I'm waiting for answers to the following questions...

Every day since 3/30/20 I've gone to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 9,109,887 Cases and 471,759 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I log in the below information and because of some people's attention span have hidden some columns and shown a few days.
Will someone explain where in the USA those 99.3% of cases that are NOT hospitalized, or Serious/critical are located?
I'm sure a large number are quarantined in nursing facilities. But an even larger are ...where? Home? They are not hospitalized to my knowledge. The only ones listed as hospitalized are the serious conditions.

Also I thought of another question: Why out of the following pandemics I've lived through, there were no "social distancing", "masks" and more so --- NO shutdown?
--- the 1950s polio epidemic.. no closures of business..
--- 1957 H2N@ killed 116,0000 Americans when population was 171 million , Americans no closures of school,
--- 1968 Hong Kong Flu...no closures of schools, etc. 2009 H1N1 60.8 million cases... no business shut down or schools..

ONLY with President Trump have we had school closures, business shut down, airlines stopped... you name it. Why?
I've pointed out the fact 2016 reporters donated 96% of their donations to Hillary.
They were sore losers so they've been trying since they lost. With Russia,impeachment,Ukraine, Mueller, Covid and now riots. All to get people agitated supposedly against Trump... but it is NOT working as more people are recognizing how the MSM has been manipulating public's opinion.

So in summary for the short attention span people---
Why haven't we heard about the 99% mild cases and why was a shut down necessary especially when the deaths to population is less than half with Covid versus 1957 where it was nearly 1% of the 177 million Americans?

View attachment 353548
You do realize to alleviate hospital crowding they go home.

I really don't know what the OP is asking. If it's anything like the other 8 threads he's made on the subject, the answer is the same as it was a few weeks ago; the press doesn't report that people are okay; they report when people get sick. Just like work crews don't respond to traffic lights that are working, they respond to those that burn out.
So why didn't we have a national shut down in 2009-2010 pushed by the MSM? OH wait... Obama was president! Also you haven't ever addressed the fACT I've pointed out frequently that:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
Think of it. 96% donations were blown by the MSM and what is their way of getting even?
Now this is by Erin Coates---January 14, 2020 at 9:27am
In the 100 days after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the impeachment investigation,
a recent study found the top three evening newscasts have broadcast
93 percent negative coverage of President Donald Trump.
Study: Network Coverage of Trump Was 93 Percent Negative in Recent Months

You totally ignore THAT fact that the MSM has been trying to get even! But of course you won't because not only are you dishonest
but truly ignorant! When will you wake up to see the MS wants this country destroyed?
Every day since 3/30/20 I've gone to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 9,109,887 Cases and 471,759 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I log in the below information and because of some people's attention span have hidden some columns and shown a few days.
Will someone explain where in the USA those 99.3% of cases that are NOT hospitalized, or Serious/critical are located?
I'm sure a large number are quarantined in nursing facilities. But an even larger are ...where? Home? They are not hospitalized to my knowledge. The only ones listed as hospitalized are the serious conditions.

Also I thought of another question: Why out of the following pandemics I've lived through, there were no "social distancing", "masks" and more so --- NO shutdown?
--- the 1950s polio epidemic.. no closures of business..
--- 1957 H2N@ killed 116,0000 Americans when population was 171 million , Americans no closures of school,
--- 1968 Hong Kong Flu...no closures of schools, etc. 2009 H1N1 60.8 million cases... no business shut down or schools..

ONLY with President Trump have we had school closures, business shut down, airlines stopped... you name it. Why?
I've pointed out the fact 2016 reporters donated 96% of their donations to Hillary.
They were sore losers so they've been trying since they lost. With Russia,impeachment,Ukraine, Mueller, Covid and now riots. All to get people agitated supposedly against Trump... but it is NOT working as more people are recognizing how the MSM has been manipulating public's opinion.

So in summary for the short attention span people---
Why haven't we heard about the 99% mild cases and why was a shut down necessary especially when the deaths to population is less than half with Covid versus 1957 where it was nearly 1% of the 177 million Americans?

View attachment 353548
You do realize to alleviate hospital crowding they go home.

I really don't know what the OP is asking. If it's anything like the other 8 threads he's made on the subject, the answer is the same as it was a few weeks ago; the press doesn't report that people are okay; they report when people get sick. Just like work crews don't respond to traffic lights that are working, they respond to those that burn out.
So why didn't we have a national shut down in 2009-2010 pushed by the MSM? OH wait... Obama was president! Also you haven't ever addressed the fACT I've pointed out frequently that:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
Think of it. 96% donations were blown by the MSM and what is their way of getting even?
Now this is by Erin Coates---January 14, 2020 at 9:27am
In the 100 days after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the impeachment investigation,
a recent study found the top three evening newscasts have broadcast
93 percent negative coverage of President Donald Trump.
Study: Network Coverage of Trump Was 93 Percent Negative in Recent Months

You totally ignore THAT fact that the MSM has been trying to get even! But of course you won't because not only are you dishonest
but truly ignorant! When will you wake up to see the MS wants this country destroyed?

So what is the question you want an answer to?
Every day since 3/30/20 I've gone to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 9,109,887 Cases and 471,759 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I log in the below information and because of some people's attention span have hidden some columns and shown a few days.
Will someone explain where in the USA those 99.3% of cases that are NOT hospitalized, or Serious/critical are located?
I'm sure a large number are quarantined in nursing facilities. But an even larger are ...where? Home? They are not hospitalized to my knowledge. The only ones listed as hospitalized are the serious conditions.

Also I thought of another question: Why out of the following pandemics I've lived through, there were no "social distancing", "masks" and more so --- NO shutdown?
--- the 1950s polio epidemic.. no closures of business..
--- 1957 H2N@ killed 116,0000 Americans when population was 171 million , Americans no closures of school,
--- 1968 Hong Kong Flu...no closures of schools, etc. 2009 H1N1 60.8 million cases... no business shut down or schools..

ONLY with President Trump have we had school closures, business shut down, airlines stopped... you name it. Why?
I've pointed out the fact 2016 reporters donated 96% of their donations to Hillary.
They were sore losers so they've been trying since they lost. With Russia,impeachment,Ukraine, Mueller, Covid and now riots. All to get people agitated supposedly against Trump... but it is NOT working as more people are recognizing how the MSM has been manipulating public's opinion.

So in summary for the short attention span people---
Why haven't we heard about the 99% mild cases and why was a shut down necessary especially when the deaths to population is less than half with Covid versus 1957 where it was nearly 1% of the 177 million Americans?

View attachment 353548
/——/ Because in 1957, the Democratic Party was run by patriotic Americans who would have shut this BS down in 2 seconds.

It's not just Joe DiMaggio who has gone.....

Where are the Daniel Patrick Moynihans?????

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