Imagine Ann Coulter Pretending To Be A Liberal

Look fool using Obama's own numbers at one point we would have had to raise taxes on the rich to 99% just to break even on Obama's deficit
Nope. Not even close. You are writing total fiction.

Try again.
If you want to know who is responsible for our national debt, look in the mirror.
We all have biases. And some of us have some particular ideas about what our political opponents must believe. Some of these ideas are wrong. These mistaken impressions of our opponents lead to what are known as straw man arguments:

1. My opponents like to drink arsenic-laced Kool-Aid.

2. Here is a link proving arsenic is bad for you: Arsenic poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. I win!

But what if someone who had all kinds of silly ideas about the opposition suddenly decided to pretend to be one of them, and to run for office as one of them.

Imagine the hilarity of Ann Coulter running for office as a Democrat, trying to state her positions the way she imagines a liberal would answer them:

REPORTER: Ms. Coulter, what would you do about ISIS?

COULTER: I would arm them, of course! Because I hate America.

Now imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.

Here's the flaw in your argument: A sane person can easily pretend to be crazy, but a crazy person can't pretend to be sane. What left wingers believe is insane.

One of the lefts most insane beliefs, that the "rich" are sitting on so much money that if we just taxed them more everybody could live well off.

All the money the rich are "sitting on" is invested. It provides the plant and equipment that the middle class uses to make a living. Taxing it away for the benefit of parasites will only impoverish all of us.

BINGO! That is another of the left's insanely stupid beliefs, that you can tax the fuck out of the 'rich' and there will be no negative consequences. Examples of that all over the country. Oregon just slammed businesses with $5 billion in give us more money because we want it tax increases. New York taxed factories right out of the damn state, the businesses said fuck you New York packed up and left. Nothing dumber than a tax and spend liberal.
Look fool using Obama's own numbers at one point we would have had to raise taxes on the rich to 99% just to break even on Obama's deficit
Nope. Not even close. You are writing total fiction.

Try again.

Ahahaha yet another liberal insanity, denial. When confronted with facts just go LALALALALA plug your ears and yell I CAN'T HEAR YOU a liberal classic. You might want to put some Neosporine on that ass whooping you just took :laugh:
We all have biases. And some of us have some particular ideas about what our political opponents must believe. Some of these ideas are wrong. These mistaken impressions of our opponents lead to what are known as straw man arguments:

1. My opponents like to drink arsenic-laced Kool-Aid.

2. Here is a link proving arsenic is bad for you: Arsenic poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. I win!

But what if someone who had all kinds of silly ideas about the opposition suddenly decided to pretend to be one of them, and to run for office as one of them.

Imagine the hilarity of Ann Coulter running for office as a Democrat, trying to state her positions the way she imagines a liberal would answer them:

REPORTER: Ms. Coulter, what would you do about ISIS?

COULTER: I would arm them, of course! Because I hate America.

Now imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.

derp derp derp

Is this still about Trump answering a question about a hypothetical SCOTUS decision?

It could be about Coulter spitting on Dinnies little dick for going soft on immigration.
"Very pro-choice."

Believes Bush should be impeached.

Believes we should cut and run from Iraq.

Believes the Clintons are terrific people.

Believes Bill Clinton was a great President.

Believes Hillary Clinton would make a great President.

Registered Democrat during entire Bush Administration and for first two years of Obama Administration.

Believes Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever, despite Benghazi.

Every member of family contributes to all of Hillary's Senate and Presidential campaigns.

Contributes to Democratic Party Chairman's gubernatorial campaign.

If someone called the person I just described above a "conservative Republican", with what size sledgehammer would you hit them in the face?

Trump is a fake. He answers questions about policy the way a liberal thinks a conservative would answer them.

Yes, send those aborting bitches to jail. Mexicans are rapists. we need to ban all Muslims. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

REPORTER: About abortion...

COULTER: Right, I'm pro-life.

REPORTER: Pro-life or pro-choice?

COULTER: I'm pro-choice. I'm sorry.

REPORTER: What about in the third trimester?

COULTER: I think there should be some provision for up to a month after birth.

REPORTER: Where do you stand on gun control?

COULTER: I think we should confiscate all guns. Immediately.

REPORTER: What about the Second Amendment?

COULTER: What about it? I hate the Constitution.

REPORTER: Should Christians be allowed to not bake cakes for gay couples?

COULTER: Christianity is a religion of violence. It should be banned.
You lost your mind.
Look fool using Obama's own numbers at one point we would have had to raise taxes on the rich to 99% just to break even on Obama's deficit
Nope. Not even close. You are writing total fiction.

Try again.

Ahahaha yet another liberal insanity, denial. When confronted with facts just go LALALALALA plug your ears and yell I CAN'T HEAR YOU a liberal classic. You might want to put some Neosporine on that ass whooping you just took :laugh:
It is now time to prove your claim.

Go ahead. I'm waiting.
By the way BluesLegendInYourOwnMind, I am not in favor of raising tax rates. On anyone.

In fact, I am for eliminating most (if not all) tax expenditures so we can LOWER tax rates for EVERYONE. And we'd still be able to pay down the debt.

Just by eliminating tax expenditures.

Unfortunately, people scream like hippies when you try to take away their government gifts. Which is why I say look in the mirror for the person responsible for our debt.
Because Americans scream like hippies when you try to take away their government gifts (deductions, exemptions, credits), our politicians respond to the demands of the People by raising tax rates to pay for them.

But they can't raise tax rates high enough to balance the books, because the American people want their gifts for FREE!

So the government borrows the rest.
I mentioned earlier Trump wants to expand Medicaid above and beyond what ObamaCare does.

His economic package would also increase the federal debt by at least $5 trillion. By one non-partisan estimate, he would increase the debt by $10 trillion.

Which is why you never hear Trump bragging about his economic package or talking economics. On the rare occasions he has spoken about our debt, he came off as a lunatic.

Trump is an insane liberal, trying to pretend he is a conservative. He couldn't beat Hillary for the Democratic nomination, and he wasn't getting any younger, so he decided to become a Republican.

The GOP had allowed itself to be overrun by the very parodies of conservatism Trump now assumes. So he was in like Flint.
Conservatives ....

Are staunchly pro-life until about a minute after babies are born.... when 'concern' morphs into "Screw 'em. Buncha damn freeloaders."

Believe Presidents should be held to a higher moral standard, with regard to lying under oath about an illicit affair that never was any of their damn business to begin with.

Believe Presidents should NOT be held to a higher moral standard, with regard to starting a war under false pretenses, and simply refusing to testify under oath.

Believe in fiscal responsibility ...... unless it's a Republican POTUS who is spending money as fast as it can be printed, or one of his appointees is dropping billions down a black hole overseas.

Believe in freedom of speech .... but have no problem with (Republican) President designating free speech zones either

Believe in freedom speech ..... as long as you never question a sitting (Republican) President in a time of war.

Because that's treason.

Hell .... Conservatives revise their beliefs 180 degrees at a time, based solely on which party is in office.

Trump's just continuing the grand tradition.
Trump would have run as the liberal Democrat he is in 2012 if he had thought he could beat Obama. But Obama pre-empted by totally pwning Trump's birtherism in 2011.

Not quite. Trump's open feud with Obama is what drove Trump to start wearing the faux conservative costume. Trump tried to buy Obama, but failed. From there he decided he wanted to take revenge.
He's probably also still hurting over Obama's roasting of him at the Correspondence Dinner.
In fact, knowing how thin-skinned he is, the original reason for running for President is likely to give him the chance to do the same to Obama.
We all have biases. And some of us have some particular ideas about what our political opponents must believe. Some of these ideas are wrong. These mistaken impressions of our opponents lead to what are known as straw man arguments:

1. My opponents like to drink arsenic-laced Kool-Aid.

2. Here is a link proving arsenic is bad for you: Arsenic poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. I win!

But what if someone who had all kinds of silly ideas about the opposition suddenly decided to pretend to be one of them, and to run for office as one of them.

Imagine the hilarity of Ann Coulter running for office as a Democrat, trying to state her positions the way she imagines a liberal would answer them:

REPORTER: Ms. Coulter, what would you do about ISIS?

COULTER: I would arm them, of course! Because I hate America.

Now imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.
Excellent post.
Trump would have run as the liberal Democrat he is in 2012 if he had thought he could beat Obama. But Obama pre-empted by totally pwning Trump's birtherism in 2011.

Not quite. Trump's open feud with Obama is what drove Trump to start wearing the faux conservative costume. Trump tried to buy Obama, but failed. From there he decided he wanted to take revenge.
He's probably also still hurting over Obama's roasting of him at the Correspondence Dinner.
In fact, knowing how thin-skinned he is, the original reason for running for President is likely to give him the chance to do the same to Obama.

Their feud was in full force by that point. Trump had already declared war on Obama.
Trump would have run as the liberal Democrat he is in 2012 if he had thought he could beat Obama. But Obama pre-empted by totally pwning Trump's birtherism in 2011.

Not quite. Trump's open feud with Obama is what drove Trump to start wearing the faux conservative costume. Trump tried to buy Obama, but failed. From there he decided he wanted to take revenge.
He's probably also still hurting over Obama's roasting of him at the Correspondence Dinner.
In fact, knowing how thin-skinned he is, the original reason for running for President is likely to give him the chance to do the same to Obama.

Their feud was in full force by that point. Trump had already declared war on Obama.
True...Obama didn't bite back until the dinner though...and he bit hard.
Trump would have run as the liberal Democrat he is in 2012 if he had thought he could beat Obama. But Obama pre-empted by totally pwning Trump's birtherism in 2011.

Not quite. Trump's open feud with Obama is what drove Trump to start wearing the faux conservative costume. Trump tried to buy Obama, but failed. From there he decided he wanted to take revenge.
He's probably also still hurting over Obama's roasting of him at the Correspondence Dinner.
In fact, knowing how thin-skinned he is, the original reason for running for President is likely to give him the chance to do the same to Obama.

Their feud was in full force by that point. Trump had already declared war on Obama.
Yes, but Trump had not been embarrassed by Obama up to that point.

Obama kept his powder dry. For a long time. He was patient. He let Trump make a public ass of himself, giving Obama more ammunition.

And then he totally blasted Trump out of the water at that dinner.

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