

ONLY with President Trump have we had school closures, business shut down, airlines stopped... you name it. Why?
I've pointed out the fact 2016 reporters donated 96% of their donations to Hillary.
They were sore losers so they've been trying since they lost. With Russia,impeachment,Ukraine, Mueller, Covid and now riots. All to get people agitated supposedly against Trump... but it is NOT working as more people are recognizing how the MSM has been manipulating public's opinion.

So in summary for the short attention span people---
Why haven't we heard about the 99% mild cases and why was a shut down necessary especially when the deaths to population is less than half with Covid versus 1957 where it was nearly 1% of the 177 million Americans?

View attachment 353548

I've said it many times: we live in a small mostly rural county north of a large port city. IF a pandemic had swept through the small towns and communities that house our county population we would have WITNESSED firsthand sign after sign after sing. But wait, there's more. At just twenty miles north-ish of said large port city, a city we frequent, had a pandemic really hit the place, all urban hell would have overflowed city limits and bit us all in our asses. Sorry, but . . . propagandandized from day one.
Because of the total cases reported in USA...2,357,323 less the 122,259 deaths or 2,235,323. The total cases figure is then divided by survived or 2,357,323 or 94.814% of all reported cases survive. The discrepancy is that it is possible that some of the 99.3% that weren't hospitalized were also in nursing homes and died there. But that doesn't explain how at least 94% or more with Mild cases survive BUT we don't hear that figure from the biased MSM! That is the point.
If 5.5% died due ton C-19, then 5.5 % were not mild cases.
Right and I don't believe anyone declared 5.5% deaths were "mild" cases.
Okay, I think I get your question. A good 5 % that die are not hospitalized. Why not? What part of this percentage are people in nursing homes? Why do more not go to the hospital?
Every day since 3/30/20 I've gone to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 9,109,887 Cases and 471,759 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I log in the below information and because of some people's attention span have hidden some columns and shown a few days.
Will someone explain where in the USA those 99.3% of cases that are NOT hospitalized, or Serious/critical are located?
I'm sure a large number are quarantined in nursing facilities. But an even larger are ...where? Home? They are not hospitalized to my knowledge. The only ones listed as hospitalized are the serious conditions.

Also I thought of another question: Why out of the following pandemics I've lived through, there were no "social distancing", "masks" and more so --- NO shutdown?
--- the 1950s polio epidemic.. no closures of business..
--- 1957 H2N@ killed 116,0000 Americans when population was 171 million , Americans no closures of school,
--- 1968 Hong Kong Flu...no closures of schools, etc. 2009 H1N1 60.8 million cases... no business shut down or schools..

ONLY with President Trump have we had school closures, business shut down, airlines stopped... you name it. Why?
I've pointed out the fact 2016 reporters donated 96% of their donations to Hillary.
They were sore losers so they've been trying since they lost. With Russia,impeachment,Ukraine, Mueller, Covid and now riots. All to get people agitated supposedly against Trump... but it is NOT working as more people are recognizing how the MSM has been manipulating public's opinion.

So in summary for the short attention span people---
Why haven't we heard about the 99% mild cases and why was a shut down necessary especially when the deaths to population is less than half with Covid versus 1957 where it was nearly 1% of the 177 million Americans?

View attachment 353548
It's funny how someone as ignorant as you about health and medical matters deigns to declare himself "healthmyths" as if an expert on the subject.

You built your entire rant on a false premise. The infection rate of Covid-19 is much higher than the cases you cited, and if you did the math this would have been blazingly obvious to you.

By the way, there was no 1950s epidemic of polio. Polio was an ongoing disease which had been around for a very long time. It didn't suddenly sprout up in the 50s. In fact, it was the 1950s when the polio vaccine was finally developed.

Also, you claimed (lied) and said there were no closures during the polio epidemic. In fact:

Travel and commerce between affected cities were sometimes restricted. Public health officials imposed quarantines (used to separate and restrict the movement of well people who may have been exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become ill) on homes and towns where polio cases were diagnosed.

You're welcome.
They pulled the wool over an entire Nation's to get at Trump.
The only virus more infectious than Covid right now is the virus of retardation which falls for bullshit like this.

Trump fucked up, bigly. He blew this virus off as no big deal. And you tards are actually still trying to believe this.

That is willful stupidity.
The only virus more infectious than Covid right now is the virus of retardation which falls for bullshit like this.

Trump fucked up, bigly. He blew this virus off as no big deal. And you tards are actually still trying to believe this.

That is willful stupidity.

Sorry kid, you're no more than a lemming who hates Rump. Willful stupidity is the inability to actually challenge what's happening.
It's a flu strain moron, nothing more. Your "Progressive" moron Gov's have inflated the deaths by forcing virus positive people into faccilities FILLED with those who had the EXACT underlying health issues that made them high risk. I haven't worn a mask yet and I won't going forward.
Covid-19 has an infection and potential mortality rate about the same as the flu pandemic of 1918.

Untreated, we would lose somewhere around 100 million people to Covid worldwide.

One of the reasons so many people died from the flu pandemic of 1918 was due to complications arising from infection by the virus. Bacterial pneumonia, etc.

There were no antibiotics back then to treat the complications, and so the mortality rate was high. Today, we have antibiotics to treat the secondary effects of Covid and thus a better survival rate.

Nonetheless, the mortality rate is still ten times higher the seasonal flu. Fox News and Trump are flat out evil for suggesting Covid is no worse then the flu, thus making them both responsible for the six-figure deaths in the US.

We are the most advanced country in the world, and yet we have one-fourth of all the deaths.

Trump will go down in history as easily the worst president ever.
It's a flu strain moron, nothing more.


Thank you for volunteering to demonstrate exactly the stupidity, ignorance, and credulity of the average piss drinking parrot.
Covid-19 has an infection and potential mortality rate about the same as the flu pandemic of 1918.

Untreated, we would lose somewhere around 100 million people to Covid worldwide.

One of the reasons so many people died from the flu pandemic of 1918 was due to complications arising from infection by the virus. Bacterial pneumonia, etc.

There were no antibiotics back then to treat the complications, and so the mortality rate was high. Today, we have antibiotics to treat the secondary effects of Covid and thus a better survival rate.

Nonetheless, the mortality rate is still ten times higher the seasonal flu. Fox News and Trump are flat out evil for suggesting Covid is no worse then the flu, thus making them both responsible for the six-figure deaths in the US.

We are the most advanced country in the world, and yet we have one-fourth of all the deaths.

Trump will go down in history as easily the worst president ever.
Trump will go down in history as easily the worst president ever.
Are you stating that every nation's leader today will go down in history as that nation's worst leader ever?
The common cold is a coronavirus.

The flu is not. Influenza is an orthomyxoviridae.

Because Covid-19 is a kind of coronavirus, no one can say for certain whether or not you can catch it more than once. People can catch the same cold virus three to five times a year.

Once you catch a strain of the flu, you don't catch it again.
Trump will go down in history as easily the worst president ever.
Are you stating that every nation's leader today will go down in history as that nation's worst leader ever?
Trump will. Which part do you not understand?
The common cold is a coronavirus.

The flu is not. Influenza is an orthomyxoviridae.

Because Covid is a new kind of coronavirus, no one can say for certain whether or not you can catch it more than once. People can catch the same cold three to five times a year.

Once you catch a strain of the flu, you don't catch it again.
I know a few people who have had it more than once and some who have had it for over a month.
Trump will. Which part do you not understand?
You have hated Trump since he was born so your input on that issue is to be ignored.
I also think it's admirable that your brain is blaming Trump for all the COVID deaths in Europe and Asia.
Then again, no one ever accused you of not being mentally ill.

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