Impeach Biden

Am I hallucinating? In August of 2021... Biden printing up money and handing it out like candy during the lock down, the price of food and GAS went up back months THEN. Way before Putin sneezed.
Am I hallucinating? In August of 2021... Biden printing up money and handing it out like candy during the lock down, the price of food and GAS went up back months THEN. Way before Putin sneezed.
yes it did gas was going up before putin gas went up when biden used his pin to shut down oil producers of America.
It isn't going to happen, even thought Biden actually did collude with Ukrainian officials, Hunter smoking crack and Biden's complete incompetency and colluding with Burisma. Trumps mean tweets VS the HUGE Biden inflation...
here's the thing Hunter biden smoking crack is irrelvant
Should Biden be impeached? When the Democrats impeach a Republican president TWICE over unproven allegations (of Trump's connections to Burisma)...when even the NYT recognizes that Hunter Biden (and by extension his father Joe,) had way more with that Ukrainian energy firm than Trump did, EVER. Really?
Should Biden be impeached? When the Democrats impeach a Republican president TWICE over unproven allegations (of Trump's connections to Burisma)...when even the NYT recognizes that Hunter Biden (and by extension Biden) had way more with that Ukrainian energy firm than Trump did, EVER. Really?
who claimed Trump had a connection to burisma?

The first impeachment of Trump was for abuse of power with regards to with-holding aid in exchange for personal favor.

The 2nd one was for inciting a riot on the capitol.
Really. So, setting aside your witty snark: Do you actually believe Biden is competent and the Democratic party isn't this super corrupt grifters? I can guess....

Whatever would lead you to believe that Joe Biden is in any way competent? He is the most incompetent President this country has had in it's two-hundred and something years.

And the Democrat Party is a criminal cult.
Alr get a couple things straight old darling. There has to be a crime committed and there has not. You obviously hate both of them but that does prove one crime.

The first impeachment of Trump was for abuse of power with regards to with-holding aid in exchange for personal favor.

The 2nd one was for inciting a riot on the capitol.
All that and a quarter you could call someone who cares if you could find a pay fone...

What's your point?
who claimed Trump had a connection to burisma?

The first impeachment of Trump was for abuse of power with regards to with-holding aid in exchange for personal favor.

The 2nd one was for inciting a riot on the capitol.
Biden withheld aid from Ukraine over a personal favor
democrats lead the charging for inciting riots all throughout Trumps presidency
Biden withheld aid from Ukraine over a personal favor
And exactly what was that favour and where is your proof of that? I'm calling you a liar and repeating gop propaganda.
democrats lead the charging for inciting riots all throughout Trumps presidency
Thats completely wrong and name one instance where any democrat politician invited and provoked riots. Not heresay. Evidence son or shut up.

Trump orchestrated and incuted the j6 riots. See if you can match similar to a democrat. You idiot.
Tyson is on our team
I don't care one bit about Afghanistan. Let the barbaric animals rot in those hills. You didn't care about them before but now are using the withdrawal as a slur on Biden.

Soldiers are expendable as were the others who died there. That is there job.
There is no more dying there from America or by them. You didnt care about the billions of weapons thrown into the sea on return from Vietnam now you think they will use those old scrap gear as a weapon against the next invader. Let them. Good luck.
If and when America opens up on your mate putin, well see who is embarrassed and it won't be me. If you are it proves what a Russian supporting traitor you are just like Trump.

Dont cry those crocodile tears here please. I'm beginning to feel all warm and fuzzy.
Mold can be fuzzy. Have that checked.
That could be so but I reiterate what I said.
Get over it.
you are a stupid fuck
And exactly what was that favour and where is your proof of that? I'm calling you a liar and repeating gop propaganda.

Thats completely wrong and name one instance where any democrat politician invited and provoked riots. Not heresay. Evidence son or shut up.

Trump orchestrated and incuted the j6 riots. See if you can match similar to a democrat. You idiot.
Biden big mouth admitted to it dumb ass
As for the january 6 protest, your incompetence dictates your stupidity.
you are a stupid fuck

Biden big mouth admitted to it dumb ass
As for the january 6 protest, your incompetence dictates your stupidity.
Your language doesn't intimidate me if that's your plan.
Biden never admitted to or he would be in jail. You don't have the brains to link the crime with punishment. He did nothing illegal. Get over you brain dead dickhead.

How am I incompetent regarding the j6 riots?
Explain that in detail, include your evidence to prove it.
See how good you are now big mouth.
And exactly what was that favour and where is your proof of that? I'm calling you a liar and repeating gop propaganda.

Thats completely wrong and name one instance where any democrat politician invited and provoked riots. Not heresay. Evidence son or shut up.

Trump orchestrated and incuted the j6 riots. See if you can match similar to a democrat. You idiot.
maxine waters you dumb fuck
Trump told those at the rally in DC the go peacefully and patriotically to have their voice heard
Biden demanded that the prosecutor be fired that was investigating the Ukrainian oil company his son was working for

Every bit of this has been discussed and is known
You are one incompetent fuck for even having to ask.
Your language doesn't intimidate me if that's your plan.
Biden never admitted to or he would be in jail. You don't have the brains to link the crime with punishment. He did nothing illegal. Get over you brain dead dickhead.

How am I incompetent regarding the j6 riots?
Explain that in detail, include your evidence to prove it.
See how good you are now big mouth.
Where is the lap top?

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