
I have to remind people that free movement of labor and capital are fundamental conservative principles. People come here illegally because the legal route is expensive and arduous. People come here illegally because the incentives to do so, namely jobs, are enormous.
Make it easier for immigrants to come legally. Make it harder for them to collect social benefits. Problem solved.

You can only do that with a strong economy.

Immigration should be more difficult when the economy is weak. It makes no sense to take on everyone else's poor when we have so many folks not working.

When the economy is weak it isn't much of an issue. In the last downturn illegal immigration dropped quite a bit. If there are no jobs, why take the risk in coming?

Immigration from Latin America to the US is now in negative figures.
Stop all immigration until we can have full employment of the people here now. We are going broke supporting people who are un or under employed now. We don't need more mouth to feed.

A stupid proposition on several levels.
Nobody here wants to end legal immigration. It's the people who disregard our laws from the very beginning, the so-called illegal immigrants need to rounded up and treated like the criminals they are. Yeah, yeah, they only want a better life...BS! There are perfectly legitimate ways to immigrate to the US. I want a better life, too, but I'm certainly not going to get a one-time, good-deal if I happen to commit a crime to improve my life. Why should they?

I understand what you saying in regards to illegall immigration. But if they been in america a long time you got to think of where they go. They might have kids and so the need to at least be helped if you need to move them from america.

On one hand, it's not my fault the kids parents are criminals. But, on the other hand, the son should not pay for the sins of the father, so-to-speak. I've considered the possibility that "children" of illegals who fall into certain age brackets might be permitted to apply for an expedited green card, but they should still have to wait the requisite time period and pass the requisite citizenship tests to acquire citizenship, as long as they can demonstrate they have a clean criminal record. As far as their parents are concerned, they get deported and sent to the back of the line. Kids younger than a certain age will not be separated from their parents but will be deported with them. If younger children were born in the US, when they reach the age of majority, they are welcome as dual citizens. At that time, they may be permitted to apply to "import" their parents as allowed for by law.

You make some fair points. I think parents should never come to a country when it not legal .. But i think a child is older then 10 or 11 it be harsh to send them back in my view. Not their fault parents came to a country the whole way.
And where did you emigrate from?

I did not emigrate anyway. I was born in london [sic] england [sic] and that where i [sic] still live.

Then why do you seem to be having so much trouble with the English language?

Such a shame you go down that route when we could have a really good debate. Why join trolls like paul and resort to abuse.

Anyway what your views on the state of american politics
I did not emigrate anyway. I was born in london [sic] england [sic] and that where i [sic] still live.

Then why do you seem to be having so much trouble with the English language?

Such a shame you go down that route when we could have a really good debate.

It's not a "route," it's a serious question. The topic of this thread is immigration, and this often raises questions of language and culture. I'm sure it comes up over there as well.
Then why do you seem to be having so much trouble with the English language?

Such a shame you go down that route when we could have a really good debate.

It's not a "route," it's a serious question. The topic of this thread is immigration, and this often raises questions of language and culture. I'm sure it comes up over there as well.

Mate my grammer has nothing do with the debate of immigration in uk and america. You just choose to have a pop and think it does a shame to a good debate we trying to have. I am sure your a smart person who should be above abusing people on the internet.
Such a shame you go down that route when we could have a really good debate.

It's not a "route," it's a serious question. The topic of this thread is immigration, and this often raises questions of language and culture. I'm sure it comes up over there as well.

Mate my grammer [sic] has nothing do with the debate of [sic] immigration in [sic] uk [sic] and america [sic]. You just choose to have a pop and think it does a shame to a good debate we [sic] trying to have. I am sure your [sic] a smart person who should be above abusing people on the internet.

Asking you an honest question is not "abuse." You keep talking about having a debate, but it's difficult to do that if we don't speak a common language. The fact that you seem to care so little about how you present yourself and give so little regard to the vehicle of any such discussion makes me question your sincerity in claiming to want one.

Now, if you want to have a serious discussion, start by communicating in a serious manner.
Now then, if a child wasn't born here (and hence a citizen) then it shouldn't matter how old they are. They should be subject to deportation like their parents. A natural sense of compassion complicates the issue, but it is the parents who have done harm to the child by bringing him or her to the country illegally. If a child was brought here illegally but no longer has parents or a guardian, then it becomes more complicated still.
It's not a "route," it's a serious question. The topic of this thread is immigration, and this often raises questions of language and culture. I'm sure it comes up over there as well.

Mate my grammer [sic] has nothing do with the debate of [sic] immigration in [sic] uk [sic] and america [sic]. You just choose to have a pop and think it does a shame to a good debate we [sic] trying to have. I am sure your [sic] a smart person who should be above abusing people on the internet.

Asking you an honest question is not "abuse." You keep talking about having a debate, but it's difficult to do that if we don't speak a common language. The fact that you seem to care so little about how you present yourself and give so little regard to the vehicle of any such discussion makes me question your sincerity in claiming to want one.

Now, if you want to have a serious discussion, start by communicating in a serious manner.

I very much disagree with everything you just said. You said that due my language i don,t care about having a proper discussion.

I respectfully will say you are wrong and that i was being very informed. I am dyslexic and therefore have issues with my writing and grammer. You were the one who resorted in dragging down the tone of this debate.
Now then, if a child wasn't born here (and hence a citizen) then it shouldn't matter how old they are. They should be subject to deportation like their parents. A natural sense of compassion complicates the issue, but it is the parents who have done harm to the child by bringing him or her to the country illegally. If a child was brought here illegally but no longer has parents or a guardian, then it becomes more complicated still.

I agree that a parent should never come here illegally. I just think it is harsh to deport a child who has been living in the country ten years and more. Its not their fault their parents made this decision.
Now then, if a child wasn't born here (and hence a citizen) then it shouldn't matter how old they are. They should be subject to deportation like their parents. A natural sense of compassion complicates the issue, but it is the parents who have done harm to the child by bringing him or her to the country illegally. If a child was brought here illegally but no longer has parents or a guardian, then it becomes more complicated still.

I agree that a parent should never come here illegally. I just think it is harsh to deport a child who has been living in the country ten years and more. Its not their fault their parents made this decision.

While true it's the parents' fault, that does not make it our responsibility to make the children whole. If parents want to risk uprooting their children a second time, that's their choice, made when theyndecidedmto break the law in the first place.

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