Immigrants vs illegal aliens


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Rev, Sharpton and other pro-illegal aliens advocates try to compare the immigrants of the 1900s, the Irish, Chinese, etc that come to this country and did not ask for welfare, food stamps, medical care and subsidizes housing. The did not come illegally because there were no immigrations laws but they did come thorough Ellis Island and some were turned away. Those that have entered the country illegally are not immigrants and they give nothing but take everything. We are no longer into nation building but nation survival. Anchor babies are costing American tax payers billions in education, healthcare and social services. It is a direct insult to try and compare illegal aliens to immigrants. Comprehensive Immigration Reform (amnesty) will not solve the illegal immigration problem. It will only encourage more illegal immigration and send the message that if you get here you can stay. The children that are entering the country illegally now are the worst natural disaster this country has ever experience. Illegal aliens are not contributing to this county. I don’t think anyone with a college degree and not asking for food stamps, medical care and housing is crossing the border illegally. Comprehensive Immigration Reform must start with enforcement with deportations and that will send the message that if you come legally with a work permit you will not be able to work and you will not receive public assistance. Automatic Birthright Citizenship must end. It made absolutely no sense that a women can come here illegally and have a baby and that baby is an American citizen. That divide families and not deportation that unite families.
Build a wall with electrified barbed wire on top from SanDiego to Brownsville, Tx, sensors in the ground to detect tunneling and place a squad of military every 1/8 mile.....end of problem.
oh! and as far as the ass holes that complain about the cost?? We will SAVE money after its built for not having illegal ALIENS wanting everything and giving nothing.
Build a wall with electrified barbed wire on top from SanDiego to Brownsville, Tx, sensors in the ground to detect tunneling and place a squad of military every 1/8 mile.....end of problem.

And they will still get here. If there are jobs for them, they will come. If our immigration laws are not enforced them will come and they will stay. We can leave to borders wide open but if they have nothing to come here for they will not come. Even if there is a welcome mat. We actually pay them to come with all the freebies they cannot get at home.
Our soil may be sovereign, but it's been getting soiled... since 2008.

Where were you before 2008? Sleeping? Don't you have any idea how we got here?

Don't tell me... BOOOOOOOSH! :lol:

Live in the present, old gal.
Long before Booooooosh. Tell me what did Bush do to stop illegal immigration or enforce our immigration laws? If we don't deal with the past we don't have a present. Sonny boy. Obama did not let 30 million in.
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Where were you before 2008? Sleeping? Don't you have any idea how we got here?

Don't tell me... BOOOOOOOSH! :lol:

Live in the present, old gal.
Long before Booooooosh. Tell me what did Bush do to stop illegal immigration or enforce our immigration laws? If we don't deal with the past we don't have a present. Sonny boy. Obama did not let 30 million in.

I didn't say anything about 30 million, mom. It's time for you to live in the present and it's time for the President to deal with the present. He really is quite the ass-wipe.
Legal immigrants have to fill out the paperwork, pay thousands in legal fees, get a lawyer and jump through all the hoops because they either can't get out of it (not Hispanic) or perhaps they just have enough respect for American law and culture to do the right thing. Accepting illegal aliens , and all this phony compassion we show to someone that doesn't respect us and bash our immigration laws to suit their needs, doesn't seem fair and balanced. I respect legal immigrants. LEGAL immigrants. I am fed up with Latinos that beg for mercy and compassion. It's a Trojan horse. Burn it down, end this fallacy. Illegal aliens are the bad guys here, not immigration laws. Period.
We should build a wall, from the Pacific to the Gulf.

It should be 60 feet high, & 30 feet deep, made of fortified concrete & lined with razor barbed wire. There should be watch-towers every 500 yards manned by sharpshooters like myself (ex-Army & Marine snipers) to ensure nobody makes it from one side to the other without express permission.

This wall should be built by captured illegal aliens, & volunteers from south of the border, for no payment except that when the wall is done they can say how they were paid.....that they were the last illegals permitted to stay in the United States & given amnesty along with a fast-tracked pathway to citizenship....with the right to vote as registered Republicans.

Border Closed.........Stay Out!

No others need apply.
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