Immigrants And Other Things American


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
Desert Southwest
Should this have happened?
A former American serviceman who served in Iraq, where he was born, says his sick mother died a day after being turned away from the U.S. as a result of President Donald Trump’s executive order abruptly banning entry to travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries.

Mike Hager told Fox 2 Detroit that he had traveled to Iraq before the order was implemented, with several family members who were permanent U.S. residents, when his mother fell ill. None of them expected any trouble on their return; Hager is a U.S. citizen, and his mother has lived in the U.S. since 1995. She had a green card. ~~ Green Card Holder Dies a Day After Being Prevented From Returning Home by Trump’s Order, Report Says ~~

As the son of an immigrant Australian mother, I'm not at that far a remove from those others seeking refuge from the storm today around the world. I came upon this Budweiser commercial, and thought its message was very apropos regarding the political aspects of immigration being so hotly discussed today. Think about the message here.


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