Immigration Reform may mean 8,520,000 new Dem voters. Obama won by 3,000,000. votes.

Either the GOP understands the demographic changes are undermining its continuing status as a power player or the end will happen in the next 12 years as it dies.
Wait a second, I thought Joe Arapio was wrong to target Hispanics as Illegals?

Are most Illegals Hispanic according to Bill Maher?

Stereotyping is ok when a liberal is doing the stereotyping... Haven't you heard?
That's impossible. White liberals have dictated that the only issue Hispanics care about is immigration.
Immigration is not the only issue...

There is jobs, not passing harassing legislation, respect of culture, acceptance of anti-Hispanic bigots and compassion for those less fortunate

Republicans fail at all
Wrong. White liberals have dictated that the only issue important to Hispanics is immigration. Just like they've dictated the only issue important to women is birth control and abortion.

Get with the program.

I did the OP on this thread because I am concerned about how this issue will effect future elections. In order to intelligently discuss this, we need to find facts that we can all agree upon to facilitate meaningful discussion. I think you will be as surprised as I was on what were the most important issues to Hispanics in the 2012 election. Latino Voters in the 2012 Election | Pew Hispanic Center

Top Issues for Hispanic Voters in 2012

For Hispanic voters, according to the national exit poll, 60% identified the economy as the most important issue (of four listed) facing the country today, virtually the same as the share (59%) of the general electorate that identified the economy as the nation’s most important issue. On the other three issues asked about, for Hispanic voters, the economy was followed by health care (18%), the federal budget deficit (11%) and foreign policy (6%).

Throughout this election cycle, the issue of immigration has been an important issue for Hispanics. In the national exit poll, voters were asked about what should happen to unauthorized immigrants working in the U.S. According to the national exit poll, 77% of Hispanic voters said these immigrants should be offered a chance to apply for legal status while 18% said these immigrants should be deported. Among all voters, fewer than two-thirds (65%) said these immigrants should be offered a chance to apply for legal status while 28% say they should be deported.

The far right reactionaries do not give a damn about facts, merely their own hateful emotions about the issue.
The far right reactionaries do not give a damn about facts, merely their own hateful emotions about the issue.

The issue is that Hispanics have no incentive to vote for Republicans

Blaming the mainstream media and a lack of free stuff is not a solution
The far right reactionaries do not give a damn about facts, merely their own hateful emotions about the issue.

The issue is that Hispanics have no incentive to vote for Republicans

Blaming the mainstream media and a lack of free stuff is not a solution

We have many GOP leaders and many of the mainstream trying to move in the right direction, and the deadweight reactionary far right is trying to pull the party under.

The wacks would rather suicide the party than give in.
The far right reactionaries do not give a damn about facts, merely their own hateful emotions about the issue.

The issue is that Hispanics have no incentive to vote for Republicans

Blaming the mainstream media and a lack of free stuff is not a solution

We have many GOP leaders and many of the mainstream trying to move in the right direction, and the deadweight reactionary far right is trying to pull the party under.

The wacks would rather suicide the party than give in.

Living in the southwestern United States issues between Hispanics and Anglos are always in the news. Here is reaction to liberal Bill Maher that made this Californian quite nervous. Does it matter if these are the views of a far right fringe group or the conservative leadership of the Republican Party? The point is this video is offensive to just about everyone.

I guess the question I am left with after seeing this disgusting video is are the "whacks" taking down the Republican Party or is there a level of fear that is not showing up in surveys of the American people on the Immigration Issue?

Frankly, I do not like this video, I find it offensive, but there is a small part of me that wonders if there is some truth to it. Which means this brand of "thinking," (and I use that term politely), slipping into my own mind? Better I think to address it than to ignore it and let it spread quietly. In the end I think Republicans will hurt themselves by putting utubes like this out there. It does not represent the views of the American people, and there are polls to prove it. I also do not think, (though I have no facts to prove it), that this represents the beliefs of the party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt.

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The OP

Correction; I am informed that the final vote left president Obama a winner by 5,000,000 not 3,000,000 votes.

The actual link I need to open this thread is not yet available. Last night on Bill Maher's real time it was pointed out that in 2012 President Obama received 71% of the Hispanic vote.

Maher was discussing that if the 12,000,000 illegal immigrants in the United States took a pathway to citizenship, and could vote, 71% would equal 8,520,000 Democrats and 3,480,000 Republicans. Obama beat Romney by 3,000,000 votes in 2012. This could mean that Democrats could automatically win a national election before a candidate was even nominated!

The question of 12,000,000 new voters was given as a reason why Republicans will defeat Immigration Reform. However, this too is controversial.

This is the closest link I could find to this subject, (but in this case it looks as though any opinion would be as good as any other). It makes sense to me.

Interesting how conservatives decide that Hispanics are mere pawns of white liberals. Republicans need to realize that conservatives are a major factor in driving away the Hispanic vote. Until they do, they will be an increasingly insignificant party
I'll ask again:

What are Hispanics' interests? What are blacks' interests? What are whites' interests?

Obviously, to the left, they're all different. This is undeniable. So don't look like a moron by denying it.

Again, Conservatives try to sell the Bullshit....."We treat everyone the same"

America is not one size fits all, Conservatives have only one size and it is white, christian and middle class/rich

EVERYONE has different interests
The old have different interests than the young
The rich have different interests than the poor
Farmers have different interests than city folk
Women have different interests than men

Until Conservatives realize that they must address the values and interests outside of their small, small tent....they will continue to drive people away from the Republican party
You keep saying people have different interests, but refuse to say what they are.

What's the matter? Haven't gotten those talking points yet?

Again, the left refuses to see people as individuals, as you just proved.
Immigration is not the only issue...

There is jobs, not passing harassing legislation, respect of culture, acceptance of anti-Hispanic bigots and compassion for those less fortunate

Republicans fail at all
Wrong. White liberals have dictated that the only issue important to Hispanics is immigration. Just like they've dictated the only issue important to women is birth control and abortion.

Get with the program.

I did the OP on this thread because I am concerned about how this issue will effect future elections. In order to intelligently discuss this, we need to find facts that we can all agree upon to facilitate meaningful discussion. I think you will be as surprised as I was on what were the most important issues to Hispanics in the 2012 election. Latino Voters in the 2012 Election | Pew Hispanic Center

Top Issues for Hispanic Voters in 2012

For Hispanic voters, according to the national exit poll, 60% identified the economy as the most important issue (of four listed) facing the country today, virtually the same as the share (59%) of the general electorate that identified the economy as the nation’s most important issue. On the other three issues asked about, for Hispanic voters, the economy was followed by health care (18%), the federal budget deficit (11%) and foreign policy (6%).

Throughout this election cycle, the issue of immigration has been an important issue for Hispanics. In the national exit poll, voters were asked about what should happen to unauthorized immigrants working in the U.S. According to the national exit poll, 77% of Hispanic voters said these immigrants should be offered a chance to apply for legal status while 18% said these immigrants should be deported. Among all voters, fewer than two-thirds (65%) said these immigrants should be offered a chance to apply for legal status while 28% say they should be deported.


Interesting indeed. Despite what the left claims, Hispanics seem to see issues about the same as everybody else.
Wrong. White liberals have dictated that the only issue important to Hispanics is immigration. Just like they've dictated the only issue important to women is birth control and abortion.

Get with the program.

I did the OP on this thread because I am concerned about how this issue will effect future elections. In order to intelligently discuss this, we need to find facts that we can all agree upon to facilitate meaningful discussion. I think you will be as surprised as I was on what were the most important issues to Hispanics in the 2012 election. Latino Voters in the 2012 Election | Pew Hispanic Center

Top Issues for Hispanic Voters in 2012

For Hispanic voters, according to the national exit poll, 60% identified the economy as the most important issue (of four listed) facing the country today, virtually the same as the share (59%) of the general electorate that identified the economy as the nation’s most important issue. On the other three issues asked about, for Hispanic voters, the economy was followed by health care (18%), the federal budget deficit (11%) and foreign policy (6%).

Throughout this election cycle, the issue of immigration has been an important issue for Hispanics. In the national exit poll, voters were asked about what should happen to unauthorized immigrants working in the U.S. According to the national exit poll, 77% of Hispanic voters said these immigrants should be offered a chance to apply for legal status while 18% said these immigrants should be deported. Among all voters, fewer than two-thirds (65%) said these immigrants should be offered a chance to apply for legal status while 28% say they should be deported.

Interesting indeed. Despite what the left claims, Hispanics seem to see issues about the same as everybody else.

Yes, and I think that is very important, I think politicians give us generalizations that reinforce negative stereotypes.

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I'll ask again:

What are Hispanics' interests? What are blacks' interests? What are whites' interests?

Obviously, to the left, they're all different. This is undeniable. So don't look like a moron by denying it.

Again, Conservatives try to sell the Bullshit....."We treat everyone the same"

America is not one size fits all, Conservatives have only one size and it is white, christian and middle class/rich

EVERYONE has different interests
The old have different interests than the young
The rich have different interests than the poor
Farmers have different interests than city folk
Women have different interests than men

Until Conservatives realize that they must address the values and interests outside of their small, small tent....they will continue to drive people away from the Republican party
You keep saying people have different interests, but refuse to say what they are.

What's the matter? Haven't gotten those talking points yet?

Again, the left refuses to see people as individuals, as you just proved.

Are you really such a simpleton that you can't accept that old people have different interests than young people?
Again, Conservatives try to sell the Bullshit....."We treat everyone the same"

America is not one size fits all, Conservatives have only one size and it is white, christian and middle class/rich

EVERYONE has different interests
The old have different interests than the young
The rich have different interests than the poor
Farmers have different interests than city folk
Women have different interests than men

Until Conservatives realize that they must address the values and interests outside of their small, small tent....they will continue to drive people away from the Republican party
You keep saying people have different interests, but refuse to say what they are.

What's the matter? Haven't gotten those talking points yet?

Again, the left refuses to see people as individuals, as you just proved.

Are you really such a simpleton that you can't accept that old people have different interests than young people?

daveman, yes, is that Simple

So what are they, you prog morons? You keep insisting they're there -- but never get around to defining them.
loony daveman davying around. Until you are willing to communicate clearly and to the point, you will be treated as the clown you are imitating, Alex Jones.
What about the voter drive that went on in the prisons ? If a person commits a crime and is serving time, then they should have absolutely no rights to vote while in prison serving any sentence given them. Now once they get out then yes they should be able to participate again in such activity.

Most voter drives in prisons are for people who either haven't been convicted of a crime or aren't accused of anything that serious.

Here's the thing though. We have 2 million in prison and 7 million on probation or parole. Most of them being minority and or poor. Obviously, our politics would be very different if they were fully enfranchised, which makes me wonder if that's the point.

If someone is in prison they have been convicted in a court and remanded to state prison. If they have not been convicted of a crime and are being held because they cannot make bail or are ineligible for bail, they are in jail.

[Did you really claim to be an attorney?] For the purpose of incarceration crimes are classified as a Felony or a Misdemeanor - some crimes are wobbler's (meaning they can be filed as a felony or a misdemeanor). Only felons can be sentenced to State Prison and the sentence must be for at least one year and one day. Many felons are granted probation and as a condition of probation sentenced to some time in county jail (up to one year, though I've seen some offenders convicted of two felonies given probation and ordered to served one year on each count - so they end up with a two year CJ sentence).

Whether a person convicted of a crime and is incarcerated in a CJ can vote is up to the State. Offenders in State Prison cannot vote, but when released on parole can vote, depending on the laws of the State in which they reside.
loony daveman davying around. Until you are willing to communicate clearly and to the point, you will be treated as the clown you are imitating, Alex Jones.

Sooo...Fakey can't define what different groups' interests are...he just knows they have different interests.

Leftists just aren't very bright.
The OP

The actual link I need to open this thread is not yet available. Last night on Bill Maher's real time it was pointed out that in 2012 President Obama received 71% of the Hispanic vote.

Maher was discussing that if the 12,000,000 illegal immigrants in the United States took a pathway to citizenship, and could vote, 71% would equal 8,520,000 Democrats and 3,480,000 Republicans. Obama beat Romney by 3,000,000 votes in 2012. This could mean that Democrats could automatically win a national election before a candidate was even nominated!

The question of 12,000,000 new voters was given as a reason why Republicans will defeat Immigration Reform. However, this too is controversial.

This is the closest link I could find to this subject, (but in this case it looks as though any opinion would be as good as any other). It makes sense to me.

The thing that disappoints me about this thread is that I was looking for someone from the left to acknowledge that giving U. S. citizehship to 12,000,000 illegal aliens is like FDR stacking the Supreme Court. Where is the outrage at POSSIBLY turning the United States into a one party system? After all the cries of 'fairness' we hear from the left, where are they on this issue?

The right is stuck in a tough spot. If they allow 12,000,000 illegal aliens to become citizens they hurt their future chances to win a presidential election. On the other hand if they fail to support a pathway to citizenship, they appear to have learned nothing about new ideas from Romney's loss. I would like to hear more from conservatives on this if possible.

The end result seems to be 'behind the scenes deal making.' I notice that no one is saying a word about Democrats who want to prevent illegals from having the right to vote. The silence is deafening.

I predict some kind of watered down version of Immigration Reform could pass, and no one will like it. If Immigration Reform fails, I don't think we will ever know exactly why. $197,000,000 is the estimated first five year savings if Immigration Reform. It happens as Senator Rubio wrote in the bill. Yet, Senator Rubio himself has "mysteriously" decided not to vote for his own bill!

In business we come up with the best solution we can based upon the information we have available at the time. Congress has been unable to do this. Congress is paid big bucks to solve the tough issues. What if next election we voted every incumbent out? Congress is simply is not doing its job, and all of them should be fired.


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