Immigration reform, what should it be

we have the capacity to feed with proper distribution . Same with housing , government just distributes food where it is needed . Same with housing , gov just builds housing and gives people housing vouchers . My only problem with growing imported population in the USA is the growing population which makes new groups that special interest politicians will pander to . ELLISON , the first muslim politician in Minnesota , who woulda thunk it 20 years ago . Plus , small cities , towns and locations are filling up with people .
I agree the U.S. has the capacity to meet the needs of more people and overpopulation is not a serious threat. But that has nothing to do with government being able to distribute things. As we know from history (Soviet Union) government utterly fails at meeting needs. It is the free market that has the capacity to do all of the things you mention.
California is now completely a drought area, meaning not enough water to go around as it is. A couple of spots in the US could probably handle a few more people, but most places can't. The pollution generated by the amount of people in the US today is ENORMOUS!! And a serious number of areas are running out of water.
Ok, now everyone, heads back in the sand! :D
Only fools who do not understand what America is call for stopping LEGAL immigration. Not going to happen regardless.
It all depends on how many people you're letting in. And of course who. We have enough terrorists... oops... I mean muslims already. Various bean eaters as well. Just need a balance.
just to be clear , I don't care about the rest of the worlds population , pollution , drought or anything about the WORLD . I only care about USA population and would like to see it reduced to a level of about 1970 simply because it was a more pleasant time with less people in the USA . Just saying !!
Mornin Unkatore , so you are giving out more unwanted advice ehh ?? I just wanted to be clear on my reason for opposing more population growth within USA borders .
you never explain your BENT reality Unkatore , you just give unwanted advice and opinions . USA would be nicer with a lighter population density like I had when I was growing up , in my opinion !! [ more pleasant , less crowded ]
you never explain your BENT reality Unkatore , you just give unwanted advice and opinions . USA would be nicer with a lighter population density like I had when I was growing up , in my opinion !! [ more pleasant , less crowded ]

I have explained to you before that the problems we face in the future will be those of an aging, declining population, not of any imaginary overpopulation. You don't want that. What you think you remember about growing up has absolutely nothing to do with reality. You're being irrational.
that's not my concern , just some ' possible problem ' [projection by some think tank] that will need to be dealt with . Sounds like you will trade away a great country away for a check and some person to wipe yer butt while you rot on yer death bed Unkatore .
that's not my concern , just some ' possible problem ' [projection by some think tank] that will need to be dealt with . Sounds like you will trade away a great country away for a check and some person to wipe yer butt while you rot on yer death bed Unkatore .
He'll be happy to have an illegal wetback changing his Depends and wiping the poo from his starfish.
that's not my concern , just some ' possible problem ' [projection by some think tank] that will need to be dealt with . .

It is an inevitable problem, and it is your concern if you love your country. Or don't you?

If you want to stick with this infantile self-centeredness, nothing that is done here and now will bring back your imagined memories of childhood. Grow up and deal with reality.
self centeredness , yer the guy that wants to be provided with a social security check and a butt wiper Unkatore .
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we have the capacity to feed with proper distribution . Same with housing , government just distributes food where it is needed . Same with housing , gov just builds housing and gives people housing vouchers . My only problem with growing imported population in the USA is the growing population which makes new groups that special interest politicians will pander to . ELLISON , the first muslim politician in Minnesota , who woulda thunk it 20 years ago . Plus , small cities , towns and locations are filling up with people .
I agree the U.S. has the capacity to meet the needs of more people and overpopulation is not a serious threat. But that has nothing to do with government being able to distribute things. As we know from history (Soviet Union) government utterly fails at meeting needs. It is the free market that has the capacity to do all of the things you mention.
California is now completely a drought area, meaning not enough water to go around as it is. A couple of spots in the US could probably handle a few more people, but most places can't. The pollution generated by the amount of people in the US today is ENORMOUS!! And a serious number of areas are running out of water.
Ok, now everyone, heads back in the sand! :D
The U.S. is one of the least densely populated countries on this planet. It is also the wealthiest. Even California is not as dense as you believe. There are 246.1 people per square mile living in CA. If CA were a country, it would be only the 111th most densely populated in the world. And for the record, the CA drought was caused by a lack of rain...that's what a drought is.

The idea that the United States is at risk of facing some overpopulation crisis and shortage of resources is nothing more than fear-mongering nonsense.
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just to be clear , I don't care about the rest of the worlds population , pollution , drought or anything about the WORLD . I only care about USA population and would like to see it reduced to a level of about 1970 simply because it was a more pleasant time with less people in the USA . Just saying !!
Or you could just move to one of the many places in the U.S. that is less densely populated. Nobody is forcing you to live in a city. Just saying !!
no , not over population in the sense that the USA will run out of room for people . My concern is over population that makes things more crowded for existing Americans in the USA . I don't like spawl , nothing to do with pollution or inability to feed or house more people . I just don't like sprawl , growth and more people in the USA ' S.Nation ' . Not really my concern but I'm thinking of the next generation of existing American kids . Not only the above but with different cultures being imported the USA will lose core western values . More people all by themselves means more laws and restrictions , add different cultures to the mix and that's even more problems .
and I live there , I know what i'm talking about , see my above post ' S.Nation' !! I don't want to see China type population in the USA ever . I think that China is a good comparison as far as land mass as USA and China is land mass comparable I think . USA has more arable land for food production and better farming methods than China I think so we could easily support more people . I just don't want to see it , I see no benefit for Americans . I only see benefits for the immigrants and my friend Unkatore .
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no , not over population in the sense that the USA will run out of room for people . My concern is over population that makes things more crowded for existing Americans in the USA . I don't like spawl , nothing to do with pollution or inability to feed or house more people . I just don't like sprawl , growth and more people in the USA ' S.Nation ' . Not really my concern but I'm thinking of the next generation of existing American kids . Not only the above but with different cultures being imported the USA will lose core western values . More people all by themselves means more laws and restrictions , add different cultures to the mix and that's even more problems .
As someone in an interracial relationship, I can firmly say the above is total nonsense. The U.S. has been a melting pot of different cultures since the founding. If you don't like that, tough. No harm is caused to anyone except those who are xenophobic. Like I said, you should have no fear of sprawl. Just move to one of the many, many places in the U.S. with lower population density. Again, the U.S. is one of the least densely populated places on the planet.
I live there , I know what i'm talking about , see my above post 's.nation' !! I don't want to see China type population in the USA ever . I think that China is a good comparison as far as land mass as USA and China is land mass comparable I think . USA has more arable land for food production and better farming methods than China I think so we could easily support more people . I just don't want to see it , I see no benefit for Americans . I only see benefits for the immigrants .
You live where? I have no way of knowing, since you don't use the quote function. It really is quite simply. Click "reply" at the bottom of the post, and then you will be able to quote who you are replying to so everyone can follow the discussion. Or do you not want me to know when you reply to me?

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