Imagine if capitalism was left unfettered and free of government intervention or regulation

Has anyone suggested to total removal of government regulation? The key is finding the right balance to much regulation can be as bad as not enough.
This busine$$ attitude is bit depressing but I guess it's unavoidable for the moment. I'll start a GoFundMe page to arrange the gold.. you make sure you have the guiliotines ready for delivery when the next banker scam screws up the holy economy again...


Sounds great, happy to take your gold, and never trust the bankers or the government for that matter.
Sounds great, happy to take your gold, and never trust the bankers or the government for that matter.

Oh, I trust them to screw up again

Depressions and capitalism are inseperable so it's not a question of if but when

And I imagine even the brainwashed disciples of the sacred 'free' market will be pi$$ed if they need to hand over $trillions to the too big to fail banks again so their capitalist overlords won't have to miss their well deserved bonusses

But maybe I'm wrong and some 'progressives' will get selected that make some rules so capitalism won't screw the working class anymore.....

Oh, I trust them to screw up again

Depressions and capitalism are inseperable so it's not a question of if but when

And I imagine even the brainwashed disciples of the sacred 'free' market will be pi$$ed if they need to hand over $trillions to the too big to fail banks again so their capitalist overlords won't have to miss their well deserved bonusses

But maybe I'm wrong and some 'progressives' will get selected that make some rules so capitalism won't screw the working class anymore.....


The government handed the banks "too big to fail" money because they were lovers in bed together (and had been). I'm not suggesting that Capitalism doesn't have its faults, just that the working class is never going to be the ruling class. I don't mind making money where I can, and I'm not waiting on anyone else to do it. Investing in government or society (outside of people we can actually help with our immediate resources) would be stupid seeing as we are around $20 trillion in debt (it's more than that, but who really gives a shit when the number is that unsurmountable).

Rock on, dream big, but when you want to succeed, you need to invest in something with a little better return than investing in the competence of society as a whole.
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The government handed the banks "too big to fail" money because they were lovers in bed together (and had been)...

Ah good, so at least you're aware that you're being screwed
I'm not suggesting that Capitalism doesn't have its faults, just that the working class is never going to be the ruling class.

Too bad your awareness is a bit limited
I don't mind making money where I can, and I'm not waiting on anyone else to do it. Investing in government or society (outside of people we can actually help with our immediate resources) would be stupid seeing as we are around $20 trillion in debt (it's more than that, but who really gives a shit when the number is that unsurmountable).

Right, and Saint Ronnie proved deficits don't matter so why worry

It will start to matter though when interest rates go up and the petro $ disappears but that's a story for another day
Rock on, dream big, but when you want to succeed, you need to invest in something with a little better return than investing in the competence of society as a whole.

And that's exactly what's wrong with capitalism, it doesn't give a fuck about society, the only thing that matters is $$$ and 'succeeding'

But you can only push the peasants so far before they start pushing back and then things will get ugly (that's what the guiliotines are for)

The government handed the banks "too big to fail" money because they were lovers in bed together (and had been)...

Ah good, so at least you're aware that you're being screwed
I'm not suggesting that Capitalism doesn't have its faults, just that the working class is never going to be the ruling class.

Too bad your awareness is a bit limited
I don't mind making money where I can, and I'm not waiting on anyone else to do it. Investing in government or society (outside of people we can actually help with our immediate resources) would be stupid seeing as we are around $20 trillion in debt (it's more than that, but who really gives a shit when the number is that unsurmountable).

Right, and Saint Ronnie proved deficits don't matter so why worry

It will start to matter though when interest rates go up and the petro $ disappears but that's a story for another day
Rock on, dream big, but when you want to succeed, you need to invest in something with a little better return than investing in the competence of society as a whole.

And that's exactly what's wrong with capitalism, it doesn't give a fuck about society, the only thing that matters is $$$ and 'succeeding'

But you can only push the peasants so far before they start pushing back and then things will get ugly (that's what the guiliotines are for)


Earning what I want to earn isn't being screwed by any measure. I'm sorry if you don't like the way things are, but not my problem. I was in diapers when Ronnie was President and don't really give a shit about what you, Ronnie, the government, or any political party thinks. You keep missing the point that someone can earn the money they need, and are not looking for you, or anyone else, to save them from success.

Where you are correct that Capitalism doesn't necessarily care about society, it was never intended to care about society, so that wouldn't be a failure on its part. When it comes to the dreams of the masses, you are going to find out real quick how important "success" actually is, over pipe dreams of Utopia.
We the 90% are not helping each other get a more balanced government, one that works with our needs in mind. calling all Republican Trump voters stupid because they voted for him, look at the choices they had to chose from, they also don't all live in dumps on dirt roads Calling all Democrats commies & living in parents basement or on welfare also not true. picking Hillary, Dems had only two choices, & picked the least socialistic, we have got to stop making it personal & look to what each party is offering that supports us.
Earning what I want to earn isn't being screwed by any measure. I'm sorry if you don't like the way things are, but not my problem.

I see you don't get the basic principles of socialism

I was in diapers when Ronnie was President and don't really give a shit about what you, Ronnie, the government, or any political party thinks. You keep missing the point that someone can earn the money they need, and are not looking for you, or anyone else, to save them from success.

And you keep missing the point that it isn't about you or me personally, there are millions of people out there that need to work multiple slave wage jobs (with food stamps) just to survive and they better hope they don't get sick because then they can just die or go bankrupt. Meanwhile the corrupt corporate pigs bribe politicians to make sure they don't get a raise or get funny ideas about starting a union....

You would have loved Saint Ronnie btw, he's the one (well, his handlers anyway) who came up with the idea of trickle down economics to justify tax cuts for the rich
Where you are correct that Capitalism doesn't necessarily care about society, it was never intended to care about society, so that wouldn't be a failure on its part. When it comes to the dreams of the masses, you are going to find out real quick how important "success" actually is, over pipe dreams of Utopia.

What exactly convinced you that the idea of having a fair & equal society is a pipe dream?

Capitalism is just an economic system (that sucks), it's not the divine order of the world, that's just what they want people to think so the rule of the oligarchy won't be questioned

Imagine is socialism was left unfettered (is that what democrats have planned?) . Oh yeah we don't have to imagine. All but the crazy left remembers what unfettered socialism did to Russia and China, 20 million people starved to death.
Imagine Liberty and the government not stealing your money and staying out of trying to run your life.
Earning what I want to earn isn't being screwed by any measure. I'm sorry if you don't like the way things are, but not my problem.

I see you don't get the basic principles of socialism

I was in diapers when Ronnie was President and don't really give a shit about what you, Ronnie, the government, or any political party thinks. You keep missing the point that someone can earn the money they need, and are not looking for you, or anyone else, to save them from success.

And you keep missing the point that it isn't about you or me personally, there are millions of people out there that need to work multiple slave wage jobs (with food stamps) just to survive and they better hope they don't get sick because then they can just die or go bankrupt. Meanwhile the corrupt corporate pigs bribe politicians to make sure they don't get a raise or get funny ideas about starting a union....

You would have loved Saint Ronnie btw, he's the one (well, his handlers anyway) who came up with the idea of trickle down economics to justify tax cuts for the rich
Where you are correct that Capitalism doesn't necessarily care about society, it was never intended to care about society, so that wouldn't be a failure on its part. When it comes to the dreams of the masses, you are going to find out real quick how important "success" actually is, over pipe dreams of Utopia.

What exactly convinced you that the idea of having a fair & equal society is a pipe dream?

Capitalism is just an economic system (that sucks), it's not the divine order of the world, that's just what they want people to think so the rule of the oligarchy won't be questioned


If society is the well you keep going to, quit bitching about the quality of the water you are getting.
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Some folks may not want the government to run their life, but I preferred having the FAA around to direct things when traveling at 35,000 feet.

Also, what innovation would there be without the patent office and the government's protection providing the ability to capitalize on research and development?
Look, the American people won't stand by while the left herds us onto government run socialist plantations, slaved out to government, the fruits of our labor confiscated and doled out by a ruling elite. Half of the left won't survive the civil war.
What we need is something closer to the Nordic economic model.

The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism[1] or Nordic social democracy)[2][3] refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Sweden). This includes a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level with a high percentage of the workforce unionized, while being based on the economic foundations of free market capitalism.[4][5][6] The Nordic model began to earn attention after World War II.[7][8]

Although there are significant differences among the Nordic countries, they all share some common traits. These include support for a "universalist" welfare state aimed specifically at enhancing individual autonomy and promoting social mobility; a corporatist system involving a tripartite arrangement where representatives of labor and employers negotiate wages and labor market policy mediated by the government;[9] and a commitment to widespread private ownership, free markets and free trade.[10]

Each of the Nordic countries has its own economic and social models, sometimes with large differences from its neighbours.[11] According to sociologist Lane Kenworthy, in the context of the Nordic model "social democracy" refers to a set of policies for promoting economic security and opportunity within the framework of capitalism rather than a replacement for capitalism.[12]

Nordic model - Wikipedia
What we need is something closer to the Nordic economic model.

The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism[1] or Nordic social democracy)[2][3] refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Sweden). This includes a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level with a high percentage of the workforce unionized, while being based on the economic foundations of free market capitalism.[4][5][6] The Nordic model began to earn attention after World War II.[7][8]

Nordic model - Wikipedia

Or mooching losers can get up off their ass, work a job and pay their own damn bills.
What we need is something closer to the Nordic economic model.

The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism[1] or Nordic social democracy)[2][3] refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Sweden). This includes a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level with a high percentage of the workforce unionized, while being based on the economic foundations of free market capitalism.[4][5][6] The Nordic model began to earn attention after World War II.[7][8]

Nordic model - Wikipedia

Or mooching losers can get up off their ass, work a job and pay their own damn bills.
Our system obviously isn't leading to enough of that for you.
1) What would stop the income disparity from widening? After all, corporate profits are already at an all time high and the board of a corporation has a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit which includes minimizing labor cost as much as possible. Small business owners have the same mentality. It’s every man for himself in a republican world right? Even at this juncture, the 3 wealthiest people in this country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers. What’s to stop that from getting worse?

2) How would wages keep up with ever rising inflation?

3) How would average joe afford healthcare if prescription drug and medical costs only rose and Medicare/Medicaid would have to pay the bill? What if that wasn’t enough? What if one’s insurance doesn’t include life saving cancer treatment that is too expensive out of pocket? That person has a high deductible because the insurance company he is vulnerable to wants to maximize profit.

4) What’s to stop corporations to put whatever carcinogenics they want into their products? It’s not like average joe consumer would need to be aware of this. He would get cancer and no one would know why. Corporations could say whatever the fuck they want in their advertising. All that would matter is that the carcinogenic product increased profits. Think of chemicals sprayed on your produce to make them taste better and have more natural-looking color.

5) What if there was no minimum wage? You may think a corporation wouldn’t pay below that because it makes their position seem less attractive to the worker, but if every corporation individually and independently had the power to set their own wages, what’s to stop them from dropping to $5 per hour? $5 per hour could become the new standard. Why wouldn’t this happen?

6) Oh and let’s think of labor laws. Maybe the new standard would be that a full time job would never guarantee benefits? How about if corporations made it so you legally couldn’t have days off? The fat cats at the top could take whatever vacation time they wanted, but average joe working the cash register brings in more capital by working every day at a shitty wage.

7) What’s to stop automation from replacing more and more jobs thus making human required jobs extremely competitive?

If capitalism were unfettered, and free of government intervention or regulation, you would end up with a structure which would look alot like USMB.
What we need is something closer to the Nordic economic model.

The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism[1] or Nordic social democracy)[2][3] refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Sweden). This includes a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level with a high percentage of the workforce unionized, while being based on the economic foundations of free market capitalism.[4][5][6] The Nordic model began to earn attention after World War II.[7][8]

Nordic model - Wikipedia

Or mooching losers can get up off their ass, work a job and pay their own damn bills.
Our system obviously isn't leading to enough of that for you.

Look it shouldn't take HALF my goddamn paycheck to govern the fucking country. If the lazy moochers would get up off their ass it wouldn't.
What we need is something closer to the Nordic economic model.

The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism[1] or Nordic social democracy)[2][3] refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Sweden). This includes a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level with a high percentage of the workforce unionized, while being based on the economic foundations of free market capitalism.[4][5][6] The Nordic model began to earn attention after World War II.[7][8]

Nordic model - Wikipedia

Or mooching losers can get up off their ass, work a job and pay their own damn bills.
Our system obviously isn't leading to enough of that for you.

Look it shouldn't take HALF my goddamn paycheck to govern the fucking country. If the lazy moochers would get up off their ass it wouldn't.

How many moochers are there? Unemployment is quite low. Sounds like we need to change our system.

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