Imagine what the United States economy would be like TODAY! IF... we had IGNORED THE LEFT!

Well, it would probably be much better cause the slaves would all still be working away for the white man. Let's see....and only white men would have good paying jobs. Should I go on? Of course....

If the country allowed the ultra conservatives to rule it, only the poor would be drafted into military service, so the rich white boys would be doing very well in this economy. You get the idea?
Well, it would probably be much better cause the slaves would all still be working away for the white man. Let's see....and only white men would have good paying jobs. Should I go on? Of course....

If the country allowed the ultra conservatives to rule it, only the poor would be drafted into military service, so the rich white boys would be doing very well in this economy. You get the idea?

Can you provide a quote that you are referencing.

While I am good at reading generally only works with people in the room.
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression

And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression

And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
He also got that with giant deficit defense spending and a corrupt bubble, the S+L scandal...BRILLIANT!.

It WAS a depression, dingbat, only cost 6-7 TRILLION to avoid the worst effects HERE. The ME, Ukraine/Russia, Africa, etc, weren't so lucky.
Thing is...
...when our capitalist class (who owns our politicians) partnered with Communist China for its cheap labor, the result was that a whole generation of middle class Americans would require ever larger amounts of credit (debt) to replace their wages. This kind of credit-based system works for a little while, but eventually too many consumers become too indebted to consume at the needed levels to drive economic growth.

When this happens, you need more talk radio - more propaganda - to convince the poor consumer that it's gubmint's fault (rather than the wealthy puppet masters who own government).

Reagan promised that if we lifted the chains from business, they would give us good American jobs. Who knew the joke would be on us? Who knew they would partner with freedom hating nations in order to get oppressed sweatshop labor.

Point is: Nike investors make more money when their sneaks are made in sweatshops by workers who live beneath brutal dictators and make less than $5/day. If you want to know where the American Dream went, than look at the criminally bloated portfolios of those who profited by shifting global production to freedom hating nations. (and you thought the Republican Party cared about freedom? Their biggest donors are the very corporations who have made insane profits by partnering with despots for ultra cheap labor. It's a sad game, and the punchline is delivered at the expense of those people who are strategically distracted by the culture war).

Do you think Fox News ever mentions the partnership between Walmart and their primary manufacturer, China, a freedom hating nation if ever there was one? Of course not. Fox News would never attack one of the largest contributors to the Republican Party.
Well said. I think it's strange that the most rabid Fox viewers seem to be the people who are marginally educated and will be the first to lose their jobs to China. Maybe the anger towards the government and the hope that that anger will produce some change in their favor is all they have left.

I'm sure you have a PhD. Just not sure what it would stand for.

But, obviously, they forgot to teach how to support your accusations with any kind of facts.

Can you please show us the study that links Fox viewership to education.

I'd be grateful.

And you would not look so utterly stupid.

Now aren't you grateful...

Survey NPR 8217 s listeners best-informed Fox viewers worst-informed Poynter.

My apologies in advance, but your link means nothing with respect to Joeblow's post.

He talks about about them being marginally educated and the first to lose their jobs. I am not a Fox News Person (except on occasion...but I also suffer through the Rachael Maddow Comedy Hour...and Ed Shults (is he still on the air) is very educational....:meow: ....but I digress.

Your post has to do with viewers being able to answer questions on international news. I don't see the connection to being employable. Or did I miss another link ?

BTW: The article is no more complementary to MSNBC than it is to Fox.

That is probably where you work and interact. I work in an industry where actually knowing about the real world is considered an asset.
But hey I make just short of $250k a year in IT.

ROFLMNAO! Now THAT is somewhere well south of pitiful.
Well, it would probably be much better cause the slaves would all still be working away for the white man. Let's see....and only white men would have good paying jobs. Should I go on? Of course....

If the country allowed the ultra conservatives to rule it, only the poor would be drafted into military service, so the rich white boys would be doing very well in this economy. You get the idea?

Actually, the Slaves actually earned considerably more than do many urban black folks today. They were also people of superior character, with a significantly better work effort and vastly more capable of sustaining themselves under strenuous circumstances, than are the black and addled products of socialism that stands in for such today.

There's no such thing as an ultra-conservative. One either recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America, or one does not.
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression

And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression

And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process


"Reagan tripled the debt".

One of my all time favorite myths. And such is never more HYSTERICAL than where a proponent of the 6 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT SPENDING OVER 6 YEARS, by those who the brayers of 'DEFICIT SPENDING" voted... TWICE!

The same guy that just Executive Ordered up ANOTHER 2 TRILLION ON DEFICIT SPENDING, IN ONE EO! (Amnesty).
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression

And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process


"Reagan tripled the debt".

One of my all time favorite myths. And such is never more HYSTERICAL than where a proponent of the 6 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT SPENDING OVER 6 YEARS, by those who the brayers of 'DEFICIT SPENDING" voted... TWICE!

The same guy that just Executive Ordered up ANOTHER 2 TRILLION ON DEFICIT SPENDING, IN ONE EO! (Amnesty).

Almost triple for sure. Those pesky facts get in the way of repubs all the time....

National Debt Graph by President

"And so it had. Starting with a debt of $1 trillion, in eight years Reagan raised it to $2.8 trillion."
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression

And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process


"Reagan tripled the debt".

One of my all time favorite myths. And such is never more HYSTERICAL than where a proponent of the 6 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT SPENDING OVER 6 YEARS, by those who the brayers of 'DEFICIT SPENDING" voted... TWICE!

The same guy that just Executive Ordered up ANOTHER 2 TRILLION ON DEFICIT SPENDING, IN ONE EO! (Amnesty).

Almost triple for sure. Those pesky facts get in the way of repubs all the time....

National Debt Graph by President

"And so it had. Starting with a debt of $1 trillion, in eight years Reagan raised it to $2.8 trillion."

The facts are that "The Great Society" set chronic, never ending deficit spending would be necessary to sustain the US into US Law.

Set that against the chart... then take into consideration who sat in Congress and that it is CONGRESS that spends the money.

Now... just for fun, let's look at the congress of say 1995-97... and look at the deficit spending during THAT period, when congress was comprised of a CONSERVATIVE majority.

Next let's look at the US deficit more recently... examine the date january 2007 - January 2010... when Congress was comprised exclusively of Socialist Majorities.

The people rest.
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression

And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process


"Reagan tripled the debt".

One of my all time favorite myths. And such is never more HYSTERICAL than where a proponent of the 6 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT SPENDING OVER 6 YEARS, by those who the brayers of 'DEFICIT SPENDING" voted... TWICE!

The same guy that just Executive Ordered up ANOTHER 2 TRILLION ON DEFICIT SPENDING, IN ONE EO! (Amnesty).

Almost triple for sure. Those pesky facts get in the way of repubs all the time....

National Debt Graph by President

"And so it had. Starting with a debt of $1 trillion, in eight years Reagan raised it to $2.8 trillion."
And the thing is, when St Ronnie ran against Carter he railed against the trillion dollar national debt!
Remember this hypocritical speech?

"Our national debt is approaching $1 trillion. A few weeks ago I called such a figure, a trillion dollars, incomprehensible, and I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only four inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills sixty-seven miles high."
-Ronald Wilson Reagan

By the time he left office, the national debt, which had been “approaching $1 trillion” had more than doubled to $2.7 trillion, and the stack of thousand-dollar bills that had been 67 miles high was now 193 miles high and rising fast. Interest payments on the debt—“over $90 billion” in 1981—were just shy of $200 billion in Reagan’s last year in office.
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression

And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process


"Reagan tripled the debt".

One of my all time favorite myths. And such is never more HYSTERICAL than where a proponent of the 6 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT SPENDING OVER 6 YEARS, by those who the brayers of 'DEFICIT SPENDING" voted... TWICE!

The same guy that just Executive Ordered up ANOTHER 2 TRILLION ON DEFICIT SPENDING, IN ONE EO! (Amnesty).

Almost triple for sure. Those pesky facts get in the way of repubs all the time....

National Debt Graph by President

"And so it had. Starting with a debt of $1 trillion, in eight years Reagan raised it to $2.8 trillion."
And the thing is, when St Ronnie ran against Carter he railed against the trillion dollar national debt!
Remember this hypocritical speech?

"Our national debt is approaching $1 trillion. A few weeks ago I called such a figure, a trillion dollars, incomprehensible, and I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only four inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills sixty-seven miles high."
-Ronald Wilson Reagan

By the time he left office, the national debt, which had been “approaching $1 trillion” had more than doubled to $2.7 trillion, and the stack of thousand-dollar bills that had been 67 miles high was now 193 miles high and rising fast. Interest payments on the debt—“over $90 billion” in 1981—were just shy of $200 billion in Reagan’s last year in office.

Yep... and if Reagan had had an American Congress, the US would have had a balanced budget with no US debt at the end of his second term.

Of course the Left loves to transfer the responsibility for congressional spending onto Reagan, but they can never find the means to give Credit to Reagan for his Economic policy which took US GDP from 2.4 to 4.8 trillion dollars, significantly lowering the stifling inflation of the Carter Years, caused by the devaluating consequences of giving money away, passed by the socialists legislators during the Johnson Administration through "The Great Society".

But sadly, with Socialists running the legislature, monies desperately needed to run the nation, were being used to sustain the otherwise able-bodied Leftist constituency, so, as Reagan used the budget to execute his Constitutional Duties, the left borrowed money to bribe their constituency, doubling the deficits and growing the national debt exponentially.

As has been noted many times, the Deficits created by Tip O'Niel's Congress during the 8 years of the Reagan Administration, were insufficient to equal those that the Socialist Congress had spent in deficit since they'd come to power in 07, by the beginning of the second year of obama's cult, having now more than doubled the national debt in just 6 short years.
So what about the corrupt S+L crisis/scandal and resulting recession, and I guess the SECOND corrupt Pub Great Depression and the resulting 6-7 trillion cost of averting the worst effects....was Dems' fault lol...

And btw, Reagan was in charge of the gov't, he got what he wanted- the problem was trickle down didn't work.
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression

And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process


"Reagan tripled the debt".

One of my all time favorite myths. And such is never more HYSTERICAL than where a proponent of the 6 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT SPENDING OVER 6 YEARS, by those who the brayers of 'DEFICIT SPENDING" voted... TWICE!

The same guy that just Executive Ordered up ANOTHER 2 TRILLION ON DEFICIT SPENDING, IN ONE EO! (Amnesty).
You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts

Reagan tripled the national debt and his tax cuts ensured future Presidents would be saddled with additional debt
And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process


"Reagan tripled the debt".

One of my all time favorite myths. And such is never more HYSTERICAL than where a proponent of the 6 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT SPENDING OVER 6 YEARS, by those who the brayers of 'DEFICIT SPENDING" voted... TWICE!

The same guy that just Executive Ordered up ANOTHER 2 TRILLION ON DEFICIT SPENDING, IN ONE EO! (Amnesty).

Almost triple for sure. Those pesky facts get in the way of repubs all the time....

National Debt Graph by President

"And so it had. Starting with a debt of $1 trillion, in eight years Reagan raised it to $2.8 trillion."
And the thing is, when St Ronnie ran against Carter he railed against the trillion dollar national debt!
Remember this hypocritical speech?

"Our national debt is approaching $1 trillion. A few weeks ago I called such a figure, a trillion dollars, incomprehensible, and I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only four inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills sixty-seven miles high."
-Ronald Wilson Reagan

By the time he left office, the national debt, which had been “approaching $1 trillion” had more than doubled to $2.7 trillion, and the stack of thousand-dollar bills that had been 67 miles high was now 193 miles high and rising fast. Interest payments on the debt—“over $90 billion” in 1981—were just shy of $200 billion in Reagan’s last year in office.

Yep... and if Reagan had had an American Congress, the US would have had a balanced budget with no US debt at the end of his second term.

Of course the Left loves to transfer the responsibility for congressional spending onto Reagan, but they can never find the means to give Credit to Reagan for his Economic policy which took US GDP from 2.4 to 4.8 trillion dollars, significantly lowering the stifling inflation of the Carter Years, caused by the devaluating consequences of giving money away, passed by the socialists legislators during the Johnson Administration through "The Great Society".

But sadly, with Socialists running the legislature, monies desperately needed to run the nation, were being used to sustain the otherwise able-bodied Leftist constituency, so, as Reagan used the budget to execute his Constitutional Duties, the left borrowed money to bribe their constituency, doubling the deficits and growing the national debt exponentially.

As has been noted many times, the Deficits created by Tip O'Niel's Congress during the 8 years of the Reagan Administration, were insufficient to equal those that the Socialist Congress had spent in deficit since they'd come to power in 07, by the beginning of the second year of obama's cult, having now more than doubled the national debt in just 6 short years.
Sensible fiscal policy would cut spending first and then reduce taxes to account for the lower budget
Reagan slashed taxes and raised spending
And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process


"Reagan tripled the debt".

One of my all time favorite myths. And such is never more HYSTERICAL than where a proponent of the 6 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT SPENDING OVER 6 YEARS, by those who the brayers of 'DEFICIT SPENDING" voted... TWICE!

The same guy that just Executive Ordered up ANOTHER 2 TRILLION ON DEFICIT SPENDING, IN ONE EO! (Amnesty).

Almost triple for sure. Those pesky facts get in the way of repubs all the time....

National Debt Graph by President

"And so it had. Starting with a debt of $1 trillion, in eight years Reagan raised it to $2.8 trillion."
And the thing is, when St Ronnie ran against Carter he railed against the trillion dollar national debt!
Remember this hypocritical speech?

"Our national debt is approaching $1 trillion. A few weeks ago I called such a figure, a trillion dollars, incomprehensible, and I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only four inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills sixty-seven miles high."
-Ronald Wilson Reagan

By the time he left office, the national debt, which had been “approaching $1 trillion” had more than doubled to $2.7 trillion, and the stack of thousand-dollar bills that had been 67 miles high was now 193 miles high and rising fast. Interest payments on the debt—“over $90 billion” in 1981—were just shy of $200 billion in Reagan’s last year in office.

Yep... and if Reagan had had an American Congress, the US would have had a balanced budget with no US debt at the end of his second term.

Of course the Left loves to transfer the responsibility for congressional spending onto Reagan, but they can never find the means to give Credit to Reagan for his Economic policy which took US GDP from 2.4 to 4.8 trillion dollars, significantly lowering the stifling inflation of the Carter Years, caused by the devaluating consequences of giving money away, passed by the socialists legislators during the Johnson Administration through "The Great Society".

But sadly, with Socialists running the legislature, monies desperately needed to run the nation, were being used to sustain the otherwise able-bodied Leftist constituency, so, as Reagan used the budget to execute his Constitutional Duties, the left borrowed money to bribe their constituency, doubling the deficits and growing the national debt exponentially.

As has been noted many times, the Deficits created by Tip O'Niel's Congress during the 8 years of the Reagan Administration, were insufficient to equal those that the Socialist Congress had spent in deficit since they'd come to power in 07, by the beginning of the second year of obama's cult, having now more than doubled the national debt in just 6 short years.

BS He wanted to outspend the USSR. He succeeded......
And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process


"Reagan tripled the debt".

One of my all time favorite myths. And such is never more HYSTERICAL than where a proponent of the 6 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT SPENDING OVER 6 YEARS, by those who the brayers of 'DEFICIT SPENDING" voted... TWICE!

The same guy that just Executive Ordered up ANOTHER 2 TRILLION ON DEFICIT SPENDING, IN ONE EO! (Amnesty).

Almost triple for sure. Those pesky facts get in the way of repubs all the time....

National Debt Graph by President

"And so it had. Starting with a debt of $1 trillion, in eight years Reagan raised it to $2.8 trillion."
And the thing is, when St Ronnie ran against Carter he railed against the trillion dollar national debt!
Remember this hypocritical speech?

"Our national debt is approaching $1 trillion. A few weeks ago I called such a figure, a trillion dollars, incomprehensible, and I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only four inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills sixty-seven miles high."
-Ronald Wilson Reagan

By the time he left office, the national debt, which had been “approaching $1 trillion” had more than doubled to $2.7 trillion, and the stack of thousand-dollar bills that had been 67 miles high was now 193 miles high and rising fast. Interest payments on the debt—“over $90 billion” in 1981—were just shy of $200 billion in Reagan’s last year in office.

Yep... and if Reagan had had an American Congress, the US would have had a balanced budget with no US debt at the end of his second term.

Of course the Left loves to transfer the responsibility for congressional spending onto Reagan, but they can never find the means to give Credit to Reagan for his Economic policy which took US GDP from 2.4 to 4.8 trillion dollars, significantly lowering the stifling inflation of the Carter Years, caused by the devaluating consequences of giving money away, passed by the socialists legislators during the Johnson Administration through "The Great Society".

But sadly, with Socialists running the legislature, monies desperately needed to run the nation, were being used to sustain the otherwise able-bodied Leftist constituency, so, as Reagan used the budget to execute his Constitutional Duties, the left borrowed money to bribe their constituency, doubling the deficits and growing the national debt exponentially.

As has been noted many times, the Deficits created by Tip O'Niel's Congress during the 8 years of the Reagan Administration, were insufficient to equal those that the Socialist Congress had spent in deficit since they'd come to power in 07, by the beginning of the second year of obama's cult, having now more than doubled the national debt in just 6 short years.
Not hardly.

As you know, the GOP controlled the Senate under majority leader Dole during the Reagan Rggime, so if the spending was due to the House during the Reagan Regime then the trillions of spending since 2011 belongs solely to the GOP House, not Obama. You can't have it both ways no matter how much you try!
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process


"Reagan tripled the debt".

One of my all time favorite myths. And such is never more HYSTERICAL than where a proponent of the 6 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT SPENDING OVER 6 YEARS, by those who the brayers of 'DEFICIT SPENDING" voted... TWICE!

The same guy that just Executive Ordered up ANOTHER 2 TRILLION ON DEFICIT SPENDING, IN ONE EO! (Amnesty).

Almost triple for sure. Those pesky facts get in the way of repubs all the time....

National Debt Graph by President

"And so it had. Starting with a debt of $1 trillion, in eight years Reagan raised it to $2.8 trillion."
And the thing is, when St Ronnie ran against Carter he railed against the trillion dollar national debt!
Remember this hypocritical speech?

"Our national debt is approaching $1 trillion. A few weeks ago I called such a figure, a trillion dollars, incomprehensible, and I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only four inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills sixty-seven miles high."
-Ronald Wilson Reagan

By the time he left office, the national debt, which had been “approaching $1 trillion” had more than doubled to $2.7 trillion, and the stack of thousand-dollar bills that had been 67 miles high was now 193 miles high and rising fast. Interest payments on the debt—“over $90 billion” in 1981—were just shy of $200 billion in Reagan’s last year in office.

Yep... and if Reagan had had an American Congress, the US would have had a balanced budget with no US debt at the end of his second term.

Of course the Left loves to transfer the responsibility for congressional spending onto Reagan, but they can never find the means to give Credit to Reagan for his Economic policy which took US GDP from 2.4 to 4.8 trillion dollars, significantly lowering the stifling inflation of the Carter Years, caused by the devaluating consequences of giving money away, passed by the socialists legislators during the Johnson Administration through "The Great Society".

But sadly, with Socialists running the legislature, monies desperately needed to run the nation, were being used to sustain the otherwise able-bodied Leftist constituency, so, as Reagan used the budget to execute his Constitutional Duties, the left borrowed money to bribe their constituency, doubling the deficits and growing the national debt exponentially.

As has been noted many times, the Deficits created by Tip O'Niel's Congress during the 8 years of the Reagan Administration, were insufficient to equal those that the Socialist Congress had spent in deficit since they'd come to power in 07, by the beginning of the second year of obama's cult, having now more than doubled the national debt in just 6 short years.
Sensible fiscal policy would cut spending first and then reduce taxes to account for the lower budget
Reagan slashed taxes and raised spending
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process


"Reagan tripled the debt".

One of my all time favorite myths. And such is never more HYSTERICAL than where a proponent of the 6 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT SPENDING OVER 6 YEARS, by those who the brayers of 'DEFICIT SPENDING" voted... TWICE!

The same guy that just Executive Ordered up ANOTHER 2 TRILLION ON DEFICIT SPENDING, IN ONE EO! (Amnesty).

Almost triple for sure. Those pesky facts get in the way of repubs all the time....

National Debt Graph by President

"And so it had. Starting with a debt of $1 trillion, in eight years Reagan raised it to $2.8 trillion."
And the thing is, when St Ronnie ran against Carter he railed against the trillion dollar national debt!
Remember this hypocritical speech?

"Our national debt is approaching $1 trillion. A few weeks ago I called such a figure, a trillion dollars, incomprehensible, and I’ve been trying ever since to think of a way to illustrate how big a trillion really is. And the best I could come up with is that if you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only four inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills sixty-seven miles high."
-Ronald Wilson Reagan

By the time he left office, the national debt, which had been “approaching $1 trillion” had more than doubled to $2.7 trillion, and the stack of thousand-dollar bills that had been 67 miles high was now 193 miles high and rising fast. Interest payments on the debt—“over $90 billion” in 1981—were just shy of $200 billion in Reagan’s last year in office.

Yep... and if Reagan had had an American Congress, the US would have had a balanced budget with no US debt at the end of his second term.

Of course the Left loves to transfer the responsibility for congressional spending onto Reagan, but they can never find the means to give Credit to Reagan for his Economic policy which took US GDP from 2.4 to 4.8 trillion dollars, significantly lowering the stifling inflation of the Carter Years, caused by the devaluating consequences of giving money away, passed by the socialists legislators during the Johnson Administration through "The Great Society".

But sadly, with Socialists running the legislature, monies desperately needed to run the nation, were being used to sustain the otherwise able-bodied Leftist constituency, so, as Reagan used the budget to execute his Constitutional Duties, the left borrowed money to bribe their constituency, doubling the deficits and growing the national debt exponentially.

As has been noted many times, the Deficits created by Tip O'Niel's Congress during the 8 years of the Reagan Administration, were insufficient to equal those that the Socialist Congress had spent in deficit since they'd come to power in 07, by the beginning of the second year of obama's cult, having now more than doubled the national debt in just 6 short years.
Not hardly.

As you know, the GOP controlled the Senate under majority leader Dole during the Reagan Rggime, so if the spending was due to the House during the Reagan Regime then the trillions of spending since 2011 belongs solely to the GOP House, not Obama. You can't have it both ways no matter how much you try!

Well, if "the Senate" were "the Congress" that would be a FINE POINT. Sadly, it's not... thus, it's not.

Dole was a Progressive, never a conservative and was PART OF THE PROBLEM.

The fact is that the US Left is a virus which advocates for Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principles and had the US rejected the Left in certain terms at the turn from the 19th to the 20th Century, the US would not be at the precipice of its demise... and instead would be today, financially sound, standing as the worlds primary producer of food, manufactured, electronic and textile goods.

But because the Left rests directly upon a relativism, rejecting objectivity, it feeds upon the base instincts of those it infects, exploiting their greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, wrath and gluttony.

Just as any place, any where is better off where it rejects evil... the US is no different.

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