Impact of the Trump "tariff wars".....

If you think this bumbling idiot is smart then there is no help for you. He's not smart, he careens from one self-created crisis to the next without pause, can't construct a proper sentence, and tweets incessantly with a 4th grade vocabulary. He can't go 10 minutes without telling a lie, he's constantly throwing his own people under the bus, and spends his days antagonizing our allies and complimenting our enemies. He's making a mockery of our intelligence apparatus and justice system. He's joke, a caricature of a politician, a nut-job, a con-man. I could go on but I'm tired of typing on this tiny little phone screen.

Well stated....and may I add that Trump is also a cult leader of dumb Americans?
Ford already said it was halting sedan production IN THE US. Not in the EU.

Not to interrupt your panic attack, but Ford decided to drop it's US sedan production in favor of SUVs and cross-overs back in April, before any mention of EU tariffs. You may now resume clutching your pearls and doing silent movie swoons.
You do know that China is, as we speak, busting their asses building alternative markets in Europe? And that the Europeans are as eager for the trade as they are?

GONG! China wants nothing to do with EU tariffs and quotas and the EU won't stand for the slant's currency manipulation. You have no idea what you're talking about, which makes you either a liar or a fool or both. China is SOL because they can't walk a two way path in trade...without the US propping them up, they'll collapse. But you'd rather see the US fail than have Trump succeed....all you pantywaist little weasels are the same.
Very early. Things can change overnight with the capitulation of one of our trading partners.

Most serious people know this. Most serious people know not to project too far.

A majority of us continue to hope for the best, even if we didn't vote for him.

Agreed, but if he would have taken a more measured approx h instead of taking on the whole world at once I would have more confidence this could end better. But bull in the China shop probably means that this will end with a minus total by the end. Again you are correct and we shall see. If none of few of the trade partners blink Rump(and us the people) are prolly in deep dodo!
I understand what he's doing, but yeah, it's a real roll of the dice.

I'd like to know what his exit strategy is if he loses this game of chicken.

IF he HAS one, of course.
Very early. Things can change overnight with the capitulation of one of our trading partners.

Most serious people know this. Most serious people know not to project too far.

A majority of us continue to hope for the best, even if we didn't vote for him.

Agreed, but if he would have taken a more measured approx h instead of taking on the whole world at once I would have more confidence this could end better. But bull in the China shop probably means that this will end with a minus total by the end. Again you are correct and we shall see. If none of few of the trade partners blink Rump(and us the people) are prolly in deep dodo!
I understand what he's doing, but yeah, it's a real roll of the dice.

I'd like to know what his exit strategy is if he loses this game of chicken.

IF he HAS one, of course.

My guess is that he has no exit strategy. His ego tells him there is no way he can lose. He/we may not, but by taking on everyone at the same time makes it less likely to be successful.
Very early. Things can change overnight with the capitulation of one of our trading partners.

Most serious people know this. Most serious people know not to project too far.

A majority of us continue to hope for the best, even if we didn't vote for him.

Agreed, but if he would have taken a more measured approx h instead of taking on the whole world at once I would have more confidence this could end better. But bull in the China shop probably means that this will end with a minus total by the end. Again you are correct and we shall see. If none of few of the trade partners blink Rump(and us the people) are prolly in deep dodo!
I understand what he's doing, but yeah, it's a real roll of the dice.

I'd like to know what his exit strategy is if he loses this game of chicken.

IF he HAS one, of course.

My guess is that he has no exit strategy. His ego tells him there is no way he can lose. He/we may not, but by taking on everyone at the same time makes it less likely to be successful.
That's my guess, and I hope we're wrong. It may depend on the people he has around him, and that doesn't exactly make me more hopeful, either.

But if China and/or the others blink - and that could well happen - Trump will be the hero, and he'll deserve it.
Like a huge aircraft carrier, the U.S. economy changes direction in a very slow pattern.

The impact of Trump's moronic tariff wars will not be felt in the next couple of months; rather, the impact will become apparent just before the 2018 midterms, resulting in a negative "unforeseen consequence" for the republican party.

From dairy farmers in Wisconsin to auto workers in South Carolina, the once "applauded" demagoguery spewed by Trump, will be countered by the stark reality of loss of income for the once "loyal" Trump voters.

Wake up don't run the world largest economy as you would some shady and corrupt real estate deal in New Jersey.
Things are already changing. Stock market is struggling to maintain gains made last year, inflation rising, interest rates going up... The indicators are there for all to see.

Youre hoping
No, I'm watching.

Watching and hoping
You do know that China is, as we speak, busting their asses building alternative markets in Europe? And that the Europeans are as eager for the trade as they are?

GONG! China wants nothing to do with EU tariffs and quotas and the EU won't stand for the slant's currency manipulation. You have no idea what you're talking about, which makes you either a liar or a fool or both. China is SOL because they can't walk a two way path in trade...without the US propping them up, they'll collapse. But you'd rather see the US fail than have Trump succeed....all you pantywaist little weasels are the same.
You're wrong kid, they are constructing a whole new system of freight rail just to expedite this new trade. Their economy is growing rapidly and the EU as a unit is as big as the US trade wise.

I think it is you who has no idea what he is talking about, either that or you are letting your obvious racism twist your view.

Also lmao@ "pantywaist little weasels" coming from a tRumpkin. Talk about projection..... Smh.
You do know that China is, as we speak, busting their asses building alternative markets in Europe? And that the Europeans are as eager for the trade as they are?

GONG! China wants nothing to do with EU tariffs and quotas and the EU won't stand for the slant's currency manipulation. You have no idea what you're talking about, which makes you either a liar or a fool or both. China is SOL because they can't walk a two way path in trade...without the US propping them up, they'll collapse. But you'd rather see the US fail than have Trump succeed....all you pantywaist little weasels are the same.
You're wrong kid, they are constructing a whole new system of freight rail just to expedite this new trade. Their economy is growing rapidly and the EU as a unit is as big as the US trade wise.

I think it is you who has no idea what he is talking about, either that or you are letting your obvious racism twist your view.

Also lmao@ "pantywaist little weasels" coming from a tRumpkin. Talk about projection..... Smh.

The issue isn't racism, race whore. You're lazy, unappreciative, support despotism and don't deserve to live in this country. Go learn about the real world somewhere until you appreciate what you have. You're way worse than the brown Mexicans. We just don't want them to come here and go on welfare. We want immigrants who can support themselves and pass a criminal background check.

I'll swap 10 of them though for your lily white ass
You do know that China is, as we speak, busting their asses building alternative markets in Europe? And that the Europeans are as eager for the trade as they are?

GONG! China wants nothing to do with EU tariffs and quotas and the EU won't stand for the slant's currency manipulation. You have no idea what you're talking about, which makes you either a liar or a fool or both. China is SOL because they can't walk a two way path in trade...without the US propping them up, they'll collapse. But you'd rather see the US fail than have Trump succeed....all you pantywaist little weasels are the same.
You're wrong kid, they are constructing a whole new system of freight rail just to expedite this new trade. Their economy is growing rapidly and the EU as a unit is as big as the US trade wise.

I think it is you who has no idea what he is talking about, either that or you are letting your obvious racism twist your view.

Also lmao@ "pantywaist little weasels" coming from a tRumpkin. Talk about projection..... Smh.

The issue isn't racism, race whore. You're lazy, unappreciative, support despotism and don't deserve to live in this country. Go learn about the real world somewhere until you appreciate what you have. You're way worse than the brown Mexicans. We just don't want them to come here and go on welfare. We want immigrants who can support themselves and pass a criminal background check.

I'll swap 10 of them though for your lily white ass
Lol, I busted your post so you attacked me personally. Typical tRumpkin tactics. Your orange god has taught you well.
You do know that China is, as we speak, busting their asses building alternative markets in Europe? And that the Europeans are as eager for the trade as they are?

GONG! China wants nothing to do with EU tariffs and quotas and the EU won't stand for the slant's currency manipulation. You have no idea what you're talking about, which makes you either a liar or a fool or both. China is SOL because they can't walk a two way path in trade...without the US propping them up, they'll collapse. But you'd rather see the US fail than have Trump succeed....all you pantywaist little weasels are the same.
You're wrong kid, they are constructing a whole new system of freight rail just to expedite this new trade. Their economy is growing rapidly and the EU as a unit is as big as the US trade wise.

I think it is you who has no idea what he is talking about, either that or you are letting your obvious racism twist your view.

Also lmao@ "pantywaist little weasels" coming from a tRumpkin. Talk about projection..... Smh.

The issue isn't racism, race whore. You're lazy, unappreciative, support despotism and don't deserve to live in this country. Go learn about the real world somewhere until you appreciate what you have. You're way worse than the brown Mexicans. We just don't want them to come here and go on welfare. We want immigrants who can support themselves and pass a criminal background check.

I'll swap 10 of them though for your lily white ass
Lol, I busted your post so you attacked me personally. Typical tRumpkin tactics. Your orange god has taught you well.

It wasn't my post, dumb ass
You do know that China is, as we speak, busting their asses building alternative markets in Europe? And that the Europeans are as eager for the trade as they are?

GONG! China wants nothing to do with EU tariffs and quotas and the EU won't stand for the slant's currency manipulation. You have no idea what you're talking about, which makes you either a liar or a fool or both. China is SOL because they can't walk a two way path in trade...without the US propping them up, they'll collapse. But you'd rather see the US fail than have Trump succeed....all you pantywaist little weasels are the same.
You're wrong kid, they are constructing a whole new system of freight rail just to expedite this new trade. Their economy is growing rapidly and the EU as a unit is as big as the US trade wise.

I think it is you who has no idea what he is talking about, either that or you are letting your obvious racism twist your view.

Also lmao@ "pantywaist little weasels" coming from a tRumpkin. Talk about projection..... Smh.

The issue isn't racism, race whore. You're lazy, unappreciative, support despotism and don't deserve to live in this country. Go learn about the real world somewhere until you appreciate what you have. You're way worse than the brown Mexicans. We just don't want them to come here and go on welfare. We want immigrants who can support themselves and pass a criminal background check.

I'll swap 10 of them though for your lily white ass
Lol, I busted your post so you attacked me personally. Typical tRumpkin tactics. Your orange god has taught you well.

It wasn't my post, dumb ass
Lol, all you conservitards look alike on the internet.
GONG! China wants nothing to do with EU tariffs and quotas and the EU won't stand for the slant's currency manipulation. You have no idea what you're talking about, which makes you either a liar or a fool or both. China is SOL because they can't walk a two way path in trade...without the US propping them up, they'll collapse. But you'd rather see the US fail than have Trump succeed....all you pantywaist little weasels are the same.
You're wrong kid, they are constructing a whole new system of freight rail just to expedite this new trade. Their economy is growing rapidly and the EU as a unit is as big as the US trade wise.

I think it is you who has no idea what he is talking about, either that or you are letting your obvious racism twist your view.

Also lmao@ "pantywaist little weasels" coming from a tRumpkin. Talk about projection..... Smh.

The issue isn't racism, race whore. You're lazy, unappreciative, support despotism and don't deserve to live in this country. Go learn about the real world somewhere until you appreciate what you have. You're way worse than the brown Mexicans. We just don't want them to come here and go on welfare. We want immigrants who can support themselves and pass a criminal background check.

I'll swap 10 of them though for your lily white ass
Lol, I busted your post so you attacked me personally. Typical tRumpkin tactics. Your orange god has taught you well.

It wasn't my post, dumb ass
Lol, all you conservitards look alike on the internet.

I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian. You're whiffing, junior
The New York Times writes:

“I would like to tell the president, ‘Man, you are messing up our market,’” said Kevin Scott, a soybean farmer in South Dakota and the secretary of the American Soybean Association. The idea of changing Nafta, he said, “gives us a lot of heartburn in farm country.”

Scott voted for Trump, but losing the export markets of China and Mexico will be devastating to American soybean farmers.

And farmers aren’t the only supporters Trump is screwing with—his random shoot-from-the-hip trade policies are causing anguish across an array of Trump-friendly industries. More than anything, that’s because he’s creating widespread chaos for farmers, manufacturers, the energy industry, and others.
Nat, I said they will have some short term's the bigger picture.

Terms of Service Violation

China Plans Up to $200 Billion in Trade Concessions, but Skepticism Abounds

They are looking to deal, Xi and Trump are friendly, so I think we'll get one, this is just pre negotiation posturing we're seeing now.

All I can say is, whatever deal the other nations offer.... Trump had better take it. If this trade war continues, there will be systemic consequences that ripple throughout the economy. I guarantee it.
All I can say is, whatever deal the other nations offer.... Trump had better take it. If this trade war continues, there will be systemic consequences that ripple throughout the economy. I guarantee it.

There are no items made or grown in the U.S. that other countries cannot duplicate (except maybe Hollywood movies).........The perfect example is the soybean industry that China bought from us.....

Brazil and Argentina ALSO have a surplus of that commodity, and if China decides to buy from these South American countries, U.S. farmers may lose China as that "customer,"PERMANENTLY.
The New York Times writes:

“I would like to tell the president, ‘Man, you are messing up our market,’” said Kevin Scott, a soybean farmer in South Dakota and the secretary of the American Soybean Association. The idea of changing Nafta, he said, “gives us a lot of heartburn in farm country.”

Scott voted for Trump, but losing the export markets of China and Mexico will be devastating to American soybean farmers.

And farmers aren’t the only supporters Trump is screwing with—his random shoot-from-the-hip trade policies are causing anguish across an array of Trump-friendly industries. More than anything, that’s because he’s creating widespread chaos for farmers, manufacturers, the energy industry, and others.
Nat, I said they will have some short term's the bigger picture.

Terms of Service Violation

China Plans Up to $200 Billion in Trade Concessions, but Skepticism Abounds

They are looking to deal, Xi and Trump are friendly, so I think we'll get one, this is just pre negotiation posturing we're seeing now.

All I can say is, whatever deal the other nations offer.... Trump had better take it. If this trade war continues, there will be systemic consequences that ripple throughout the economy. I guarantee it.

I'm not a fan of tariffs or trade wars, but that's just stupid. Since those countries have higher tariffs, this is hurting their economies more than ours
High tariffs have worked fine for China. The last time I checked, their growth has dwarfed ours for a long time now.

Why didn't you complain when dozens of other nations around the world enacted high tariffs against to protect their jobs and industries?

Are you saying it's okay for other countries to protect their jobs and businesses, but that it's wrong for us to do so?
You're wrong kid, they are constructing a whole new system of freight rail just to expedite this new trade. Their economy is growing rapidly and the EU as a unit is as big as the US trade wise.

I think it is you who has no idea what he is talking about, either that or you are letting your obvious racism twist your view.

Also lmao@ "pantywaist little weasels" coming from a tRumpkin. Talk about projection..... Smh.

The issue isn't racism, race whore. You're lazy, unappreciative, support despotism and don't deserve to live in this country. Go learn about the real world somewhere until you appreciate what you have. You're way worse than the brown Mexicans. We just don't want them to come here and go on welfare. We want immigrants who can support themselves and pass a criminal background check.

I'll swap 10 of them though for your lily white ass
Lol, I busted your post so you attacked me personally. Typical tRumpkin tactics. Your orange god has taught you well.

It wasn't my post, dumb ass
Lol, all you conservitards look alike on the internet.

I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian.

All I can say is, whatever deal the other nations offer.... Trump had better take it. If this trade war continues, there will be systemic consequences that ripple throughout the economy. I guarantee it.

There are no items made or grown in the U.S. that other countries cannot duplicate (except maybe Hollywood movies).........The perfect example is the soybean industry that China bought from us.....

Brazil and Argentina ALSO have a surplus of that commodity, and if China decides to buy from these South American countries, U.S. farmers may lose China as that "customer,"PERMANENTLY.

Or they will start to grow more of their own...

China deploys army of farmers in tit-for-tat trade war with U.S.

If this continues this will devastate the mid-west farmers and the impact will be felt across the nation.

I get a couple dozen Ag publication emails a week and all any of them are talking about is the trade war. The new big question is what will Trump do to help them when the market is gone.
All I can say is, whatever deal the other nations offer.... Trump had better take it. If this trade war continues, there will be systemic consequences that ripple throughout the economy. I guarantee it.

There are no items made or grown in the U.S. that other countries cannot duplicate (except maybe Hollywood movies).........The perfect example is the soybean industry that China bought from us.....

Brazil and Argentina ALSO have a surplus of that commodity, and if China decides to buy from these South American countries, U.S. farmers may lose China as that "customer,"PERMANENTLY.

Or they will start to grow more of their own...

China deploys army of farmers in tit-for-tat trade war with U.S.

If this continues this will devastate the mid-west farmers and the impact will be felt across the nation.

I get a couple dozen Ag publication emails a week and all any of them are talking about is the trade war. The new big question is what will Trump do to help them when the market is gone.

well it's obvious Trump can only do so much to stimulate trade retaliation , the fact is we are far more a free market vs. China's

Our market assumes it's own reactions , theirs assume marhing orders

They do or die, we do or....bailout.


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