IMPEACH HIM!!! Biden has a 'callous indifference' when it comes to Afghan people:

Iraq and Afghanistan are 2 different countries believe it or not.
Why the fuck does the GOP care so much about the afghani people?!?!?!?. Vaccine mandates are getting shoved down our throats and they are completely silent. When it comes to our rights, whether it’s big tech censorship, vaccine mandates, closing down our businesses with lockdowns, they not only don’t make a peep, they back them. But when it comes to the afghani people, who clearly don’t care about their country enough to prop it up after 20 years, why should we?!?!??. THE GOP HAS DONE MORE TO FIGHT FOR FREEDOM FOR THE AFGHANIS THAN THEIR OWN VOTERS. Nuff said. Time to tar and feather these clowns. Starting with ditch McConnell, moving on to Kevin McCarthy, then on to all the gop governors that who are all about shutting your business down at the drop of a hat, but when your business decides they’ll implement vaccine mandates, that’s when they rediscover “free market economics” and decide they shouldn’t interfere with business violating the entire foundation of medical ethics in informed consent(consent being the operative word there). Make Tar And Feathering Great Again.

What nationwide vaccine mandate?

Which Republican governor has locked down businesses?

I think you would quickly run out of targets for your ire.
What nationwide vaccine mandate?

Which Republican governor has locked down businesses?

I think you would quickly run out of targets for your ire.
A. Fauci has already announced that when FDA approval comes, mandates are following.

B. If your company or a business you want to shop at is mandating the vaccine then why does “nationwide mandate” even matter??? Apparently it’s racist to ask for ID to vote, but it’s totally cool to violate hippa for covid, but not at all cool for HIV? Our entire medial ethics philosophy is built on informed consent. “Get the vaccine or else” is not even close to informed consent. Idk how many more historical examples we need of human rights violations in times of “emergency” we need to get through our collective thick skulls that we need to be very careful of the measures we take. Times of emergency is the whole reason we created medical ethics, in order to not overstep lines that should never be crossed.

C. Any GOP governor that is not Desantis or Noem. Noem is just a shill for businesses, not for individuals it should be noted btw.
A. Fauci has already announced that when FDA approval comes, mandates are following.

B. If your company or a business you want to shop at is mandating the vaccine then why does “nationwide mandate” even matter??? Apparently it’s racist to ask for ID to vote, but it’s totally cool to violate hippa for covid, but not at all cool for HIV? Our entire medial ethics philosophy is built on informed consent. “Get the vaccine or else” is not even close to informed consent. Idk how many more historical examples we need of human rights violations in times of “emergency” we need to get through our collective thick skulls that we need to be very careful of the measures we take. Times of emergency is the whole reason we created medical ethics, in order to not overstep lines that should never be crossed.

C. Any GOP governor that is not Desantis or Noem. Noem is just a shill for businesses, not for individuals it should be noted btw.
In other words, you simply made shit up to justify your position. That's a good liberal tactic. You should reconsider your methods.
Try reading your post. A has not happened. B. Did not happen across the country. C. Did not happen across the country.

Totally and completely made up.
Um fauci did in fact say that for A. So it is coming

B. Vaccine mandates for companies have been happening nationwide. It’s not even debatable. Do you even have a job?

C. Every GOP governor outside of Desantis and Noem have locked down. Some more so than the democratic counterparts, looking at you dewine.
It's the greatest betrayal to our servicemen, to the Americans he left to the mercies of the modern Nazis - the Taliban and to the American people.
They didn't care about Iraqi Christians either. There were 50 churches in Baghdad before Dubya's invasion.
Just to play Devil's Advocate: The U.S. C.I.A., helped put Saddam Hussein in power. During his reign, Hussein was responsible for the deaths of 180,000+/- Iraqis. As our government was responsible for putting the Dictator into power, who should have shared some of the burden in getting rid of him?
politicians make a lot of money. it's good to hold their feet to the fire. even Crazy Bernie voted for the Afghan War... impeach them all
To heck with Bush's useful idiots in Afghanistan. They participated in coercion. People who participate in coercion are always the first ones to get thrown under the bus after their usefulness is over. Always!

The son of a bitch needs to be impeached for what he's doing to America.
You just keep believing those lies you tell. You're really good at it. LOL

The Trump deal brokered in Doha, Qatar, in February 2020 sought to create a power-sharing agreement between the Taliban and the Afghan government led by President Ashraf Ghani—and apparently hinged in part on fakery. According to a report from Defense One late Wednesday, former acting US Defense Secretary Chris Miller, who served during Trump’s final three months in office, now says the Trump administration never really intended to withdraw all US forces. Despite President Trump’s repeated declarations about ending the war, the true plan, according to Miller, was to squeeze Ghani into agreeing to a deal that heavily favored the Taliban and ultimately would leave in place a counterterrorism force of 800 or more American personnel. Miller went to Kabul for talks in December 2020, where he found Ghani to be “gracious and respectful” before things took a an ominous turn:

The tone of the discussions changed when Miller met with Ghani’s vice president, Amrullah Saleh, who had also served in key intelligence roles over the years.

“He came in and just talked about the threat,” said Miller. “Essentially, the message was: ‘This is going to be bad. And if this happens, al-Qaeda is going to be back.’”

The U.S. delegation and their Afghan counterparts didn’t talk strategy or go into any details about what lay ahead during the meetings, Miller said. The participants already seemed to know the bleak facts. “It would not have been appropriate to say ‘Is your Army going to collapse?’ But of course we were all thinking that.”

These were not the first indications that Taliban leaders were emboldened by Trump administration moves. According to the Washington Post, a series of negotiated surrenders began across Afghanistan in early 2020, shortly after Trump announced the US would be leaving: “The deals…were often described by Afghan officials as cease-fires, but Taliban leaders were in fact offering money in exchange for government forces to hand over their weapons, according to an Afghan officer and a U.S. official. Over the next year and a half, the meetings advanced to the district level and then rapidly on to provincial capitals, culminating in a breathtaking series of negotiated surrenders by government forces, according to interviews with more than a dozen Afghan officers, police, special operations troops and other soldiers.”

The Taliban was easily able to capitalize on the uncertainty that arose from the February 2020 deal reached in Doha, as beleaguered Afghan forces and corrupt local officials realized that American air power and other military support were likely to greatly diminish. According to an Afghan special forces officer cited by the Post, some Afghans were glad to take the Taliban’s money while others “saw the U.S. commitment to a full withdrawal as an ‘assurance’ that the militants would return to power in Afghanistan and wanted to secure their place on the winning side.”

Long before Saleh sounded the alarm to Miller in late 2020, meanwhile, the Afghan vice president had warned other top Trump officials about rising danger from the Taliban, including a campaign of assassinations that targeted Afghan elites and killed hundreds, among them a prominent journalist, military lawyer, and a female Supreme Court justice. The New Yorker’s Dexter Filkins reported in March that Saleh “told me that Taliban commanders, meeting in Pakistan, mapped out the campaign [in early 2020]. Saleh said that he passed a warning to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper before the United States made the deal with the Taliban. (The State Department says that it has no record of this.) ‘We told them exactly what was going to happen,’ Saleh said. Pompeo and Esper were undeterred.”

Remarkably, the Trump White House appeared to believe they could achieve stability by handing most of the power over to the Taliban.

To heck with Bush's useful idiots in Afghanistan. They participated in coercion. People who participate in coercion are always the first ones to get thrown under the bus after their usefulness is over. Always!

The son of a bitch needs to be impeached for what he's doing to America.
What exactly is he doing to America? And who is "he".
Biden has a callus indifference to the American people as well. That is why we have higher gas prices, higher food prices and higher taxes are on the way. It's all because he doesn't give a crap about the American people.
The Trump deal brokered in Doha, Qatar, in February 2020 sought to create a power-sharing agreement between the Taliban and the Afghan government led by President Ashraf Ghani—and apparently hinged in part on fakery. According to a report from Defense One late Wednesday, former acting US Defense Secretary Chris Miller, who served during Trump’s final three months in office, now says the Trump administration never really intended to withdraw all US forces. Despite President Trump’s repeated declarations about ending the war, the true plan, according to Miller, was to squeeze Ghani into agreeing to a deal that heavily favored the Taliban and ultimately would leave in place a counterterrorism force of 800 or more American personnel. Miller went to Kabul for talks in December 2020, where he found Ghani to be “gracious and respectful” before things took a an ominous turn:

The tone of the discussions changed when Miller met with Ghani’s vice president, Amrullah Saleh, who had also served in key intelligence roles over the years.

“He came in and just talked about the threat,” said Miller. “Essentially, the message was: ‘This is going to be bad. And if this happens, al-Qaeda is going to be back.’”

The U.S. delegation and their Afghan counterparts didn’t talk strategy or go into any details about what lay ahead during the meetings, Miller said. The participants already seemed to know the bleak facts. “It would not have been appropriate to say ‘Is your Army going to collapse?’ But of course we were all thinking that.”

These were not the first indications that Taliban leaders were emboldened by Trump administration moves. According to the Washington Post, a series of negotiated surrenders began across Afghanistan in early 2020, shortly after Trump announced the US would be leaving: “The deals…were often described by Afghan officials as cease-fires, but Taliban leaders were in fact offering money in exchange for government forces to hand over their weapons, according to an Afghan officer and a U.S. official. Over the next year and a half, the meetings advanced to the district level and then rapidly on to provincial capitals, culminating in a breathtaking series of negotiated surrenders by government forces, according to interviews with more than a dozen Afghan officers, police, special operations troops and other soldiers.”

The Taliban was easily able to capitalize on the uncertainty that arose from the February 2020 deal reached in Doha, as beleaguered Afghan forces and corrupt local officials realized that American air power and other military support were likely to greatly diminish. According to an Afghan special forces officer cited by the Post, some Afghans were glad to take the Taliban’s money while others “saw the U.S. commitment to a full withdrawal as an ‘assurance’ that the militants would return to power in Afghanistan and wanted to secure their place on the winning side.”

Long before Saleh sounded the alarm to Miller in late 2020, meanwhile, the Afghan vice president had warned other top Trump officials about rising danger from the Taliban, including a campaign of assassinations that targeted Afghan elites and killed hundreds, among them a prominent journalist, military lawyer, and a female Supreme Court justice. The New Yorker’s Dexter Filkins reported in March that Saleh “told me that Taliban commanders, meeting in Pakistan, mapped out the campaign [in early 2020]. Saleh said that he passed a warning to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper before the United States made the deal with the Taliban. (The State Department says that it has no record of this.) ‘We told them exactly what was going to happen,’ Saleh said. Pompeo and Esper were undeterred.”

Remarkably, the Trump White House appeared to believe they could achieve stability by handing most of the power over to the Taliban.

Trump was outsmarted by the Taliban, because he's a fucking moron.

That's what happens when an ex game show host conman know it all is elected POTUS.

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