IMPEACH HIM!!! Biden has a 'callous indifference' when it comes to Afghan people:

Are we supposed to believe the right cares about the Afghan people? The right has shown more concern since the withdrawal than they have in the last twenty years for anyone. Plenty to attack Biden on over this fuckup but spare us your fake sympathy. You are not even allowed to mourn Americans who needlessly die of covid.
do you actually believe the lies you spew?
That so called program you are crying about never existed. Pompeo created it on paper but never actually made it happen. Who are these Americans still trapped in Afghanistan? If they are still there do they actually want to leave?
you should bring your wisdom over there...maybe you'll lose your head
It is rather hilarious that the right wing kooks are now singing the praises of the Afghan people. Their blob left the Iraqi nationals in the lurch (and even deported soldiers who fought over there)...and nary a peep.

Bad Orange Man had 3,500 troops there, no casualties and no Taliban overrunning the nation.

Your guy should be tried for treason by a military tribunal
Bad Orange Man had 3,500 troops there, no casualties and no Taliban overrunning the nation.

Your guy should be tried for treason by a military tribunal



The blob had casualties in Afghanistan.

You sure are one stupid fuck. They are trapped there. They should have all been brought to Bagram AFB and flown out from there. Biden should have done that before he let the Taliban have Afghanistan.

Oh and that program was on paper and being ready to be implemented when your boy Biden put a stop to it.

A lot like how Biden handled the Southern border
You sure are one stupid fuck. They are trapped there. They should have all been brought to Bagram AFB and flown out from there. Biden should have done that before he let the Taliban have Afghanistan.

Oh and that program was on paper and being ready to be implemented when your boy Biden put a stop to it.
The Americans in June were warned by the Biden Administration to get out now, IF THEY WANTED to leave....

That was 2 months ago.

Why didn't they leave back then? Who are these Americans over there and why didn't they get out last June?
It is rather hilarious that the right wing kooks are now singing the praises of the Afghan people. Their blob left the Iraqi nationals in the lurch (and even deported soldiers who fought over there)...and nary a peep.
You're a born liar.
Not liking what's going on isn't a full blown support of the Afghan people.
Pointing at a pile of shit doesn't prove you love the taste of shit. It just means you know what shit looks like.
Are we supposed to believe the right cares about the Afghan people? The right has shown more concern since the withdrawal than they have in the last twenty years for anyone. Plenty to attack Biden on over this fuckup but spare us your fake sympathy. You are not even allowed to mourn Americans who needlessly die of covid.
Oh, really? My son served as an Infantry Sergeant in Afghanistan. He lost his best friend there defending the Afghan people.

Do us all a favor and stop pontificating on things you know nothing about!
The Americans in June were warned by the Biden Administration to get out now, IF THEY WANTED to leave....

That was 2 months ago.

Why didn't they leave back then? Who are these Americans over there and why didn't they get out last June?

They are making money, That's why they are in Afghanistan.
I would doubt he was worried about Afghan refugees at all. We sure don't need more Sharia Law Mutants in the US. We have enough.

I worry about the thousands of Americans still in Afghanistan. Not your mythical Afghan refugees. Who cares about them?? I sure don't.
You are one cold bitch if you want to leave the Afghans that assisted us to the hands of the Taliban.
The Americans in June were warned by the Biden Administration to get out now, IF THEY WANTED to leave....

That was 2 months ago.

Why didn't they leave back then? Who are these Americans over there and why didn't they get out last June?
I guess you've never been an employee of the federal government or have been deployed to a foreign country.
These people aren't living out of a fartsack. They have personal effects that have to be packed up and shipped back to the states. It takes time to pack all of that stuff up and get it crated. They would have to leave everything behind.....and I don't think the Biden Adm gave them time or the ability to do what was needed to make it happen. He just pulled out the troops and left everyone to their own devices. This a common theme when it comes to Democrat presidents. Clinton tried turning us over to UN command and the GOP led Congress stopped him from doing it when I was deployed to Somalia in 93'. It took 3 weeks for us to get out of the country when we were relieved because nobody bothered to charter us a flight for ourselves and our equipment. This is what a lack of leadership leads to.
It was no surprise to me when Benghazi happened because Democrats always operate this way. They're more concerned with optics than with taking care of the details. If it doesn't look good in front of the cameras they don't bother with it. They always trust our enemies more than they trust Republicans. They figure our enemies are their friends.
Bad Orange Man had 3,500 troops there, no casualties and no Taliban overrunning the nation.

Your guy should be tried for treason by a military tribunal
Can I ask you why you make such stupid statements as this? The Constitution is specific on how to deal with this issue. You have heard of it before, haven't you?

Perhaps some Democrats can find their balls and do the right thing as the Constitution dictates.
Admiral Rockwell Tory
Don't worry Admiral. All that assisted will be getting to America. You can make bank on it.

I'm still more concerned for the Americans who are stuck there as you should be.

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