Immigration Reform may mean 8,520,000 new Dem voters. Obama won by 3,000,000. votes.

Most voter drives in prisons are for people who either haven't been convicted of a crime or aren't accused of anything that serious.

Here's the thing though. We have 2 million in prison and 7 million on probation or parole. Most of them being minority and or poor. Obviously, our politics would be very different if they were fully enfranchised, which makes me wonder if that's the point.

If someone is in prison they have been convicted in a court and remanded to state prison. If they have not been convicted of a crime and are being held because they cannot make bail or are ineligible for bail, they are in jail.
How is it that one is HELD without being accused or convicted of a crime, and without proper and direct evidence against them ? What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law statute ? If one is innocent until proven guilty, then how are they being detained or held in jail ? If have nothing solid on an individual, are they not to be allowed to go free until called back in for further questioning about the problem when evidence arises against them, or rather a witness steps forward to directly bring charges against the person, therefore giving the law the right to HOLD the person based on accusations that are serious in nature or the law actually has evidence to hold the person due to evidence in which they have gathered in which is then known by them to also justify holding them as well ? If they hold a person in jail, then they have strong evidence against them, and at this point I think voting should be the last thing on any ones mind. I would think that the person would have to be cleared of all charges against them, before returning to full status of a citizen, and then I think they should be compensated slightly (within reason) for being detained without enough evidence against them in the first place. For every person improperly detained, and then later let go as being innocent, they should be given $5,000 dollars as a departing gift, where as this would be a deterrent to help stop abuse of law enforcement when arresting and holding innocent people without proper evidence being met or established against them. A state by state assessment could be made of those states who use the fund set up more so than others, thus prompting an investigation into their reasoning for detaining citizens without proper evidence involved against them. Hmmm, but this could make law enforcement even more corrupt against the citizens if not careful. Maybe in a every police station across the land, they could have a federal officer who would make reports on all that he would note on such activity, and then would report it as to the operational standards being conducted within these precincts and/or stations across America.

I still say prisoners or jail birds should not vote or they should not be tapped by political parties to vote. Keep voting out of this area is my honest opinion, as it just isn't right to allow prisoners to vote. It undermines their punishment, and that is what's wrong with this nation now it seems.

Become a court watcher. Go down to your local court house, watch the cases in arraignment court and see how it goes. No one in the United States is held without being charged with a crime for more than 72 hours. After 72 hours, they have to be charged or released. Then, all the arguments you make as to why they should be released are made by the defendant's attorney to the judge. The judge will issue a ruling as the flight risk of the defendant. If he or she presents no risk of flight, they can be released on their own recognizance, no bail. If they present a risk, the judge will weigh that risk and order bail in an amount sufficient to secure the next appearance. If they cannot make bail, they are held in jail. It's better than letting them out to escape and PLENTY of them make bail and run. That's how Dog the Bounty Hunter got his own show.

I agree that prisoners should not be allowed to vote. Parolees and probationers should not be allowed to vote.
The OP

The actual link I need to open this thread is not yet available. Last night on Bill Maher's real time it was pointed out that in 2012 President Obama received 71% of the Hispanic vote.

Maher was discussing that if the 12,000,000 illegal immigrants in the United States took a pathway to citizenship, and could vote, 71% would equal 8,520,000 Democrats and 3,480,000 Republicans. Obama beat Romney by 3,000,000 votes in 2012. This could mean that Democrats could automatically win a national election before a candidate was even nominated!

The question of 12,000,000 new voters was given as a reason why Republicans will defeat Immigration Reform. However, this too is controversial.

This is the closest link I could find to this subject, (but in this case it looks as though any opinion would be as good as any other). It makes sense to me.

The actual link I need to open this thread is not yet available. Last night on Bill Maher's real time it was pointed out that in 2012 President Obama received 71% of the Hispanic vote.

Maher was discussing that if the 12,000,000 illegal immigrants in the United States took a pathway to citizenship, and could vote, 71% would equal 8,520,000 Democrats and 3,480,000 Republicans. Obama beat Romney by 3,000,000 votes in 2012. This could mean that Democrats could automatically win a national election before a candidate was even nominated!

The question of 12,000,000 new voters was given as a reason why Republicans will defeat Immigration Reform. However, this too is controversial.

This is the closest link I could find to this subject, (but in this case it looks as though any opinion would be as good as any other). It makes sense to me.


Passing immigration reform with a path to citizenship for all the illegals will definitely help keep Obama in the White House for the next few decades. I'm sure that thought is just killing Republicans.
The actual link I need to open this thread is not yet available. Last night on Bill Maher's real time it was pointed out that in 2012 President Obama received 71% of the Hispanic vote.

Maher was discussing that if the 12,000,000 illegal immigrants in the United States took a pathway to citizenship, and could vote, 71% would equal 8,520,000 Democrats and 3,480,000 Republicans. Obama beat Romney by 3,000,000 votes in 2012. This could mean that Democrats could automatically win a national election before a candidate was even nominated!

The question of 12,000,000 new voters was given as a reason why Republicans will defeat Immigration Reform. However, this too is controversial.

This is the closest link I could find to this subject, (but in this case it looks as though any opinion would be as good as any other). It makes sense to me.
Passing immigration reform with a path to citizenship for all the illegals will definitely help keep Obama in the White House for the next few decades. I'm sure that thought is just killing Republicans.

Since Obama is only allowed two terms as President, and is in his second term, it will probably be another Democrat that benefits from 12,000,000 illegal aliens getting the right to vote.

My concern is will the United States become a one party system? For years we Americans have envied other countys like Canada and the UK for their coalition politics with many political partys.

I think you are correct about this bothering Republicans. Imagine Democrats knowing they have the General election won before they even nominate a candidate? In the end I am afraid that Immigration Reform will fail because of Republican fears that it will cause them to lose elections, and therefor become a truly minority party. Remember, the 2012 election was more than a loss of the White House by Republicans. It was a rejection of everything they stand for. Americans do not like giving tax breaks to the very wealthy, and they don't like being told what morality is by a group of old, white, rich men. This is the 21st Century, and young voters want change, such as legalizing pot, NOW! As an independent, I actually feel a little sorry for the Republican party, they have chased their moderates away, and few are listening to them at all.

The biggest losers will of course be the immigrants themselves, fruit and vegetable growers, and produce shoppers, not to mention the American taxpayers who will continue to be stuck with the bill for illegal immigration.

Welcome to more Washington gridlock.

Damn shame so many people rush to post their OPs without factchecking first. Calendar checking would have been enough in this case.

Oh, ye of little IQ, understand that if the Amnesty Bill passes before midnight those affected will not be citizens the next day. Or the next week, the next month, the next year...

The plan is for the path to citizenship to take as long as 12 years.

That would be 2025.

Oh, and the bill will pass, if not now, then no later than 2017. But I think it will pass sooner.
Are we becoming a one party system?

Dunno............................but the GOP is giving it a hell of a try.
Immigration Reform may mean 8,520,000 new Dem voters. Obama won by 3,000,000. votes.

So immigration reform legislation should be defeated so republicans can win future elections?

Conservatives make this argument yet whine about the IRS and TPM.

The irony of this, of course, is republicans will continue to lose the Hispanic vote for precisely their opposition to immigration reform, correctly perceived by Latinos as a desire by the right to keep Hispanics out of the country, and Hispanics in the country disenfranchised.
Are we becoming a one party system?

Dunno............................but the GOP is giving it a hell of a try.
Can you blame them, especially after what has happened with all of this big time attempt of a newly created obama world so far ?
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Immigration Reform may mean 8,520,000 new Dem voters. Obama won by 3,000,000. votes.

So immigration reform legislation should be defeated so republicans can win future elections?

Conservatives make this argument yet whine about the IRS and TPM.

The irony of this, of course, is republicans will continue to lose the Hispanic vote for precisely their opposition to immigration reform, correctly perceived by Latinos as a desire by the right to keep Hispanics out of the country, and Hispanics in the country disenfranchised.
What about the government trying to turn the responsibility over to the community organizer groups (outsourcing) in order to run the whole thing afterwards (i.e. to qualify these new out of the shadows people for what they will need, back ground checks, education levels, who are they and etc.) instead of government agencies like ICE doing this instead ? I heard this on the radio yesterday. The woman said that she feared this will politicize the whole thing, because these organizers are activist who will do everything they can to show that because of them and their beliefs, these people are helped now, and that will equate to lifetime democrats one way or the other is the whole goal in it by such a move. What about all this that I heard on the radio yesterday ? Is there any truth to all of this ? Then these activist community organizer groups will be able to get huge government funding for doing all of this work for the government. Wow!

Republicans complain about the IRS, TPM (don't forget Benghazi), and now this ? Well they complain because they are seeing a pattern in all of this, in which is directed by a government for political purposes mainly against them as their political foe, so instead of running the government for all in this nation who are American, while making sure that those whom come here and for whom are here visiting aren't here to hurt Americans, well this government has decided to use government power to attack it's political enemies within, and to try and seal the deal in it all afterwards for years & years to come. Who knew that the democrats were living in an America in which they figure hated them so badly, and so much so that they are acting in the ways that they are now, especially since gained power over these supposed enemies in which they are in constant battle with anymore ? Then they wonder why nothing will go right for them or why it is so hard to get anything done? The disrupting of those who are in power, and for whom are determined to mainly destroy another while they have this power, is not something to be so surprised about now is there ?
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This bill passes we can count on becoming a full fledge socialist nation.

-These people will suck us dry
-These people will suck the government cock and never question anything.

This is just a fact.
5 million Hispanic voters up for grabs

Shouldn't Republicans be more concerned with how they can convince them to vote Republican?
5 million Hispanic voters up for grabs

Shouldn't Republicans be more concerned with how they can convince them to vote Republican?
And how do they do that with the democrats controlling and sailing the ship ?
5 million Hispanic voters up for grabs

Shouldn't Republicans be more concerned with how they can convince them to vote Republican?
And how do they do that with the democrats controlling and sailing the ship ?

Jobs.....good paying jobs

Isn't that what Republicans are supposed to be good at?
Create "Jobs and good paying jobs at that eh ? Now with a democrat administration hostile to their wealth, how do they feel comfortable about doing this you suppose? So you think they (the repubs under Obama) are just going to invest in everything that the democrats hate now, and this in order to try and create these jobs for America somehow in such a hostile environment is just laughable when think about it. Once they invest their money, the government quickly tries to target it, and then regulate it to death (forcing them out of business soon there after even) or the government is hostile to the types of investments in which they look to, and are for which has a good return for them on their investments, and in the process would pose to be a substantial or good job creator to boot as well (the pipe line for example), and so as normal they (the repubs) are always looking to invest wisely in these ways, and can you blame them ? A stalemate has come as a result of all the Obama rhetoric in his early attacks on them, so it's no wonder why anything isn't getting much better as a result of it all.
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And how do they do that with the democrats controlling and sailing the ship ?

Jobs.....good paying jobs

Isn't that what Republicans are supposed to be good at?
Create "Jobs and good paying jobs at that eh ? Now with a democrat administration hostile to their wealth, how do they feel comfortable about doing this you suppose? So you think they (the repubs under Obama) are just going to invest in everything that the democrats hate now, and this in order to try and create these jobs for America somehow in such a hostile environment is just laughable when think about it. Once they invest their money, the government quickly tries to target it, and then regulate it to death (forcing them out of business soon there after even) or the government is hostile to the types of investments in which they look to, and are for which has a good return for them on their investments, and in the process would pose to be a substantial or good job creator to boot as well (the pipe line for example), and so as normal they (the repubs) are always looking to invest wisely in these ways, and can you blame them ? A stalemate has come as a result of all the Obama rhetoric in his early attacks on them, so it's no wonder why anything isn't getting much better as a result of it all.

Damn......Republicans sure surrender easy

What ever happened to the Republican mantra of private industry instead of government jobs? Aren't most Governors Republican? Arent most statehouses in Republican hands?

Where are the jobs? Get blacks and Hispanics good paying jobs and they will vote Republican forever
History will look back on republicans with shame. Like what this country did to blacks, Japanese, Chinese, Indians etc.

You people are just shameful.

Let me ask you this:

Would you support granting the illegals that are here now permanent legal resident alien status?
Immigration Reform may mean 8,520,000 new Dem voters. Obama won by 3,000,000. votes.

So immigration reform legislation should be defeated so republicans can win future elections?

Conservatives make this argument yet whine about the IRS and TPM.

The irony of this, of course, is republicans will continue to lose the Hispanic vote for precisely their opposition to immigration reform, correctly perceived by Latinos as a desire by the right to keep Hispanics out of the country, and Hispanics in the country disenfranchised.
If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.

Very, very few people are against immigration. Normal people are against ILLEGAL immigration.

Progs love it.

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