Imagine what the United States economy would be like TODAY! IF... we had IGNORED THE LEFT!

Link please.

You could just google:
First Texas started quite low.
It became unintelligible after the first 100 pages. The Democrat assholes that voted for it even admit they didn't read it, so your point is moot.

Sorry if you can't read it but it is a document that covers 20% GDP of the country. 1 in every 5 dollars spent... Probably best that is written to lock out loopholes and ambiguity rather than be written in one syllable words so idiots like you can understand it.

I know that ACA law might have made you uncomfortable in that it it exposed your mental weakness (this was there before the law was written) but hey they are the compromises you make when you lock down lawyers to find gaps...
Idiots like me? CONGRESSMEN couldn't read this thing, you jackass.
Only stupid GOP congressmen.

Well sure, because even those old school GOP Legislators such as Nancy Pelosi told us that "We'll have to pass, so that you can know what's in it... ."

Yes... that was the GOP Democrat SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, Telling Democrats that she could not tell them what was in the obamacare bill... .

Proving ONCE AGAIN, that had the US rejected socialism when it first began to infect the culture at the turn of the 20th Century, the US would still be a viable nation and not on the brink of its destruction.

How could she tell what was in a bill that had not been finalized at the time? There were two bills at the time, how could Pelosi be expected to know what would be in the consolidated bill?

Why are conservatives so dumb?

Only liberals are willing to accept passage of a bill they don't know or understand.

Why don't we just pass blank pieces of paper and let them fill them in afterwards.....
A little thing called affordable health care for all. Why not a SINGLE story on peoples' lives being saved, suffering over? Our media is cowardly and pathetic. "Librul" my ass. Just not ALL bs Pub propaganda...

That sounds bad it does not exist in the U.S.

Destroying our top rated health care system.

Still not supplying insurance to many who want and need it.

A typical liberal success !
A little thing called affordable health care for all. Why not a SINGLE story on peoples' lives being saved, suffering over? Our media is cowardly and pathetic. "Librul" my ass. Just not ALL bs Pub propaganda...

That sounds bad it does not exist in the U.S.

Destroying our top rated health care system.

Still not supplying insurance to many who want and need it.

A typical liberal success !
The only ones who need and want it not being supplied are poor workers being withheld Medicaid in red states by mindless Pubs, dingbat. Transparent competition is hardly destroying anything. It's a great success- read something.
You could just google:
First Texas started quite low.
Sorry if you can't read it but it is a document that covers 20% GDP of the country. 1 in every 5 dollars spent... Probably best that is written to lock out loopholes and ambiguity rather than be written in one syllable words so idiots like you can understand it.

I know that ACA law might have made you uncomfortable in that it it exposed your mental weakness (this was there before the law was written) but hey they are the compromises you make when you lock down lawyers to find gaps...
Idiots like me? CONGRESSMEN couldn't read this thing, you jackass.
Only stupid GOP congressmen.

Well sure, because even those old school GOP Legislators such as Nancy Pelosi told us that "We'll have to pass, so that you can know what's in it... ."

Yes... that was the GOP Democrat SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, Telling Democrats that she could not tell them what was in the obamacare bill... .

Proving ONCE AGAIN, that had the US rejected socialism when it first began to infect the culture at the turn of the 20th Century, the US would still be a viable nation and not on the brink of its destruction.

How could she tell what was in a bill that had not been finalized at the time? There were two bills at the time, how could Pelosi be expected to know what would be in the consolidated bill?

Why are conservatives so dumb?

Only liberals are willing to accept passage of a bill they don't know or understand.

Why don't we just pass blank pieces of paper and let them fill them in afterwards.....

Pelosi was simply saying it was incredibly complicated and would only be understood when it was implemented. Dems never foresee the power of bs Pub propaganda and our pathetic, cowardly media.You still don't get it, hater dupe.
A little thing called affordable health care for all. Why not a SINGLE story on peoples' lives being saved, suffering over? Our media is cowardly and pathetic. "Librul" my ass. Just not ALL bs Pub propaganda...

That sounds bad it does not exist in the U.S.

Destroying our top rated health care system.

Still not supplying insurance to many who want and need it.

A typical liberal success !
The only ones who need and want it not being supplied are poor workers being withheld Medicaid in red states by mindless Pubs, dingbat. Transparent competition is hardly destroying anything. It's a great success- read something.

I have. And I am around people who've been hurt by it.

You really are sucking on the lib spin machine.

Take a breath and look around.
Idiots like me? CONGRESSMEN couldn't read this thing, you jackass.
Only stupid GOP congressmen.

Well sure, because even those old school GOP Legislators such as Nancy Pelosi told us that "We'll have to pass, so that you can know what's in it... ."

Yes... that was the GOP Democrat SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, Telling Democrats that she could not tell them what was in the obamacare bill... .

Proving ONCE AGAIN, that had the US rejected socialism when it first began to infect the culture at the turn of the 20th Century, the US would still be a viable nation and not on the brink of its destruction.

How could she tell what was in a bill that had not been finalized at the time? There were two bills at the time, how could Pelosi be expected to know what would be in the consolidated bill?

Why are conservatives so dumb?

Only liberals are willing to accept passage of a bill they don't know or understand.

Why don't we just pass blank pieces of paper and let them fill them in afterwards.....

Pelosi was simply saying it was incredibly complicated and would only be understood when it was implemented. Dems never foresee the power of bs Pub propaganda and our pathetic, cowardly media.You still don't get it, hater dupe.

Like I said, only libs would sign up for something like that.

It's ironic that you would call anyone a dupe.

If they gave your gene combo an acronym, it would be STUPID.
Clever argument, fool. lol. 74% of GOP voters who signed up on the exchanges approve. Idiot
Are you saying we would be competitive with near-slave labor in Asia for manufacturing?

That's wishful thinking to the extreme.

We're more than competitive with 3rd world cheap labor. In fact, rivaling only with Norway, we have the most efficient workforce in the world as measured by capital generated per worker. Our labor management and technology has given us an edge that can't be negated by cheap labor. The only thing keeping unemployment up is the fact that we have the most obscenely high corporate tax rate in the world, making us a less than optimal place to run a business, in spite of our advantages.

Here, why don't you educate yourself instead of spewing ignorance? U.S. Workers World s Most Productive - CBS News

The trouble with the corporate tax rate argument is that no corporation pays anywhere near the stated rate. Many don't pay any corporate taxes at all.
A little thing called affordable health care for all. Why not a SINGLE story on peoples' lives being saved, suffering over? Our media is cowardly and pathetic. "Librul" my ass. Just not ALL bs Pub propaganda...

That sounds bad it does not exist in the U.S.

Destroying our top rated health care system.

Still not supplying insurance to many who want and need it.

A typical liberal success !
Top rated health care system? Uh huh. So what niche do you occupy within it?
Today, we would have THRIVING Textile, Steel, Electronics and Auto-manufacturing industries, where tens of millions of good, highly skilled people would be making excellent wages... providing high quality products, which would be sold throughout the world. Teenagers would be working in low-skilled service jobs, making the wage which reflects minimum skills and everyone would understand that THAT IS HOW CHILDREN ACQUIRE MARKETABLE SKILLS... .

Black families would be thriving with a majority of such having two parents of the distinct gender... and US Medical Care would be cheap and plentiful and the envy of the species.

But no... Instead we sought to normalize abnormal, perverse reasoning and those industries are GONE!
You are so full of shit. Europe did what you suggest, and their economy is staggering, while ours is doing much better that any other in the world.

President Obama has done a good job. Had we had one of your numbskulls running things, we would be in the same condition as Europe.
In fairness, Europe doesn't have our natural resources- see our oil-gas boom etc..Many.thanks to greedy corrupt Pubs for once again wrecking the world.
Any moron knows a lot of Republicans have insurance from the exhanges duh. And love it. Obviously the exact numbers aren't in, stupid. Pathetic dingbat chump. Get a job and some responsibility...
Any moron knows a lot of Republicans have insurance from the exhanges duh. And love it. Obviously the exact numbers aren't in, stupid. Pathetic dingbat chump. Get a job and some responsibility...

Got a job....always had the private sector.

Still no numbers.....

Got it.
Today, we would have THRIVING Textile, Steel, Electronics and Auto-manufacturing industries, where tens of millions of good, highly skilled people would be making excellent wages... providing high quality products, which would be sold throughout the world. Teenagers would be working in low-skilled service jobs, making the wage which reflects minimum skills and everyone would understand that THAT IS HOW CHILDREN ACQUIRE MARKETABLE SKILLS... .

Black families would be thriving with a majority of such having two parents of the distinct gender... and US Medical Care would be cheap and plentiful and the envy of the species.

But no... Instead we sought to normalize abnormal, perverse reasoning and those industries are GONE!
You are so full of shit. Europe did what you suggest, and their economy is staggering, while ours is doing much better that any other in the world.

President Obama has done a good job. Had we had one of your numbskulls running things, we would be in the same condition as Europe.



Europe bought into Socialism HOOK, LINE AND SINKER... took the whole RIG.

As a result, Europe's economy is a JOKE... even as the US embraces more and more Euro-peon traits and policies and succumbs to such, with an economy mired in stagnation, which is held together purely through the fabrication of annual pumping of TRILLIONS of worthless dollars into the US Markets by the Federal Reserves and US federal deficit spending... .

These practices are diametrically opposed to American principle and will result in the catastrophic failure of the US Federal Government, which will destroy what presently stands as the US Culture.

The US has been subverted by the Ideological Left... and we're about to collapse.

My understanding of events to come is that the Federal Reserve will begin to increase Interests Rates in early in 2017. By the end of that year, the US Dollar will succumb to an explosion of uncontrollable hyper-inflation, the US government will declare the Dollar dead and move to change to another currency, which will quickly fail... .

These events will demonstrate the foolishness of Socialist policy, as there will be no social safety-net, not social-justice and the natural order will crush those who have sought to escape their personal responsibilities, who do not know how to grow food, husband livestock, defend themselves and families through the effective use of state of the art weaponry... and who cannot find the force of character to survive against the flood of sub-creatures coming to strip them of their property, possessions and lives.

Lost likely, in and around this time, the US will be subject to invasion by foreign powers, likely of the Islamic variety.

And who will be responsible for this?

We, the Americans, will be so responsible, as a direct result of our having not destroyed you, those who have now long promoted Foreign Ideas Hostile to American principles, in and among us.

And as a result, we will now suffer the awful and unspeakable consequences for that failure.
Any moron knows a lot of Republicans have insurance from the exhanges duh. And love it. Obviously the exact numbers aren't in, stupid. Pathetic dingbat chump. Get a job and some responsibility...

Still no numbers....

Got it.....

You big woooose.
Today, we would have THRIVING Textile, Steel, Electronics and Auto-manufacturing industries, where tens of millions of good, highly skilled people would be making excellent wages... providing high quality products, which would be sold throughout the world. Teenagers would be working in low-skilled service jobs, making the wage which reflects minimum skills and everyone would understand that THAT IS HOW CHILDREN ACQUIRE MARKETABLE SKILLS... .

Black families would be thriving with a majority of such having two parents of the distinct gender... and US Medical Care would be cheap and plentiful and the envy of the species.

But no... Instead we sought to normalize abnormal, perverse reasoning and those industries are GONE!
You are so full of shit. Europe did what you suggest, and their economy is staggering, while ours is doing much better that any other in the world.

President Obama has done a good job. Had we had one of your numbskulls running things, we would be in the same condition as Europe.



Europe bought into Socialism HOOK, LINE AND SINKER... took the whole RIG.

As a result, Europe's economy is a JOKE... even as the US embraces more and more Euro-peon traits and policies and succumbs to such, with an economy mired in stagnation, which is held together purely through the fabrication of annual pumping of TRILLIONS of worthless dollars into the US Markets by the Federal Reserves and US federal deficit spending... .

These practices are diametrically opposed to American principle and will result in the catastrophic failure of the US Federal Government, which will destroy what presently stands as the US Culture.

The US has been subverted by the Ideological Left... and we're about to collapse.

My understanding of events to come is that the Federal Reserve will begin to increase Interests Rates in early in 2017. By the end of that year, the US Dollar will succumb to an explosion of uncontrollable hyper-inflation, the US government will declare the Dollar dead and move to change to another currency, which will quickly fail... .

These events will demonstrate the foolishness of Socialist policy, as there will be no social safety-net, not social-justice and the natural order will crush those who have sought to escape their personal responsibilities, who do not know how to grow food, husband livestock, defend themselves and families through the effective use of state of the art weaponry... and who cannot find the force of character to survive against the flood of sub-creatures coming to strip them of their property, possessions and lives.

Lost likely, in and around this time, the US will be subject to invasion by foreign powers, likely of the Islamic variety.

And who will be responsible for this?

We, the Americans, will be so responsible, as a direct result of our having not destroyed you, those who have now long promoted Foreign Ideas Hostile to American principles, in and among us.

And as a result, we will now suffer the awful and unspeakable consequences for that failure.
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