Imagine how different things would be…

She'd still have lost. Trump hit an American nerve she didn't even know existed.
if the Hildabeast just secured her server… :lmao:
So you admit the Russian leaks change the outcome of the election.
I think Hildabeast was her own worst enemy, and not securing the server is criminal. And no doubt the Clintons were/are nasty repugnant people. I think the truth on how repugnant the Clintons are was revealed by the Russians, because they know their own, being repugnant people themselves...
She'd still have lost. Trump hit an American nerve she didn't even know existed.
Exept for the fact that she got 2.9million more votes than trump

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Electoral College. Tough titty.
If it wasn't for coomy and Russia, things would be different.

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You mean for Hilary doing bad things and getting caught and investigated?

It is called far left arrogance, which is what cost you far left drones the election!
if the Hildabeast just secured her server… :lmao:
If she had used the secured State Department server her emails would have subject to Freedom of Information Act requests.

I think it's obvious that her motivation was to avoid FOIA requests. Who knows what kind of damning evidence was in the American people's email that she destroyed? Because of the time frame it is very likely that many of the destroyed emails were regarding the Clintons' crimes regarding the Haiti reconstruction fraud.

BTW you die hard Clinton voters, why the fuck are you so fucking quick forgive that nasty drunken kunt for stealing and destroying your valuable property. Those emails were legally the property of the American people. Why the hell would you vote for someone who swindled you?


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