IMPEACH HIM!!! Biden has a 'callous indifference' when it comes to Afghan people:

ISIS was being decimated by the coalition when Trump took office.

Obama handed Trump a win.

Trump handed Biden a loss.

Completely FALSE. Biden could have done absolutely nothing and everything would have been fine for the time being. Instead he screwed it all up.
ISIS was being decimated by the coalition when Trump took office.

Obama handed Trump a win.

Trump handed Biden a loss.
no they werent ! they were in control of a large part of the middle east !
ISIS was being decimated by the coalition when Trump took office.

Obama handed Trump a win.

Trump handed Biden a loss.
It's too bad that Biden is so weak and not able to take charge of his own Presidency.
Admiral Rockwell Tory
So you don't the Taliban leaders are smart enough to not want a battle with the US especially since they already own Afghanistan??

I'd say letting all Americans go would be one smart move on their part. Of course it all depends on how smart they are.
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Fault? He is responsible for the reduction of troops. He alone is not responsible for the failure of the Nation Building effort and the expensive building of the Afghan's Paper Army.

Joe is responsible for not re-arming and increasing troop levels just in case the Afghan Army were to surrender to the Taliban before we could exit.
Clearly you don't know dick about a withdrawal.
Pulling out troops is part of it.
How it's done is up to who is running the show.
Biden is supposed to be running the show....but he isn't...China is...with the help of the Deep State.
Completely FALSE. Biden could have done absolutely nothing and everything would have been fine for the time being. Instead he screwed it all up.
If we didn't withdraw, the Taliban, who was in control of most of the country, was going to start killing American Troops again. How many more should we have scarified?
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Clearly you don't know dick about a withdrawal.
Pulling out troops is part of it.
How it's done is up to who is running the show.
Biden is supposed to be running the show....but he isn't...China is...with the help of the Deep State.

Help it's the "Duh" Heap State again!
I guess Uncle Joe should start packing.
And they need to reinstall Dear Leaders golden commode and Diet Coke button. :laughing0301:


IMPEACH HIM!!! Biden has a 'callous indifference' when it comes to Afghan people:​

Not finding where this is an impeachable offense.
what ? wow you are full of it ! do you recall Isis controlling large swaths of the middle east including Iraq before Trump took office ! Trumps policy and approach to that problem decimated Isis ! your guy cant even handle a withdrawal of 2500 Troops without a major crisis ! the man you ignorantly voted for will be stepping down from office pretty soon ! Biden and the squad have done more to damage the lefts agenda than any republican ever could ! you have about 14 months to ignorantly and childishly gloat before republicans sweep both houses of congress and Kamala will not win in 2024 ! as a matter of fact Trump and DeSantis have a strong chance of being in the WH in 2024 !
They controlled a lot of empty desert and little else when Trump took office.

Biden screwed up the withdraw.

Please run Trump again in 2024....
You sure are one stupid fuck. They are trapped there. They should have all been brought to Bagram AFB and flown out from there. Biden should have done that before he let the Taliban have Afghanistan.

Oh and that program was on paper and being ready to be implemented when your boy Biden put a stop to it.

Nope.. Trump is all over the news bragging that this is his plan and Biden couldn't stop it. You know he made his deal with the Taliban, don't you?

User Clip: "I started the process. All the troops are ...
June 26, 2021 | Clip Of Former President Trump Holds Rally in Ohio This clip, title, and description were not created by C-SPAN. User Clip: "I started the process. All the troops are coming back ...
He did start the process. Not his fault Biden decided his was better and made another giant clusterfuck.

Trump didn't talk with the Afghan Security Forces or the government in Doha. He made his deal with the Taliban and got nothing in return.
Oh he got lots in return. The Taliban gave till the end of August to get our folks out. If Trump were still POTUS instead of that stuttering fuck you voted for our people and all that military hardware would have made it home.

Biden created this Afghanistan clusterfuck just like he created the clusterfuck at our border.

You voted for him being the idiot you are.

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