Imagine if capitalism was left unfettered and free of government intervention or regulation

What we need is something closer to the Nordic economic model.

The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism[1] or Nordic social democracy)[2][3] refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Sweden). This includes a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level with a high percentage of the workforce unionized, while being based on the economic foundations of free market capitalism.[4][5][6] The Nordic model began to earn attention after World War II.[7][8]

Nordic model - Wikipedia

Or mooching losers can get up off their ass, work a job and pay their own damn bills.
Our system obviously isn't leading to enough of that for you.

Look it shouldn't take HALF my goddamn paycheck to govern the fucking country. If the lazy moochers would get up off their ass it wouldn't.

How many moochers are there? Unemployment is quite low. Sounds like we need to change our system.

Lib grow a pair and just admit it, you want free shit paid for by other people.
What we need is something closer to the Nordic economic model.

The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism[1] or Nordic social democracy)[2][3] refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Sweden). This includes a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level with a high percentage of the workforce unionized, while being based on the economic foundations of free market capitalism.[4][5][6] The Nordic model began to earn attention after World War II.[7][8]

Although there are significant differences among the Nordic countries, they all share some common traits. These include support for a "universalist" welfare state aimed specifically at enhancing individual autonomy and promoting social mobility; a corporatist system involving a tripartite arrangement where representatives of labor and employers negotiate wages and labor market policy mediated by the government;[9] and a commitment to widespread private ownership, free markets and free trade.[10]

Each of the Nordic countries has its own economic and social models, sometimes with large differences from its neighbours.[11] According to sociologist Lane Kenworthy, in the context of the Nordic model "social democracy" refers to a set of policies for promoting economic security and opportunity within the framework of capitalism rather than a replacement for capitalism.[12]

Nordic model - Wikipedia

And who will defend us if we waste all our money on social programs ?

BTW any American who says that must be a millionaire or lives with Mommy and Daddy and don't even get an allowance..
What we need is something closer to the Nordic economic model.

The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism[1] or Nordic social democracy)[2][3] refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Sweden). This includes a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level with a high percentage of the workforce unionized, while being based on the economic foundations of free market capitalism.[4][5][6] The Nordic model began to earn attention after World War II.[7][8]

Although there are significant differences among the Nordic countries, they all share some common traits. These include support for a "universalist" welfare state aimed specifically at enhancing individual autonomy and promoting social mobility; a corporatist system involving a tripartite arrangement where representatives of labor and employers negotiate wages and labor market policy mediated by the government;[9] and a commitment to widespread private ownership, free markets and free trade.[10]

Each of the Nordic countries has its own economic and social models, sometimes with large differences from its neighbours.[11] According to sociologist Lane Kenworthy, in the context of the Nordic model "social democracy" refers to a set of policies for promoting economic security and opportunity within the framework of capitalism rather than a replacement for capitalism.[12]

Nordic model - Wikipedia

And who will defend us if we waste all our money on social programs ?

BTW any American who says that must be a millionaire or lives with Mommy and Daddy and don't even get an allowance..
Why do you think it would be wasted?
What we need is something closer to the Nordic economic model.

The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism[1] or Nordic social democracy)[2][3] refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Sweden). This includes a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level with a high percentage of the workforce unionized, while being based on the economic foundations of free market capitalism.[4][5][6] The Nordic model began to earn attention after World War II.[7][8]

Nordic model - Wikipedia

Or mooching losers can get up off their ass, work a job and pay their own damn bills.
Our system obviously isn't leading to enough of that for you.

Look it shouldn't take HALF my goddamn paycheck to govern the fucking country. If the lazy moochers would get up off their ass it wouldn't.

How many moochers are there? Unemployment is quite low. Sounds like we need to change our system.

Lib grow a pair and just admit it, you want free shit paid for by other people.
I'm an independent. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Are you a republican? Congress has been republican controlled for many years and look at our debt. I couldn't support that, why do you?
1) What would stop the income disparity from widening? After all, corporate profits are already at an all time high and the board of a corporation has a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit which includes minimizing labor cost as much as possible. Small business owners have the same mentality. It’s every man for himself in a republican world right? Even at this juncture, the 3 wealthiest people in this country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers. What’s to stop that from getting worse?

2) How would wages keep up with ever rising inflation?

3) How would average joe afford healthcare if prescription drug and medical costs only rose and Medicare/Medicaid would have to pay the bill? What if that wasn’t enough? What if one’s insurance doesn’t include life saving cancer treatment that is too expensive out of pocket? That person has a high deductible because the insurance company he is vulnerable to wants to maximize profit.

4) What’s to stop corporations to put whatever carcinogenics they want into their products? It’s not like average joe consumer would need to be aware of this. He would get cancer and no one would know why. Corporations could say whatever the fuck they want in their advertising. All that would matter is that the carcinogenic product increased profits. Think of chemicals sprayed on your produce to make them taste better and have more natural-looking color.

5) What if there was no minimum wage? You may think a corporation wouldn’t pay below that because it makes their position seem less attractive to the worker, but if every corporation individually and independently had the power to set their own wages, what’s to stop them from dropping to $5 per hour? $5 per hour could become the new standard. Why wouldn’t this happen?

6) Oh and let’s think of labor laws. Maybe the new standard would be that a full time job would never guarantee benefits? How about if corporations made it so you legally couldn’t have days off? The fat cats at the top could take whatever vacation time they wanted, but average joe working the cash register brings in more capital by working every day at a shitty wage.

7) What’s to stop automation from replacing more and more jobs thus making human required jobs extremely competitive?

#1) Did those wealthiest people steal from the ones that are not as wealthy? No. So why do you care if they are wealthy. LeBron James is super wealthy but not as wealthy as Bill Gates. Do you think LeBron and Mrs. James fight over the cable bill? No? Your pretense is stupid.

#2) Market economics. If companies want the best people they will entice them with compensation and benefits. If I don't pay my people the best wages they will go to a competitor. Duh. Take an economics class.

#3) Then that person goes to friends, family, church to get the funding. Forcing a doctor to give you free medical treatment is thievery. Do you force your plumber to fix your toilet if you cannot afford to pay him? When buying insurance you need to make sure it covers disasters such as adverse medical conditions. Shop around.

#4) You mean like big tobacco with their lobbyists? We have the FDA to regulate this but if people started dying from using a certain product that company would go out of business fairly quickly. Companies want to make money not go out of business.

#5) If someone pays you $5 per hour and I want you as my employee I'll pay you $10 or $15 or $20. You're talking blue collar jobs mostly because for example engineers can go where the pay is highest. They don't have a union. If someone is being cheap and paying them $80k per year then a competitor can pay $100k and take them. The company paying $80k will have employees who are not a good and likely won't be as innovative as the one paying more and will lose out and may go down. Paying $15/hr min only hurts small businesses. Home Depot and WalMart can easily absorb it and it kills their competition. Gov't needs to butt out!

#6) This isn't slavery. Benefits and time off are part of "compensation". Those companies would go out of business.

#7) It is happening now. At $15/hr. Wendys can have robots take your order and it would be cheaper than paying low skill level people $15/hr.

You need to take some business and economics classes. With all due respect you sound very stupid and uneducated. I am shocked you know how to use a computer.
1) What would stop the income disparity from widening? After all, corporate profits are already at an all time high and the board of a corporation has a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit which includes minimizing labor cost as much as possible. Small business owners have the same mentality. It’s every man for himself in a republican world right? Even at this juncture, the 3 wealthiest people in this country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers. What’s to stop that from getting worse?

2) How would wages keep up with ever rising inflation?

3) How would average joe afford healthcare if prescription drug and medical costs only rose and Medicare/Medicaid would have to pay the bill? What if that wasn’t enough? What if one’s insurance doesn’t include life saving cancer treatment that is too expensive out of pocket? That person has a high deductible because the insurance company he is vulnerable to wants to maximize profit.

4) What’s to stop corporations to put whatever carcinogenics they want into their products? It’s not like average joe consumer would need to be aware of this. He would get cancer and no one would know why. Corporations could say whatever the fuck they want in their advertising. All that would matter is that the carcinogenic product increased profits. Think of chemicals sprayed on your produce to make them taste better and have more natural-looking color.

5) What if there was no minimum wage? You may think a corporation wouldn’t pay below that because it makes their position seem less attractive to the worker, but if every corporation individually and independently had the power to set their own wages, what’s to stop them from dropping to $5 per hour? $5 per hour could become the new standard. Why wouldn’t this happen?

6) Oh and let’s think of labor laws. Maybe the new standard would be that a full time job would never guarantee benefits? How about if corporations made it so you legally couldn’t have days off? The fat cats at the top could take whatever vacation time they wanted, but average joe working the cash register brings in more capital by working every day at a shitty wage.

7) What’s to stop automation from replacing more and more jobs thus making human required jobs extremely competitive?

#1) Did those wealthiest people steal from the ones that are not as wealthy? No. So why do you care if they are wealthy. LeBron James is super wealthy but not as wealthy as Bill Gates. Do you think LeBron and Mrs. James fight over the cable bill? No? Your pretense is stupid.

#2) Market economics. If companies want the best people they will entice them with compensation and benefits. If I don't pay my people the best wages they will go to a competitor. Duh. Take an economics class.

#3) Then that person goes to friends, family, church to get the funding. Forcing a doctor to give you free medical treatment is thievery. Do you force your plumber to fix your toilet if you cannot afford to pay him? When buying insurance you need to make sure it covers disasters such as adverse medical conditions. Shop around.

#4) You mean like big tobacco with their lobbyists? We have the FDA to regulate this but if people started dying from using a certain product that company would go out of business fairly quickly. Companies want to make money not go out of business.

#5) If someone pays you $5 per hour and I want you as my employee I'll pay you $10 or $15 or $20. You're talking blue collar jobs mostly because for example engineers can go where the pay is highest. They don't have a union. If someone is being cheap and paying them $80k per year then a competitor can pay $100k and take them. The company paying $80k will have employees who are not a good and likely won't be as innovative as the one paying more and will lose out and may go down. Paying $15/hr min only hurts small businesses. Home Depot and WalMart can easily absorb it and it kills their competition. Gov't needs to butt out!

#6) This isn't slavery. Benefits and time off are part of "compensation". Those companies would go out of business.

#7) It is happening now. At $15/hr. Wendys can have robots take your order and it would be cheaper than paying low skill level people $15/hr.

You need to take some business and economics classes. With all due respect you sound very stupid and uneducated. I am shocked you know how to use a computer.
In regards to #1 are you not aware of corporate welfare? Isn't that stealing from the tax payer? What about regulations created through lobbying that clearly support certain businesses? It's not a level playing field out there, hence all the lobbying.
1) What would stop the income disparity from widening? After all, corporate profits are already at an all time high and the board of a corporation has a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit which includes minimizing labor cost as much as possible. Small business owners have the same mentality. It’s every man for himself in a republican world right? Even at this juncture, the 3 wealthiest people in this country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers. What’s to stop that from getting worse?

2) How would wages keep up with ever rising inflation?

3) How would average joe afford healthcare if prescription drug and medical costs only rose and Medicare/Medicaid would have to pay the bill? What if that wasn’t enough? What if one’s insurance doesn’t include life saving cancer treatment that is too expensive out of pocket? That person has a high deductible because the insurance company he is vulnerable to wants to maximize profit.

4) What’s to stop corporations to put whatever carcinogenics they want into their products? It’s not like average joe consumer would need to be aware of this. He would get cancer and no one would know why. Corporations could say whatever the fuck they want in their advertising. All that would matter is that the carcinogenic product increased profits. Think of chemicals sprayed on your produce to make them taste better and have more natural-looking color.

5) What if there was no minimum wage? You may think a corporation wouldn’t pay below that because it makes their position seem less attractive to the worker, but if every corporation individually and independently had the power to set their own wages, what’s to stop them from dropping to $5 per hour? $5 per hour could become the new standard. Why wouldn’t this happen?

6) Oh and let’s think of labor laws. Maybe the new standard would be that a full time job would never guarantee benefits? How about if corporations made it so you legally couldn’t have days off? The fat cats at the top could take whatever vacation time they wanted, but average joe working the cash register brings in more capital by working every day at a shitty wage.

7) What’s to stop automation from replacing more and more jobs thus making human required jobs extremely competitive?

#1) Did those wealthiest people steal from the ones that are not as wealthy? No. So why do you care if they are wealthy. LeBron James is super wealthy but not as wealthy as Bill Gates. Do you think LeBron and Mrs. James fight over the cable bill? No? Your pretense is stupid.

#2) Market economics. If companies want the best people they will entice them with compensation and benefits. If I don't pay my people the best wages they will go to a competitor. Duh. Take an economics class.

#3) Then that person goes to friends, family, church to get the funding. Forcing a doctor to give you free medical treatment is thievery. Do you force your plumber to fix your toilet if you cannot afford to pay him? When buying insurance you need to make sure it covers disasters such as adverse medical conditions. Shop around.

#4) You mean like big tobacco with their lobbyists? We have the FDA to regulate this but if people started dying from using a certain product that company would go out of business fairly quickly. Companies want to make money not go out of business.

#5) If someone pays you $5 per hour and I want you as my employee I'll pay you $10 or $15 or $20. You're talking blue collar jobs mostly because for example engineers can go where the pay is highest. They don't have a union. If someone is being cheap and paying them $80k per year then a competitor can pay $100k and take them. The company paying $80k will have employees who are not a good and likely won't be as innovative as the one paying more and will lose out and may go down. Paying $15/hr min only hurts small businesses. Home Depot and WalMart can easily absorb it and it kills their competition. Gov't needs to butt out!

#6) This isn't slavery. Benefits and time off are part of "compensation". Those companies would go out of business.

#7) It is happening now. At $15/hr. Wendys can have robots take your order and it would be cheaper than paying low skill level people $15/hr.

You need to take some business and economics classes. With all due respect you sound very stupid and uneducated. I am shocked you know how to use a computer.
In regards to #1 are you not aware of corporate welfare? Isn't that stealing from the tax payer? What about regulations created through lobbying that clearly support certain businesses? It's not a level playing field out there, hence all the lobbying.

So Bill Gates forced people to buy MSFT products? Steve Jobs crammed Apple Phones down peoples throats? Or were their products just better than the competition?
1) What would stop the income disparity from widening? After all, corporate profits are already at an all time high and the board of a corporation has a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit which includes minimizing labor cost as much as possible. Small business owners have the same mentality. It’s every man for himself in a republican world right? Even at this juncture, the 3 wealthiest people in this country own more wealth than the bottom 50% of workers. What’s to stop that from getting worse?

2) How would wages keep up with ever rising inflation?

3) How would average joe afford healthcare if prescription drug and medical costs only rose and Medicare/Medicaid would have to pay the bill? What if that wasn’t enough? What if one’s insurance doesn’t include life saving cancer treatment that is too expensive out of pocket? That person has a high deductible because the insurance company he is vulnerable to wants to maximize profit.

4) What’s to stop corporations to put whatever carcinogenics they want into their products? It’s not like average joe consumer would need to be aware of this. He would get cancer and no one would know why. Corporations could say whatever the fuck they want in their advertising. All that would matter is that the carcinogenic product increased profits. Think of chemicals sprayed on your produce to make them taste better and have more natural-looking color.

5) What if there was no minimum wage? You may think a corporation wouldn’t pay below that because it makes their position seem less attractive to the worker, but if every corporation individually and independently had the power to set their own wages, what’s to stop them from dropping to $5 per hour? $5 per hour could become the new standard. Why wouldn’t this happen?

6) Oh and let’s think of labor laws. Maybe the new standard would be that a full time job would never guarantee benefits? How about if corporations made it so you legally couldn’t have days off? The fat cats at the top could take whatever vacation time they wanted, but average joe working the cash register brings in more capital by working every day at a shitty wage.

7) What’s to stop automation from replacing more and more jobs thus making human required jobs extremely competitive?

#1) Did those wealthiest people steal from the ones that are not as wealthy? No. So why do you care if they are wealthy. LeBron James is super wealthy but not as wealthy as Bill Gates. Do you think LeBron and Mrs. James fight over the cable bill? No? Your pretense is stupid.

#2) Market economics. If companies want the best people they will entice them with compensation and benefits. If I don't pay my people the best wages they will go to a competitor. Duh. Take an economics class.

#3) Then that person goes to friends, family, church to get the funding. Forcing a doctor to give you free medical treatment is thievery. Do you force your plumber to fix your toilet if you cannot afford to pay him? When buying insurance you need to make sure it covers disasters such as adverse medical conditions. Shop around.

#4) You mean like big tobacco with their lobbyists? We have the FDA to regulate this but if people started dying from using a certain product that company would go out of business fairly quickly. Companies want to make money not go out of business.

#5) If someone pays you $5 per hour and I want you as my employee I'll pay you $10 or $15 or $20. You're talking blue collar jobs mostly because for example engineers can go where the pay is highest. They don't have a union. If someone is being cheap and paying them $80k per year then a competitor can pay $100k and take them. The company paying $80k will have employees who are not a good and likely won't be as innovative as the one paying more and will lose out and may go down. Paying $15/hr min only hurts small businesses. Home Depot and WalMart can easily absorb it and it kills their competition. Gov't needs to butt out!

#6) This isn't slavery. Benefits and time off are part of "compensation". Those companies would go out of business.

#7) It is happening now. At $15/hr. Wendys can have robots take your order and it would be cheaper than paying low skill level people $15/hr.

You need to take some business and economics classes. With all due respect you sound very stupid and uneducated. I am shocked you know how to use a computer.
In regards to #1 are you not aware of corporate welfare? Isn't that stealing from the tax payer? What about regulations created through lobbying that clearly support certain businesses? It's not a level playing field out there, hence all the lobbying.

So Bill Gates forced people to buy MSFT products? Steve Jobs crammed Apple Phones down peoples throats? Or were their products just better than the competition?
You seem to be changing the subject. But on the subject of Steve Jobs, he colluded to hold down wages. Is that fair, or is that the wealthy holding down the poor?
Tech workers will get average of $5,770 under final anti-poaching settlement
Or mooching losers can get up off their ass, work a job and pay their own damn bills.
Our system obviously isn't leading to enough of that for you.

Look it shouldn't take HALF my goddamn paycheck to govern the fucking country. If the lazy moochers would get up off their ass it wouldn't.

How many moochers are there? Unemployment is quite low. Sounds like we need to change our system.

Lib grow a pair and just admit it, you want free shit paid for by other people.
I'm an independent. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Are you a republican? Congress has been republican controlled for many years and look at our debt. I couldn't support that, why do you?

Don't deflect, admit it you want free shit paid for by someone else. The mooching losers seem to think its easy earning the kind of money I earn, its not. So when these people tell me they are entitled to the money I worked to earn while they slack off mooching yeah, it bugs me. :eusa_hand:
Our system obviously isn't leading to enough of that for you.

Look it shouldn't take HALF my goddamn paycheck to govern the fucking country. If the lazy moochers would get up off their ass it wouldn't.

How many moochers are there? Unemployment is quite low. Sounds like we need to change our system.

Lib grow a pair and just admit it, you want free shit paid for by other people.
I'm an independent. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Are you a republican? Congress has been republican controlled for many years and look at our debt. I couldn't support that, why do you?

Don't deflect, admit it you want free shit paid for by someone else. The mooching losers seem to think its easy earning the kind of money I earn, its not. So when these people tell me they are entitled to the money I worked to earn while they slack off mooching yeah, it bugs me. :eusa_hand:
Hey, you called me a lib which is clearly wrong. I've a free market capitalist and believe in a balanced budget. These things don't belong in either party obviously. What is liberal about free market capitalism and a balanced budget?
Look it shouldn't take HALF my goddamn paycheck to govern the fucking country. If the lazy moochers would get up off their ass it wouldn't.

How many moochers are there? Unemployment is quite low. Sounds like we need to change our system.

Lib grow a pair and just admit it, you want free shit paid for by other people.
I'm an independent. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Are you a republican? Congress has been republican controlled for many years and look at our debt. I couldn't support that, why do you?

Don't deflect, admit it you want free shit paid for by someone else. The mooching losers seem to think its easy earning the kind of money I earn, its not. So when these people tell me they are entitled to the money I worked to earn while they slack off mooching yeah, it bugs me. :eusa_hand:
Hey, you called me a lib which is clearly wrong. I've a free market capitalist and believe in a balanced budget. These things don't belong in either party obviously. What is liberal about free market capitalism and a balanced budget?

I have called you far worse than a lib :laugh:. Why don't you tell us how you plan to pay for your socialist government hand outs? I predict crickets.
How many moochers are there? Unemployment is quite low. Sounds like we need to change our system.

Lib grow a pair and just admit it, you want free shit paid for by other people.
I'm an independent. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Are you a republican? Congress has been republican controlled for many years and look at our debt. I couldn't support that, why do you?

Don't deflect, admit it you want free shit paid for by someone else. The mooching losers seem to think its easy earning the kind of money I earn, its not. So when these people tell me they are entitled to the money I worked to earn while they slack off mooching yeah, it bugs me. :eusa_hand:
Hey, you called me a lib which is clearly wrong. I've a free market capitalist and believe in a balanced budget. These things don't belong in either party obviously. What is liberal about free market capitalism and a balanced budget?

I have called you far worse than a lib :laugh:. Why don't you tell us how you plan to pay for your socialist government hand outs? I predict crickets.
Yes, you are quite childish with all your name calling.
Lib grow a pair and just admit it, you want free shit paid for by other people.
I'm an independent. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Are you a republican? Congress has been republican controlled for many years and look at our debt. I couldn't support that, why do you?

Don't deflect, admit it you want free shit paid for by someone else. The mooching losers seem to think its easy earning the kind of money I earn, its not. So when these people tell me they are entitled to the money I worked to earn while they slack off mooching yeah, it bugs me. :eusa_hand:
Hey, you called me a lib which is clearly wrong. I've a free market capitalist and believe in a balanced budget. These things don't belong in either party obviously. What is liberal about free market capitalism and a balanced budget?

I have called you far worse than a lib :laugh:. Why don't you tell us how you plan to pay for your socialist government hand outs? I predict crickets.
Yes, you are quite childish with all your name calling.

So, crickets as predicted shocker.
How many moochers are there? Unemployment is quite low. Sounds like we need to change our system.

Lib grow a pair and just admit it, you want free shit paid for by other people.
I'm an independent. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Are you a republican? Congress has been republican controlled for many years and look at our debt. I couldn't support that, why do you?

Don't deflect, admit it you want free shit paid for by someone else. The mooching losers seem to think its easy earning the kind of money I earn, its not. So when these people tell me they are entitled to the money I worked to earn while they slack off mooching yeah, it bugs me. :eusa_hand:
Hey, you called me a lib which is clearly wrong. I've a free market capitalist and believe in a balanced budget. These things don't belong in either party obviously. What is liberal about free market capitalism and a balanced budget?

I have called you far worse than a lib :laugh:. Why don't you tell us how you plan to pay for your socialist government hand outs? I predict crickets.
George Lakey, author of Viking Economics, asserts that Americans generally misunderstand the nature of the Nordic "welfare state":

Americans imagine that "welfare state" means the U.S. welfare system on steroids. Actually, the Nordics scrapped their American-style welfare system at least 60 years ago, and substituted universal services, which means everyone—rich and poor—gets free higher education, free medical services, free eldercare, etc. [60]

In his role as economic adviser to Poland and Yugoslavia in their post-socialist transitional period, Jeffrey Sachs noted that the specific forms of Western-style capitalism such as Swedish-style social democracy and Thatcherite liberalism are virtually identical:

The eastern countries must reject any lingering ideas about a “third way”, such as a chimerical “market socialism” based on public ownership or worker self-management, and go straight for a western-style market economy...The main debate in economic reform should therefore be about the means of transition, not the ends. Eastern Europe will still argue over the ends: for example, whether to aim for Swedish-style social democracy or Thatcherite liberalism. But that can wait. Sweden and Britain alike have nearly complete private ownership, private financial markets and active labour markets. Eastern Europe today [in 1990] has none of these institutions; for it, the alternative models of Western Europe are almost identical.[61]

In a speech at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen addressed the American misconception that the Nordic model is a form of socialism: "'I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism,' he said. 'Therefore, I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.'"[62]

Nordic model - Wikipedia
I'm an independent. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Are you a republican? Congress has been republican controlled for many years and look at our debt. I couldn't support that, why do you?

Don't deflect, admit it you want free shit paid for by someone else. The mooching losers seem to think its easy earning the kind of money I earn, its not. So when these people tell me they are entitled to the money I worked to earn while they slack off mooching yeah, it bugs me. :eusa_hand:
Hey, you called me a lib which is clearly wrong. I've a free market capitalist and believe in a balanced budget. These things don't belong in either party obviously. What is liberal about free market capitalism and a balanced budget?

I have called you far worse than a lib :laugh:. Why don't you tell us how you plan to pay for your socialist government hand outs? I predict crickets.
Yes, you are quite childish with all your name calling.

So, crickets as predicted shocker.
You obviously don't understand the Nordic model. Please read up.
Nordic model - Wikipedia
I wonder if the automobile, the telephone, television etc...etc...would of been invented yet if the world didn't go to capitalism?

That’s a pointless argument because what I am suggesting has nothing to do with ending capitalism. God you people are dumb.

Well your asking people to imagine something that isnt going to happen, so the question is how Dumb are you?
as well as condescending and irrational
Remember Love Canal.

Careful, thoughtful and efficient regulation makes capitalism better. It's an absolutely critical component of the whole.

Trying to detach regulation from capitalism is like trying to take the hydrogen component out of water.

Talk radio doesn't and won't address this obvious fact, so many just don't see it, no matter how obvious it is.

Trying to detach regulation from capitalism is like trying to take the hydrogen component out of water.

But there are 2 hydrogen atoms in every water molecule and only one oxygen atom.
That's no people benefit more from that second hydrogen atom than poor people.
We need to remove one hydrogen atom from every water molecule to stick it to those rich people.
I don't need to imagine anything after the '08 crash

That was caused by government interference with the mortgage markets?

The Gub'Mit did not create the derivatives market , instead they chose to deregulate

aka> free trade

That said, the Gub'Mit da*med well knows it WILL have to deal with it>


Why would the derivatives market collapse?
What would happen if it did?
Careful, thoughtful and efficient regulation makes capitalism better. It's an absolutely critical component of the whole.

Trying to detach regulation from capitalism is like trying to take the hydrogen component out of water.

Talk radio doesn't and won't address this obvious fact, so many just don't see it, no matter how obvious it is.

Trying to detach regulation from capitalism is like trying to take the hydrogen component out of water.

But there are 2 hydrogen atoms in every water molecule and only one oxygen atom.
That's no people benefit more from that second hydrogen atom than poor people.
We need to remove one hydrogen atom from every water molecule to stick it to those rich people.
Uh... sure.

Anyway, back to reality. Careful, thoughtful and efficient regulation makes capitalism better.

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