Im with Donald.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Trump calls on Senate to pass prison reform bill, which McConnell doesn’t want to bring to a vote

President Donald Trump on Friday called on Congress to pass a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill — a piece of legislation that would reform prison sentencing by lowering mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines and offer training programs in prisons to try and lower recidivism rates.

The bill has already passed the House, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said there is not enough time in the lame-duck session to get through the Senate.

“Really good Criminal Justice Reform has a true shot at major bipartisan support,” Trump tweeted. “@senatemajldr Mitch McConnell and @senchuckschumer have a real chance to do something so badly needed in our country. Already [passed], with big vote, in House. Would be a major victory for ALL!”
Behind the scenes, Republicans have been lobbying McConnell to put the bill to the floor for a vote.
And Trump has now taken the lobbying campaign public with his Friday tweet urging passage of the bill.

Well there is a first time for everything. Prison reform is much needed in a country where punishment is profi making. Well played sir. Da Iawn !!
I'm shocked. Shocked.

INSTITUTE INDEX: A private prison firm's pay-to-play immigrant detention contract
Amount the company also contributed that year to the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC associated with U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky): $200,000
INSTITUTE INDEX: A private prison firm's pay-to-play immigrant detention contract
Trump calls on Senate to pass prison reform bill, which McConnell doesn’t want to bring to a vote

President Donald Trump on Friday called on Congress to pass a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill — a piece of legislation that would reform prison sentencing by lowering mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines and offer training programs in prisons to try and lower recidivism rates.

The bill has already passed the House, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said there is not enough time in the lame-duck session to get through the Senate.

“Really good Criminal Justice Reform has a true shot at major bipartisan support,” Trump tweeted. “@senatemajldr Mitch McConnell and @senchuckschumer have a real chance to do something so badly needed in our country. Already [passed], with big vote, in House. Would be a major victory for ALL!”
Behind the scenes, Republicans have been lobbying McConnell to put the bill to the floor for a vote.
And Trump has now taken the lobbying campaign public with his Friday tweet urging passage of the bill.

Well there is a first time for everything. Prison reform is much needed in a country where punishment is profi making. Well played sir. Da Iawn !!

IMHO prison should only be for those who are a danger to society ie. rapists in general, murderers, arsonists, child rapists, drug dealers, of course also I think that child rapists and drug dealers should automatically be executed, which that also would help to reduce a prison population further and also save money because I see no reason why to waste tax money to keep child rapists breathing oxygen or waste tax money to keep drug dealers breathing oxygen.

I also think that drug addicts should not be in prison, drug addicts have an illness, just like alcoholism also an illness and if they haven't committed a violent crime they should be in special hospitals to help them with their addiction.

Prison does not contribute anything to the underlining problem, which is their addiction.

Drug dealers should be in prison, in an ideal situation they would be executed, these slugs are useless on every level to any society.

Those with recognised mental health issues should not be in a prison, it in majority cases only intensifies their problems, instead of prison those with mental health issues should be in Psychiatric institutions to get the therapy and medications they need to help with their problems.

There are also alternatives to prison for young offenders, such as community based programmes, where you could have responsible adults as mentors to young offenders, the mentors could even be retired peoples in their 60s and 70s, they would build relationships with the young offenders and help them make better decisions about how to lead their lives more positively and be more productive to their community.

The young offenders who have discipline problems should be sent to boot camps, this would help them not only with discipline but also general anger management and also self-esteem.

The situation is that prison is not always the solution and too many are in prison who should not be.

Tommy Taint posted a valid thread.

That's like the 13th horseman of the apocalypse, the end is nigh....

In all seriousness, we do have a serious problem with throwing people in prison for non-violent drug possession charges.

I would't care if we had 30 million people in prison if they're convicted of violent criminal acts, but as it is we let violent fuckers out to make room for drug peddlers.

Good Show Tommy, now you can go back to insulting our country for not embracing suicide bombers.

Trump calls on Senate to pass prison reform bill, which McConnell doesn’t want to bring to a vote

President Donald Trump on Friday called on Congress to pass a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill — a piece of legislation that would reform prison sentencing by lowering mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines and offer training programs in prisons to try and lower recidivism rates.

The bill has already passed the House, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said there is not enough time in the lame-duck session to get through the Senate.

“Really good Criminal Justice Reform has a true shot at major bipartisan support,” Trump tweeted. “@senatemajldr Mitch McConnell and @senchuckschumer have a real chance to do something so badly needed in our country. Already [passed], with big vote, in House. Would be a major victory for ALL!”
Behind the scenes, Republicans have been lobbying McConnell to put the bill to the floor for a vote.
And Trump has now taken the lobbying campaign public with his Friday tweet urging passage of the bill.

Well there is a first time for everything. Prison reform is much needed in a country where punishment is profi making. Well played sir. Da Iawn !!

IMHO prison should only be for those who are a danger to society ie. rapists in general, murderers, arsonists, child rapists, drug dealers, of course also I think that child rapists and drug dealers should automatically be executed, which that also would help to reduce a prison population further and also save money because I see no reason why to waste tax money to keep child rapists breathing oxygen or waste tax money to keep drug dealers breathing oxygen.

I also think that drug addicts should not be in prison, drug addicts have an illness, just like alcoholism also an illness and if they haven't committed a violent crime they should be in special hospitals to help them with their addiction.

Prison does not contribute anything to the underlining problem, which is their addiction.

Drug dealers should be in prison, in an ideal situation they would be executed, these slugs are useless on every level to any society.

Those with recognised mental health issues should not be in a prison, it in majority cases only intensifies their problems, instead of prison those with mental health issues should be in Psychiatric institutions to get the therapy and medications they need to help with their problems.

There are also alternatives to prison for young offenders, such as community based programmes, where you could have responsible adults as mentors to young offenders, the mentors could even be retired peoples in their 60s and 70s, they would build relationships with the young offenders and help them make better decisions about how to lead their lives more positively and be more productive to their community.

The young offenders who have discipline problems should be sent to boot camps, this would help them not only with discipline but also general anger management and also self-esteem.

The situation is that prison is not always the solution and too many are in prison who should not be.

The child sex deviants do need to be killed, There's no rehabilitating such people. the threat of death should be enough to keep them from acting on their perversion but we know it isn't.

Drug dealers are capitalists at heart. I think they can be reformed if properly educated, trained and led to the job market. There probably is a couple hundred thousand people in our system that should never be allowed back out, and financially it makes sense to put them down but I'm not a big fan of the death penalty.

Maybe we need a decent sized island to dump them off on.
I will give Trump credit where credit is due. He is right on this one. Let us hope it passes. Trump is also right it is long over due.
Trump calls on Senate to pass prison reform bill, which McConnell doesn’t want to bring to a vote

President Donald Trump on Friday called on Congress to pass a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill — a piece of legislation that would reform prison sentencing by lowering mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines and offer training programs in prisons to try and lower recidivism rates.

The bill has already passed the House, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said there is not enough time in the lame-duck session to get through the Senate.

“Really good Criminal Justice Reform has a true shot at major bipartisan support,” Trump tweeted. “@senatemajldr Mitch McConnell and @senchuckschumer have a real chance to do something so badly needed in our country. Already [passed], with big vote, in House. Would be a major victory for ALL!”
Behind the scenes, Republicans have been lobbying McConnell to put the bill to the floor for a vote.
And Trump has now taken the lobbying campaign public with his Friday tweet urging passage of the bill.

Well there is a first time for everything. Prison reform is much needed in a country where punishment is profi making. Well played sir. Da Iawn !!

IMHO prison should only be for those who are a danger to society ie. rapists in general, murderers, arsonists, child rapists, drug dealers, of course also I think that child rapists and drug dealers should automatically be executed, which that also would help to reduce a prison population further and also save money because I see no reason why to waste tax money to keep child rapists breathing oxygen or waste tax money to keep drug dealers breathing oxygen.

I also think that drug addicts should not be in prison, drug addicts have an illness, just like alcoholism also an illness and if they haven't committed a violent crime they should be in special hospitals to help them with their addiction.

Prison does not contribute anything to the underlining problem, which is their addiction.

Drug dealers should be in prison, in an ideal situation they would be executed, these slugs are useless on every level to any society.

Those with recognised mental health issues should not be in a prison, it in majority cases only intensifies their problems, instead of prison those with mental health issues should be in Psychiatric institutions to get the therapy and medications they need to help with their problems.

There are also alternatives to prison for young offenders, such as community based programmes, where you could have responsible adults as mentors to young offenders, the mentors could even be retired peoples in their 60s and 70s, they would build relationships with the young offenders and help them make better decisions about how to lead their lives more positively and be more productive to their community.

The young offenders who have discipline problems should be sent to boot camps, this would help them not only with discipline but also general anger management and also self-esteem.

The situation is that prison is not always the solution and too many are in prison who should not be.

The child sex deviants do need to be killed, There's no rehabilitating such people. the threat of death should be enough to keep them from acting on their perversion but we know it isn't.

Drug dealers are capitalists at heart. I think they can be reformed if properly educated, trained and led to the job market. There probably is a couple hundred thousand people in our system that should never be allowed back out, and financially it makes sense to put them down but I'm not a big fan of the death penalty.

Maybe we need a decent sized island to dump them off on.

I support Zero Tolerance on child rapists and drug dealers, so it is execute them all, not for wasting moneys on educating this crowd, bullet in the head, end of. Zero Tolerance.
I support Zero Tolerance on child rapists and drug dealers, so it is execute them all, not for wasting moneys on educating this crowd, bullet in the head, end of. Zero Tolerance.

I'm not into giving the state that sort of power. Child rapists is one thing. If you have DNA evidence as well as testimony, it greatly reduces the possibility of faulty convictions. Yet as a society we need to be absolutely certain of guilt when it comes to killing the convicted.

Even murderers aren't all clear cut cases where the defendant deserves to die. In the ghettos across the US criminals are killing each other as much as innocent people.

We need to execute someone for killing a convicted armed robber out on parole who stole his sneakers? Far as I'm concerned give the guy a free Whopper at BK. Instead they put him in jail for 10-20 years and are surprised when he comes out a little bitter.

As far as the drugs go, pot shouldn't even be regulated. I've given up on the entire concept of prohibition. If you leave addicts alone, with a cheap supply they will kill themselves for you. If they don't have to commit an armed robbery for $100, and can get cheap smack they will. My zero tolerance is for government doing the same shit to people over and over again, never being held accountable, and resisting any change to the law with such obstinance that it nearly takes an armed uprising to get them to fuck off.

Look at the 18th Amendment and what it created. If people want to destroy themselves chemically, so be it. When they violate someone else's property to feed their habit, the property owner dispatches them and the coroner collects the debris.

Problem solved.
the 'for profit' prison system was on its way to being phased out b4 jan 20, 2016; that is until trump's AG, pick jeffery beauregard sessions III re-instated their 'usefulness'. i wonder did trump actually let him know that he wanted 'reform'?

now that the little racist was forced to resign... i'll use a favorite quote from president dotard:

' we'll see what happens '
I also think that drug addicts should not be in prison, drug addicts have an illness, just like alcoholism also an illness and if they haven't committed a violent crime they should be in special hospitals to help them with their addiction.
on that note>>>

Prison–industrial complex | Wikiwand

My research however has determined that it was none other than President Lyndon Baines Johnson who launched this ignominious, racist failure of public policy. Here is LBJ’s message of February 7, 1968
When LBJ who thought that his war on poverty was going to get all those NI&&ERS voting democrat, he put 10,000 black people into a 1 square mile area called the projects. So with welfare, women didnt need men, men couldn't find a job, misery and poverty came in, soon drugs and crime happened, and certain part of the liberal city turned into 3rd world shitholes, white folks moved to the suburbs, and the city turned into a war zone. Shame that liberals are too stupid to study history, but repeat the talking points of their propagandist media machine....
My research however has determined that it was none other than President Lyndon Baines Johnson who launched this ignominious, racist failure of public policy. Here is LBJ’s message of February 7, 1968
When LBJ who thought that his war on poverty was going to get all those NI&&ERS voting democrat, he put 10,000 black people into a 1 square mile area called the projects. So with welfare, women didnt need men, men couldn't find a job, misery and poverty came in, soon drugs and crime happened, and certain part of the liberal city turned into 3rd world shitholes, white folks moved to the suburbs, and the city turned into a war zone. Shame that liberals are too stupid to study history, but repeat the talking points of their propagandist media machine....

You're not talking about "studying history", you're talking about remembering a few years ago!!! It's not like you have to translate fuckin Sanskrit scrolls you dug up from under the dead sea. You can open your fuckin eyes and look at the state of economy in any goddamned leftist country and see a shit hole in the smouldering, a shit hole swirling the toilet, or a shit hole in the making. There isn't a single fucking one that has even a fraction of it's people except those in government at the top with any economic mobility at all, let alone upward.

And the first bed wetter to sheepishly prattle on about euroweenies with militaries we subsidize, or china being a communist country is likely a posting bot with an old algorithm, or just the standard capacity stupid libturd. If you've ever been to china, they're NOT a collectivist country. Capitalism runs amok on the streets. There is lots of state run shit, but plenty of people are getting rich and not being taxed 90% like the bed wetters believe in.

Regressive policies lead to shit holes. Everywhere you look, ever since that piece of shit Engles wrote that utopian fairy tale we have imbeciles that keep sticking their hands into boiling oil to grab the golden egg you keep telling them is welded to the bottom of the tank. Their all either insane, stupid or both.

The worm has turned now.

Tommy is a Trump supporter. Next, his avatar will be wearing a MAGA hat.
I also think that drug addicts should not be in prison, drug addicts have an illness, just like alcoholism also an illness and if they haven't committed a violent crime they should be in special hospitals to help them with their addiction.
on that note>>>

Prison–industrial complex | Wikiwand
Pretty soon everybody will be in prison. That is staggering.

That’s what all total pieces of shits say.
What’s weird is I’m in my early 40’s as are all my friends....I lived through some wild and crazy college years and have had lots of fun all over the country...yet myself nor any of my friends have ever been arrested.
It’s really not all that hard to follow the fucking rules if you’re a semi legit human being.
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I have actually worked with work release prisoners during my time in construction...........They work instead of sitting in a cell and actually pay for their own incarceration...........They only get a small amount of money for the work the rest is paid to maintain the prison.............

And while they were on the job site, they learned a trade............Were taught skills on the job............Just about all of them on that job weren't really that bad to work with.........and most were willing to learn.............

And had they gotten out of hand on a construction site........well it wouldn't work out well for them. LOL
Since were all about killing drug dealers... I propose that we start executing doctors pharmacists, and CEOs of big Pharmaceutical companies that also deal drugs. Only “they” do it with the “governments” blessing...
What say ye!?

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