Zone1 Imagine no slave trade


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
Imagine what the United States would be like if the slave trade had never been allowed.

There would not have been a civil war. Southern whites would have had to grow their own tobacco and cotton.

The crime rate would be much lower. We would not need to spend so much tax money on criminal justice and welfare.

The down town areas of our cities would be known for art galleries, museums, libraries, book stores, theaters, concert halls, and atmospheric restaurants and taverns. One could watch a movie or a play, or attend a symphony concert or a ballet that ended at 10:00 pm, walk two miles to get home, and be perfectly safe.
it still exists in Saudi Arabia today, but don't tell the shills this.
American Negroes who are attracted to Islam should be told that the Arab slave trade began centuries before the European and American slave trade. It lasted for decades later until it was smashed by European military action.

Arabs castrated male slaves. In addition they cut off the penises of black male slaves. In an era before anesthetics and anesthesia, many black men died from this cruel practice.
Imagine what the United States would be like if the slave trade had never been allowed.

There would not have been a civil war. Southern whites would have had to grow their own tobacco and cotton.

The crime rate would be much lower. We would not need to spend so much tax money on criminal justice and welfare.

The down town areas of our cities would be known for art galleries, museums, libraries, book stores, theaters, concert halls, and atmospheric restaurants and taverns. One could watch a movie or a play, or attend a symphony concert or a ballet that ended at 10:00 pm, walk two miles to get home, and be perfectly safe.

Many whites DID grow their own cotton and tobacco and they worked their own farms. The idea that every slave owner had a big profit making plantation is a misrepresentation. Towards the end of the slavery period there were more of them but for most of the time, not every white farmer owned slaves and even if there was a smal poor farmer who maybe owned one or two slaves to up their production, they were working in the field as well. that was just the way of life back then.
Yep, we could have used the Irish to pick cotton.
Have you ever picked cotton? Here is the thing, slavery was dying out, it was not an economically viable enterprise, until the invention of the cotton gin. Once that happened, the value of a slave exploded, and ironically, that coincided with the cost of cotton, which despite the increased efficiency provided by the cotton gin, exploded as well.

All my life, growing up, I had to hear my Dad cry and moan about how hard his life was. Walking behind a mule, picking cotton all day. At about 14 I had enough. I hit the cotton field at the crack of dawn and I picked until the sun went down. I loved it. I found it immensely tranquilizing, it was calming, and I absolutely tore it up. I picked over five hundred pounds, about twice what a slave was expected to pick. And to this day, driving past a machine picked cotton field, I am tempted to stop the car and start at it. There is so much white in the damn field, and at a dollar a pound I could make $500 a day.
American Negroes who are attracted to Islam should be told that the Arab slave trade began centuries before the European and American slave trade. It lasted for decades later until it was smashed by European military action.

Arabs castrated male slaves. In addition they cut off the penises of black male slaves. In an era before anesthetics and anesthesia, many black men died from this cruel practice.

Lol 😂 every lie and stereotype. You don't know anything about slavery and the rules in Islam.
Have you ever picked cotton? Here is the thing, slavery was dying out, it was not an economically viable enterprise, until the invention of the cotton gin. Once that happened, the value of a slave exploded, and ironically, that coincided with the cost of cotton, which despite the increased efficiency provided by the cotton gin, exploded as well.

All my life, growing up, I had to hear my Dad cry and moan about how hard his life was. Walking behind a mule, picking cotton all day. At about 14 I had enough. I hit the cotton field at the crack of dawn and I picked until the sun went down. I loved it. I found it immensely tranquilizing, it was calming, and I absolutely tore it up. I picked over five hundred pounds, about twice what a slave was expected to pick. And to this day, driving past a machine picked cotton field, I am tempted to stop the car and start at it. There is so much white in the damn field, and at a dollar a pound I could make $500 a day.
The reason that the Irish did not settle farther south in greater numbers than what they did was due to slavery and colonial laws against Catholic Irish immigration in certain colonies.
The reason that the Irish did not settle farther south in greater numbers than what they did was due to slavery and colonial laws against Catholic Irish immigration in certain colonies.

Irish Protestants began arriving in the South in the late 1600s and early 1700s. See St James Parish Santee for example.
Lol 😂 every lie and stereotype. You don't know anything about slavery and the rules in Islam.

History of slavery in the Muslim world​

The Arab slave trade was most active in West Asia, North Africa, and Southeast Africa, and rough estimates place the number of black Africans enslaved in the twelve centuries prior to the 20th century at between 11.5 million to 15 million...

A fair proportion of male slaves were also imported as eunuchs. Levy states that according to the Quran and Islamic traditions, such emasculation was objectionable. Some jurists such as al-Baydawi considered castration to be mutilation, stipulating laws to prevent it. However, in practice, emasculation was frequent.[32]...

Many black slaves lived in conditions conducive to malnutrition and disease, with effects on their own life expectancy, the fertility of women, and the infant mortality rate.[34] As late as the 19th century, Western travellers in North Africa and Egypt noted the high death rate among imported black slaves.[35]...

By the 14th century, a significant number of slaves came from sub-Saharan Africa; Lewis argues that this led to the likes of Egyptian historian Al-Abshibi (1388–1446) writing that "t is said that when the [black] slave is sated, he fornicates, when he is hungry, he steals."[53]

recent research has uncovered evidence of racial thinking in Islamic history—especially anti-Black racism and a link between Blackness and slavery—dating back to at least the ninth century CE.[54]


History of slavery in the Muslim world​

The Arab slave trade was most active in West Asia, North Africa, and Southeast Africa, and rough estimates place the number of black Africans enslaved in the twelve centuries prior to the 20th century at between 11.5 million to 15 million...

A fair proportion of male slaves were also imported as eunuchs. Levy states that according to the Quran and Islamic traditions, such emasculation was objectionable. Some jurists such as al-Baydawi considered castration to be mutilation, stipulating laws to prevent it. However, in practice, emasculation was frequent.[32]...

Many black slaves lived in conditions conducive to malnutrition and disease, with effects on their own life expectancy, the fertility of women, and the infant mortality rate.[34] As late as the 19th century, Western travellers in North Africa and Egypt noted the high death rate among imported black slaves.[35]...

By the 14th century, a significant number of slaves came from sub-Saharan Africa; Lewis argues that this led to the likes of Egyptian historian Al-Abshibi (1388–1446) writing that "t is said that when the [black] slave is sated, he fornicates, when he is hungry, he steals."[53]

recent research has uncovered evidence of racial thinking in Islamic history—especially anti-Black racism and a link between Blackness and slavery—dating back to at least the ninth century CE.[54]

Bernard Lewis? Are you kidding?
Without African slaves, the southern states would have remained undeveloped backwaters until mechanized agriculture and disease control in the 20th Century. (Africans had natural resistance to malaria; Europeans did not.)
I know Saudi Arabia and it's nothing like your fantasy.

Gang rape victim sentenced in Saudi Arabia​

A Saudi court has sentenced a gang rape victim to 90 lashes of the whip because she was alone in a car with a man to whom she was not married.

Bernard Lewis? Are you kidding?

Bernard Lewis​

In 2007, Lewis was called "the West's leading interpreter of the Middle East".[3]...

In 1966, Lewis was a founding member of the learned society, Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA), but in 2007 he broke away and founded Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA) to challenge MESA, which the New York Sun noted as "dominated by academics who have been critical of Israel and of America's role in the Middle East".[27] The organization was formed as an academic society dedicated to promoting high standards of research and teaching in Middle Eastern and African studies and other related fields, with Lewis as Chairman of its academic council.[28]...

In 1990, the National Endowment for the Humanities selected Lewis for the Jefferson Lecture, the U.S. federal government's highest honor for achievement in the humanities. His lecture, entitled "Western Civilization: A View from the East", was revised and reprinted in The Atlantic Monthly under the title "The Roots of Muslim Rage."[29][30] His 2007 Irving Kristol Lecture, given to the American Enterprise Institute, was published as Europe and Islam.[31]...

Lewis's influence extends beyond academia to the general public. He began his research career with the study of medieval Arab, especially Syrian, history.[14] His first article, dedicated to professional guilds of medieval Islam, had been widely regarded as the most authoritative work on the subject for about thirty years....

Lewis argued that the Middle East is currently backward and its decline was a largely self-inflicted condition resulting from both culture and religion, as opposed to the post-colonialist view which posits the problems of the region as economic and political maldevelopment mainly due to the 19th-century European colonization.[33] In his 1982 work Muslim Discovery of Europe, Lewis argues that Muslim societies could not keep pace with the West and that "Crusader successes were due in no small part to Muslim weakness."[34] Further, he suggested that as early as the 11th century Islamic societies were decaying, primarily the byproduct of internal problems like "cultural arrogance," which was a barrier to creative borrowing, rather than external pressures like the Crusades.[14]...

Abraham Udovitch described him as "certainly the most eminent and respected historian of the Arab world, of the Islamic world, of the Middle East and beyond".[37]

In the wake of Soviet and Arab attempts to delegitimize Israel as a racist country, Lewis wrote a study of anti-Semitism, Semites and Anti-Semites (1986).[14] In other works he argued Arab rage against Israel was disproportionate to other tragedies or injustices in the Muslim world, such as the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and control of Muslim-majority land in Central Asia, the bloody and destructive fighting during the Hama uprising in Syria (1982), the Algerian Civil War (1992–1998), and the Iran–Iraq War (1980–1988).[35]....

In 1998, Lewis read in a London-based newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi a declaration of war on the United States by Osama bin Laden. In his essay "A License to Kill", Lewis indicated he considered bin Laden's language as the "ideology of jihad" and warned that bin Laden would be a danger to the West.[66] The essay was published after the Clinton administration and the US intelligence community had begun its hunt for bin Laden in Sudan and then in Afghanistan.

Bernard Lewis - Wikipedia

Bernard Lewis sounds like a great guy.

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