"I'm white but I never consider race"

Crackers aren't allowed to use racist terms, how come the ******* can use racist terms and crackers can't?
I'm serious now. How come ******* can call whitey crackers but crackers can't call blacks *******?

It's gotta be one or the other, can't have both.
IM, for example, is what a responsible, productive citizen would generally refer to as a typical ******. He demostrates himself daily.

But...we can't call a spade a spade. Only the ******* around here are allotted the luxury of racially sterotyping whitey with those time tested racial slurs like cracker as a means of minimizing them at their own expense. Why is that? Who's modding this subby anyway, PC Principal?
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Sorry, web site reviewer in a past cycle or three. Ha. Still a germane question, though. No? Why not?
Oh Goodie! Yet another Racist Race Baiting thread by a Racist Race Baiting Race Baiter!
I always consider the race ... before I bet.

"I'm white", that is a declaration of your race. At that point you have considered race.
Now before you start off with the usual trolling. Read the comment and let it sink in.

"I'm white but I never consider race"
Race baiting is your forte.
I would say most people consider race to some degree when living among people of different races. I would say there are very few people who fit the description of the OP. I'm betting a good number of people consider race for about a second then their brain moves on to whats really important... like the 'person/ human being' standing in front of them and the words coming out of their mouth/ demeanor.
The society we live in is all of our society, we got born into it without being asked if we wanted to. it's not just a white society it's our society and it works for everyone in 2019. MLK's point though is duly noted, its obvious there were injustices and that gets considered every day, maybe not in a linear pattern that can be measured because society is not static.
I'd say most people consider race for a second, as you said, but then the go on to make snap judgments based on the race of the individual.

This is what leads to prejudice, which can ultimately lead to bigotry and racism.
I'm a hungry bluecollar redneck , and i could care if your polka dot, i'm takin' you for every $$$ you have if i have the chance

~S~ (EOE)

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