Immigration Reform may mean 8,520,000 new Dem voters. Obama won by 3,000,000. votes.

Our GOP is determined to make America a Dem dominated country. As I wrote elsewhere, "A very small portion of the Latino population is loving doing the We the Raza (people) thing and we are going to take our land back' shit, while a good 10% of the American white right are truly antiLatino. Most of them are marginalized whites (and some blacks) who are terrified they will have to share what little they have with 'furriners.'"

If the Republicans cannot honestly reach out to where minorities live and breathe, the Democrats will win the battler. Why? They will have the numbers that will ungerrymander the southwest and south.
Our GOP is determined to make America a Dem dominated country. As I wrote elsewhere, "A very small portion of the Latino population is loving doing the We the Raza (people) thing and we are going to take our land back' shit, while a good 10% of the American white right are truly antiLatino. Most of them are marginalized whites (and some blacks) who are terrified they will have to share what little they have with 'furriners.'"

If the Republicans cannot honestly reach out to where minorities live and breathe, the Democrats will win the battler. Why? They will have the numbers that will ungerrymander the southwest and south.

Wouldn't it be nice if more Republicans realized this?

While our representatives in Washington, and online discussion forums, and the media may make it seem as if the country is horribly polarized, the majority of Americans are in reality more centrist in nature. The further reality is the the Democrats are simply playing a better game at seeming more centrist, while the Republicans are getting quite good at looking like the party of extremists.

After the last election, we saw signs of the GOP realizing this, with people like Hannity at least making attempts to "evolve" (his words, not mine) on immigration. This kind of thing is needed.

But, if you want to lose the nation irretrievably to a liberal agenda, by all means far-righters, keep it up.
Here is the underlying problem with immigration.

It falls into the area of the GOP's dual nature.

It is a party that does the bidding of the rich, but stays in power by manipulating the Rubes.

The rich have their goal. Find a way to make as much money as possible, and don't ever, ever share any of it with the Rubes. Illegal aliens are made to order. They work cheap.

The Rubes are easily manipulated into thinking these folks are taking their jobs, but it's only because the rich offer them their jobs.

We could end the illegal problem in a year. Go after the rich who hire them with a vengence.
You keep saying people have different interests, but refuse to say what they are.

What's the matter? Haven't gotten those talking points yet?

Again, the left refuses to see people as individuals, as you just proved.

Are you really such a simpleton that you can't accept that old people have different interests than young people?

daveman, yes, is that Simple

So what are they, you prog morons? You keep insisting they're there -- but never get around to defining them.

To put it in terms a simpleton can understand

Old People are interested in Early Bird Specials and keeping kids off their lawn
Young People are interested in getting drunk and getting laid
From a pure political standpoint, I don't get what the GOP gets out of this at all.

They're obviously being guilted into it by the Mainstream Media.

Beyond that, this is the same thing they did in 1986, and look how well that worked out.
Are you really such a simpleton that you can't accept that old people have different interests than young people?

daveman, yes, is that Simple

So what are they, you prog morons? You keep insisting they're there -- but never get around to defining them.

To put it in terms a simpleton can understand

Old People are interested in Early Bird Specials and keeping kids off their lawn
Young People are interested in getting drunk and getting laid
That's nice. Run along, stupid troll.
What lefties, daveman. You are wrong is what is your problem: Americans have different interests. Son, that is a fact.
I do not support legalizing anyone who came here illegally and broke rules and laws to do so.

I think the immigration system needs a drastic overhaul and enforcing our current laws would be a good start.
What lefties, daveman. You are wrong is what is your problem: Americans have different interests. Son, that is a fact.
The left insists monolithic groups of people have different interests -- every black person wants the same things as every other black person, etc.

I keep asking, but none of you lefties can define them.

So it looks like you're all full of shit, doesn't it?
Well, looks like the GOP is going to have to work harder to convince people that their views are the right ones.
What lefties, daveman. You are wrong is what is your problem: Americans have different interests. Son, that is a fact.
The left insists monolithic groups of people have different interests -- every black person wants the same things as every other black person, etc.

No, son, that is what the reactionaries say: all groups and peoples should be treated as not having different interests.

That is stupid.
I do not support legalizing anyone who came here illegally and broke rules and laws to do so.

I think the immigration system needs a drastic overhaul and enforcing our current laws would be a good start.

The current administration is enforcing current law; the former one did not. You may have not known that fact.
I don't remember all the details as to when this happened.
I do seem to remember Hillary Clinton wanting to give the vote to felons.

That's quite a few votes for the Democrat party don't ya think....

Yes, that is a significant number of votes. More than enough to change election results.

Got curious about your post. Did not find anything about Hillary Clinton, but only 11 States do not allow Felons to vote for life. Voter Disfranchisement | American Civil Liberties Union Apparently, the ACLU is on the cases.

To relate this to the topic, I do not know what the percentage is of illegal aliens who are felons. However, the deportation rate for illegal aliens is about 400,000 per year. President Obama made felons a top priority for deportation. I would imagine the number of felons is less than 3% after doing some quick math.


P. S. Love your avatar, loved Fast Times at Ridgemont.
If these illegals weren't here in the numbers in which they are, then our schools could revert back to freedom in education, where as if a middle school student decides he or she doesn't want to be educated anymore around seventh grade and beyond, then he or she could quit, but they should be ready to take on some responsibility in a job in which the illegals were filling in so many sectors. This would settle a lot of problems in America, where as right now we have to many Americans, and not enough jobs available to them, so they are being forced to remain in areas in which they don't want to be in (including school), and when this happens trouble ensues quickly afterwards due to rebellion that is created in them by such forcing upon them. We must turn this nation back into a free nation, and quit forcing issues until we create a bad situation just as we have done in America to date. Years ago a young person had two options available to them, either remain in school after seventh grade or drop out and get a job in which there were plenty. Then when the young person see's that their abilities are limited in these early on chosen jobs by them, they still have the option to go back to school part time while working, in order to get the rest of that needed education in which they now realize they needed and should have gotten. The illegals changed all this, where as they came here in the millions, and they took away this freedom Americans had in choice, so this caused Americans to be forced to stay in many areas in which they felt they didn't want to stay in, so it all began closing in on them, and this is where we had Hollywood come in to fill up their minds with garbage, and to finish the rebellious mind with all sorts of bad in which they began emulating upon society at large. Talk about a one two and then a third punch to Americans real freedoms of choice...WOW. Hmm another part of this dilemma faced today, is the no parent household, in which this means that both parents are out working, so if a child decides to quit school in order to pursue something else, they have no structural support system at home to accommodate this move by them. What this also means is that the schools have become a day care center for young people, while the parents are out trying to make ends meet, and still can't make ends meet in todays set up. This problem then makes the child who is forced to stay at school, angry about being there, and not being out there helping his parents make ends meet also, so rebellion comes next, and this may come in and/or takes many forms. What about the children who are far advanced in their minds, but the schools don't recognize this, and so they are left there to feels as if they are being dragged along in a wasted situation, because they feel they are already ready to get out and make some real money to help themselves or help their families ? What about such a child in which is then being disrespected due to the lack of understanding by the school in which has no way to understand what such a student wants in life at this point, and is more interested in that child remaining there due to his or her head count instead ? The private sector once accommodated the balance in our society well, but somehow they gave this responsibility completely over to the government, who is mainly interested in control, and in head counts, and this is done to somehow control it all for future votes now.

Paragraphs are your friend
The Gang of Rape has already inserted some poison pill shit into the Senate bill. I suppose it will manage to get through the Senate since almost none of them are serious about the job we sent them there to do.

But it doesn't matter. It's a rigged game now.

If it passes the Senate, it will likely get gutted in the House. Then the Demoncrats will "blame" the GOP for hating them foreigners. (It doesn't matter that it is a baldly dishonest claim; it's what they will do all the same.)

Alternatively, John Boehner could work up a good cry and somehow convince enough feckless Republicans in the House to get it through that body. THEN, the fact that all the new citizens will be Demoncratics will work as well to satisfy the President and the liberal Democrats in D.C.

They figure they can't lose now no matter what happens.

Then, it's on to the ENVIRONMENT!

Jeeezus Christ.
What lefties, daveman. You are wrong is what is your problem: Americans have different interests. Son, that is a fact.
The left insists monolithic groups of people have different interests -- every black person wants the same things as every other black person, etc.

No, son, that is what the reactionaries say: all groups and peoples should be treated as not having different interests.

That is stupid.

Look, you stupid fucking prog:

Conservatives say people should be treated as individuals. You fucking retard leftists are incapable of seeing people as individuals.

I'm getting mighty damn tired of your lies, boy.
I do not support legalizing anyone who came here illegally and broke rules and laws to do so.

I think the immigration system needs a drastic overhaul and enforcing our current laws would be a good start.

The current administration is enforcing current law; the former one did not. You may have not known that fact.
It's not a fact. It's leftist horseshit.
The left insists monolithic groups of people have different interests -- every black person wants the same things as every other black person, etc.

No, son, that is what the reactionaries say: all groups and peoples should be treated as not having different interests.

That is stupid.

Look, you stupid fucking prog:

Conservatives say people should be treated as individuals.

Simple believes individuals and groups don't have different interests.

Simples can be idiots.
What lefties, daveman. You are wrong is what is your problem: Americans have different interests. Son, that is a fact.
My interests as a white American (whatever the hell the left insists they are) and your interests as a white American may not coincide.

But you and other leftists insist they do.

People are individuals. They each want different things. Not THE WHITE wants this, THE BLACK wants that, THE ASIAN wants the other.


You idiot progs can't comprehend that.

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