Impact of "Sequestration" on Federal Homelessness Assistance


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
Federal Policy Brief | 9 Dec 2011

Deep cuts have been made in recent months to many federal affordable housing programs, and further cuts to homelessness and affordable housing programs are scheduled to start in January 2013. Unless Congress and the President make an alternative deal, automatic, across-the-board cuts (known as a “sequester”) will go into effect for federal affordable housing and homelessness programs in January 2013. Although many important programs serving low-income people, including TANF, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and SNAP (formerly Food Stamps), are exempt from sequestration, nearly every single homeless assistance and affordable housing program would be cut.

Sequestration is expected to result in an estimated 9.1 percent across-the-board cut in January 2013 to non-defense discretionary programs. Discretionary spending (as opposed to mandatory spending like Medicaid) is determined each year through the congressional appropriations process. It includes virtually all targeted homelessness and affordable housing programs.

read more National Alliance to End Homelessness: Library: Impact of "Sequestration" on Federal Homelessness Assistance
Yeah that's part of the 1.2 Trillion dollars in automatic cuts over 10 years that will be made because the Deficit Commission couldn't do it's fuckin' job.

How the Across-the-Board Cuts in the Budget Control Act Will Work — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

I got an idea: How about we put all the Derivative crap that the Banks are trying to saddle the world with in one bank and let THAT bank go tits up?

Naw, can't do that, gotta have Americans in perpetual tax slave bondage to the Bankers. What am I thinking? :cuckoo:

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