Imagine what the United States economy would be like TODAY! IF... we had IGNORED THE LEFT!

JFK was a good president, therefore he was conservative? Wow, you're a fine representative of your cadre of morons.

JFK was a conservative because he recognized, respected, defended and adhered to the principles that define America.

That he was a Democrat is irrelevant. Many of our best came from the Democrat Party... Ronaldus Magnus is a classic example.

Sadly for Jack Kennedy, he came along as the Communists were hijacking the DNC... and they killed him and his brother. Ted of course, was a pathetic little weasel, a weakling, an alcoholic who was saddled early on with his murder of a young woman... and that was used to leverage him out for the rest of his pathetic life.

Your Party is the den from which the communists have worked for the last 60 years, to undermine and otherwise cripple the American Culture. And you are here, advocating for them... your comrades, who either knowingly or unwittingly helping to destroy your nation.

The democratic party in no way resembles anything communists would push for or work towards. Ever met a real communist? I have, they cannot shut up about it. They wear their political beliefs like a thorny crown and are boring as hell. The very idea of "secret communists" working towards our destruction is laughable. They are angry bookish loners who could not carry off a long-term plan to save their ass.

I agree with you!

I mean about the communists in the Democrat party not being discreet. Everything else you said was a pile of horse shit.
Oh yeah their platform of nationalizing all commerce and industry is plain as hell. Learn what communists actually are and want and stop looking like a fool. Trying to make everything left of Limbaugh into communism is retarded.

So the 3000 page boondoggle that is obamacare, which your peasantpimp itself said was only a means toward the 'socialized medicine' end... setting control over the ENTIRE POPULATION, which comprises the ENTIRE MEANS OF PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION in the US... THAT doesn't strike you as a "Platform of nationalizing all commerce and industry?

Don't think you understand Communism... It is not Nationalizing, Medicare or Medicaid are examples Nationalizing and suggest you run in the next election calling them communist program and you want them to be disbanded...

I give snowballs chance in hell of getting elected.
JFK was a conservative because he recognized, respected, defended and adhered to the principles that define America.

That he was a Democrat is irrelevant. Many of our best came from the Democrat Party... Ronaldus Magnus is a classic example.

Sadly for Jack Kennedy, he came along as the Communists were hijacking the DNC... and they killed him and his brother. Ted of course, was a pathetic little weasel, a weakling, an alcoholic who was saddled early on with his murder of a young woman... and that was used to leverage him out for the rest of his pathetic life.

Your Party is the den from which the communists have worked for the last 60 years, to undermine and otherwise cripple the American Culture. And you are here, advocating for them... your comrades, who either knowingly or unwittingly helping to destroy your nation.

The democratic party in no way resembles anything communists would push for or work towards. Ever met a real communist? I have, they cannot shut up about it. They wear their political beliefs like a thorny crown and are boring as hell. The very idea of "secret communists" working towards our destruction is laughable. They are angry bookish loners who could not carry off a long-term plan to save their ass.

I agree with you!

I mean about the communists in the Democrat party not being discreet. Everything else you said was a pile of horse shit.
Oh yeah their platform of nationalizing all commerce and industry is plain as hell. Learn what communists actually are and want and stop looking like a fool. Trying to make everything left of Limbaugh into communism is retarded.

So the 3000 page boondoggle that is obamacare, which your peasantpimp itself said was only a means toward the 'socialized medicine' end... setting control over the ENTIRE POPULATION, which comprises the ENTIRE MEANS OF PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION in the US... THAT doesn't strike you as a "Platform of nationalizing all commerce and industry?

Don't think you understand Communism... It is not Nationalizing, Medicare or Medicaid are examples Nationalizing and suggest you run in the next election calling them communist program and you want them to be disbanded...

I give snowballs chance in hell of getting elected.
I think most conservatives see red scares as propaganda but every now and then you find one that takes it to heart, kind of sad. Communism is dead but it's ghost still haunts those who miss the political simplicity of the Cold War.
JFK was a good president, therefore he was conservative? Wow, you're a fine representative of your cadre of morons.

JFK was a conservative because he recognized, respected, defended and adhered to the principles that define America.

That he was a Democrat is irrelevant. Many of our best came from the Democrat Party... Ronaldus Magnus is a classic example.

Sadly for Jack Kennedy, he came along as the Communists were hijacking the DNC... and they killed him and his brother. Ted of course, was a pathetic little weasel, a weakling, an alcoholic who was saddled early on with his murder of a young woman... and that was used to leverage him out for the rest of his pathetic life.

Your Party is the den from which the communists have worked for the last 60 years, to undermine and otherwise cripple the American Culture. And you are here, advocating for them... your comrades, who either knowingly or unwittingly helping to destroy your nation.

The democratic party in no way resembles anything communists would push for or work towards. Ever met a real communist? I have, they cannot shut up about it. They wear their political beliefs like a thorny crown and are boring as hell. The very idea of "secret communists" working towards our destruction is laughable. They are angry bookish loners who could not carry off a long-term plan to save their ass.

I agree with you!

I mean about the communists in the Democrat party not being discreet. Everything else you said was a pile of horse shit.
Oh yeah their platform of nationalizing all commerce and industry is plain as hell. Learn what communists actually are and want and stop looking like a fool. Trying to make everything left of Limbaugh into communism is retarded.

So the 3000 page boondoggle that is obamacare, which your peasantpimp itself said was only a means toward the 'socialized medicine' end... setting control over the ENTIRE POPULATION, which comprises the ENTIRE MEANS OF PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION in the US... THAT doesn't strike you as a "Platform of nationalizing all commerce and industry?

If everyone in the medical industry in the US were a government employee, that would be nationalization.
I love it when delusional Republicans start these kinds of posts. Remember, GOP governors go to Blue States looking for skilled liberals to come to Red States and work because Republicans are simply too stupid to learn anything complicated.

Oregon's economy sucks.

California's economy sucks.

Texas is booming.

Red States are looking for workers because they have jobs !!!

Don't get that economics "thing" do you ?

As of 2012, Oregon's GSP per capita (Gross State Product) ranked 9th. Texas ranked 14th

List of U.S. states by GDP per capita - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The democratic party in no way resembles anything communists would push for or work towards. Ever met a real communist? I have, they cannot shut up about it. They wear their political beliefs like a thorny crown and are boring as hell. The very idea of "secret communists" working towards our destruction is laughable. They are angry bookish loners who could not carry off a long-term plan to save their ass.

I agree with you!

I mean about the communists in the Democrat party not being discreet. Everything else you said was a pile of horse shit.
Oh yeah their platform of nationalizing all commerce and industry is plain as hell. Learn what communists actually are and want and stop looking like a fool. Trying to make everything left of Limbaugh into communism is retarded.

So the 3000 page boondoggle that is obamacare, which your peasantpimp itself said was only a means toward the 'socialized medicine' end... setting control over the ENTIRE POPULATION, which comprises the ENTIRE MEANS OF PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION in the US... THAT doesn't strike you as a "Platform of nationalizing all commerce and industry?

Don't think you understand Communism... It is not Nationalizing, Medicare or Medicaid are examples Nationalizing and suggest you run in the next election calling them communist program and you want them to be disbanded...

I give snowballs chance in hell of getting elected.
I think most conservatives see red scares as propaganda but every now and then you find one that takes it to heart, kind of sad. Communism is dead but it's ghost still haunts those who miss the political simplicity of the Cold War.

This is there problem... Obamacare is not even that socialist while Medicare is...
So to go for Obamacare they have to condemn Medicare first..
Reagan was a good President because he was a liberal.

Reagan raised taxes more often than he cut them, ran big deficits, increased government spending, limited America's military capability by cutting a deal with the communists, and capitulated to terrorism by retreating from the Middle East the first time America suffered casualties.

Yes, just like Kennedy was a conservative, Reagan was a liberal.
I love it when delusional Republicans start these kinds of posts. Remember, GOP governors go to Blue States looking for skilled liberals to come to Red States and work because Republicans are simply too stupid to learn anything complicated.

Oregon's economy sucks.

California's economy sucks.

Texas is booming.

Red States are looking for workers because they have jobs !!!

Don't get that economics "thing" do you ?
Red states are looking for workers because they're generally armpits where nobody wants live.

Besides being's also stupid.

Arizona is an armpit where nobody wants to live ?

Utah is an armpit where nobody wants to live ?

As opposed to where ?

Michigan ?
I was mostly kidding but the shred of truth involved is that the political climate in these states sucks so much that it would affect my decision to live in them. I moved back to Utah (from California) when my parents got to the age that they needed some help. I'd been gone for 5 years and the culture shock was immense. Awesome to live in a theocracy... It puts a weird vibe on some otherwise beautiful scenery.
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I agree with you!

I mean about the communists in the Democrat party not being discreet. Everything else you said was a pile of horse shit.
Oh yeah their platform of nationalizing all commerce and industry is plain as hell. Learn what communists actually are and want and stop looking like a fool. Trying to make everything left of Limbaugh into communism is retarded.

So the 3000 page boondoggle that is obamacare, which your peasantpimp itself said was only a means toward the 'socialized medicine' end... setting control over the ENTIRE POPULATION, which comprises the ENTIRE MEANS OF PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION in the US... THAT doesn't strike you as a "Platform of nationalizing all commerce and industry?

Don't think you understand Communism... It is not Nationalizing, Medicare or Medicaid are examples Nationalizing and suggest you run in the next election calling them communist program and you want them to be disbanded...

I give snowballs chance in hell of getting elected.
I think most conservatives see red scares as propaganda but every now and then you find one that takes it to heart, kind of sad. Communism is dead but it's ghost still haunts those who miss the political simplicity of the Cold War.

This is there problem... Obamacare is not even that socialist while Medicare is...
So to go for Obamacare they have to condemn Medicare first..

I have no problem equivocating on this one.

If we were just proposing can bed I'd condemn it. What I would not do is ignore the fact that we have an insurance delivery issue that has not been resolved even with bummercare.
Today, we would have THRIVING Textile, Steel, Electronics and Auto-manufacturing industries, where tens of millions of good, highly skilled people would be making excellent wages... providing high quality products, which would be sold throughout the world. Teenagers would be working in low-skilled service jobs, making the wage which reflects minimum skills and everyone would understand that THAT IS HOW CHILDREN ACQUIRE MARKETABLE SKILLS... .

Black families would be thriving with a majority of such having two parents of the distinct gender... and US Medical Care would be cheap and plentiful and the envy of the species.

But no... Instead we sought to normalize abnormal, perverse reasoning and those industries are GONE!

What the fuck is wrong with you? I have to post this again:

Today, we would have THRIVING Textile, Steel, Electronics and Auto-manufacturing industries, where tens of millions of good, highly skilled people would be making excellent wages... providing high quality products, which would be sold throughout the world. Teenagers would be working in low-skilled service jobs, making the wage which reflects minimum skills and everyone would understand that THAT IS HOW CHILDREN ACQUIRE MARKETABLE SKILLS... .

Black families would be thriving with a majority of such having two parents of the distinct gender... and US Medical Care would be cheap and plentiful and the envy of the species.

But no... Instead we sought to normalize abnormal, perverse reasoning and those industries are GONE!

Republicans wanted to let the auto industry go bankrupt. That would be the end of Textile, Steel, Electronics and Auto-manufacturing industries. Not to mention plastics, rubber and all the support industries.
Dipshit. Such ignorance makes me angry.

Teenagers would be working in low-skilled service jobs doesn't give you "skills". What the fuck do you do for a living. Only education gives you skills, not flipping burgers or stocking shelves. This is where "tard" comes in.

Jesus, how did these right wingers get so damn stupid? I told you. Republicans can't compete with immigrants. It's why their leaders don't bother educating them. It won't take.
Republicans wanted to let the auto industry go bankrupt.

Nonsense... Republicans fought against unions from day one and still DO! They're counter-productive to PRODUCTION.

The US Auto-Biz WAS bankrupt... and still is, that it has thriving sales is irrelevant, as the exponential growth rate of its liabilities FAR EXCEED it's means to expand sales, let alone profits.

Now, shut down the labor liabilities, and they're fine. But the simple fact is, even with the current labor contracts, IF 100% of the money paid to Management was given to labor... without future government subsidies, there is no HOPE that the traditional Auto-Industry is GONE!

This doesn't include the foreign manufacturers who've set up shop down south, absent union liabilities, they're kickin' fiscal ass... and will continue to do so, right up until they succumb to the pressure to take on union liabilities. Then they too will dry up and die... .
I love it when delusional Republicans start these kinds of posts. Remember, GOP governors go to Blue States looking for skilled liberals to come to Red States and work because Republicans are simply too stupid to learn anything complicated.

Oregon's economy sucks.

California's economy sucks.

Texas is booming.

Red States are looking for workers because they have jobs !!!

Don't get that economics "thing" do you ?
Red states are looking for workers because they're generally armpits where nobody wants live.

That must be why Texas is booming...and places like New York, Kalifornia, and Massachusetts are imploding.
I love it when delusional Republicans start these kinds of posts. Remember, GOP governors go to Blue States looking for skilled liberals to come to Red States and work because Republicans are simply too stupid to learn anything complicated.

Oregon's economy sucks.

California's economy sucks.

Texas is booming.

Red States are looking for workers because they have jobs !!!

Don't get that economics "thing" do you ?
Red states are looking for workers because they're generally armpits where nobody wants live.

That must be why Texas is booming...and places like New York, Kalifornia, and Massachusetts are imploding.

Texas has increased fracking has more to do with it than anything else.
I love it when delusional Republicans start these kinds of posts. Remember, GOP governors go to Blue States looking for skilled liberals to come to Red States and work because Republicans are simply too stupid to learn anything complicated.

Oregon's economy sucks.

California's economy sucks.

Texas is booming.

Red States are looking for workers because they have jobs !!!

Don't get that economics "thing" do you ?
Red states are looking for workers because they're generally armpits where nobody wants live.

That must be why Texas is booming...and places like New York, Kalifornia, and Massachusetts are imploding.

Texas has increased fracking has more to do with it than anything else.

Link please.
Are you saying we would be competitive with near-slave labor in Asia for manufacturing?

That's wishful thinking to the extreme.

Thing is...
...when our capitalist class (who owns our politicians) partnered with Communist China for its cheap labor, the result was that a whole generation of middle class Americans would require ever larger amounts of credit (debt) to replace their wages. This kind of credit-based system works for a little while, but eventually too many consumers become too indebted to consume at the needed levels to drive economic growth.

When this happens, you need more talk radio - more propaganda - to convince the poor consumer that it's gubmint's fault (rather than the wealthy puppet masters who own government).

Reagan promised that if we lifted the chains from business, they would give us good American jobs. Who knew the joke would be on us? Who knew they would partner with freedom hating nations in order to get oppressed sweatshop labor.

Point is: Nike investors make more money when their sneaks are made in sweatshops by workers who live beneath brutal dictators and make less than $5/day. If you want to know where the American Dream went, than look at the criminally bloated portfolios of those who profited by shifting global production to freedom hating nations. (and you thought the Republican Party cared about freedom? Their biggest donors are the very corporations who have made insane profits by partnering with despots for ultra cheap labor. It's a sad game, and the punchline is delivered at the expense of those people who are strategically distracted by the culture war).

Do you think Fox News ever mentions the partnership between Walmart and their primary manufacturer, China, a freedom hating nation if ever there was one? Of course not. Fox News would never attack one of the largest contributors to the Republican Party.
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Are you saying we would be competitive with near-slave labor in Asia for manufacturing?

That's wishful thinking to the extreme.

Thing is...
...when our capitalist class (who owns our politicians) partnered with Communist China for its cheap labor, the result was that a whole generation of middle class Americans would require ever larger amounts of credit (debt) to replace their wages. This kind of credit-based system works for a little while, but eventually too many consumers become too indebted to consume at the needed levels to drive economic growth.

When this happens, you need more talk radio - more propaganda - to convince the poor consumer that it's gubmint's fault (rather than the wealthy puppet masters who own government).

Reagan promised that if we lifted the chains from business, they would give us good American jobs. Who knew the joke would be on us? Who knew they would partner with freedom hating nations in order to get oppressed sweatshop labor.

Point is: Nike investors make more money when their sneaks are made in sweatshops by workers who live beneath brutal dictators and make less than $5/day. If you want to know where the American Dream went, than look at the criminally bloated portfolios of those who profited by shifting global production to freedom hating nations. (and you thought the Republican Party cared about freedom? Their biggest donors are the very corporations who have made insane profits by partnering with despots for ultra cheap labor. It's a sad game, and the punchline is delivered at the expense of those people who are strategically distracted by the culture war).

Do you think Fox News ever mentions the partnership between Walmart and their primary manufacturer, China, a freedom hating nation if ever there was one? Of course not. Fox News would never attack one of the largest contributors to the Republican Party.
Well said. I think it's strange that the most rabid Fox viewers seem to be the people who are marginally educated and will be the first to lose their jobs to China. Maybe the anger towards the government and the hope that that anger will produce some change in their favor is all they have left.
So the 3000 page boondoggle that is obamacare,
Another stupid :asshole: mindlessly parroting the 3,000 page GOP scripted lie programmed into him by hate radio. The ACA is 906 pages :asshole:
It became unintelligible after the first 100 pages. The Democrat assholes that voted for it even admit they didn't read it, so your point is moot.
I have the word of a liar who claimed the ACA was 3,000 pages on that! :eusa_liar:
How could I possibly doubt someone with those credentials?
So the 3000 page boondoggle that is obamacare,
Another stupid :asshole: mindlessly parroting the 3,000 page GOP scripted lie programmed into him by hate radio. The ACA is 906 pages :asshole:
It became unintelligible after the first 100 pages. The Democrat assholes that voted for it even admit they didn't read it, so your point is moot.
I have the word of a liar who claimed the ACA was 3,000 pages on that! :eusa_liar:
How could I possibly doubt someone with those credentials?

Ed, I see that you feel the '3000 pages' is incorrect. Please inform the board of the 'Truth'. How many pages was the "ACA" bill?

LOL! Enjoy kids... this one's on me.
So the 3000 page boondoggle that is obamacare,
Another stupid :asshole: mindlessly parroting the 3,000 page GOP scripted lie programmed into him by hate radio. The ACA is 906 pages :asshole:
It became unintelligible after the first 100 pages. The Democrat assholes that voted for it even admit they didn't read it, so your point is moot.
I have the word of a liar who claimed the ACA was 3,000 pages on that! :eusa_liar:
How could I possibly doubt someone with those credentials?

Ed, I see that you feel the '3000 pages' is incorrect. Please inform the board of the 'Truth'. How many pages was the "ACA" bill?

LOL! Enjoy kids... this one's on me.
I already posted it.How stupid do you have to be to still not know it even after you've already been told?????
I love it when delusional Republicans start these kinds of posts. Remember, GOP governors go to Blue States looking for skilled liberals to come to Red States and work because Republicans are simply too stupid to learn anything complicated.

Oregon's economy sucks.

California's economy sucks.

Texas is booming.

Red States are looking for workers because they have jobs !!!

Don't get that economics "thing" do you ?
Red states are looking for workers because they're generally armpits where nobody wants live.

That must be why Texas is booming...and places like New York, Kalifornia, and Massachusetts are imploding.

Texas has increased fracking has more to do with it than anything else.

Link please.

You could just google:
First Texas started quite low.
So the 3000 page boondoggle that is obamacare,
Another stupid :asshole: mindlessly parroting the 3,000 page GOP scripted lie programmed into him by hate radio. The ACA is 906 pages :asshole:
It became unintelligible after the first 100 pages. The Democrat assholes that voted for it even admit they didn't read it, so your point is moot.

Sorry if you can't read it but it is a document that covers 20% GDP of the country. 1 in every 5 dollars spent... Probably best that is written to lock out loopholes and ambiguity rather than be written in one syllable words so idiots like you can understand it.

I know that ACA law might have made you uncomfortable in that it it exposed your mental weakness (this was there before the law was written) but hey they are the compromises you make when you lock down lawyers to find gaps...

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