IMPEACH HIM!!! Biden has a 'callous indifference' when it comes to Afghan people:

This is how Libs and MSM would handle this with Trump in-

All armed forces personnel involved with that plane taking off must be tried by a military tribunal for murder and crimes against humanity. Further up the chain must be held to account also. Reparations must be made. Trump must be impeached.

instead, they are calling those poor people Darwin Award Winners.
Good it seems like Biden brought in more troops, Biden changed the date, it looks like he is in charge and has been for months, this is on Biden, he is in charge. If Biden had pulled this off successfully no one would have had a problem with Biden taking all the credit. Since he is the one that messed it up, he gets the blame.

He brought in more troops in response to the collapse of the Afghan Gov. and Army.
Who do you think you're kidding??

If Trump were still CIC You'd be screaming bloody murder about the lousy job he's done in Afghanistan and the even lousier job he's done at the border.

But because its your boy Biden all you do is make excuses for him and try to shuttle everyone to Trump. You are good for a laugh though.
Admiral Rockwell Tory
All of it. Man there must be billions of dollars worth of hardware and I can't believe the US would leave all of that especially since the Afghan Govt. boogied out as fast as they could.
Who do you think you're kidding??

If Trump were still CIC You'd be screaming bloody murder about the lousy job he's done in Afghanistan and the even lousier job he's done at the border.

But because its your boy Biden all you do is make excuses for him and try to shuttle everyone to Trump. You are good for a laugh though.

It's like you expect Biden to be able to wave a magic wand and make all of the situations and messes Trump made, disappear overnight.

What did you expect would happen to the tens of thousands of refugees waiting in Mexico for Trump to let them in? Did you think they'd just give up and go away.

At least Biden has the good sense to listen to advisors and try to mitigate the damage being done. Trump would have just abandoned everyone there, because he didn't know what else to do, just like he did with the Kurds. That withdrawal was well handled. Thousands killed. Of course they were Kurds so Trump didn't care. And he didn't care about the 10,000 ISIS prisoners the Kurds released when they ran for their lives.
Admiral Rockwell Tory
All of it. Man there must be billions of dollars worth of hardware and I can't believe the US would leave all of that especially since the Afghan Govt. boogied out as fast as they could.

That "hardware" was all of the military equipment the US government GAVE the Afghan Army during their occupation. Were they supposed to take it back when they left? Now the Afghan Army is giving it all to the Taliban.

You were all for this when Trump was in office. It kept Americans from being killed. Did you expect them to give it back when you left?
And the entire Republican Party voted against funding their removal from Afghanistan.

Why would he want to? What would have changed?

Why are all of these civilians still in Afghanistan when Trump set a withdrawal date of May 1st? Shouldn't Trump have gotten the civilians out first? Should he have ensured that the funding and framework were in place to get the interpreters out, or was he planning on abandoning them like he did the Kurds?

Why didn't the civilians leave before the military? Or did they need them to support the military through to the end?
Why would Trump need to move civilians out? Besides Biden moved the date to September 11 back in March, you would think he was in charge so it would be his responsibility. Again, Biden is in charge, This is his baby. he'd take all the credit if it would have been planned better and went well, now he gets all the blame because he botched it.

Most Democrat will admit Biden screwed up, the only one that is upset is Biden because he knows he screwed it up.
The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.

Biden built the Taliban back better

They now have State sponsorship and an alliance with Biden's owners at the CCP
I couldn't care less about the Afghan people. I do care about the thousands of Americans stuck in Taliban occupied Afghanistan.

Biden made a mess of that. He yanked the program Trump set for just that set of circumstances.

Mans a blithering idiot and incompetent as hell.
If you're stupid enough to go live in Afghanistan during a war then.....
General Keane hits the nail on Xiden’s head!!!

Why the fuck does the GOP care so much about the afghani people?!?!?!?. Vaccine mandates are getting shoved down our throats and they are completely silent. When it comes to our rights, whether it’s big tech censorship, vaccine mandates, closing down our businesses with lockdowns, they not only don’t make a peep, they back them. But when it comes to the afghani people, who clearly don’t care about their country enough to prop it up after 20 years, why should we?!?!??. THE GOP HAS DONE MORE TO FIGHT FOR FREEDOM FOR THE AFGHANIS THAN THEIR OWN VOTERS. Nuff said. Time to tar and feather these clowns. Starting with ditch McConnell, moving on to Kevin McCarthy, then on to all the gop governors that who are all about shutting your business down at the drop of a hat, but when your business decides they’ll implement vaccine mandates, that’s when they rediscover “free market economics” and decide they shouldn’t interfere with business violating the entire foundation of medical ethics in informed consent(consent being the operative word there). Make Tar And Feathering Great Again.
I couldn't care less about the Afghan people. I do care about the thousands of Americans stuck in Taliban occupied Afghanistan.

Biden made a mess of that. He yanked the program Trump set for just that set of circumstances.

Mans a blithering idiot and incompetent as hell.
The only thing Biden yanked was your chain, retard.
Bad Orange Man had 3,500 troops there, no casualties and no Taliban overrunning the nation.

Your guy should be tried for treason by a military tribunal
And they wouldn't have done exactly the same thing if Trump pulled out last fall, why? Cuz he's the BMOC?

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