Imagine if capitalism was left unfettered and free of government intervention or regulation

Oh the revolution huh? How adorable. I totally forgot that it was progressives who owned all the guns instead of redneck white trash who vote republican every election because they’re fucking stupid.

Well, if you want a revolution I guess you should get some guns too

'Progressives' wearing pussy hats and advocating transgender bathrooms aren't going to change anything I'm afraid

Oh the revolution huh? How adorable. I totally forgot that it was progressives who owned all the guns instead of redneck white trash who vote republican every election because they’re fucking stupid.

Well, if you want a revolution I guess you should get some guns too

'Progressives' wearing pussy hats and advocating transgender bathrooms aren't going to change anything I'm afraid

Yeah no shit, but whatever gets people to not vote republican is a step in the right direction.
Imagine if capitalism was left unfettered and free of government intervention or regulation

I imagine it every day ...

1) What would stop the income disparity from widening? After all, corporate profits are already at an all time high and the board of a corporation has a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit which includes minimizing labor cost as much as possible. Small business owners have the same mentality. It’s every man for himself in a republican world right? Even at this juncture, the 3 wealthiest people in this country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers. What’s to stop that from getting worse?

2) How would wages keep up with ever rising inflation?

3) How would average joe afford healthcare if prescription drug and medical costs only rose and Medicare/Medicaid would have to pay the bill? What if that wasn’t enough? What if one’s insurance doesn’t include life saving cancer treatment that is too expensive out of pocket? That person has a high deductible because the insurance company he is vulnerable to wants to maximize profit.

4) What’s to stop corporations to put whatever carcinogenics they want into their products? It’s not like average joe consumer would need to be aware of this. He would get cancer and no one would know why. Corporations could say whatever the fuck they want in their advertising. All that would matter is that the carcinogenic product increased profits. Think of chemicals sprayed on your produce to make them taste better and have more natural-looking color.

5) What if there was no minimum wage? You may think a corporation wouldn’t pay below that because it makes their position seem less attractive to the worker, but if every corporation individually and independently had the power to set their own wages, what’s to stop them from dropping to $5 per hour? $5 per hour could become the new standard. Why wouldn’t this happen?

6) Oh and let’s think of labor laws. Maybe the new standard would be that a full time job would never guarantee benefits? How about if corporations made it so you legally couldn’t have days off? The fat cats at the top could take whatever vacation time they wanted, but average joe working the cash register brings in more capital by working every day at a shitty wage.

7) What’s to stop automation from replacing more and more jobs thus making human required jobs extremely competitive?
1; It's a meaningless tool used by the left to make pussies like you cry about not having as many cookies that someone else earned.

2; if inflation gets to the point people can't buy then companies go out of biz, therefore...

3; capitalism is free competion, the way to get customers is to either offer more or charge less. This is common sense.

4; nothing, not that killing your customers is a good idea.

5; if there was no min, things would be way better for people with entry level jobs, hard workers could ask for more and leave if denied, right now there is no way to bargin.

6; you shouldn't be guaranteed benies, that's just ignorant. people wouldn't be able to keep it up and production would decline.

7; It's already happening, we warned you leftists years ago and you mocked us, but now you think it's your idea? pfft

nothing I said has not been said to you before, thus you knew all the answers to your questions, yet you are still ignorant of the facts.

how do you manage to live with such a short memory?
Yeah no shit, but whatever gets people to not vote republican is a step in the right direction.

We seem to be going in a circle, what is the right direction?

Selecting a corrupt democrat puppet instead of a corrupt republican puppet really isn't going to change the evils of capitalism comrade, don't you guys learn anything from history

1) What would stop the income disparity from widening? After all, corporate profits are already at an all time high and the board of a corporation has a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit which includes minimizing labor cost as much as possible. Small business owners have the same mentality. It’s every man for himself in a republican world right? Even at this juncture, the 3 wealthiest people in this country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers. What’s to stop that from getting worse?

2) How would wages keep up with ever rising inflation?

3) How would average joe afford healthcare if prescription drug and medical costs only rose and Medicare/Medicaid would have to pay the bill? What if that wasn’t enough? What if one’s insurance doesn’t include life saving cancer treatment that is too expensive out of pocket? That person has a high deductible because the insurance company he is vulnerable to wants to maximize profit.

4) What’s to stop corporations to put whatever carcinogenics they want into their products? It’s not like average joe consumer would need to be aware of this. He would get cancer and no one would know why. Corporations could say whatever the fuck they want in their advertising. All that would matter is that the carcinogenic product increased profits. Think of chemicals sprayed on your produce to make them taste better and have more natural-looking color.

5) What if there was no minimum wage? You may think a corporation wouldn’t pay below that because it makes their position seem less attractive to the worker, but if every corporation individually and independently had the power to set their own wages, what’s to stop them from dropping to $5 per hour? $5 per hour could become the new standard. Why wouldn’t this happen?

6) Oh and let’s think of labor laws. Maybe the new standard would be that a full time job would never guarantee benefits? How about if corporations made it so you legally couldn’t have days off? The fat cats at the top could take whatever vacation time they wanted, but average joe working the cash register brings in more capital by working every day at a shitty wage.

7) What’s to stop automation from replacing more and more jobs thus making human required jobs extremely competitive?
/—-/ Man you sound miserable. Why don’t you move? We hear North Korea is nice and no capitalism allowed.
I wonder if the automobile, the telephone, television etc...etc...would of been invented yet if the world didn't go to capitalism?

That’s a pointless argument because what I am suggesting has nothing to do with ending capitalism. God you people are dumb.

You post a thread hating on capitalism,and I post a factual wonder question to say you are posting stupid..

Now tell us all the great inventions that came out of socialism / communism ??????
1. "Government" is a necessary evil if we are to enjoy shared infrastructure like roads and both national and local security.

2. Unless you pay for that necessary evil with a fair and simple tax code there will be corruption.

Remove from congress the power to tax me differently than they tax you and 75% of the economic problems emanating from D.C. disappear.

And The Beat goes on.....
1) What would stop the income disparity from widening? After all, corporate profits are already at an all time high and the board of a corporation has a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit which includes minimizing labor cost as much as possible. Small business owners have the same mentality. It’s every man for himself in a republican world right? Even at this juncture, the 3 wealthiest people in this country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers. What’s to stop that from getting worse?

2) How would wages keep up with ever rising inflation?

3) How would average joe afford healthcare if prescription drug and medical costs only rose and Medicare/Medicaid would have to pay the bill? What if that wasn’t enough? What if one’s insurance doesn’t include life saving cancer treatment that is too expensive out of pocket? That person has a high deductible because the insurance company he is vulnerable to wants to maximize profit.

4) What’s to stop corporations to put whatever carcinogenics they want into their products? It’s not like average joe consumer would need to be aware of this. He would get cancer and no one would know why. Corporations could say whatever the fuck they want in their advertising. All that would matter is that the carcinogenic product increased profits. Think of chemicals sprayed on your produce to make them taste better and have more natural-looking color.

5) What if there was no minimum wage? You may think a corporation wouldn’t pay below that because it makes their position seem less attractive to the worker, but if every corporation individually and independently had the power to set their own wages, what’s to stop them from dropping to $5 per hour? $5 per hour could become the new standard. Why wouldn’t this happen?

6) Oh and let’s think of labor laws. Maybe the new standard would be that a full time job would never guarantee benefits? How about if corporations made it so you legally couldn’t have days off? The fat cats at the top could take whatever vacation time they wanted, but average joe working the cash register brings in more capital by working every day at a shitty wage.

7) What’s to stop automation from replacing more and more jobs thus making human required jobs extremely competitive?

Excellent points.

If we had an Anarchistic Majority in the Congress moving to defund the entire government with the support of an Anarchistic President, and a Anarchistic packed Court.

Since government continues to grow out of control, regardless of party in charge, your post is completely disconnected from reality.
I wonder if the automobile, the telephone, television etc...etc...would of been invented yet if the world didn't go to capitalism?

That’s a pointless argument because what I am suggesting has nothing to do with ending capitalism. God you people are dumb.

You post a thread hating on capitalism,and I post a factual wonder question to say you are posting stupid..

Now tell us all the great inventions that came out of socialism / communism ??????
So it's either Gilded Age capitalism with almost no middle class and people working until they dropped dead (at the ripe old age of 50) or communism?


Progressive policies were a reaction to unfettered capitalism and they not only gave us a stable economy but built a middle class that actually had the ability to work throughout their life in dignity but allowed them to retire in dignity.
You would destroy all that in the name of more profit for the uber rich

I wonder if the automobile, the telephone, television etc...etc...would of been invented yet if the world didn't go to capitalism?

That’s a pointless argument because what I am suggesting has nothing to do with ending capitalism. God you people are dumb.

You post a thread hating on capitalism,and I post a factual wonder question to say you are posting stupid..

Now tell us all the great inventions that came out of socialism / communism ??????
So it's either Gilded Age capitalism with almost no middle class and people working until they dropped dead (at the ripe old age of 50) or communism?


Progressive policies were a reaction to unfettered capitalism and they not only gave us a stable economy but built a middle class that actually had the ability to work throughout their life in dignity but allowed them to retire in dignity.
You would destroy all that in the name of more profit for the uber rich


Bullshit, what built the middle class was World War II the unemployment level rose in 1938.... It was a fluke in history the world was destroyed and America's industry was the only one left standing, we didn't have the EPA back then and none of the rules / regulations we have today , any joe could of started a factory out of his garage and build an empire .

That’s a pointless argument because what I am suggesting has nothing to do with ending capitalism. God you people are dumb.

Eh, what are you suggesting exactly?

It's well known that capitalism is evil and that the socialist revolution needed to destroy it is long overdue but you seem to have another 'solution' in mind


He is suggesting that unfettered capitalism is not the answer. Capitalism is great. But that regulations need to be there.
Well you aren’t wrong, but an amendment over turning citizens united would be the solution. Duh.

So, the same politicians who depend on the 'free' market campaign bribes.... eh, donations to get selected are going to make a law that's going to put an end to those same donation$


Open your eyes comrade, there's only one solution if you want some real hope & change


Well see I dare to dream and hope true progressives can be elected to end the oligarchy slowly but surely. They exist. Many have run for office. You can be cynical and assume they are all full of shit, but your pessimism gets us nowhere.

A big part of the problem is the duopoly of the two party system. Both republicans and democrats have been bought & paid for for decades. Unless that is broken, we will continue to have more of the same. We have had both parties in the White House and significant change is still not here.
Well you aren’t wrong, but an amendment over turning citizens united would be the solution. Duh.

So, the same politicians who depend on the 'free' market campaign bribes.... eh, donations to get selected are going to make a law that's going to put an end to those same donation$


Open your eyes comrade, there's only one solution if you want some real hope & change


Well see I dare to dream and hope true progressives can be elected to end the oligarchy slowly but surely. They exist. Many have run for office. You can be cynical and assume they are all full of shit, but your pessimism gets us nowhere.
I wonder if the automobile, the telephone, television etc...etc...would of been invented yet if the world didn't go to capitalism?

That’s a pointless argument because what I am suggesting has nothing to do with ending capitalism. God you people are dumb.

You post a thread hating on capitalism,and I post a factual wonder question to say you are posting stupid..

Now tell us all the great inventions that came out of socialism / communism ??????
Capitalism did not invent those items. They were the product of social development, which capitalism is also representative of.

The idea of a television, for example, dates back to the early 1800's. The first electronic T.V. was the result of experimentation by a 21 year old in 1927. Those ideas are related to people not capital. Capital investment came afterward and helped to speed up the television's development and bring them into people's houses. But even that requires a social process. Capital can't do it on its own.

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