Immigration Reform may mean 8,520,000 new Dem voters. Obama won by 3,000,000. votes.

History will look back on republicans with shame. Like what this country did to blacks, Japanese, Chinese, Indians etc.

You people are just shameful.

Let me ask you this:

Would you support granting the illegals that are here now permanent legal resident alien status?

I sure would...

Give them worker status. Get them paying taxes. Stop chasing them.

Those that are hard working and good citizen/residents can apply for permanent status
History will look back on republicans with shame. Like what this country did to blacks, Japanese, Chinese, Indians etc.

You people are just shameful.

Let me ask you this:

Would you support granting the illegals that are here now permanent legal resident alien status?

I sure would...

Give them worker status. Get them paying taxes. Stop chasing them.

Those that are hard working and good citizen/residents can apply for permanent status
When historians look back on this time they will try to figure out why it is that the United States like all other great nations decided to commit suicide. I
5 million Hispanic voters up for grabs

Shouldn't Republicans be more concerned with how they can convince them to vote Republican?
And how do they do that with the democrats controlling and sailing the ship ?

Jobs.....good paying jobs

Isn't that what Republicans are supposed to be good at?'s what they're good at CAMPAIGNING on.

As far as doing anything to get good paying jobs to the citizens of this country? Hasn't happened, because they've been too busy trying to abolish Obamacare (for the 37th time), making sure that gays can't marry, and oh yeah..........................working hard to make sure that women have to have babies, even if they've been raped or been a victim of incest.

Instead of "jobs, jobs, jobs", it's all been "abortion, Obamacare, and DOMA".
And how do they do that with the democrats controlling and sailing the ship ?

Jobs.....good paying jobs

Isn't that what Republicans are supposed to be good at?'s what they're good at CAMPAIGNING on.

As far as doing anything to get good paying jobs to the citizens of this country? Hasn't happened, because they've been too busy trying to abolish Obamacare (for the 37th time), making sure that gays can't marry, and oh yeah..........................working hard to make sure that women have to have babies, even if they've been raped or been a victim of incest.

Instead of "jobs, jobs, jobs", it's all been "abortion, Obamacare, and DOMA".

Nothing better than a good case of tunnel vision.
Jobs.....good paying jobs

Isn't that what Republicans are supposed to be good at?'s what they're good at CAMPAIGNING on.

As far as doing anything to get good paying jobs to the citizens of this country? Hasn't happened, because they've been too busy trying to abolish Obamacare (for the 37th time), making sure that gays can't marry, and oh yeah..........................working hard to make sure that women have to have babies, even if they've been raped or been a victim of incest.

Instead of "jobs, jobs, jobs", it's all been "abortion, Obamacare, and DOMA".

Nothing better than a good case of tunnel vision.

Tunnel vision is what the GOP is good at. Have you heard anything about jobs lately? Probably not, because it's all been about Benghazi, the IRS and the journalists who were being investigated (even though all 3 stories are bullshit).

Guess the GOP can't let a good "scandal" go to waste..............................
The Republican Voting Qualification Test:

1. Are you going to vote republican?
2. Are you going to vote democratic?

Please select one. The right to cast your ballot will be dependent on your selection.

Thank you for participating in the republican democracy test.

"The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy." Charles de Montesquieu
The Republican Voting Qualification Test:

1. Are you going to vote republican?
2. Are you going to vote democratic?

Please select one. The right to cast your ballot will be dependent on your selection.

Thank you for participating in the republican democracy test.

"The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy." Charles de Montesquieu
...or you could just stop being a moron.

Your call.
Why don't Hispanics vote Reqpublican?

Because they are lazy and looking for a handout

Way to win voters Republicans
Damn shame so many people rush to post their OPs without factchecking first. Calendar checking would have been enough in this case.

Oh, ye of little IQ, understand that if the Amnesty Bill passes before midnight those affected will not be citizens the next day. Or the next week, the next month, the next year...

The plan is for the path to citizenship to take as long as 12 years.

That would be 2025. Oh, and the bill will pass, if not now, then no later than 2017. But I think it will pass sooner.

I challenge your entire post. Not a single fact/link, but you lock in a date of 2025. And, your crystal ball says passage of the Dream Act by 2017?

There are quiet and powerful sources at work here. That Republican woman U. S. Senator from Maine came out for the bill last week. Why do you think that is? Because Republicans do not want to be labeled anti-immigration to attract voters. This deck is stacked. Bill Maher said two weeks ago that he is doing a running tabulation of votes, and predicts it will fail by three votes in the Senate. He even made a hundred dollar bet about it with an MSNBC contributor.

Looks like a smart move for politicians to keep their seats in gerrymandered districts while cutting off the flow over the border. Do I personally support this, absolutely not. Am I willing to give Democrats a blank check for all future elections, absolutely not. I am an independent, and I have to tell you, when white people in my office are openly expressing concern about the influence of whites in a country we founded, there is trouble in River City.

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rubio wants to give democrats total power.

I looked at your post for quite some time thinking about what I know. Let's see if I am on track here. Rubio is a Cuban-American who seems to have a bright future in the Republican Party. I can see, as many have posted here that Hispanics lean Democratic. Obama pulled 71% of their vote.

This sounds like something out of a soap opera, but if you are saying that Marco Rubio is plant in the Republican Party who really wants Democrats to win? That is one hell of a leap for me. Rubio is very convincing as a Republican, and he is elected by a large Hispanic community in Florida. So, apparently Hispanics are willing to cross party lines for him, and whites like him also.

There are still some Democrats I know who believe that Jimmy Carter was really a Republican whose function was to set the stage for Ronald Reagan. The Carter ground work was so strong, Carter had the nomination tied up with delegates before State Conventions were even held. That takes money, and Carter was no liberal. Carter split the liberal vote in the primaries.

Could Rubio be the same kind of thing? I don't know what to think.


Marco Rubio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rubio was born in Florida which means he could run for POTUS.​
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Why don't Hispanics vote Reqpublican?

Because they are lazy and looking for a handout

Way to win voters Republicans

I read some research before the last election that Immigration is not the top issue among Hispanics. Hispanic concerns are the same as the electorate in general. Economy, jobs, foreign relations etc. This makes sense to me because the Hispanic families I know personally discuss these issues.

Also in accordance with research I saw, the further Mexicans get from their Mexican roots, (in terms of time not distance), the fewer children they have. The reason given is that Mexican-American children have a much greater chance of survival than Mexican children, and they realize that quality of life takes precedence over procreation.

In conclusion, what I am trying to say is that Hispanics like assimilating to America. There is no difference between their loyalty to their Hispanic origins than any other American. Mexican-Americans are no different than I am with my Irish/English/German heritage, but I am American first.

Why do people feel the need to lie around here when something is easily found on the web? Obama won the 2012 election by just shy of 5 million votes.
Why do people feel the need to lie around here when something is easily found on the web? Obama won the 2012 election by just shy of 5 million votes.

You are correct. And, I think it is important that we quote the actual vote tally for the purposes of this thread.


I also think it is important to note that if every illegal alien had been able to vote in 2012 the tally may have looked more like this.

Obama 72,525,851

Romney 63,197,000

Which leaves an even bigger question in projecting results for the Presidential election of 2016 if the Dream Act becomes law.

Frankly, I think that question is already under discussion at the RNC and DNC.
Could the Democratic nominee in 2016 already have the election won before a candidate is even nominated?
Is America a one party system, OR could these be the events that splinter America into several parties?
As an independent, I would like to see several parties chasing my vote.
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I don't remember all the details as to when this happened.
I do seem to remember Hillary Clinton wanting to give the vote to felons.

That's quite a few votes for the Democrat party don't ya think....

Why should someone be denied their right to vote because they've been convicted of a crime?

Especially if they've already completed their sentence?

Just wondering..what part of the Constitution allows that.
I don't remember all the details as to when this happened.
I do seem to remember Hillary Clinton wanting to give the vote to felons.

That's quite a few votes for the Democrat party don't ya think....

Why should someone be denied their right to vote because they've been convicted of a crime?

Especially if they've already completed their sentence?

Just wondering..what part of the Constitution allows that.

Maybe this link will help. Voter Disfranchisement | American Civil Liberties Union

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I read some research before the last election that Immigration is not the top issue among Hispanics.

That's impossible. White liberals have dictated that the only issue Hispanics care about is immigration.
I read some research before the last election that Immigration is not the top issue among Hispanics.

That's impossible. White liberals have dictated that the only issue Hispanics care about is immigration.
Immigration is not the only issue...

There is jobs, not passing harassing legislation, respect of culture, acceptance of anti-Hispanic bigots and compassion for those less fortunate

Republicans fail at all
I read some research before the last election that Immigration is not the top issue among Hispanics.

That's impossible. White liberals have dictated that the only issue Hispanics care about is immigration.
Immigration is not the only issue...

There is jobs, not passing harassing legislation, respect of culture, acceptance of anti-Hispanic bigots and compassion for those less fortunate

Republicans fail at all
Wrong. White liberals have dictated that the only issue important to Hispanics is immigration. Just like they've dictated the only issue important to women is birth control and abortion.

Get with the program.
That's impossible. White liberals have dictated that the only issue Hispanics care about is immigration.
Immigration is not the only issue...

There is jobs, not passing harassing legislation, respect of culture, acceptance of anti-Hispanic bigots and compassion for those less fortunate

Republicans fail at all
Wrong. White liberals have dictated that the only issue important to Hispanics is immigration. Just like they've dictated the only issue important to women is birth control and abortion.

Get with the program.

Interesting how conservatives decide that Hispanics are mere pawns of white liberals. Republicans need to realize that conservatives are a major factor in driving away the Hispanic vote. Until they do, they will be an increasingly insignificant party

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