Impact of the Trump "tariff wars".....

It wasn't my post, dumb ass
Lol, all you conservitards look alike on the internet.

I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian. You're whiffing, junior
Libertarians are conservatives who are afraid to commit.

Not so, I consider myself to be a left leaning Libertarian. It is possible you know.

How can you be against government restricting our liberty while leaning towards government restricting our liberty? What does that even mean?

I do believe in some safety nets for the people, most Libertarian shit little bricks over that because of "Big Gubnent". That would be one way.
Very early. Things can change overnight with the capitulation of one of our trading partners.

Most serious people know this. Most serious people know not to project too far.

A majority of us continue to hope for the best, even if we didn't vote for him.

You yourself agreed that much of the recent DOW drops/fluctuations were mostly due to the Trumps tariffs/trade threats.

Me: 'Is the recent DOW drop primarily (not completely - primarily) to do with Trump' s tariffs/trade threats.


You: Yes, I think so.

Dow futures slump more than 300 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

The OP was not saying we are in for a long term, major trade war FOR CERTAIN. He only was saying (if I read it correctly) that Trump's recent trade threats are moronic and are causing nothing but turmoil and price rises. And if it continues - it will hurt mainstream America far more then it will probably help it.
And he is absolutely right in this, IMO.

Sure, the tariffs could end tomorrow/soon...but it looks VERY unlikely.

Trump has - more or less - painted himself into a corner...he politically cannot back down first. He has been crowing about these stupid tariffs for years.

And those Trump is attacking (Canada, Mexico, the EU, China, etc.) have shown absolutely ZERO indication that they will not match Trump's tariffs tit for tat.

Yes, there is no guarantee that this thing could get VERY ugly. But, right now, no one seems to be showing ANY indication of backing down. A ginormous game of macroeconomic chicken.

BTW - politically, Trump is being an idiot on these tariffs. Most people think the economy is doing well (I am NOT one of them - just as I thought under Obama). The stock market WAS booming, official unemployment was low...things looked great.
At the very least, he should have waited to do his tariff idea until after this November. And I bet you most of the Republican big shots wish he had as well.
Lol, all you conservitards look alike on the internet.

I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian. You're whiffing, junior
Libertarians are conservatives who are afraid to commit.

Not so, I consider myself to be a left leaning Libertarian. It is possible you know.

How can you be against government restricting our liberty while leaning towards government restricting our liberty? What does that even mean?

I do believe in some safety nets for the people, most Libertarian shit little bricks over that because of "Big Gubnent". That would be one way.

Straw man. We believe people should take the personal responsibility to help others. We don't oppose helping people. When government does it, you end up with the massive redistribution system that we have that is geared towards buying votes and fostering dependency.

Also, I do believe in some government charity, but it should be local, not national. As the Constitution says. I think you're thinking of anarchy rather than libertarianism
I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian. You're whiffing, junior
Libertarians are conservatives who are afraid to commit.

Not so, I consider myself to be a left leaning Libertarian. It is possible you know.

How can you be against government restricting our liberty while leaning towards government restricting our liberty? What does that even mean?

I do believe in some safety nets for the people, most Libertarian shit little bricks over that because of "Big Gubnent". That would be one way.

Straw man. We believe people should take the personal responsibility to help others. We don't oppose helping people. When government does it, you end up with the massive redistribution system that we have that is geared towards buying votes and fostering dependency

So we disagree on this, last I checked these things happen strawman. And not everything that government does is bad, that is meat helmet wearing thinking. Or Trumbot thinking, pick your poison!
Libertarians are conservatives who are afraid to commit.

Not so, I consider myself to be a left leaning Libertarian. It is possible you know.

How can you be against government restricting our liberty while leaning towards government restricting our liberty? What does that even mean?

I do believe in some safety nets for the people, most Libertarian shit little bricks over that because of "Big Gubnent". That would be one way.

Straw man. We believe people should take the personal responsibility to help others. We don't oppose helping people. When government does it, you end up with the massive redistribution system that we have that is geared towards buying votes and fostering dependency

So we disagree on this, last I checked these things happen strawman. And not everything that government does is bad, that is meat helmet wearing thinking. Or Trumbot thinking, pick your poison!

Again, you're addressing anarchy. Libertarians don't oppose all government. Just most of it. The right doesn't oppose all government either. I don't know where you get this idea there is left and anarchy and believing in any government is "left"
Yep, and the irony is that's how gnat made Trump President. By voting for a shitty candidate just to spite him

If your other half brain were functioning, you TOO would see what a dumb statement you just wrote........Really, take my advice and go to

What about that wasn't clear to you? You lost the election to Trump because you rallied around a horrible candidate to defeat him. That is why he won. A decent candidate would have defeated Trump easily. He didn't even have his full party behind him. In your desperation do defeat him, you put him in office
Not so, I consider myself to be a left leaning Libertarian. It is possible you know.

How can you be against government restricting our liberty while leaning towards government restricting our liberty? What does that even mean?

I do believe in some safety nets for the people, most Libertarian shit little bricks over that because of "Big Gubnent". That would be one way.

Straw man. We believe people should take the personal responsibility to help others. We don't oppose helping people. When government does it, you end up with the massive redistribution system that we have that is geared towards buying votes and fostering dependency

So we disagree on this, last I checked these things happen strawman. And not everything that government does is bad, that is meat helmet wearing thinking. Or Trumbot thinking, pick your poison!

Again, you're addressing anarchy. Libertarians don't oppose all government. Just most of it. The right doesn't oppose all government either. I don't know where you get this idea there is left and anarchy and believing in any government is "left"

You see that has been one of the straw man on this site since I have been coming here. Anybody leaning left is all for big Gubnent. That just ain't so, of course government has it's failings(many, many of them) but some good does come out of it. From both the left and the right, sorry that is what I believe. I find my self more of a states right's centrist, but there is really no party for that so Lib is the closest.

In their eternal delusion and cultist mentality, Trump acolytes MUST reject the sound and logical criticism in that piece.......Trump IS a charlatan and demagogue......and a terrible "deal maker."
I do believe in some safety nets for the people, most Libertarian shit little bricks over that because of "Big Gubnent". That would be one way.

Straw man. We believe people should take the personal responsibility to help others. We don't oppose helping people. When government does it, you end up with the massive redistribution system that we have that is geared towards buying votes and fostering dependency

So we disagree on this, last I checked these things happen strawman. And not everything that government does is bad, that is meat helmet wearing thinking. Or Trumbot thinking, pick your poison!

Again, you're addressing anarchy. Libertarians don't oppose all government. Just most of it. The right doesn't oppose all government either. I don't know where you get this idea there is left and anarchy and believing in any government is "left"

You see that has been one of the straw man on this site since I have been coming here. Anybody leaning left is all for big Gubnent. That just ain't so, of course government has it's failings(many, many of them) but some good does come out of it. From both the left and the right, sorry that is what I believe. I find my self more of a states right's centrist, but there is really no party for that so Lib is the closest.

Ah, I get it now. You're confusing liberals with leftists. I'm a liberal. I'm for live and let live. Do your own thing, just don't affect other people when you do it.

Yes, leftists are for big government. Liberals are for small government. Like the liberal founding fathers. Not only are they different, there is no overlap between liberals and leftists

If by big government you mean because I believe in safety nets for people, please pile on! Nope I am mostly laissez-faire, but I am 100% for helping those that need it! Carry on RWNJ!
Straw man. We believe people should take the personal responsibility to help others. We don't oppose helping people. When government does it, you end up with the massive redistribution system that we have that is geared towards buying votes and fostering dependency

So we disagree on this, last I checked these things happen strawman. And not everything that government does is bad, that is meat helmet wearing thinking. Or Trumbot thinking, pick your poison!

Again, you're addressing anarchy. Libertarians don't oppose all government. Just most of it. The right doesn't oppose all government either. I don't know where you get this idea there is left and anarchy and believing in any government is "left"

You see that has been one of the straw man on this site since I have been coming here. Anybody leaning left is all for big Gubnent. That just ain't so, of course government has it's failings(many, many of them) but some good does come out of it. From both the left and the right, sorry that is what I believe. I find my self more of a states right's centrist, but there is really no party for that so Lib is the closest.

Ah, I get it now. You're confusing liberals with leftists. I'm a liberal. I'm for live and let live. Do your own thing, just don't affect other people when you do it.

Yes, leftists are for big government. Liberals are for small government. Like the liberal founding fathers. Not only are they different, there is no overlap between liberals and leftists

If by big government you mean because I believe in safety nets for people, please pile on! Nope I am mostly laissez-faire, but I am 100% for helping those that need it! Carry on RWNJ!

Another idiot leftist who doesn't know the difference between a libertarian and a conservative. All you have are the Democrat talking points you memorized and you're not smart enough to come up with any more, so if someone isn't a Republican, you have nothing. So, everyone but Democrats are a Republican!

I do like your aim though.

Aldo Raine: I'm a libertarian

Aldo Raine: Insults libertarians by calling us Republicans

Yeah, smart you are not
Like a huge aircraft carrier, the U.S. economy changes direction in a very slow pattern.

The impact of Trump's moronic tariff wars will not be felt in the next couple of months; rather, the impact will become apparent just before the 2018 midterms, resulting in a negative "unforeseen consequence" for the republican party.

From dairy farmers in Wisconsin to auto workers in South Carolina, the once "applauded" demagoguery spewed by Trump, will be countered by the stark reality of loss of income for the once "loyal" Trump voters.

Wake up don't run the world largest economy as you would some shady and corrupt real estate deal in New Jersey.

You're right. It takes a while for policies enacted by the government to start to have an effect. Usually, it takes around 6 to 8 months after something has passed to see the effect it has on the country.

So, adding 6 to 8 months to Feb, comes up to Sept or October. Yep, just before the elections are to be held.

I have a hunch that a lot of those people who voted for Trump in 2016 are going to change their votes in 2018, because those tariffs are going to hit the farmers and the middle class hard. Farmers because they have targeted our soybeans, and the middle class because prices for everyday things will go up.
I have a hunch that a lot of those people who voted for Trump in 2016 are going to change their votes in 2018, because those tariffs are going to hit the farmers and the middle class hard. Farmers because they have targeted our soybeans, and the middle class because prices for everyday things will go up.

......and, if I may add, the tax scam (errr, I mean, tax cuts) haven't exactly turned out to be the windfall for middle class workers.......You may notice that among elected right wingers, the mantra is MUCH LESS voiced now than the unfulfilled promise
(remember, 83% of the tax cuts went to the top 2%....)
I have a hunch that a lot of those people who voted for Trump in 2016 are going to change their votes in 2018, because those tariffs are going to hit the farmers and the middle class hard. Farmers because they have targeted our soybeans, and the middle class because prices for everyday things will go up.

......and, if I may add, the tax scam (errr, I mean, tax cuts) haven't exactly turned out to be the windfall for middle class workers.......You may notice that among elected right wingers, the mantra is MUCH LESS voiced now than the unfulfilled promise
(remember, 83% of the tax cuts went to the top 2%....)

You know, that is another boneheaded maneuver that Trump must have learned from Jr. Tax cuts during military conflicts. Don't those in DC realize how expensive it is to drop bombs and fire weapons?
You know, that is another boneheaded maneuver that Trump must have learned from Jr. Tax cuts during military conflicts. Don't those in DC realize how expensive it is to drop bombs and fire weapons?

One of my biggest criticism toward Obama, was his extending GWB's tax cuts.....
I realize the politics of it, but it was a cowardly mistake.
You know, that is another boneheaded maneuver that Trump must have learned from Jr. Tax cuts during military conflicts. Don't those in DC realize how expensive it is to drop bombs and fire weapons?

One of my biggest criticism toward Obama, was his extending GWB's tax cuts.....
I realize the politics of it, but it was a cowardly mistake.

Yes, you want to make sure that if you're going to explode government spending that the economy isn't able to grow to keep up with it
18 posts deleted for lack of content.

Get back on topic!
You know, that is another boneheaded maneuver that Trump must have learned from Jr. Tax cuts during military conflicts. Don't those in DC realize how expensive it is to drop bombs and fire weapons?

One of my biggest criticism toward Obama, was his extending GWB's tax cuts.....
I realize the politics of it, but it was a cowardly mistake.

Well, that is part of why the economy melted down under Jr. He cut taxes, got us into a war, and then cut taxes two more times.

By the way people, the average cost of a Tomahawk missile (the kind Trump sent 70 of on the attack on an airbase), is 1.41 MILLION dollars each.
By the way people, the average cost of a Tomahawk missile (the kind Trump sent 70 of on the attack on an airbase), is 1.41 MILLION dollars each.

Since Assad was planning to plant some nice trees, he should send Trump a "thank you" note for the nice holes where those trees could go.......I mean, it'd be only fair.

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