Impeach 46

Hopefully republicrat poll workers do not fail to monitor democrook cheating fucks in future elections, and we sweep them again in 2022. we need a solid grip on the Congress to minimize the damage the meat puppet pervert will do until we can be rid of him. It would be fun if Trump runs again in 2024 and wins again, as long as democrooks can't stuff mail in ballots into the boxes.
The Republican #1 priority should be Election Law Reform.
Make it a big issue, and make the Dems scream racism, people are not buying it anymore.
Election law ‘reform’ for Republicans: more voter suppression, more suppressing the right to vote, do away with mail in voting and early voting, more gerrymandering, eliminating voting venues in communities of color and minority communities.

Such is the right’s fear of and contempt for the will of the people.
How do you get away with positng this fucking shit in Politics without a link, no evidence, nothing to back up your claim. Oh, right. DJT Made America Great Again. pete, you have always been a fucking Idiot on USMB. Remember these numbers. 306.

You too, Dalia. 306. Go fuck yourself.

Try some decaff, you fucking psycho.
Since it looks like Trump is not going to be able to over come the democrook voter fraud, we should be demanding the republicrats push for impeaching the demented old criminal idiot Xiden.

It's a fact that Xiden actually did do what the bed wetters accused Trump of doing, he is on video bragging about it, then we have all of the corruption between his son and foreign companies. It's only fair that we treat democrooks like they treated us for the last 4 years.


The leftists would like nothing more than the slut to become president. The best strategy at this point is to let the country see the dementia riddle fool in charge for 4 years. Imagine how much worse Pedo Joe's condition will be in just a year. His state of the union address will be hilarious.
That's really fucking funny. You should have posted your comment in Humor. Ha Fucking Ha. All you can do is allude to VP Elect Kamala Harris and post smack on USMB. Fucking weak Beotch that you are.

Do we have to wear pussy hats?

No. Probably shouldn't threaten to blow shit up either.
How do you get away with positng this fucking shit in Politics without a link, no evidence, nothing to back up your claim. Oh, right. DJT Made America Great Again. pete, you have always been a fucking Idiot on USMB. Remember these numbers. 306.

You too, Dalia. 306. Go fuck yourself.

Try some decaff, you fucking psycho.
Try some fucking common sense, dip shit. God, you really are a fucking cry baby. You are why DJT lost.

How do you get away with positng this fucking shit in Politics without a link, no evidence, nothing to back up your claim. Oh, right. DJT Made America Great Again. pete, you have always been a fucking Idiot on USMB. Remember these numbers. 306.

You too, Dalia. 306. Go fuck yourself.

Try some decaff, you fucking psycho.
Try some fucking common sense, dip shit. God, you really are a fucking cry baby. You are why DJT lost.

You are such a hypocrite if Trump would had done the fraud and brag about it we will have some big riot by the crazy demoncrat the same night in the street .
How do you get away with positng this fucking shit in Politics without a link, no evidence, nothing to back up your claim. Oh, right. DJT Made America Great Again. pete, you have always been a fucking Idiot on USMB. Remember these numbers. 306.

You too, Dalia. 306. Go fuck yourself.

Xiden brag about it just do us a favor and look at the link i give to see what he said , you are not blind or deaf ? are you ?
If I were blind and or deaf, would I be on a fucking keyboard? Just remember when DJT got 306 Electorial votes, he and his followers called it a landslide.

Biden 306

How do you get away with positng this fucking shit in Politics without a link, no evidence, nothing to back up your claim. Oh, right. DJT Made America Great Again. pete, you have always been a fucking Idiot on USMB. Remember these numbers. 306.

You too, Dalia. 306. Go fuck yourself.

Try some decaff, you fucking psycho.
Try some fucking common sense, dip shit. God, you really are a fucking cry baby. You are why DJT lost.

You are such a hypocrite if Trump would had done the fraud and brag about it we will have some big riot by the crazy demoncrat the same night in the street .

Can you imagine? Do you think YOUTUBE would ban any talk of election fraud if the fraud was from Trump? :auiqs.jpg:
How do you get away with positng this fucking shit in Politics without a link, no evidence, nothing to back up your claim. Oh, right. DJT Made America Great Again. pete, you have always been a fucking Idiot on USMB. Remember these numbers. 306.

You too, Dalia. 306. Go fuck yourself.

Xiden brag about it just do us a favor and look at the link i give to see what he said , you are not blind or deaf ? are you ?
If I were blind and or deaf, would I be on a fucking keyboard? Just remember when DJT got 306 Electorial votes, he and his followers called it a landslide.

Biden 306

Do you have something to said about my link if you are not blind or deaf ?
How do you get away with positng this fucking shit in Politics without a link, no evidence, nothing to back up your claim. Oh, right. DJT Made America Great Again. pete, you have always been a fucking Idiot on USMB. Remember these numbers. 306.

You too, Dalia. 306. Go fuck yourself.

Try some decaff, you fucking psycho.
Try some fucking common sense, dip shit. God, you really are a fucking cry baby. You are why DJT lost.

You are such a hypocrite if Trump would had done the fraud and brag about it we will have some big riot by the crazy demoncrat the same night in the street .

Can you imagine? Do you think YOUTUBE would ban any talk of election fraud if the fraud was from Trump? :auiqs.jpg:
LOL! DJT is a fraud. Nothing to ban. Go ahead and contribute to his PAC.

How do you get away with positng this fucking shit in Politics without a link, no evidence, nothing to back up your claim. Oh, right. DJT Made America Great Again. pete, you have always been a fucking Idiot on USMB. Remember these numbers. 306.

You too, Dalia. 306. Go fuck yourself.

Try some decaff, you fucking psycho.
Try some fucking common sense, dip shit. God, you really are a fucking cry baby. You are why DJT lost.

You are the reason DJT is currently POTUS.

Why are you flailing and hurling personal attacks? Is it because you are not capable of any real discussion because you are really kind of dumb?
Can you imagine? Do you think YOUTUBE would ban any talk of election fraud if the fraud was from Trump? :auiqs.jpg:
They still have not shut up about the Russia Hoax. The bed wetters are complete assholes. If they didn't cheat their asses off and succeed this time around, they would be insisting "Russia did it again".
How do you get away with positng this fucking shit in Politics without a link, no evidence, nothing to back up your claim. Oh, right. DJT Made America Great Again. pete, you have always been a fucking Idiot on USMB. Remember these numbers. 306.

You too, Dalia. 306. Go fuck yourself.

Try some decaff, you fucking psycho.
Try some fucking common sense, dip shit. God, you really are a fucking cry baby. You are why DJT lost.

You are such a hypocrite if Trump would had done the fraud and brag about it we will have some big riot by the crazy demoncrat the same night in the street .

Can you imagine? Do you think YOUTUBE would ban any talk of election fraud if the fraud was from Trump? :auiqs.jpg:
LOL! DJT is a fraud. Nothing to ban. Go ahead and contribute to his PAC.

Pff, Still nothing to said about the link Why ? Well because you know that he is brag about the fraud.
How do you get away with positng this fucking shit in Politics without a link, no evidence, nothing to back up your claim. Oh, right. DJT Made America Great Again. pete, you have always been a fucking Idiot on USMB. Remember these numbers. 306.

You too, Dalia. 306. Go fuck yourself.

Try some decaff, you fucking psycho.
Try some fucking common sense, dip shit. God, you really are a fucking cry baby. You are why DJT lost.

You are the reason DJT is currently POTUS.

Why are you flailing and hurling personal attacks? Is it because you are not capable of any real discussion because you are really kind of dumb?
Dude, I've read your comments for the past 5 years. You have zero ground to stand on when it comes to calling someone out for calling names. You are an Orange Crybaby. Go ahead and contribute to his PAC. Orang Stink Weed loves you.

How do you get away with positng this fucking shit in Politics without a link, no evidence, nothing to back up your claim. Oh, right. DJT Made America Great Again. pete, you have always been a fucking Idiot on USMB. Remember these numbers. 306.

You too, Dalia. 306. Go fuck yourself.

Try some decaff, you fucking psycho.
Try some fucking common sense, dip shit. God, you really are a fucking cry baby. You are why DJT lost.

You are such a hypocrite if Trump would had done the fraud and brag about it we will have some big riot by the crazy demoncrat the same night in the street .

Can you imagine? Do you think YOUTUBE would ban any talk of election fraud if the fraud was from Trump? :auiqs.jpg:
LOL! DJT is a fraud. Nothing to ban. Go ahead and contribute to his PAC.

Pff, Still nothing to said about the link Why ? Well because you know that he is brag about the fraud.
Well, fuck. When you post something that makes sense....oh wait....
How do you get away with positng this fucking shit in Politics without a link, no evidence, nothing to back up your claim. Oh, right. DJT Made America Great Again. pete, you have always been a fucking Idiot on USMB. Remember these numbers. 306.

You too, Dalia. 306. Go fuck yourself.

Try some decaff, you fucking psycho.
Try some fucking common sense, dip shit. God, you really are a fucking cry baby. You are why DJT lost.

You are such a hypocrite if Trump would had done the fraud and brag about it we will have some big riot by the crazy demoncrat the same night in the street .

Can you imagine? Do you think YOUTUBE would ban any talk of election fraud if the fraud was from Trump? :auiqs.jpg:
LOL! DJT is a fraud. Nothing to ban. Go ahead and contribute to his PAC.

Pff, Still nothing to said about the link Why ? Well because you know that he is brag about the fraud.
Well, fuck. When you post something that makes sense....oh wait....
While doing so might make some feel good you would also look as stupid as the Democrats did with their moronic impeachment. What will be more fun is watching Biden try to placate the far left Sanders/AOC wing of the Democratic party while still trying to convince the rest of the country he is good old working class Joe from Scranton who rides the trains. For the first time in a very, very, long time Biden is actually going to have to make tough decisions take sides and deal with the consquences his days of just going along to get along are over.
Since it looks like Trump is not going to be able to over come the democrook voter fraud, we should be demanding the republicrats push for impeaching the demented old criminal idiot Xiden.

It's a fact that Xiden actually did do what the bed wetters accused Trump of doing, he is on video bragging about it, then we have all of the corruption between his son and foreign companies. It's only fair that we treat democrooks like they treated us for the last 4 years.

You don’t understand – the election was about getting rid of Trump.

Biden was merely a means to that end; whatever happens to Biden, Trump will still be gone, and that’s all that matters.
Unfortunately, senile Joe is very likely to be worse than Dumb Don.

Did your head explode?

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