Imagine Ann Coulter Pretending To Be A Liberal

We all have biases. And some of us have some particular ideas about what our political opponents must believe. Some of these ideas are wrong. These mistaken impressions of our opponents lead to what are known as straw man arguments:

1. My opponents like to drink arsenic-laced Kool-Aid.

2. Here is a link proving arsenic is bad for you: Arsenic poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. I win!

But what if someone who had all kinds of silly ideas about the opposition suddenly decided to pretend to be one of them, and to run for office as one of them.

Imagine the hilarity of Ann Coulter running for office as a Democrat, trying to state her positions the way she imagines a liberal would answer them:

REPORTER: Ms. Coulter, what would you do about ISIS?

COULTER: I would arm them, of course! Because I hate America.

Now imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.

you're mistaken....Donald has no ideology except for Donald-ism

Hillary cares about no one but yourself , her family, and her political allies.. that's it....oh and getting rich off of selling out the country...those Clintons are obsessed with crony money
"B-b-b-but Clinton!"

We all have biases. And some of us have some particular ideas about what our political opponents must believe. Some of these ideas are wrong. These mistaken impressions of our opponents lead to what are known as straw man arguments:

1. My opponents like to drink arsenic-laced Kool-Aid.

2. Here is a link proving arsenic is bad for you: Arsenic poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. I win!

But what if someone who had all kinds of silly ideas about the opposition suddenly decided to pretend to be one of them, and to run for office as one of them.

Imagine the hilarity of Ann Coulter running for office as a Democrat, trying to state her positions the way she imagines a liberal would answer them:

REPORTER: Ms. Coulter, what would you do about ISIS?

COULTER: I would arm them, of course! Because I hate America.

Now imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.

Here's the flaw in your argument: A sane person can easily pretend to be crazy, but a crazy person can't pretend to be sane. What left wingers believe is insane.

One of the lefts most insane beliefs, that the "rich" are sitting on so much money that if we just taxed them more everybody could live well off.
We all have biases. And some of us have some particular ideas about what our political opponents must believe. Some of these ideas are wrong. These mistaken impressions of our opponents lead to what are known as straw man arguments:

1. My opponents like to drink arsenic-laced Kool-Aid.

2. Here is a link proving arsenic is bad for you: Arsenic poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. I win!

But what if someone who had all kinds of silly ideas about the opposition suddenly decided to pretend to be one of them, and to run for office as one of them.

Imagine the hilarity of Ann Coulter running for office as a Democrat, trying to state her positions the way she imagines a liberal would answer them:

REPORTER: Ms. Coulter, what would you do about ISIS?

COULTER: I would arm them, of course! Because I hate America.

Now imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.

you're mistaken....Donald has no ideology except for Donald-ism

Hillary cares about no one but yourself , her family, and her political allies.. that's it....oh and getting rich off of selling out the country...those Clintons are obsessed with crony money
"B-b-b-but Clinton!"


We may as well started calling him president elect Trump. Liberal heads will :blowup:
Imagine the Starkey's (Jake, g5000, RightWinger Political Junkie) pretending to be Republicans

Are they all the same poster? rdean, jillian, etc.?

The Starkey's aren't even run by an individual, they're a series of accounts run out of Stat's Media Matters Internet Outreach and Agitprop Area over at Media Matters. They pay people to post as "republicans"

I think Rdean and Jillian are 2 different people; Rdean and Guno -- not as confident
Imagine Ann Coulter Pretending To Be A Liberal
Imagining Andy Coulter being a woman is hard enough to swallow, especially with that adams apple of hers. Somebody is going to out her one of these days.
You want to transplant that Apple so you can have a dick?
What is it with you, you old freak. You always seem to have dick on your mind. Is that because yours shriveled up and fell off decades ago.. We know you never had any balls to start with.
Imagine Ann Coulter Pretending To Be A Liberal
Imagining Andy Coulter being a woman is hard enough to swallow, especially with that adams apple of hers. Somebody is going to out her one of these days.
You want to transplant that Apple so you can have a dick?
What is it with you, you old freak. You always seem to have dick on your mind. Is that because yours shriveled up and fell off decades ago.. We know you never had any balls to start with.
It's simple. You remind me of a dick, dick.
We all have biases. And some of us have some particular ideas about what our political opponents must believe. Some of these ideas are wrong. These mistaken impressions of our opponents lead to what are known as straw man arguments:

1. My opponents like to drink arsenic-laced Kool-Aid.

2. Here is a link proving arsenic is bad for you: Arsenic poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. I win!

But what if someone who had all kinds of silly ideas about the opposition suddenly decided to pretend to be one of them, and to run for office as one of them.

Imagine the hilarity of Ann Coulter running for office as a Democrat, trying to state her positions the way she imagines a liberal would answer them:

REPORTER: Ms. Coulter, what would you do about ISIS?

COULTER: I would arm them, of course! Because I hate America.

Now imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.

Here's the flaw in your argument: A sane person can easily pretend to be crazy, but a crazy person can't pretend to be sane. What left wingers believe is insane.

One of the lefts most insane beliefs, that the "rich" are sitting on so much money that if we just taxed them more everybody could live well off.

It isn't about living well off. It is about paying down our debts.

Someone has to pay for our debt. The current method being used is ZIRP, which punishes all households, retirees, and savers.

You decide which is better.

There are other alternatives, all of which are worse.

This is one piper who has to be paid, and the more we kick the can down the road, the greater the ultimate pain.
They key issue, are you willing to accept 4 possibly 8 more years of continual bullshit? The secondary issue is selecting the best out of what we are offered. A liar, Wall street bought crook or a unknown protectionist populist?
They key issue, are you willing to accept 4 possibly 8 more years of continual bullshit?

Are you trying to convince me not to vote for Trump? I don't think he could tell the truth to save his life.

"I'm pro-choice, which is to say you should be able to choose if you are for or against abortion, or maybe I mean you should be able to choose your prison cell for aborting your kid, or maybe I mean women are the victims of abortions."
If someone called the person I just described above a "conservative Republican", with what size sledgehammer would you hit them in the face?

I was asking myself that same question a year ago. But I eventually realized it would be pointless, so now I'm trying to determine with what size sledge hammer I should hit myself in the face to make the hurting stop.
Trump would have run as the liberal Democrat he is in 2012 if he had thought he could beat Obama. But Obama pre-empted by totally pwning Trump's birtherism in 2011.

Not quite. Trump's open feud with Obama is what drove Trump to start wearing the faux conservative costume. Trump tried to buy Obama, but failed. From there he decided he wanted to take revenge.
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We all have biases. And some of us have some particular ideas about what our political opponents must believe. Some of these ideas are wrong. These mistaken impressions of our opponents lead to what are known as straw man arguments:

1. My opponents like to drink arsenic-laced Kool-Aid.

2. Here is a link proving arsenic is bad for you: Arsenic poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. I win!

But what if someone who had all kinds of silly ideas about the opposition suddenly decided to pretend to be one of them, and to run for office as one of them.

Imagine the hilarity of Ann Coulter running for office as a Democrat, trying to state her positions the way she imagines a liberal would answer them:

REPORTER: Ms. Coulter, what would you do about ISIS?

COULTER: I would arm them, of course! Because I hate America.

Now imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.

Here's the flaw in your argument: A sane person can easily pretend to be crazy, but a crazy person can't pretend to be sane. What left wingers believe is insane.

One of the lefts most insane beliefs, that the "rich" are sitting on so much money that if we just taxed them more everybody could live well off.

It isn't about living well off. It is about paying down our debts.

Someone has to pay for our debt. The current method being used is ZIRP, which punishes all households, retirees, and savers.

You decide which is better.

There are other alternatives, all of which are worse.

This is one piper who has to be paid, and the more we kick the can down the road, the greater the ultimate pain.

....and the more we kick the can down the road, the greater the ultimate pain.

That's the whole point of modern American government!
We all have biases. And some of us have some particular ideas about what our political opponents must believe. Some of these ideas are wrong. These mistaken impressions of our opponents lead to what are known as straw man arguments:

1. My opponents like to drink arsenic-laced Kool-Aid.

2. Here is a link proving arsenic is bad for you: Arsenic poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. I win!

But what if someone who had all kinds of silly ideas about the opposition suddenly decided to pretend to be one of them, and to run for office as one of them.

Imagine the hilarity of Ann Coulter running for office as a Democrat, trying to state her positions the way she imagines a liberal would answer them:

REPORTER: Ms. Coulter, what would you do about ISIS?

COULTER: I would arm them, of course! Because I hate America.

Now imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.

Here's the flaw in your argument: A sane person can easily pretend to be crazy, but a crazy person can't pretend to be sane. What left wingers believe is insane.

One of the lefts most insane beliefs, that the "rich" are sitting on so much money that if we just taxed them more everybody could live well off.

All the money the rich are "sitting on" is invested. It provides the plant and equipment that the middle class uses to make a living. Taxing it away for the benefit of parasites will only impoverish all of us.
Trump would have run as the liberal Democrat he is in 2012 if he had thought he could beat Obama. But Obama pre-empted by totally pwning Trump's birtherism in 2011.

Not quite. Trump's open feud with Obama is what drove Trump to start wearing the faux conservative costume. Trump tried to buy Obama, but failed. From there he decided he wanted to take revenge.
You go ahead and believe that if it makes you feel better when Hillary loses.
Trump would have run as the liberal Democrat he is in 2012 if he had thought he could beat Obama. But Obama pre-empted by totally pwning Trump's birtherism in 2011.

Not quite. Trump's open feud with Obama is what drove Trump to start wearing the faux conservative costume. Trump tried to buy Obama, but failed. From there he decided he wanted to take revenge.
You go ahead and believe that if it makes you feel better when Hillary loses.

Regardless of who wins in a few weeks, the only thing that will make me feel better would be a blowjob from Jennifer Aniston, or to wake up and realize it was all a bad dream.
We all have biases. And some of us have some particular ideas about what our political opponents must believe. Some of these ideas are wrong. These mistaken impressions of our opponents lead to what are known as straw man arguments:

1. My opponents like to drink arsenic-laced Kool-Aid.

2. Here is a link proving arsenic is bad for you: Arsenic poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. I win!

But what if someone who had all kinds of silly ideas about the opposition suddenly decided to pretend to be one of them, and to run for office as one of them.

Imagine the hilarity of Ann Coulter running for office as a Democrat, trying to state her positions the way she imagines a liberal would answer them:

REPORTER: Ms. Coulter, what would you do about ISIS?

COULTER: I would arm them, of course! Because I hate America.

Now imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.

But the conservative pretending to be liberal would be laughed at for answering the questions the way you described...the Republicans nominated the pretender saying ludicrous things.
We all have biases. And some of us have some particular ideas about what our political opponents must believe. Some of these ideas are wrong. These mistaken impressions of our opponents lead to what are known as straw man arguments:

1. My opponents like to drink arsenic-laced Kool-Aid.

2. Here is a link proving arsenic is bad for you: Arsenic poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. I win!

But what if someone who had all kinds of silly ideas about the opposition suddenly decided to pretend to be one of them, and to run for office as one of them.

Imagine the hilarity of Ann Coulter running for office as a Democrat, trying to state her positions the way she imagines a liberal would answer them:

REPORTER: Ms. Coulter, what would you do about ISIS?

COULTER: I would arm them, of course! Because I hate America.

Now imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.

But the conservative pretending to be liberal would be laughed at for answering the questions the way you described...the Republicans nominated the pretender saying ludicrous things.

You think the media favors Trump over Hillary?....You're really delusional. If not for the liberal media, Hillary wouldn't even be close..What world do you live in?:dunno:
We all have biases. And some of us have some particular ideas about what our political opponents must believe. Some of these ideas are wrong. These mistaken impressions of our opponents lead to what are known as straw man arguments:

1. My opponents like to drink arsenic-laced Kool-Aid.

2. Here is a link proving arsenic is bad for you: Arsenic poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. I win!

But what if someone who had all kinds of silly ideas about the opposition suddenly decided to pretend to be one of them, and to run for office as one of them.

Imagine the hilarity of Ann Coulter running for office as a Democrat, trying to state her positions the way she imagines a liberal would answer them:

REPORTER: Ms. Coulter, what would you do about ISIS?

COULTER: I would arm them, of course! Because I hate America.

Now imagine a liberal who decides to pretend to be a conservative candidate.

You might see that person get a little confused at first, and then you would see them change their colors in real time:

REPORTER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

PRETENDER: Right. I'm pro-choice.

REPORTER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

PRETENDER: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

Now, as any pro-lifer will tell you, they have NEVER accidentally identified themselves as pro-choice. Ever.

Now, imagine that same liberal-pretending-to-be-conservative is asked a very common question familiar to all pro-lifers:

REPORTER: Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?

PRETENDER: There has to be some form of punishment.

REPORTER: For the woman?

PRETENDER: Yeah. There has to be some form.

That answer is what a liberal believes a conservative believes.

Those exchanges above are actual. They are Trump.

When you realize what Trump is doing, his ridiculous answers to so many questions suddenly make so much sense.

Trump is a far left liberal pretending to be a Republican conservative, and his answers reflect how liberals think a conservative would answer those questions.

Here's the flaw in your argument: A sane person can easily pretend to be crazy, but a crazy person can't pretend to be sane. What left wingers believe is insane.

One of the lefts most insane beliefs, that the "rich" are sitting on so much money that if we just taxed them more everybody could live well off.

It isn't about living well off. It is about paying down our debts.

Someone has to pay for our debt. The current method being used is ZIRP, which punishes all households, retirees, and savers.

You decide which is better.

There are other alternatives, all of which are worse.

This is one piper who has to be paid, and the more we kick the can down the road, the greater the ultimate pain.

^^^ and here we have an example of their insanity. Look fool using Obama's own numbers at one point we would have had to raise taxes on the rich to 99% just to break even on Obama's deficit, let alone paying down the debt. Math vs the left's stubborn belief that the 'rich' have a bottomless well of money to suck dry.

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