IMPEACH HIM!!! Biden has a 'callous indifference' when it comes to Afghan people:

I guess you've never been an employee of the federal government or have been deployed to a foreign country.
These people aren't living out of a fartsack. They have personal effects that have to be packed up and shipped back to the states. It takes time to pack all of that stuff up and get it crated. They would have to leave everything behind.....and I don't think the Biden Adm gave them time or the ability to do what was needed to make it happen. He just pulled out the troops and left everyone to their own devices. This a common theme when it comes to Democrat presidents. Clinton tried turning us over to UN command and the GOP led Congress stopped him from doing it when I was deployed to Somalia in 93'. It took 3 weeks for us to get out of the country when we were relieved because nobody bothered to charter us a flight for ourselves and our equipment. This is what a lack of leadership leads to.
It was no surprise to me when Benghazi happened because Democrats always operate this way. They're more concerned with optics than with taking care of the details. If it doesn't look good in front of the cameras they don't bother with it. They always trust our enemies more than they trust Republicans. They figure our enemies are their friends.
Who are these Americans? They are NOT military contractors....our contractors have known for a YEAR that the USA was pulling out of Afghanistan with the Trump administration's signing of the deal with the Taliban, to leave.

So did EVERY American there..... they KNEW for 6 months to a year that we were leaving Afghanistan and pulling all troops home.

All that preparation that you speak of, should have been done before their last final warning in June 2021....get out NOW!

Are these Americans there.... family members of Afghani? Are they Christian charities? Or other NGOs? Do some plan to stay? So many questions, with no answers..... :(
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Admiral Rockwell Tory
Don't watch either. Oh some won't make it but loads will. The military takes care of its own and always will.

Taliban are butchers and they will continue to butcher.
I couldn't care less about the Afghan people. I do care about the thousands of Americans stuck in Taliban occupied Afghanistan.

Biden made a mess of that. He yanked the program Trump set for just that set of circumstances.

Mans a blithering idiot and incompetent as hell.
trump didn't have such a program.

We have seen blithering idiocy. We voted that out in November.

Be very glad trump is not president now.
So now we have the afghan first policy.
Who are these Americans? They are NOT military contractors....our contractors have known for a YEAR that the USA was pulling out of Afghanistan with the Trump administration's signing of the deal with the Taliban, to leave.

So did EVERY American there..... they KNEW for 6 months to a year that we were leaving Afghanistan and pulling all troops home.

All that preparation that you speak of, should have been done before their last final warning in June 2021....get out NOW!

Are these Americans there.... family members of Afghani? Are they Christian charities? Or other NGOs? Do some plan to stay? So many questions, with no answers..... :(
You have to do what the government allows you to do. I'm sure they wanted to get out but they had to wait their turn....and once Trump was thrown out of office many of the normal day to day functions became iffy at best. I remember when Obama took over they couldn't get the grass cut at Ft Campbell because he dropped all of the contracts. There was zero leadership from the White House.

I have a friend who signed on to be a contractor in Afghanistan years ago. They wouldn't allow them to carry guns. They had to rely on the military to keep them safe. Once the military was pulled from the country....all of those civilians were left to fend for themselves. When the structure of the government does freedom of movement. If they didn't get those people out before the military left....they're screwed.
You have to do what the government allows you to do. I'm sure they wanted to get out but they had to wait their turn....and once Trump was thrown out of office many of the normal day to day functions became iffy at best. I remember when Obama took over they couldn't get the grass cut at Ft Campbell because he dropped all of the contracts. There was zero leadership from the White House.

I have a friend who signed on to be a contractor in Afghanistan years ago. They wouldn't allow them to carry guns. They had to rely on the military to keep them safe. Once the military was pulled from the country....all of those civilians were left to fend for themselves. When the structure of the government does freedom of movement. If they didn't get those people out before the military left....they're screwed.
The Americans in Afghanistan are their on their own. They’re not there because the government asked them to be there. They’re there because they wanted to be there.
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There was such a program and its on the board. Find it if your that interested.
No Claudette there wasn't. Now, you guys have deflected and blame shifted enough. Trump made the deal with the taliban. After that deal was made the taliban began more aggressive behavior.
You sure are one stupid fuck. They are trapped there. They should have all been brought to Bagram AFB and flown out from there. Biden should have done that before he let the Taliban have Afghanistan.

Oh and that program was on paper and being ready to be implemented when your boy Biden put a stop to it.

Grow up. The evacuations continue. They took out 7,000 Thursday night.
No offenses intended but who cares about the afghan people? We can't even fix our own problems here, let alone worrying about people on the other side of the world.
It should have been done before Biden let the Taliban have Afghanistan. Not after. They could have used Bagram AFB and gotten them all out. They could have also loaded up the billions of dollars worth of American equipment, guns and ammo and gotten that all out as well.

You sure love those lies you believe.
It should have been done before Biden let the Taliban have Afghanistan. Not after. They could have used Bagram AFB and gotten them all out. They could have also loaded up the billions of dollars worth of American equipment, guns and ammo and gotten that all out as well.

You sure love those lies you believe.

We always walk away from equipment. Too costly to move it all.

18,000 have already been evacuated.
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